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Landing a Plane

Written by,
Ian Toomey

Okay honey, have a good flight! Mom said over the phone.
I called her up to talk to her one more time before I left to go on a flight with
my friends Dad, who was a pilot. I wanted to talk to her before I left.
Thanks Mom. I love you. I said.
Love you too kiddo. Have fun up there! Mom replied.
I will. I said.
Bye honey. Mom said, her voice soft.
Bye Mom. I said.
I hung up the cell phone and gave it back to Mr. Stan, who is my friends Dad.
Well, are you ready to go? He asked.
I nodded and said Yeah!
Cool. Lets go flying. Mr. Stan said with a smile.
I was going on a sightseeing flight to see the place that I live in from another
perspective. I was going with Mr. Stan, who if you havent already figured it out, is
my best friend Bradleys father. Sadly, Bradley was sick so he couldnt come.
The day was warm and clear. There were only a few wispy clouds in the sky,
and it was perfect weather for flying.
We headed down to the tarmac and got into the plane. The plane was white
and had two prop engines. The wings had little winglets on the side, and along the
side of the plane there was an orange line and a blue line that twisted and circled
around each other from the front to the back. Sandy Sands Air Taxi were written on
the side in bright orange letters. There are three sets of two wheels. One in the
front, two in the back. They were as big as I was!
Cool! I said as I climbed in the cockpit. There were buttons, knobs,
switches, gizmos, gadgets, and lots of other things in the cockpit.
You can sit here. Mr. Stan told me, pointing to the co-pilot seat.
Sweet! I said.
I sat down in the squishy chair and buckled my seatbelt. Mr. Stan sat in the
pilot seat and buckled his seatbelt. The seatbelts consisted of straps that came up
over the back of the chair and clipped into a buckle that came up in the middle

through my legs. There was a console in front of me that had numbers, arrows,
lines, and dashes. I had no idea what any of the numbers meant. Mr. Stan gave me
a headset to wear, and I put it on. The headset had two earmuffs and a thing that I
could talk to Mr. Stan with.
Can you hear me Kieran? Mr. Stan asked through his headset.
Yep! Loud and clear! I said.
Perfect. So have you ever been in small airplane like this before? Mr. Stan
Nope! Never! I answered.
Well, this should be a fun flight for you! I have some really pretty sights and
some fun flying planned today. Mr. Stan explained.
That sounds awesome! I said excitedly.
Kieran, this airplane is a Cessna 441 dual prop. Its got two propellers that
spin and push air behind us. Its pretty cool. Mr. Stan said.
Thats cool! I said.
Okay. Now I need you to be really quiet while I talk to the air traffic
controller. Dont say anything. Mr. Stan said seriously.
Okay. I said.
I moved the mouth piece away from my mouth so it wouldnt pick up my
Taxi3 departing to the south. Mr. Stan said.
Taxi3, taxi to and hold short of runway 3Right via taxiway Boy and David.
The air traffic controller instructed.
Taxi3 copy taxi and hold short of runway 3Right. Mr. Stan repeated.
Mr. Stan pushed two levers in the center console in between the seats
forward, and the engines revved. Slowly we moved forward, and we turned right.
We taxied up a few pathways for a few minutes, then we stopped.
Taxi3, holding short of runway 3Right. Requesting permission to take off to
the south. Mr. Stan said. Taxi3 negative. Traffic is 747 jet on final on runway
3Right. Hold short until given clearance.
Taxi3 Copy. Holding short. We waited for about a minute, then all of a
sudden a giant jet came down right in front of us. I watched it land on the runway
and slow down, then it turned off the runway.
Taxi3 go ahead and taxi onto runway 3Right. The air traffic controller
instructed us.
Mr. Stan pushed the levers forward again, and we turned onto the runway.

