G G Saturn: Francisco Andres Pulido Lizcano

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francisco andres pulido lizcano


In the Ninth Bhava

Auspicious Results : The planet gives mixed results. The native loves travelling, is a
religious soul, brave, fixed and performs pious deeds. One will be sweet spoken, thoughtful,
charitable and sympathetic. One will have habits associated with "Rajo gunas" One's
character, behaviour towards others, will be sweet and soft and one will attract others and win
them over. The native will have a calm nature. One will not be wicked and will be simple
hearted. One will be soft natured but will take harsh decisions. One will be detached from
worldly attractions and pleasures. The native will be spiritually inclined and interested in yoga
shastra. One will be enthusiastic and interested in taking up religious pilgrimages. The person
will be interested in Astrology, Black Magic and other serious Shastras. The native will be
famous. One will perform such deeds in which, one will be remembered after one's death. One
will is fortunate. One will take the support of lowly people for one's own well being and good
fortune. The native will acquire authority. One will get old monuments renovated. One might
get temples and ponds constructed for the use of the public in one's 39th year. The native will
be somber, fond of practicing and may reject others. One will be blessed with a son and
wealth and will be happy. One will complete one's education and acquire the degree of B.Sc.
or M.Sc. One may succeed as a teacher or a lawyer. The person may start earning at the age
of 20. Among the higher-class people, the native may earn from the 27th year. One may
inherit the wealth of elders and may even add to it. The planet is favorable for independent
trade and business also.
The planetary position is auspicious for the brothers.
One's good fortune will start from one's 36th year.
The planet may give auspicious results.
Inauspicious Results : The native is jealous, proud, boastful, miserly, selfish, small minded,
talkative, fraudulent and hurtful in speech. One may be religiously dogmatic, may not have
faith in one's father, Gods and pilgrimages and may be unfortunate. One is weak, lean,
cowardly and ailing. One may be physically handicapped or deformed. The planet may cause
obstacles in the attainment of bliss from good-hearted people. One may be wicked minded and
friendless. One may be dull and foolish. One may cause pain to others. One's in-laws may
harm one. One may suffer loss due to travels abroad, legal, matters and long lasting
migrations. One may be unsuccessful at printing books. The native may have a stepmother.
One is unfortunate, poor, non-religious and deprived of a son, a brother or a father. The
person is under the influence of enemies, wicked and may visit other females. One's friends
may be imprisoned and bad fortune may strike. One may be worried about one's servants and
The native may suffer mental unrest, insanity, and useless wandering.
The native may face hardships abroad.
The planetary combination is harmful for the father.

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