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Soccer Sendof

Written by,
Ian Toomey

I kicked the ball towards the goal and missed for the billionth time. I had been
working on shooting goals at soccer practice for two hours now, and I had only
made fifteen goals. I was counting them. I dont know why, but it seemed like a
good idea. The goalie, my friend Conner, retrieved the ball and kicked it back to
You got this Preston! Conner encouraged me.
When does practice end? I asked him.
Five oclock. Conner replied.
I looked at my watch. 4:30.
Okay. I said to myself. Focus.
I positioned the ball with my foot to kick it again, lined up with the goal, and
kicked the ball. It sailed straight towards the goal and hit the net, rebounding of it,
almost hitting Conner.
Sixteen! I yelled, fist pumping the air and smiling.
Awesome! Conner exclaimed.
We have practice Monday-Friday each week. We practiced for the remaining
30 minutes, then did our cool down drills. Coach made the team do push-ups, sit
ups, and crunches, as well as some stretches for our muscles, then had us take a
knee on the grass for an announcement.
Okay players, the biggest game of the whole season is coming up on
Tuesday. I expect everyone to practice at home for a half hour everyday between
now and then. ALL of you had BETTER show up at least a half hour early so we can
get warmed up. If you show up late, you will be doing a LOT of extra pushups. Got
Yes Coach! I yelled with the rest of my teammates.
There are twelve players on my team, five girls and six boys. Our team is
called the Rainier Roars, and we have been undefeated this year. This is the best
year this team has seen in a long time. We were usually lucky to win one game
during the season, but now we have won every game and we are going to the
National championship for a chance to play in the National Soccer Championship for
Kids. That is my dream.
My Coach is a tall man. He doesnt put up with trouble, but he does have a
good sense of humor and he loves coaching soccer. He always wears collared shirts
and jeans, even to games. That is just his signature style. He has been my Coach for
a year now, and he is the best. He knows what he is doing when it comes to
everything but computers and cell phones. He still uses pay phones. Anyway, he is

a really great Coach. He does have an actual name, but I dont remember it, so I will
just call him Coach.
I am eight years old and one of the youngest players on the team, which has
kids that range in age from eight years old to ten years old playing co-ed. I have
loved soccer ever since I could remember. I was always playing with a soccer ball
and always asking Dad or my brother Dan to play with me. You know how some
people celebrate football like the fourth of July? I am like that, except it is soccer
that I like, not football. Football is boring to me. Oh well, each his own right?
After the announcement from Coach, we all put our hands in the middle of a
circle, and then counted to three. On three everyone all shouted Rich Roars! and
then we roared like a lion.
Rich Roars is our teams nickname, and I actually like it. We got it at a
humiliating game last year against the ravens when we lost 0-10 ravens. The Coach
was feeling bad we lost so badly, and he had his team chant it to us to cheer us up.
I am glad to say it worked. We adopted it as our nickname.
Practice was over for the day, and we were dismissed. Mom was waiting in
the parking lot of the field where we practice, and I got into the backseat and put
my seatbelt on. Mom looked in the mirror at me.
How was practice today? she asked.
Good, I made sixteen goals today though. I said.
Well, the only way to get better is to practice. Mom said as she backed out
of the parking spot.
Yeah, but the more I practice the less I make the goals.
She drove to the exit and turned to go to our house. We went to the light and
turned onto our road to go home.
Today is Friday by the way.
Jump to Tuesday. I was going to the National championship. I woke up at 7:30
and I bounded out of bed so fast my legs didnt have time to register I was moving. I
ended up in a ball on the ground. I got up slower this time and got my soccer
uniform on. I had set it out the night before so I would be ready when morning
came. The shirt has a big number 5 on the front and back of it along with my last
name on the back. Our uniforms consist of a shirt that is white and bright green and
shorts that were black and had our number on them on the side of the left leg. After
I got my uniform on I went downstairs to go find Mom. She was out front on the
driveway looking at the van.
Hi Mom. I said.
Hi honey. She said distractedly. I went over to Mom and looked at the car.
What is wrong? I asked.
The tire is flat and I am trying figure out why. Mom explained.