Taxi3 cleared for visual take off runway 3Right. Have a good one. The air
traffic controller said.
Taxi3 copy. Cleared for takeoff runway 3Right. Thanks. Mr. Stan said.
Okay Kieran, push these two levers forward all the way, and lets go. Mr.
Stan told me.
I put my mouth piece back down by my mouth and said Okay.
I put my hand on the levers and pushed them forward as far as they could go.
The engines became louder and louder and we picked up more and more speed.
Pretty soon Mr. Stan was pulling the control lever in front of him back, and we took
off into the air.
Were flying! I said, excitement building inside me.
We flew up to 12,000 feet then leveled out. Our first place was the
mountains, and they were magnificent! They rose up out of the ground like great
rocky kingdoms, and they had snow on the top that Mr. Stan said was probably ten
to fifteen feet deep. We could see the sun rise above the mountain peak, and that
was beautiful. It was really pretty. I really cant describe it. We flew over the
mountains for a half hour, then we flew down to the city so we could see it from
above. I always though the skyscrapers were big, but they looked small from the
plane! The cars looked like toys, and the people looked like ants! Everything was
really small. I loved flying over the city. We even flew over my house a few times!
Hey! Thats my house down there! I said to Mr. Stan when we flew over it.
Really? Cool! Mr. Stan said.
We descended to get a better look at my house, and I could see Mom out
working in her garden. She looked up at us and waved. I waved back. Then we flew
off to the mountains again. We were in search of some waterfalls, animals, and any
other cool things.
When we got over the mountains again we saw three brown bears, five elk,
and a deer. We saw three amazing waterfalls. The seemed to never end going down
they were so big. Mr. Stan flew in really close and the windshield windows got wet. I
thought that was really funny, and so did Mr. Stan. We laughed for several minutes.
Then Mr. Stan gasped and clutched at his chest. His face became scrunched up, and
his hand squeezed tightly to his chest.
Mr. Stan are you okay? I asked. He nodded, then let go.
Just some heartburn. He said.
His expression returned to normal and his hand went back to the control
Dont worry, Im okay. He said, noticing the worried look on my face.

Thats good. I said we flew over the mountains for a little while, then Mr.
Stan looked at the time.
We had been flying for almost three hours!
Well, I think we should probably head back now Kieran. Its almost time to
get you back to your parents. Mr. Stan said.
Aww! I whined playfully.
Maybe we can schedule another time for you to come up with me again. Mr.
Stan suggested.
Yeah! Lets do that! I said, my hope rising.
Okay. Ill talk to your parents later and see if there is another time I can bring
you up. Maybe then we can bring Bradley. Mr. Stan said.
Awesome! I said.
Then it happened. Mr. Stan jerked and he clutched his chest. His face
scrunched up again, and he started twitching.
Mr. Stan! Are you okay? I shouted.
He didnt respond. Then he slumped over in his seat, dead to the world. The
plane was now flying on its own.
Oh no! Not good! I said, panicking.
Wait, clam down. Dont panic! I told myself.
I grabbed the control stick in front of me and started to figure out how to fly
the plane. I have no idea how to fly the plane, let alone land one! I started pushing
buttons, and I heard a beep in my headset. I pushed and held the button, and said
Taxi3 I need help! Then I released the button and waited.
Taxi3 state your emergency. The air traffic controller replied.
I pushed the button, waited for the beep, and then said My name is Kieran,
Im nine years old, and my friends Dad has passed out. I am in control of the
Taxi3 copy. What type of plane are you in control of? The air traffic
controller asked.
A Cessna 441 dual prop. I explained.
Taxi3 copy. I am going to instruct you down to the runway. I need you to
follow my instructions exactly as I say them. Can you do that? The air traffic
controller asked.
Yes. I will do that. I said.

I was scared to death, but I had confidence in the air traffic controller to get
me down safely.
Taxi3, I need you to look at the dial that is orange and blue and tell me what
it says on the left. What is the number? The air traffic controller asked.
I looked at the screen in front of me. I looked at the number on the left and
read 1201.
I pushed the button, waited for the beep, and then said Taxi3 the number is
Taxi3 copy. The air traffic controller responded.
Taxi3 look at the same dial and tell me the number on the right. The air
traffic controller instructed.
I looked and saw 345.
Taxi3 345. I told the air traffic controller.
Taxi3 copy. The air traffic controller said.
Taxi3 should I to turn or anything? I asked.
Taxi3 negative. Keep going the direction youre going. I can see you on my
radar. The air traffic controller explained.
Okay. I said, then I started crying.
I was so scared I was going to crash and die that I didnt hear the next
Taxi3 can you say that again? I asked, fighting to keep my voice steady.
Taxi3, I need you to slow down. Pull the engine levers all the way back, and
put the flaps down one notch. The flap lever is by the co-pilot seat.
It will have an F on it. Pull it back until it clicks once.
I did as I was told, pulling the engine levers back. Then I found the lever with
the F on it and pulled it back until it clicked once. I heard a whirring, and the wings
changed shape, or, the back of the wings did. I looked back down at the screen and
saw the numbers on the right going down.
That must be my speed! The numbers on the left must be how high I am! I
said, it finally dawning on me what those numbers meant.
Taxi3 I did it. I reported to the air traffic controller.
Taxi3, good job. Now keep watching the numbers on the right and if they go
below 230, then you need to speed up. Push the engine levers all the way forward
until you are going at least 305. Keep the numbers at 305 or faster.
Okay. I said.

