Diversity in The Workplace Has Given Minorities and Women Greater Opportunities

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Running head: DIVERSITY

Research Paper

By: Mackenzie Whitehead



Diversity in the workplace has given minorities and women greater opportunities. For
example, according to American Progress, Women make up only 47% of the workforce.
Maintaining diversity in the workplace is very important to do, because it gives equal
opportunities to everyone. Equality in the workplace and hiring practice are important, because
they allow minorities the equal opportunity as the majorities. The difference between minority
and majority is a minority means a small group of people, who are commonly discriminated
against in a community, society, or nation, because from their race, religion, and gender; majority
means greater number of, usually more than half of something. Some examples of discrimination
in a workplace is race, sex, age, disability, and etc. There are seven key points to hiring practice.
Equal pay and benefit allows everyone the right to have the samebenefit and salary or pay just as
everyone else in the workplace. The Equal Pay Act allows everyone to be equal. Fair and ethical
treatment on the job mean everyone has to be treated equal you cannot judge or favor someone
over someone else, because of their gender or race. For example, treat all employees the same,
keep good-recorded keeping, have an employee handbook, and communicate policy changes.
How is diversity in employment impacted the economy, does it allow equal opportunities? For
example, broader employee, communication, costs, and adaptability all has a role in the
economy. Business shouldreflected equal parts of all groups within a society, whether that be
race, gender, religion, or other social classifications. Diversity over all in a workplace brings a
better outlook in the workforce, by offering different to getting the job done or more affect ways
to staying connect around the world. Some key points of this are equality in the workplace and
hiring practice, equal pay and benefits, fair and ethical treatment on the job, and how diversity in
employment impacts the economy.
Diversity in a workplace can bring many advantages. For instance it can increase
creativity, increased productivity, new attitudes, new languages skills, global understanding, new
processes, and new solutions to difficult problems (lee, 2016). It can increase creativity by
people have different ways of solving problems. Productivity increases by if you are a diversity
company all cultures want to buy your product. New attitudes in a workplace can from all culture
of people. Language skills can come in handy when you have a diversity workplace, because it
can increase going global. Lastly, new processes is when you have a group of people with
different backgrounds all coming together with their ideas.


Equality is very important when it comes to upholding diversity in a workplace as well as

the hiring practice. Diversity in a workplace matter, because when you have a greater diversity it
leads to more advancement and efficiency. Also it increasescultural competency value. Another
reason why diversity matters is because of effectiveness and ethical commitments.
There are three key points to a recruiting and maintaining a diverse workplace. First key
point is demographic imperative, which means changes in the composition of the workplace,
meaning either more women or people of color. Second point is mission imperative meaning
with more diverse facilities; gives organizations the help it needs complete their missions. Third
point is competition and funding imperative meaning with a more diversity staff helps an
organization to impact the communities around, which attracts more funding and donations.
Equality in the workforce is important, so no one has to face discrimination. According to
the International Labor Organization; discrimination in employment and occupation refers to
practices that have the effect of placing certain individuals in a position of disadvantages and
relegation in the workplace because of their race, color, religion, sex, political opinion, social
origin, or any other attributes that has no relation to a job being able to be performed (ILO,
2012). Discrimination in a facility is not only direct, but they can also be indirect. Discrimination
can occur in a workplace in recruitment, salary, job assignments, safety and health, are just some
of where discrimination occurs. ome types of discrimination some individuals face are racial
stereotypes. Racial stereotypes are based from social and economicfactors, such as ethical
groups. Sex discrimination comes from distinctions made on basis characteristics and functions,
social, and physical differences between men and women, such as height, weight, civil, and
marital status that do not affect an individuals performance. Religious discriminations are basis
made distinction of expression of religious beliefs. Political discriminations are based on
members of a political party. National extraction discriminations are based on someones
birthplace, ancestry or foreign origin. Social origins are based on social class, and sociooccupational. Just like older workers, younger workers face discrimination in workplace as well.
People who have HIV/AIDS often face discrimination not only in the community but also in
their workplace. One of the top known discriminations in the workplace is disability. Sexual
orientation of a man or women in a workplace may face discrimination, such as a women being
lesbian, man being gay, or either being transgender. People who are workers with family


responsibilities are often discriminated against, such as someone who is a single mother or father
and has little children that they have to take care of themselves. Trade unions membership or
activities are discrimination, becauseindividual have the right to join or be part of whatever
group they want.
There are seven points to gender quality principles. First principle is employment and
compensation meaning no gender discrimination in recruitment, hiring, pay, and promotion.
Employment and compensation covers have to pay the legal minimum wage, fair and
comparable wages, hours, and benefits. Also be able to accept concrete and verifiable actions to
hiring women applicants. The elimination and prohibit of all forms of discrimination. Lastly, it
ensures job security and layoffs and implement equitable policies. Second principle is work-life
balance and career development are rules that allow work-life stability and support educational,
career, and vocational expansion. It covers flexible work options, allows for time-off, having
access to childcare, offer equal opportunities and access for women to learn, and professional
development opportunities. Health, safety, and freedom from violence are the third principal
meaning ensure the health and safety, of women employees. The third principle prohibits and
prevents all forms of violence in the workplace and ensures the safety of women employees and
vendors. Fourth, management and authority are guidelines ensuring the participation in
management and governance. The principle covers recruiting and appointing women to manage
positions and decision-making and governance. Also improving gender equality. The fifth point
is the business, supply chain, and marketing practices covers maintain ethical marketing
standards, encourage and support womens entrepreneurship. Also ensures these principles are
observed and take the principles into consideration in merchandise and examination growth and
major business decisions. Civic and community engagement is the sixth, meaning it promotes
fairness in contribution in civic life and disregards all forms of bias and exploitation. Seventh
principle is leadership, transparency, and accountability. This principles meaning is that the
policies are publicly disclosed, monitored, and enforced that display active commitment from top
leaderships These seven key points are the principles offer real-world standards, which
corporations can aspires fundamental issues of gender equality.