I am smaller than Mom, so I went into the wheel well and looked at the tire
from above. Then I saw it. A nail was sticking out of the tire on the side that faces
the car.
There is a nail in the tire. I told Mom.
There is a snail in your wire? Mom asked, confused.
I popped back out of the wheel well and told her again.
Oh! Okay. That makes sense. Okay, well, I will get the jack. Can you go get
the phone for me please? Mom asked me.
Okay. I got up and ran into the house.
The phone was on its charger on the counter. I grabbed it and ran back to
Mom. She took the phone and dialed a number.
She waited for a few seconds, then said Hi Hilary. Then I realized who it
was. She had called my friend Conner.
Can we get a ride to the game please? My vans tire is flat.
That will be great! Thank you so much! a few seconds, then Okay. Thank
you. All right. Bye. Mom hung up the phone and put it in her pocket. Then she
turned to me and said
Preston, go get ready for the game, Conner and his mother are going to be
here in a few minutes to pick us up. Okay. I said, and I turned and ran into the
house to get my ball. I found it in my room and grabbed it. Then I ran back outside
to find Conners mother and him in the driveway with their van. All of us got into the
van and we were of to the game. We arrived a half hour later right on time.
The team warmed up, and then it was time for the game. We all went over to
our bench for the pre-game pep talk.
Okay players, this is it. Lets win the game, but lets also play fair. I want a
clean good game. Oh, and remember what is in store if we win. Coach said,
lowering his voice to almost a whisper so we had to strain to hear him.
We could go to the National Soccer Championship for Kids. You all want to go
Yes Coach!
Well, then get out there and lets play soccer!
Team cheer! I yelled.
We all got into a circle and put our hands in the middle, then we counted to
three and shouted Rich roars! and we roared like a lion. Then we all turned and
ran onto the soccer field.
The game was almost through, and we were up by one. The score was 5-6
roars. Cole, the front forward, passed me the ball and I kicked it to Addison. She was
up by the goal, so she kicked the ball into the goal, scoring us another point. The
score was now 5-7 with two minutes left on the clock. We had been playing for

about forty-five minutes with a break during halftime. I played the entire time, but I
was also a defender, so it made sense. Coach lets everyone play, but keeps the
most important players in the whole time. The other team, the scorpions, had the
ball, and let me tell you, they are VERY good at passing, but not so good at scoring.
We followed the ball all the way down the field, and then a scorpion player shot the
ball towards the goal, it missed, hit the metal bar on the side, rebounded, and hit
Conner square on the neck, making him collapse. I was right next to him, and I
hurriedly got down on my knees to help him. He was having trouble breathing.
COACH! Time out! Time out! I waved frantically to Coach.
He saw me with Conner on the ground, and he signaled to the ref. He made a
T with his hands, and the ref blew his whistle to indicate that it was a time out.
Coach hurried over to us.
Conner, are you okay? he asked.
Conner shook his head. He looked at me and said Preston, tell the ref we
need the medics right away. Go!
Without replying, I turned and ran to the ref, who was over by the bleachers
where the spectators were watching the whole thing unfold in front of them. When I
got to the ref I told him what Coach said, and he signaled the EMTs with his whistle.
That was the signal for the medics. I looked around and saw the ambulance driving
up onto the field, lights flashing. I ran over to them and directed them to Conner
and Coach. I let the ambulance go first, then I ran back to Coach. The whole roars
team had circled around them, and there was no way for the medics to get in. An
Officer who was watching the game came over to the circle and dispersed the circle.
He had the teammates go sit on the bench. I was allowed to stay with Conner
though. The medics were checking Conner, and they decided he should go to the
hospital to be checked out by a doctor.
One medic got the stretcher from the back of the ambulance, and collapsed it
so it was closer to the ground. The medics and Coach picked up Conner, and put
him on the stretcher. A medic put an oxygen mask over Conners mouth, and
another gave him an IV. They expanded the stretcher, and wheeled it over to the
ambulance, where they collapsed it again. They lifted it into to the ambulance and
one medic got into the back, while the other drove. The doors closed and the
ambulance drove of. The siren turned on and then it was gone. Coach called a team
huddle in the middle of the field.
The team gathered and then Coach took a deep breath and said all right
team, we may have lost a player, but that doesnt mean we cant stop playing
soccer. I also want to put the idea out that we go see Conner in the hospital after
the game. What do you all think?
We all nodded in agreement, so Coach said Okay, after the game, meet in
the locker room and we will drive to the hospital in my van. It will fit all of us. But,
for now, lets finish this game. We only have 1 minuet left, but lets have fun
anyways! Dakota, you will play for Conner.
Yes Coach. Dakota said.

