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Warehouse Worries

Written by,
Ian Toomey
When I woke up, I knew I wasnt in my room. I didnt even know how I had
gotten here. I sat up, looking around. I was in a purely cement room. The only way
out was through a cement door. Curious, I got up and went over to the door. I tried
the handle, but the door was locked. I was stuck in this room. My name is Asher. Im
seven years old.
I dont remember anything of how I got here. The only thing I remember is a
white van it had no windows and was pretty small. Anyway, I looked around for
another way out, but I found none. I tried banging on the door and screaming,
nothing. Then I heard footsteps. They came closer to my room. When they were
right outside, they stopped.
I heard a gruff voice say Shut up kid, or I will give you something to scream
Now I was scared for my life. Especially since I thought I heard a gun cock
outside my room to. I needed to get out of here, and soon.
Ashers Mother.
Breaking news! A nine-year-old boy was kidnapped from the sidewalk as he
walked home from school today. A witness states that she saw a white van roll up to
the boy, then the man tried to get the boy to come over to him. The boy resisted,
and that was when the man jumped out of his van, grabbed the boy, and forced a
white cloth over his mouth. Then the man threw the boy into the van, and took off.
Police chased the van for seven miles before losing it near 15 th Ave. The young boy
who was kidnapped is nine-year-old Asher Weaver. He was last seen wearing a red
hoodie sweatshirt, blue jeans with a hole in the left knee, and a Central Washington
University Baseball cap. The man had on a black ski mask, a grey tee-shirt, and blue
jeans. Anybody who sees this boy or this man is urged to call 911.
I switched off the radio. I am still in shock my son was kidnapped. Im Ashers
Mother, Christina. Asher usually walks home from school every day. He gets home
at 3:45PM, but the never made it today. Now I didnt know when or if I would see
him again. He is my life. My husband died a few years ago, so I rely on Asher to be
the father figure of the family, especially for my daughter, Ariel. She is five years
I am tired, cold, and hungry. I dont have any blankets, and the room gets
freezing at night. I have nothing to lay on except for the cement. I havent eaten

sine lunch at school today. I laid on the floor shivering, my stomach rumbling. I
really wanted to go home.
The room I am in has four walls made out of pure cement. The door is even
cement. There are no windows anywhere, not even in the door. The only light was
from on pole light in the celling, and even it kept flickering every couple of seconds.
The light must be on an auto on/off timer because it turns off on its own, and then it
turns on again later.
I couldnt tell what time it was, for there are no windows and no clocks in the
room. I had no idea if it was night or day, morning or evening. I missed my little
sister, my best friend Jamie, and Mom. I hoped the police were looking for me, but
how long would it take them to find me? Would I still be alive when I was found? Or
would I be a body? Would I ever sleep in my bed again? I had no idea how long it
would take for someone to find me, so I started formulating a plan to escape.
One thing you should know about me is that I can pick locks like nobodys
business. I once got locked out of the house when Mom wasnt home, so I picked the
front door lock. I got in, only to set off our home security system. They called, and I
explained the situation to them. They sent a police officer over to check on me, and
once I told him what happened, he understood. He called the Alarm Company and
told them everything was fine.
Oh, and kid? he said as he left.
Yes? I said.
You might want to call a parent before trying to break in. He said, smiling.
Oh, yeah. Okay. Will do. Thanks.
Good boy. The officer turned and left.
That was last year. I was nine. Now, I really wanted to see him again.
I had formulated my plan. I am going to pick the lock. I can do it with a
toothpick. I had found a toothpick in a corner, so I guessed this was a break room or
something. Now I needed to figure out what kind of lock it is.
I picked up the toothpick and went over to the door. I stuck the toothpick in
the keyhole and felt around.
Ha! This is easy. I said.
I just had to find the right lever and the door would unlock. Our front door had
the same deadbolt. After picking around for a while, I found the lever, and I pushed
up. I heard the lock click, and I knew I was out. I pulled the door open and I poked
my head out. I was at the end of a cement hallway. The hallway was dimly lit, and I
was windy. Eventually it wound out of sight. I slipped out of the room and closed the

door behind me. I didnt have any belongings except for my clothes. Now I just had
to get out of here.

Ashers Mother and sister.

