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MALAYSIAN Ms 1780:2005 STANDARD SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM USING NATURAL (DISPLACEMENT) OR POWERED (EXTRACTION) VENTILATION ICS: 13,220.01 Descriptors: smoke control, natura ventilation, powered ventilation, engineered smoke contrl system © Copyright 2005 DEPARTMENT OF STANDARDS MALAYSIA DEVELOPMENT OF MALAYSIAN STANDARDS ‘The Department of Standards Malaysia (STANDARDS MALAYSIA) isthe national CONTENTS standards and accreditation body of Malaysia, Page ‘The main function of STANDARDS MALAYSIA Is to foster and promote standards, standardisation and accreditation as @ means of advancing the national economy, (Commitee representation ‘ Promoting industrial efclency and development, benefting the heath and safety of Foreword ji the publ, protecting the consumers, facilitating domestic and international trade and furthenng intemationa cooperation in relation to standards and standaralsation, 1 Seope ' i 2 Referenced documents vevnene A Malaysian Standerds (MS) are Geveloped through consensus by committees which 3 bwtnton 1 comprise balanced representation of producers, users, consumers and others with | relevant interests, as may be appropriate to the subject at hand. To the greatest 4 Design concept ot ‘extont possible, Malaysian Standards are aligned to or are adoption of international 5 Method o smoke, 2 standards. Approval of a standard 9s @ Malaysian Standard is govemed by the © Engneered smoke conto yee. a Standards of Malaysia Act 1996 [Act 649]. Malaysian Standards are reviewed + Smoke wsonokalenes.. 3 periodically. The use of Malaysian Standards is voluntary except in so far as they are \ t sepieatone 7 made mandatory by reguatory authorties by means of regulations, local bylaws or i any other similar ways. 9 Testing and commissioning " Tab! Frese ° [STANDARDS MALAYSIA has appointed SIRIM Berhad as the agent to develop, i dlotribute and sel the Malaysian Standards For further in tion on Malaysian Standards, please contact Department of Standards Malays OR SIRIM Berhad 1 Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Company No, 267474 - V) Lovel 4 & 2, Block 2300, Century Square 4, Porsiaran Dato’ Menteri Jalan Usahawan Section 2 3000 Cyberjaya 40000 Shah Alam . Selangor Darul Ehsan Selangor Darul Ehsan MALAYSIA MALAYSIA Tet: 6038318 0002 Tot: 60 3 5544 6000 Fax: 60 3 8319 3131 Fax: 60 3 5510 8005, hitpilwww tpl E-mail: central@standardsmalaysia gov.ny E-mait: msonline@siim my ‘Ms 1780:2005 ‘SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM USING NATURAL (DISPLACEMENT) OR POWERED (EXTRACTION) VENTILATION 1. Scope “This Malaysian Standare deserives smoke coil by means of natural (exhaust) venation fon) verano a embination ofboth ‘Smoke control by means opreseusaion is described separately under the MS 1472 2. Normative references ‘The flowing narmatve relerences at tis standard, For sion of the BS 7046-1990, Components or smoke and hea conto ystems MS 1471:1990, Vocabulary on fre protection as 1472: Inprotecte de of practic fo fre precautions in the design of bulings - Smoke contol 72 routes using pessunzaton [UBBL:1964,Untorm Buin By Law 3. Definitions, For the purpose ofthis Malayan Standara the ditions Gen in MS 1471 shal apy. 4, Design concepts Ms 1780:2005 1.9, basements and high iso bulaings; oF is necessary to redica fre spread and property damage 6 high basements, powered smoke 5, Method of smoke control “The efficiency of the emoke conto! system may be adversely aected by wind or outside raion ofthe onracton of smoke ‘iso need to be considered, “The various tecniques comeonly wed for smoke conto areas described below, 5.1 Smoke contalnment (passive method) ‘smoke containment reles on physica! bar | bung to another. paths and he 5.2. Smoke dilution product of combustion 0 and exhaust ductwork otnguraton may makes the smoke reservol principle mprac 2 . ‘Ms 1780:2005 ‘Smoke contol wing rete especie in MS 1472. 6. Engineered smoke control system Engineered emoke contol sytem should proves 2) Tho system wl movement and spree of smoke thin the bung, ) Tha aystem is signed to remove srnake produced by wih a spectie type and risk associated ©) The contol and removal of smoke wil enhance the contions inside the bulking for purposes of sate evacuation trem the ulling and Ingress for search and rescue ‘evacuate the premess. Tiss done Smoke and het one gases and 7. Smoke reservolrs!zones Ms 1780:2005 088} cof each receroifzone should be 2 600 m* rsi/zone should bef the region of 60 m unless to prevont he of extraction (natural o powered) shall be sufient to meet the design Tt hall be capable of exacting the amount of smokes which entering 3 mok 79. For any vontlaon sytem to work etecvely thore shall be an adequate supply of system, 8. Applications 81 Basement smoke cont 2 of al basornant storeys does not exceed 1000, ‘may be proves in io ot enghoored smoke ‘ . ‘Ms 1780:2005 2) Pranvequipmer feat of the bat «)Plenequipment roorn wih Hor area exceeding 250 m* but not excooding + 000 m? Smoke vents n accordance wih 81.3 smoke purgngiaion system of at fest ten air hanges por hour anal bo provide. Senvce areas such as lunes fics storeroom and workshops (restricted to stat eniy) nin aecotdance wih 8.1.3 oF smoke 813. Smoke vents shal be adequately along pr ing and renee operations. 