He was the rear blocker, and he was really tall and really good at soccer.
Heck, soccer is his life. I guess it is my life too anyway, when Coach let us back on
the field, nobody made a goal, but nobody really tried anyway. When the buzzer
sounded, we knew we had earned the spot in the National Soccer Championship for
Kids, but we werent really that happy. We were worried about Conner. I found Mom
in the stands, and told her what Coach was planning. She said I could go. I said
goodbye and thanks, then turned and ran to the locker room. The rest of the team
was already there. Coach had us get in his big van, which is the same van type that
Conner has. A Chevy 15 passenger shuttle van. We pulled out of the parking lot and
drove to the hospital.
When we got there we werent allowed to see Conner. He was in the PICU,
and the nurses would not let us go in. Dejected, we all trooped outside and sat on
the grass in front of the hospital. Then I got an idea. I jumped up and walked over to
Hey Coach, I have an idea. I said.
Okay, what are you thinking? he asked.
Well, I was thinking we could walk around the hospital and try to find his
room from the outside. I explained.
Coach looked at me, then he stood up.
Team meeting! He announced.
The team gathered closer to Coach and he explained my idea to the team, or
rather, I did.
Okay, Preston has a good idea and he wants to tell all you what it is. Go
ahead Preston. He said.
Um, okay, well my idea was that we could walk around the hospital and try
to find Conners room from the outside. That way we could still see him. What do
you think? Should we do it?
Everyone nodded.
Cool. Lets go. I said, turning to Coach.
When youre ready, of course. I said to him.
I am ready now.
Great! I said.
The whole team started walking around the hospital to find Conner.
We had walked around the hospital twice and we still hadnt found his room.
Maybe it isnt on a ground floor. I said to Coach.
Yeah, I agree. We should probably get everyone back to the field so parents
can pick everyone up. Lets head back to the van so we can drive home.
Okay. I said.

We went back to the van and drove home.

The next few days were not very fun at practice. I still practiced shooting, but
I had to retrieve my own ball. I also felt more and more discouraged every time I
missed. By the end of practice, I felt like crying, because I was only making about
four goals each day. By the third day when Mom picked me up, I told her my
I hate soccer! I suck, I cant make any goals. I dont wanna play anymore! I
blurted as soon as I got my seatbelt on.
I know honey, but the only way to get better is practice. Mom said as she
backed out of the parking field and drove to the exit.
We turned to go to our house and stopped at the light. We waited for it to
turn green, then turned left to go home.
Two days later after yet another stressful soccer practice, the phone rang and
Dad picked it up. He talked on the phone for a while, then went and talked to Mom,
who came and talked to me. The phone call was apparently from Conners Mom.
She said that Conner had moved to a recovery room following a long and extensive
surgery where the doctors basically reconstructed the bones in his neck. When the
ball hit his neck, the bones shattered. Mom also said that Conners Mom had said
that we could visit him now.
Yay! I yelled when Mom told me.
Do you want to call Coach and tell him what I told you?
Yeah. I said.
Mom got up and left my room to go find a phone. She found one and came
back into my room. She dialed Coachs number, and waited. He answered on the
third ring.
Hello? he said when he answered.
Hi Coach, its Preston.
Hi Preston, what can I do for you? he asked.
Uh, Conners Mom just called and she said that he is in the recovery unit and
that we can go visit him now. I explained.
Thats great news! Tomorrows practice has been officially changed from
drills to visiting Conner. How does that sound?
Sounds great! I said happily.
We talked for a few more minutes, then we said goodbye and hung up. I went
to bed happy that night.
The next day was really great. We met at the field, then Coach drove us up to
the hospital again in his big van. When we got to the hospital we went to go see
Conner. He was still his happy joking self, but he had a neck brace on. We all
gathered around his bed, and he looked so happy to see us. He told us he had been
so bored that even the TV was boring. Now that is saying something, because he is