Update on the Asher kidnapping case. Police suspect that the boy might be
being held in the old abandoned warehouse. They are expected to search the
warehouse tonight. They have advised that highway 53 and 3 rd Ave through 5th Ave
will be closed. The police have said that they expect the roads to be open by
9:30PM tonight. Anybody not wishing to be mistaken for a suspect is asked to avoid
those roads.
Mommy? I heard Ariel say from the backseat.
Yes honey? I said, glancing in the rear-view mirror on the windshield.
Do you think Asher is okay? I sighed.
Im sure he is. Hes a smart kid.
I hope hes okay. Ariel said
Me too honey. Me too.
That night the phone rang. I answered it.
Hello? I said.
Hello. Is this the Weaver residence? A gruff voice said.
Yes. Who is this? I asked, confused.
That is not important. What is important though is that I have your son
captive. If you want him back alive, you had better have 2.5 million dollars. I want in
two nights. I want it in a bag by the abandoned warehouse by 1:30am, or your son
dies. Understand? I stood there, shaking.
Where in the devil am I going to find 2.5 mill? I thought.
Yes sir, I understand. I said.
The man hung up. I hung up too, then after thinking for a moment, I picked
up the phone again. I was going to call the police. The man never said not to...
How big is this stupid warehouse? I said to myself, annoyed.

I had been wandering around for who knows how long, but I havent found
any way out of here. Then I saw it. A green exit sign. Growing hopeful, I followed it.
But I just brought me to a big cavernous room. The room had to be at least as long
as a football field, and as tall as four semi-trucks stacked on top of each other. I
looked around for ay exit signs, but saw none. I saw a little room in one corner with
a man in it. I knew if I tried to get through this giant room the man could see me.
There were pillars every few feet throughout the room, so I thought that if I could
just hide behind the pillars, then I might be able to make it through. The pillars
reached from floor to ceiling, and were at least three feet around, just big enough to
fit me.
Perfect. I thought.
Most of the room was shrouded in darkness, so that gave me a distinct
advantage. I dashed to the farthest side of the room and hid behind a pillar. Now it
was a game of dash n wait. This was going to take a while.
Fifteen minutes later I was halfway to the other side. From here I could see
another exit sign. I got up to run to the next one, when suddenly the room was
flooded with light. Panicking, I crouched down and made myself as small as I could
get. I watched the man, who had just come out of the little room. He was looking
Am I making too much noise? Did he hear me? I thought to myself.
Frantically I looked around, but there were no hiding spots. I just had to hope
and pray that he wouldnt see me crouching here. After what felt like forever, the
man went back into his little room. From here I could see a TV. A football game was
on. The man must be watching the game. He turned off ALL the lights as he went in,
and now all the light I had was from the little room.
This just got a lot harder. I thought.
I stood up and rushed to the next pillar.
Im gonna be old by the time I get out of here! I thought, growing impatient.
I finally made it to the end. I followed the exit sign to a door, and the door let
me outside. I was out!
Yes! I kind of half whispered.
I fist pumped the air. Deciding I had better put as much distance between me
and the warehouse, I hurried off into the night.
I dont know how long I had been running for, but I did know that there was a
police car right in front of me. He had his lights on, and a car was pulled over in
front of him. The officer was out talking to the person in the car. I cautiously went up
to the cop car and waited for the officer to come back to his car. A moment later he

turned to come back to his car. When he saw me waiting he stood straight up. He
turned to the person in the car and said something, then he turned and walked back
towards me.
What can I help you with kid?
I told him everything.
When I finished he said Kid, get in my car. I will be with you in a minute.
The cop then turned and walked back to the car. I got in the passenger seat,
and watched him. He was talking to the person in the car. After a moment, he stood
up and started walking back to his car. The person in front of us drove away. When
the officer got into his car next to me, he started asking me questions. Then we
drove to the police station.
When we got to the Police station the two of us went into a conference room
while we waited for Mom to get there. Officer Wanton, the name of the officer I was
with, had called Mom on the way to the station. I was glad to be safe. I couldnt wait
for Mom to get here. I couldnt wait to see her again.
Later, Mom finally arrived. When I saw her I bounded out of my chair and ran
to her. I jumped hugged her. She hugged me back.
Mom! I said, laughing.
Ash! Mom replied.
Ash is my nickname. I got it when I was five years old because I really liked
the ash after the volcano erupted. I was fascinated by it. Anyway, after the reunion,
Mom wanted to know what happened. I told her everything I knew. I was starting to
remember what had happened before I woke up in the room. I saw the man, then a
cloth, then I saw the room. After I finished telling my story, Mm and Officer Wanton
talked for a minute. Officer Wanton explained that they were going to go ahead and
search the warehouse, but they were going to look for the man, not me. He also
said they would call us after the raid was over.
By now it was 9:00PM. Officer Wanton gave us a police escort home, then he
left to go to the raid at the warehouse. Forty-five minutes later the phone rang. It
wasnt the police. It was the same man who had kidnapped me. I answered the
Hello? I said.
Dont talk. Where is my 2.5 mill? I told you I wanted it tonight or your son
would die. The man said.
I smiled, knowing he couldnt kill me.
Dont worry. Im on my way with it right now. I said.