Equal pay and benefits are a key point to when it comes to maintain diversity in a


workplace. It is significant to treat and pay everyone equal when they have the same job
description and not discriminate against because of someone color, gender, religion, etc. In 1963
the Equal Pay Act came into play. The Equal Pay Act states that men and women in the same
workplace are given equal pay for equal work (AFL-CIO, n.d.). Equal Pay Act covers all forms
of pay. For example, salary, overtime pay, bonuses, life insurance, holiday and vacation pay, and
reimbursements. The act gives the right to employees to be free from discrimination by the
protection of the federal laws. With the Equal Pay Act and employee has within two years to go
file a complaint and go directly to court. Also the latest improvement in the Equal Pay Act is the
Paycheck Fairness Act; which means it helps secure equal pay for equal work for all employees.
Another act is The Title VII, which makes it illegal from someone to be discriminated based on
their gender for pay and benefits. Another essential point for equal pay and benefits is equal pay
for women in a workplace. Even with the Equal Pay Act women still face discriminatory pay.
From the article women earn on average only 77 cents for each dollar earned by their male
counterparts (Lan, 2014). At the end of the each year women make a quarter less in benefits than
men. Because of the gender discrimination in a workplace it affects someone in the long term.
Fair and ethical behavior in diversity is a significant part of maintains it. You must treat
all employees the same. Some employment requires individuals to be aware about their
discrimination, sexual harassment, and more laws and regulations. It is important to treat all
employees fairly because during hiring practices, someone cannot make bias decisions based off
of sex, race, religion, age, disability, and etc. There are also laws to protect you discrimination
and harass. Good-recorded keeping is critical to ethical treatment in diversity, because it can help
you if someone needs to look back on a complaint or filing one. Also having a handbook and
codes is essential in a workplace so workers are aware of the policies. For example, polices that
have to deal with discrimination in the workplace. You must communicate in a workplace about
any policies changes. As long as you have a business and your business goes through changes
you must be aware of the changes.
Diversity can affect a workplace in a few ways. It affects it by broader employee base,
communication, and cost. Broader employee base allows ones to communicate through email
and online. For example, companies need to be able to stay in contact with one another even if
they are on different sides of the word. Communication in a diverse workplace it allows


employees from different cultures and backgrounds to communicate and express in new and
different ways. As well as communicate with people around the world. According to Robert
Vaux, companies can improve communication in a diverse workplace by promoting an
atmosphere of clarity. Also having the managers understand different cultures as much as they
can to help smooth over any confusion. Cost can play a factor in diversity affecting a workplace
by being able to generating more income for a company. Because of diversity in a workforce it
allows for more money to be made, which helps the economy. Greater the diversity in the
workforce the better it helps the economy.
Some companies are culturally and diversity, for example, MasterCard, AT&T, and
Johnson & Johnson. What makes these companies diverse is that they incorporate their suppliers
opinion/diverse values. As well as how he CEOs are directly involved doing global research on
who it effects. These companies also take technology into consideration, to make sure their
product is something anyone can use. AT&T board is 53 percent diverse and 26 percent women.
MasterCards board is 53 percent diverse and 23 percent women. Johnson & Johnson board is
46 percent diverse and 23 percent women (Rosenbaum, 2015).
Another example that is well known to have a diverse workplace is Coca-Cola. There
mission statement is TheCocaColaCompany'sglobaldiversitymissionistomirrortherich
Diversityin workplaces will always be a challenge that society will have to face,by
knowing exactly what diversity is and how people are being discriminated against. We can
address these issues with a better understanding of the consequences of those actions of being

able to bring value to a business. This brings awareness to business about the laws they all
should follow. Thats why it is important to make individuals more aware of how they can
maintain diversity in the workplace so everyone can have as close to an equal opportunities.


Lan, K. (2014, July 18). Equal Pay for Women Would Mean a More Secure
Retirement for All. Retrieved April 28, 2016, from http://www.truthout.org/opinion/item/25036-equal-pay-for-women-would-mean-a-moresecure-retirement-for-all
Q&As on business, discrimination and equality. (2012, February 1). Retrieved
April 28, 2016, from http://www.ilo.org/empent/areas/businesshelpdesk/WCMS_DOC_ENT_HLP_BDE_FAQ_EN/lang--en/index.htm


The Equal Pay Act. (n.d.). Retrieved April 28, 2016, from

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