usually always in front of the tube. We were in his room for an hour, joking,
laughing, and just visiting our friend and teammate. We had been there a long time.
The doctor said that Conner would be released in a few days, but he wouldnt be
able to play in the big championship coming up. At least he will be there to support
us. I said to Allison as we headed out to the van a few minutes later.
Yeah. Allison is the goalie for our team and she is REALLY good.
Nothing can get past her. We all loaded up in the van and drove back to the
field. Mom picked me up and we went to lunch together.
Two weeks later we were on our way to the National Soccer Championship for
Kids game. We were all laughing, joking, and waiting anxiously for the long six-hour
trip to be over.
Finally, we arrived at the National Soccer Championship for Kids game. It was
just before game time and the whole team was in the locker room. We were on the
other side of a black curtain, and we could see smoke all around us. It was being
made by smoke machines.
Ladies and Gentlemen! Please welcome the Richland Roars from Richland
County! An announcer said.
Okay, team. The announcer is going to call your number one by one, and
when he does, run out to the field through the tunnel of cheerleaders. Got it?
Coach said over the rucks of the crowd.
Yes coach! We all said.
Number 23, Stan Shirley! Stan wedged his way through us and bolted out
through the curtain.
The crowd was going berserk.
Number 45, Brandon Williams!
Brandon put his hands in the air and bolted out. This went on for about two
more minutes, then it was just me and two other players.
Number 3, Alex Wilson! Alex bolted out, then it was just two of us.
Number 14, Conner Alan!
Conner was wheeled out on a wheel chair by coach, and he got the loudest
roar out of everybody. Then I was alone. The announcer waited for the noise to calm
And, last but definitely not least, Preston Lance!
I cheered, put my fists in the air, and ran out on to the field. The noise of the
crowd and the music was deafening. I ran through the tunnel of cheerleaders and
into the mass of people that was my teammates. Then we all sat down at our bench
for the other team to come out.
-85 minutes later-

We were almost done with the second and last half of the game and we were
down 3-6 sharks. The sharks were the other team that had made it to this game,
and we were determined to beat them and win the title of little league soccer team
champions. I passed the ball to Alex, who kicked it to Stanley, who shot for the goal.
The ball went into the goal and scored us two points, so no we were 5-6 sharks. The
other team got the ball, but they missed the goal. So we got the ball back and got it
all the way across the field. I got the ball when I was right next to the goal. I had to
shoot and make the goal. I heard a voice shout
You got this Preston! I looked and I saw Conner sitting on the bench.
I smiled. I turned towards the goal, took a quick deep breath, and kicked the
ball. It sailed through the air straight towards the goal. It hit the net and bounced
back. I had made the goal! Then the buzzer went of that signaled the end of the
game. We had won the National Soccer Championship for Kids! We were the
Elated, I threw my fist into the air and shouted YESSSSSSS!!! and the whole
team started jumping up and down screaming.
We had done it. Then we lined up in a line and high-fived the other team
members, saying Good game to each one of them.
After that Coach said Team meeting in the locker room in five minutes. Be
there or its pushups for the whole team.
Yes, Coach. I went into the locker room and put my head under some water.
Then the team started coming in and we all sat down on the benches in the
locker room and waited of Coach to tell us what he wanted to tell us.
First of players, AWESOME performance tonight! You played like roars, and
the roar definitely was heard. We are the champions! he said with a smile.
We all cheered.
Now, we have one more thing we have to do out on the field before we go,
and that is where Conner comes in. Conner? Where are you?
Here, Coach. Conner said from behind me.
I jumped about a mile. How did he come in without me noticing him?
You okay Preston? Coach asked me.
Yes Coach, Im fine. I replied, embarrassed.
Okay. So the announcer outside has told everybody to stay for a special
presentation. Conner, even though you didnt get to play tonight, you are a valued
member of our team and we have a little something planned for you and the whole
team together. Now, I want everybody to stand up and hold hands. Do it! Coach
Feeling self-conscious that my palms were sweaty, I stood up and held hands
with Allison and Charlie. Charlie is the backup goalie, and he is almost as good as
Allison is, but not quite. Although, they have argued about who is better, but Im not