Good. It better be here soon.

Oh it will be. It will be. I said, thinking of Officer Wanton and the raid.
It will be.

One hour later the phone rang again. I answered it.

Hi. Is this the pool residence? I heard a familiar voice say.
It was Officer Wanton!
Yes, this is Asher. I responded.
Hi Asher. This is Officer Wanton. I just wanted to let you know that the raid is
over and we caught the man. He is going to jail as we speak, and he should be there
for a very long time.
Yay! So I am safe now? I said excitedly.
Yep. Im glad youre okay. Officer Wanton said. Great! Im glad im okay too.
Thank you for believing me. I was afraid you wouldnt. I said.
No problem kiddo. If you ever need help again, dont wait to call me. Okay?
Okay. Thank you.
Bye kid.
Bye Officer Wanton. My friend.
The line was quiet for a minute, then Officer Wanton said Bye friend.
The mans court appearance was put on TV. I watched the whole thing, and
he got life in prison with no parole. I cheered when the judge banged his gravel on
his desk, making the mans sentence final. A day later Officer Wanton came to my
house to see how I was doing. I was doing great, but I still had nightmares and
would wake up crying in the middle of the night. Mom suggested that I fight back,

and every time I did that I won. Its great! I was very glad to see Officer Wanton
again. Im happy Im alive.

The end. Or is it???

One week later the man escaped from prison. I saw him driving the same
van, and I knew he had one thing on his mind: Find me and kill me.
Remembering what Officer Wanton said during our phone call last week, I
called him up. He said they would post an officer at my house 24/7 until the man
was caught again. They never expected him to show up at school. He waited until
school was over, then when I started my walk home he grabbed me. He threw me in
the van and drove off.
Mom had bought me a cell phone, so I got it out of my pocket and pushed the
button that would enable the GPS tracker. I had turned off the sound, so the man
wouldnt hear it. Then I put my cell phone away, and I stayed silent. Then I heard a
siren behind us. I knew the cops were behind us, and that they could track us
everywhere we went.
Dagnab it! The man yelled, making me jump.
Instead of pulling over, the man stomped on the gas. The van accelerated
quickly and the man began to weave in and out of traffic.
Driver! Stop the van now! Pull over! Stop the chase! I heard through a PA.
Like heck Im gonna stop! The man said.
Thinking hard, I came up with a plan. It would either get both of us saved or
both of us killed. Gathering my courage, I stood up and, taking a deep breath, I
jumped on the man. When I landed on him he yelled.
Kid! What are you doing?
Im not going back to the warehouse! I said, and I put the gear shifter into
The van bucked, coughed, and stopped. Someone rammed the back of the
van, flinging me into the windshield and back onto the man. My neck whipped back
and forth a few times.
Im going to kill you! The man said.
Not today. I said, and I started beating the man.

I punched him in the face and he recoiled. Then I got the door handle under
my foot, and I yanked the handle out. Then I slid out of the van and faced the
police, my hands up, palms open. My neck hurt really bad. I saw a police car with its
front munched. It must have been the one that rammed the van when it stopped
suddenly. They told me to come back to them. Then they arrested the man. I was
saved. I was put in an ambulance and taken to a hospital for treatment for severe
whiplash. I was released two days later.
This time they put the man in a maximum security prison. I knew he wouldnt
escape this time. This time I knew I was safe.

The end. For real this time.

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