I divided my attention between the numbers on the screen and where I was
Ten minutes later I had sped up four times, and was now cruising at speed
314 at 1100 feet.
Pacific Tower, AirFlight3 requesting permission to land runway 5L. The voice
crackled over my headset.
It was another plane.
AirFlight3, negative. We have another plane who is currently being flown by
a nine-year-old. He has priority landing. The pilot passed out. The air traffic
controller explained.
Airflight3, youre kidding me, right? A kid is flying a plane?!
Airflight3 affirmative. We have an emergency on our hands. You need to
divert. The ATC said.
AirFlight3 copy. We will divert to Sandy Storms Airport.
Copy AirFight3. Thank you. The air traffic controller said, relieved.
Taxi3, you are just about to the airport. I need you to come down to 120 on
the left of the dial.
Okay. I said.
I pushed the stick forwards and the nose of the plane dropped. I watched the
numbers until it said 120. Then I leveled out. Taxi3 I am at 120. I relayed to the air
traffic controller.
Awesome. Okay, you will be landing very soon, so make sure your seatbelt is
on. The air traffic controller relayed back.
It is. I said, tugging on my straps, which held firm.
Five minutes later I could see the runway off to the left of me. I turned left
and lined up with the runway.
Taxi3 I am lined up with the runway and ready to come down. I told the air
traffic controller.
Okay. This will probably be the hardest part. I want you to bring the engine
levers all the way back, and then put the flaps down all the way. Bring the lever with
the F on it all the way back. The air traffic controller told me.
I did as I was instructed. The engine levers were already brought back, but I
put my flaps all the way down. The back of the wing came down and started acting
like a brake. I slowed down to 110.
Okay. The flaps and engines are all the way down. I said into my mic.

Good job. Okay, now I want you to gently go down until you are just hovering
above the runway. The air traffic controller said.
Okay. I said.
I gently pushed the stick down and again the nose dropped, but it was slower
this time. I went down until I was just above the runway, then I leveled out.
Okay. Go ahead and put er down gently. The air traffic controller told me.
I pushed down ever so lightly and I felt a nice bump. The plane was on the
Okay. Pull the engine levers as far back as the levers can go and activate the
reverse thrust.
I did. The engines revved and we started to slow down. Soon I stopped, right
in the middle of the runway.
Okay. Now there should be two bright red switches on the dashboard in
between the seats. Flip them and the engines will shut down. Then what I need you
to do is wait for help to come to you. Do not get out of that plane! Whatever you do,
do not get out!
Yes sir. I said.
I found the bright red switches and flipped them. At once the engines shut
down and the props started slowing down. Then I just sat back in my chair and
cried. I had done it, but the adrenaline was pumping so much that the only way I
could cope with it was to cry.
Taxi3? The air traffic controller asked.
Taxi3 go ahead. I replied.
You are a hero. You did very well landing that plane. Amazing job kiddo. The
air traffic controller told me.
Thank you. I said through my tears.
Taxi3 the fire truck is arriving now. Wait until they get to you to get out.
Okay. I said.
I heard a siren and I looked around. A big orange fire truck was pulling up in
front of us. Five firemen got out and came to the plane. One came to my side and
opened my door.
Hey kid, you need to come with me. He said.
The firefighter was a younger man who had stubble on his chin and brown
messy hair. He held his arms out to carry me. I undid my seatbelt and let him pick
me up. He carried me from the plane to the fire truck where he put me in a
backseat. Then I heard another siren and I saw an ambulance pull up next to the fire

truck. Two paramedics go out. One went to the back of the ambulance and got a
stretcher, while the other went to go help Mr. Stan. Mr. Stan had not moved ever
since he collapsed midflight. This remained the case as he was loaded onto the
stretcher, then into the ambulance, and finally he was taken away. I never saw him
even blink. I watched the paramedics the whole time.
-Later that eveningIm home now. The airport police phoned Mom, and she came and picked me
up. I told her the whole story on the way home, and she could not believe that I had
actually landed a real life plane safely and with it still intact. I was in my room
playing with a toy airplane, recreating the events of the day, when Mom called me
from the kitchen.
Kieran! Mom called.
Yes? I said, still playing with my toy airplane.
Youre wanted on the phone! Mom yelled.
I brought my toy airplane with me as I went to the kitchen. Mom handed me a
cordless phone, and I took it and held it up against my ear.
Hello? I said.
Hello. Is this Kieran snow? A woman asked.
Yes. I said.
Hi Kieran, this is Kristi Booth from 35News. I heard about what you did
today, and I want to ask you a few questions.
Okay. I said.
Are you okay with being on TV? Kristi asked. I stood rooted to the spot,
TV? Me? Really? I said, confused.
Yeah. We want to do a segment for tomorrows news, and we are wondering
if you are okay with being on TV. Kristi explained.
Um, well, yeah. Im okay with that. That would be cool! I said without
Awesome. Kristi said.
Next question. What about your parents or siblings? I have three siblings,
two brothers and on sister.
-20 minutes laterA camera crew from the news station are here and they are setting up to take
the clip. My job was to just explain what happened and what I did. I was nervous
about going on TV, but excited at the same time. Twenty minutes after they arrived,