sure who won that one though. Anyway, Coach had us form up in a line and he put
Conner in the middle of the line.
Okay players, you can only let go if you need to get around something.
Other than that dont let go. We are going back outside to the field for something
We never had to let go of each other, but before we got to the field, Coach
stopped us again.
Oh, and players, wait until the music starts playing to go out, and when you
go out, you all need to raise your hands up towards the sky so it looks like you are
all connected. DONT LET GO!
Yes Coach. We all said. We waited for about a minute, then the music
started playing. At that point Coach said All right, its time. Go.
We raised our hands up towards the sky and we all ran out onto the field
Coach led us to the middle of the field, then had us turn and face the crowd.
The crowd was going ballistic. They were cheering, screaming, clapping, whistling
and whatever else they could do to make noise. I guess I should mention the field
was an indoor field, so it was super loud! We stood there and smiled. Music playing
above us on them jumbo-tron, the crowd cheering, the exhilarated feeling, that was
the best day of my life. After the music stopped playing, Coach let us drop or hands,
but didnt let us let go of each other. A voice came over the speakers, and when I
looked at Coach, he had a microphone.
Tonight, the Roars played a great game. But, not all of the Roars were able
to play tonight. Conner Alan sufered an injury during the last game and was in the
hospital for quite a while. We want to honor not only Conner for his excellent
resilience in bouncing back from his injury, but also the team for supporting him
during his tough time. Also, we want to honor the hospital doctors and nurses that
helped Conner heal. Thank you so much. Also, we want to thank all the parents of
the Roars. Without you, this team would not have been able to be here today. Thank
you for shuttling kids back and forth between games and practices. Thank you for
supporting the team. Lets hear it for the Roars! The crowd went crazy again, and
music started playing again.
Players! Arms up! Coach yelled to us.
We put our hands up and shook them together. We were the champions, and
we also were a very happy group of players, teammates, and friends. I felt like the
happiest little boy on the planet. Eventually Coach told us we could let go of each
other, and we just stood there laughing and fist pumping the air.
Then the Coach from the Sharks spoke for a minute.
Hello, Everyone! You know who the Roars are? Huh? Do you know? He said.
The crowd started cheering, clapping, whistling, and all in all making noise.
Champions! Thats what they are! The crowd cheered again.

Okay, okay, lets tone things down for a minute here. The crowd noise
slowly died.
Thank you. Now, first of I want to say congratulations to the Roars for their
win. It was a great game, and I was glad our teams made it this far this year. After
the game my team members came to me, and they told me a very special message
they want me to deliver to you. So here it is. The coach unfolded a piece of paper
and held it out in front of him.
Hey, Roars. Congrats on your win! Youre the Champions! Even though we
lost against you, it was a fun game and we had a lot of fun playing with you all.
The crowd cheered, we cheered, even the coaches cheered.
Once the noise died down I turned to Brandon and said Hey Bran, can you
still hear? He smiled and said
What? We both laughed.
When we got into the locker room, the Sharks teammates were in there
waiting for us.
Coach stopped short when he saw them, then said Hi guys, can I help you?
The oldest player who introduced himself as Devan said Well, we have a
message for your team. Go ahead Sharks.
The Sharks players counted to three then chanted
Roars! Roars! Roars! Rrrrrroooooaaaaarrr! We clapped and cheered.
Then we started coming up with a chant for them. We huddled for a second,
then decided on a chant for them. We faced them and held hands again, raised our
hands into the air again, and chanted
Lets go sharks lets go! Lets go sharks lets go! The sharks clapped and
cheered for our chant like we did for them.
Then the Coaches shook hands with each other, and both teams cheered.
We went out for dinner as a team, then it was time to go home. I fell asleep in
the back of the van. Later that night I woke up and upon looking around, I realized
we had pulled over to the side of the road and stopped. I looked behind us, but
there wasnt a cop behind us. Heck, there was nobody on this road except for us for
that matter. I realized Coach wasnt in the van, so I unhooked my seatbelt and
crawled to the door. I opened it to find Coach laying under the back tire. He wasnt
very happy.
Um, Coach? Is everything okay? I asked him.
What? Oh, yeah, everything is fine. Its just the tire is flat. I just need to put
the spare on and we should be on our way. He explained to me.
Okay. Is there any way I can help? I asked.

