Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydroelectric Power

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1. Elimination of the cost of fuel (Low Power Cost).

Hydroelectric plants are immune to price increases for fossil fuels such as oil,
natural gas or coal, and do not require imported fuel. Hydroelectric plants tend to have
longer lives than fuel-fired generation, with some plants now in service having been
built 50 to 100 years ago. Operating labor cost is usually low since plants are
automated and have few personnel on site during normal operation.
2. Flexibility
Hydropower is a flexible source of electricity since stations can be ramped up
and down very quickly to adapt to changing energy demands. Hydro turbines have a
start-up time of the order of a few minutes. It takes around 60 to 90 seconds to bring a
unit from cold start-up to full load; this is much shorter than for gas turbines or steam
plants. Power generation can also be decreased quickly when there is a surplus power
3. It is fuelled by water.
So it's a clean fuel source, meaning it won't pollute the air like power plants
that burn fossil fuels, such as coal or natural gas.
4. Reduced CO2 emissions
Since hydroelectric dams do not burn fossil fuels, they do not directly produce
carbon dioxide. While some carbon dioxide is produced during manufacture and
construction of the project, this is a tiny fraction of the operating emissions of
equivalent fossil-fuel electricity generation.
5. Other uses of the reservoir
Reservoirs created by hydroelectric schemes often provide facilities for water
sports, and become tourist attractions themselves. In some countries, aquaculture in
reservoirs is common. Multi-use dams installed for irrigation support agriculture with
a relatively constant water supply. Large hydro dams can control floods, which would
otherwise affect people living downstream of the project.


1. Disturbance of habitat

The formation of large and huge dams destroys the living beings around them. Local
life is disturbed as human cant live in such a flooded area and plants are destroyed. People
living nearby have to relocate.
2. Installation costs
Although the effective cost is zero but the manufacturing and building a dam and
installation of the turbines is very costly due to which many countries do not employ this
alternative source of energy. If the initial cost had been less; then it would have used more
commonly. Its construction requires a lot of human capital and labor. Its maintenance is also
very costly.
3. Limited use
As the hydroelectric power is produced by the water which depend on the yearly rain
falls so only those areas can use this method which receives a good amount of rainfall water
because this method needs a huge reservoir of water.
4. Divert natural waterway
Dams and rivers collect water for the production of electricity which alters the natural
system of water flow thus depriving houses of the water they need.
5. Effects on agriculture
Making dams on rivers affect the amount, quality and temperature of water that flow
in streams which has drastic effects on agriculture and drinking water. Hydroelectricity
eliminates the flue gas emissions from fossil fuel combustion, including pollutants such as
sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, dust, and mercury in the coal.
6. Fish killing
The water while flowing through the dam collects nitrogen which can damage and
also kills fish. They can also damage the reproduction of fishes thus eliminating the
whole species of fishes.

7. Disputes between people

Changing the river pathway and shortage of water can cause serious disputes between people.

8. Breaking of dams
Many dams which were built for industrial use or for mills are not now used and
occupying a great space but they cant be broken or removed as it would cause serious
flooding. This would not only affect the humans but also many buildings and property.
9. Deposition of silt
Siltation can fill a reservoir and reduce its capacity to control floods along with
causing additional horizontal pressure on the upstream portion of the dam. Eventually, some
reservoirs can become full of sediment and useless or over-top during a flood and fail.

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