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Unit 1 Lesson 8: How Much is 7 Billion?

Seven billion M&Ms would almost fill three Olympic-size swimming

If the Washington Wizards played a game every night at Verizon
Center, with every seat full, it would take 950 years to play for 7
billion fans.
When you are between 31 and 32 years old, you will have lived for 1
billion seconds. To reach 7 billion seconds, you would have to live to
be 220 years old!
If you stacked up 7 billion sheets of copy paper, the stack would be
504 miles high about the distance to the international space
station and back again!
Jeremy Harper, of Birmingham, Alabama, earned a Guinness World
Record by counting to one million in 2007. He counted every day,
twelve to fourteen hours a day, for three months to achieve that
number. At that pace, it would take 1,750 years to count to 7 billion.
If you took 7 billion steps along the Earth's equator -- at 2 feet per
step -- you could walk around the world at least 106 times.
Let's say the average human is about 5 feet tall, accounting for
children. If you stack those 7 billion people end to end, they would
reach about 1/14th of the way to the sun -- or 27 times the distance
to the moon.
Seven billion ants, at an average size of 3 milligrams each, would
weigh at least 23 tons (46,297 pounds).
In a year we consume about 2,920 glasses of water. We would need
to live about 2.4 million years to consume 7 billion glasses of water."
Sources: How Much is 7 Billion? Kids Post. The Washington Post. 11 August 2015
<>; Just how big is 7 billion? CNN World. 11 August 2015

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