Yeah, there is actually. Go stand by drivers seat and if you see a car, wave
your hands above your head to tell them we need help.
Okay. I said.
I waited for around 2 minutes when I saw a pair of headlights coming towards
us. I waved my hands above my head frantically, just like Coach told me to. The
other car slowed down and stopped in front of us. Then red and blue lights started
flashing on top of the car. It was the police! I walked over to the drivers seat of the
police car.
Hey kid, can I help you? The cop asked after he rolled his window down.
Yeah, our teams van tire is flat. We need help putting the spare on. Can you
help us? I said.
Sure kid. What team are you?
The Rich roars. Oh! Are you the team that just won that championship?
he asked.
I nodded, a smile creeping across my face.
Well lets go find out what we can do to get you guys back on the road
okay? he said.
Okay. The cop got out of his car and I led him over to Coach.
He hadnt heard the cop pull up, so when I told him someone was here, he
came flying out from underneath the van. (Everyone else was still asleep in the
van.) Hello sir. Can I help you? The Officer asked Coach.
Yeah. Im sure Preston here has already told you what is wrong. I cant seem
to find my jack. I thought I put it in, but it is gone, so I must not of.
Well I have a jack that you can use. Let me get it from my car. The Officer
Okay. Coach said.
The Officer went back to his car and opened his trunk. He grabbed his jack
and closed the trunk. Then he came back to Coach and me.
Sir, I will need you to get the kids out of the van or else it will be too heavy.
Okay. Coach said.
Preston, I need you to wake up your teammates and get them out of the van
while I and the officer work on getting the spare on. Can you do that for me
Sure. I said. I opened the side doors of the van and got in. Then I loudly
Everyone up! in my best Coach impression.
Everyone awoke with a start and looked around blearily.

Whats going on? Why are the cops here? What time is it? Were some of
the things I heard people say.
Everyone, its one AM, the tire is flat and the police are helping us put the
spare on. But, unless everyone gets out, we cant use the jack. So, everyone out! I
We were always told to do something if Coach told us to do it, and Coach
sometimes used one of the players to relay a message to the team. If that
happened, we were supposed to obey the teammate without question, just like we
would with Coach. Instantly everyone unhooked their seatbelts and got out of the
van. Everyone except for Allison. She hadnt woken up when I said Everyone up!
she was a very deep sleeper and pretty hard to wake up once she was asleep. I
crawled back to the second from the last row and shook her.
Allison, wake up! I said.
She stirred, and looked around. When she saw me silhouetted against the red
and blue lights from the cop car, she jumped and the seatbelt locked.
What is going on? she asked.
I repeated what I had told everyone else. He unhooked her seatbelt and
followed me out of the van. When I go out of the van I helped Allison get out and I
closed the dual doors.
Then I turned to Coach and said Coach, everyone is out of the van now.
Great! Thank you! He replied.
The Officer put his jack under the van and cranked it up. Slowly the van rose
up of the ground. Coach opened the back doors of the van and then stood rooted to
the spot.
My spare is gone! He said after staring at the blank space for a few
I followed him back and sure enough the spare was gone. There was only a
big blank space where it should have been.
I must have taken it out when I cleaned the van last week. Aw man! Coach
said, exasperated.
Sir, here is what I suggest. I can go call for a van to come pick you up, and
then we can have a tow truck come and take your van to an auto shop so we can
get you another tire. The Officer told Coach.
Yeah that sounds good. Lets do that. Are there any hotels around here?
Coach asked.
Yeah, there is one about 10 miles up the road. It is never busy this time of
year so you should be able to get some rooms. The Officer said.
Perfect. Lets do that. Coach said.
Okay. Excuse me for a minute. The Officer said, turning back to his car.