they were ready. One of the crew members had a cell phone that he talked to the
station with. He counted down the time until it was time to shoot.
321 shoot. He said. I started talking. I explained how Mr. Stan
suddenly collapsed while we were mid-flight, me talking to the air traffic controller,
and landing the plane and stopping, then getting picked up by Mom and brought
When I was finished I was breathless, but I was pretty pleased with myself for
remembering all the details. Then a woman that had come with them talked to me
for a while, then they stopped shooting and they packed up their gear, thanked us
for letting them come, thanked me for speaking, then they left. Now all I had to do
was wait for the news tomorrow.
We were getting up extra early-like 4AM early-so we could be the first to see
it. I couldnt wait! I was so excited that I hardly slept that night.
The next morning, I was actually asleep, but when Dad came in to get me up,
I bounded out of bed like I had been waiting all night for this. Oh wait, I was waiting
all night for this! The whole family gathered in front of the TV to wait for the news to
start. Dad told the TV to record the news so I could go back and watch it again if I
wanted to. We waited for a few minutes, then the news started.
Good morning and welcome to 35early bird news. Our first story is one of
heroics, patience, persistence, and one very brave little soul. Yesterday nine-yearold Kieran managed to land a plane after the pilot suffered a heart attack at the
controls. Brave Kieran talked to the air traffic controller, who guided him down
safely to the runway. Kieran was shaken and scared, but other than that unharmed.
Lisa san vice got to talk to this brave youngster yesterday. Lisa?
The screen switched to our living room, where the whole family was sitting.
Nine-year-old Kieran is a typical nine-year-old. He likes to play with friends,
play video games, and ride his bike. But yesterday he managed to do something
way beyond his years. On October twenty-fifth, two-thousand-thirteen, he and a
friends father, Mr. Stan, a veteran pilot for over 35 years, went up in Mr. Stans
Cessna 441 dual prop airplane. They were on their way back to the runway when Mr.
Stan suddenly suffered a heart attack and collapsed at the controls, leaving Kieran
to land the plane and save Mr. Stans life. Kieran kept calm and talked back and
forth to Mr. Read -an air traffic controller-who guided him down safely.
Kieran is one brave little boy. I have to be honest, when I heard his voice
over the radio, I thought it was a joke, but the tone of his voice told me otherwise. I
am glad I stuck with him. Mr. Read said when we I interviewed him over the phone.
I also interviewed Kieran over the phone.
I just kept calm and listened to the air traffic controller. He helped me land
the plane and help Mr. Stan. He said. Mr. Stan is in critical condition. He is expected
to survive, but he may have permanent brain damage. The hospital refused to
comment when I called them.

It is exceptionally rare we hear kids voices over the radio, and when we do
something is usually wrong. Mr. Read said in an email.
Then they showed me explaining everything that had happened. After I
finished, the screen went back to Lisa.
This is one very big story about one brave little kid. Lisa san vice, 35news.
Back to you Karen.
Dad paused the news, and we all sat in the room, nobody saying anything.
Finally, I broke the silence.
Wow. That was better than I thought it would be. I said.
I looked at Mom and Dad and they both smiled.
They did a really good job didnt they? Dad said.
Yep. I said.
Well, it should be recording so you can watch it anytime you want. Dad
Im tired, Im going back to bed. My sister, Melissa said as she yawned.
Me too. My two brothers, Kevin and Kris said.
My sister is a tenth grader, and my brothers are twins and they are
kindergartners. Kevin and Kris left the room, but Melissa remained.
Hey, bro. Come here. She said, holding out her arms.
I crawled over to her and sat on her lap. She pulled me into a hug.
Good job, little buddy. I love you! She said into my ear. I smiled and said
I love you too Melissa. We both laughed.
The end.

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