1 aggregate etectve vent openings shal Totoe less than 25 othe baeament floor ara served. a 4) The vent utes are sod not ass than m away trom the vents o outs, the ducts shal be constructed to ‘Ms 1780:2005 1) Suppy ar sha be crawn ccty rot be 8 er i natu uch basement car park based upon openings equal than 2.5% ‘of such storey, euch fon may Be Cconateres ae. a ea “vbettue. for the 4 hall be clecharged dec fo the extemal an shal not be ass than 5m take openings. 1) Separate ductor equbalentarangomente such as eub-ucts shal be provid basement ove 8.15 Whore engineered smoke conrl sytem i equ, nes, be provides as species 82 Smoke contro system for above ground premises 8.21 Whore tho total, aggregate fo area within th same fre comparimant excoods 11000 mo the value exebods 7000 mt, smoke contol system salle provided. ein accordance rove, tis comply with 8.2.6, le provided, tis shall comply wih the requirement spectiogin 88 8.25 Smoke vonts shal bo pecitoned at high lvel above the smoke layer base and shalbe by means of natural venation; an 4) confermance to Clause 7. Ms 1780:2005, ®) for venation by mgans of epenable windows, adltonal permanent ventlation having @ Nee aves of 484 en sal be provided 1822 emake lobby shat be rested as a protected stay as described n 8.4 18.4 Smoke control aystem for protected stalway B41 Protected ly preesursod should be provided wih ay whore not mech 1) penal windows at each upp lees han $50 ofthe cross set having clear ope 854 abe smoke pur how 85.2 Engineered smoke conto system may be applied erly or conidors exceeding 2 m height ee Cit 8.52 _Natual vention i periseable oni induced cross ven fagoregete effective vent openings of not las than 25% of te Provides 186 Smoke control for uaitorium ( tocve openings of not ees than 2.5 % ofthe flor area served shall be iat spinker protected and fo audtoria Revng for are more Siok it shal conform 1 88, Where engineored amoke canto systems i pr 87 Atrlum smoke contol system 871 whore he ‘ium spaces in a type as spect Ms 1780:2005 18:7 The smoke contr system shall be actvated by 8) smoke detectors locate atthe top ofthe atrium and adjacent to each ret aiintake ron he aru er beam cetectrs a ho appropiate eves the aulomale spine sytem serving he atu 2one(s): ©) automat detector system (but not ho manual cal poi 4) manval controls realy acces lot he fe bigace. 188 Engineered smoke control system Engineered smoke contro system shal be in the form ofa smoke vention system rachon desged In accordance wih acceptable engineeing Standard and ign guide. 88.2 The bulding provided wth engineered smoke control system shall ot have a smoke yor tomporat ‘snalyie shall be at 886 Smoke reserves 0 smoke for Fenoval shal be o} non-combustible ‘conetucion eapale. of witisancing smoke tomperaures. (Ms 1780:2005 ‘Table 1. Fire size —— Ty Frese ceupaney (Sprinkered) Heat ouput aw 50 15 _| 05 6 25 | 25 @ oe | «| 7 6 18 195 ro em the room of origin, te smoke reservoir size ceed jon sytem 182.8 For cases whore smoke i removed frm the ceultion space or alum space the reservoir so fora smoke vortlaon syeern + 000 m* for natural snake vention sytem of he culation atrium space: and 1b) 19001 or powered smoke ventilation system of he culation aum space. 35 where emoke Is removed 1g amok it ho eeulaon 1ot exceeding 1 00 m? (for natural venation system) oF 1 300 (or mayer) ofthe evelation alum space; and {8.8.10 the maximum lengh ofthe smoke reservoir sal not exceed 60 m uness proven cothorais, {88.11 Adequate arrngement() shal be made in each sake reservoir for he removal of smoke naw prevent the fermaton of slagrant regions Ms 1780:2005 Replacement a shall be drawn dec from tho ext ‘adjacent spaces as 1) Tho design roplacement a iacharge vocty shall not exceed 5.0 mis to prevent the cecapees boing itt by the a fom » intake shallbe ste ©) Where rplacement Incorporated pon ativan of te once ve fr Yontators or doorways. Vventlators and doors to amit eplacerent 8.8.13 _ For cases where the smoke reservoir is above Oo prforsted ype ox evenly tBu a ros with ates 2.8.14 The smoke ventition system shal be provided with secondary source of power supply. 8.8.22 Non-motorige te dampers shall nol be fted othe smoke vention system, Ms 1780:2005 {88.24 _Fornatural smoke venison system the natural veatrs shal be: 3) inte “open pos vert of poweisystem fale; enc 1) positioned sun that hy be aaverealy sete by psiv wind pressure. 188.25 _ Natural exhaust ventlatin eal not be used together with powered eptcem ‘rpomered emoke exau 90.26 ke curtan brought into poston automata ure, io provide adequate smoko-ighness and elective depth 2.8.27 _ Smoke curtain or other smoke b toa moans of escape shal not in trough such out. 88.28 Where glass wals or panle are beng used as emake screens fo fom a smoke ing eeveens, they shal be able fo winstand tho highest designed Jet procuced when the smoke plane his the co rad emote venting system. To contain thie mp somnmissioning procedures Ms 1780:2005 1 and etciency of Iecossary, should be igh and te activation on 0 method chosen an app ign postion shoud ais be checked matic and serving data she be part ofthe ‘operation ane malnanance manwal Acknowledgements ‘br Ow Chee Sheng (Charman) Puan Si Maram Fiahmat (Sooretary) Ir.Chen Thiam Leong Encik Ong Tek We! Encik Madan Enel Wan Za WeTan chew Enel nak Abbas! Enel Abs. Rahim Ahmad Dr Noe Marian Adam of Engineers, Malaysia SIRI Bomad ‘Asoiton of Consulting Enginors Malaysia Federation of Malaysian Manulacuers Fra and Resove Deparment Malaya Malaysian Fire Protection Assocation Public Works Department Univer Pura Mataysia

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