He went back to his car and opened the drivers side door. He reached in and
grabbed his radio mic of the dashboard and brought it close to his mouth. He
pushed the button and said something, then waited. A minute later a voice came
back, and he pushed the button again and spoke for longer this time. I could kind of
hear him.
He had called a van to take us to a hotel,
A few minutes we pulled into the hotel parking lot. Coach got out of the first
row of seats behind the driver and passenger seats and went inside the hotel. He
came back out a few minutes later and told us to grab our stuf. The officers got out
and helped us get our stuf, and then after making sure we were okay, they drove
away. Then I realized I had no idea where we were, so I asked Coach. He didnt know
Great I said.
By now it was almost midnight and the whole team was ready for bed. We
went up to our rooms. We had three rooms. One for the boys, one for the girls, and
one for Coach. We settled into our rooms, 2 boys in each of the two beds, and the
rest on the floor. Im assuming it was the same way in the girls room, but I never
went in to check. Conner had a cell phone which he let me use to call Mom. I knew
Mom was probably frantic knowing I wasnt home yet, so when I called home, she
answered on the first ring.
Hello? she said.
Hi Mom, its Preston. I said.
Preston! Where are you? How are you? Are you okay? Mom asked
Yep, shes frantic, just like I thought she would be.
I dont know to the first question, Im fine. Our van has a flat tire, so we
flagged down a cop who took us to a hotel to stay for the night. We should hopefully
be able to come home tomorrow. I told her.
Okay. Is everyone safe and sound? Mom asked.
Yep. Everyone is okay. I said.
Thats good. Hey Preston?
Great job at the game!
Thanks Mom! I said.
Youre welcome. Well, you should probably get to bed, so Im gonna let you
go. Mom said.
Okay. I love you Mom.
I love you too, honey.

Good night.
Good night, Mom.
Bye honey.
Bye Mom. I hung up the cell phone and gave it back to Conner.
We decided to get ready for bed and then we went to sleep.
The next morning Coach let us sleep in because we were up pretty late last
night. He finally woke us up around 9:30 and he told us that the van was fixed so we
could go home. We cheered quietly so we didnt disturb our neighbors. Then we
packed up our stuf and brought it all down to the lobby to wait for the van to come.
Finally, after 15 minutes it pulled up in front of the hotel being towed by a tow
truck. The tow truck driver unhooked our van. Coach had us load all of our stuf
inside the van and we got in and started driving home. Coach remembered we
needed to check out of the hotel and turned around and went back. We pulled up in
front of the hotel and Coach went inside.
He came back out a few minutes later and said All right players, is everyone
here? We all looked around and decided that everyone was here.
Yes Coach! we all said.
Good, because I dont wanna turn around because we left a player here.
Now, who wants to go home?
Me! everyone yelled.
Good, lets get home! Team cheer first though! we all did our best to put
our hands in the middle of the van, then we counted to three and shouted Rich
Roars! and we roared like a lion.
We all laughed, even Coach.
All right you lions back there, lets get home. Coach said with a chuckle.
We laughed. Coach drove out or the parking lot and turned on the road. We
drove to the highway and started the long drive home.
Oh, and we did get home later that evening. The parents were happy their
kids were alive and well. We were very glad to see them and to finally be home. I
hugged Mom very tight when I saw her. I got my stuf from the van and loaded it
into Moms car. Then we said goodbye to Coach, and we went home.
So, the reason we kept having flat tires was because someone was
sabotaging our team. They really didnt want us to get to the national
championship, but we did anyway. The police caught the person, and he admitted to
putting the nails into our tires. I hope he learns from his mistake. Although how he
got the nail into our van after the championship is beyond me!
The end.

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