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Universidad Catlica de la Santsima Concepcin

English Pedagogy Programme


Unit: Opinions, advices about cultures and traditions around Level: 3rd year of high
the world

Length of lesson: 90

Student-Teachers name:
Maria Jose Acua Contreras
Pamela Humeres

School: Colegio Espiritu

Aims: SWABT analyze the importance of myths in the Chilean context using Story telling in class based on that story students will create their
own myth or history written.

Date projector
Worksheets with a brief contextual setting

Adapted from University of Sussex


What the teacher is going to do
Teacher greets the students



What students are going to

Students greet the teacher back

5 min

Teacher starts introducing the class Students think about different

with a warm up activity asking S.s myths and share with class
Previewing, predicting
about Chilean myths

10 min

Teacher provides with examples of S.s write the names of the myths
myths such as, La pincoya Las on the board
tres pascualas
T. asks students to think about, how S.s discuss in groups (3 or 4)
important myths are on the classmates and then with the rest
development of a culture?
of the class.
T. share data about the region from S.s are ask to
which the myth is from, and about
what myths are.

While- listening

T projects the Storytelling about the

Cross stone myth and asks students
to predict what the story is going to
be about based only on the images.

5 min

S.s shares their predictions about

the video

15 min
T then projects the storytelling to the S.s share their thoughts and Guessing
students and ask to close their eyes feelings about the story.
meaning in context
and just listen to the story.
T asks students how they think the S.s share their thoughts about the Understanding
characters from the story looks like. story pointing their favourite parts. ideas
T asks students to draw their S.s draw how they imagine the
descriptions and share with their characters
T asks some of the students to S.s share their draws
show their draws to the rest of the
T asks S.s to watch the story again

S.s pay attention to the video,


20 min

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