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Go Get Help!

Written by,
Ian Toomey

I sighed.

All Ive seen for the past couple of hours was the endless desert as it whizzed
past outside the car. Mom and Ive been driving in the desert all day long, and the
last sign of civilization I saw was about two hours ago, and it was a small shack that
looked like it was falling down. Since then I have seen nothing but desert. Mom and I
were on a trip to see Grandma and Grandpa in Arizona, and I was anxious to get
there and get out of the car. We had started driving early this morning, and weve
been driving all day long.
Im tired, bored, and hungry.
Are we there, yet?
Not yet, Tanner. We still have three more hours to go. Mom replied from the
drivers seat.
Ugh! Im dying! This is the longest trip ever!
Watch a movie on my phone, bud. Mom handed me her phone from the
center console.
I took it and plugged in my headphones, then I went into the movies app. I
picked one and started watching it.
About twenty minutes later I looked up and noticed that the car was stopping.
We were in the middle of nowhere on a dirt road. I looked behind us, but there
wasnt a cop behind us. I paused the movie and took my headphone out of my ears.
Whats wrong?
Were out of gas. Pass me my phone, please.
I handed Mom her cell phone, and she took it. She unplugged my headphones
and set them on the center counsel. She pushed the home button and tried calling
Rats. No service.
A scared feeling formed in the pit of my stomach. What were we going to do?
Suddenly I had an idea.
Mom? Ill walk back and get help. You stay here so I can find you.
No way, kiddo. Well find another way. Im sure someone will come.
Mom, Ive been watching the road for an hour. No one comes down this road
in the middle of nowhere. This is the only way. We cant just sit here and die. No one
knows were out here, and even if they did, they wouldnt know where to look. Ill
walk back along the road and find help, then come straight back. Its the only way.
Youve got to trust me on this. You cant walk, since you have the cast on your foot.
I explained.
I just dont want you to collapse and die.

Mom, if I start now, by the time I get to a town, itll be dark and it would
have cooled down. Ill be fine.
I could tell Mom was debating with herself as she fought with the idea of
sending her ten-year-old-son to go get help all alone. She had two choices. A) Send
me, and I go and I give up and come back empty handed or B) neither of us go and
we wait for rescue to hopefully find us.
She really couldnt walk. She broke her leg a few weeks ago, and she has to
use crutches to get around. There was no way she was going to be able to go the
distance to the gas station and back to the car. She was rock climbing and she fell.
Her left leg took all of her weight at once, and he lower leg snapped under the
pressure. Then she had to walk a quarter mile out to the van with a broken leg. That
certainly didnt help her leg out any!
Alright. You can go. But bring lots of water in your backpack. If you dont
think you can make it, come back and well try something else. I wont be mad at
you if you come back. Ill be proud of you for trying, kiddo. Mom said.
I know I can do it.
I packed five water bottles into my backpack, and put one more into a side
pouch for emergency use. I made sure I had a good amount of food, then I got my
backpack on. Mom made me change into jeans and pack a sweatshirt and a coat
into my backpack for when it got cold tonight. We looked up the closest gas station
on the web, and it looked like I needed to head north about four and a half hours to
reach the gas station from our current location. With that I opened the side door of
the van and hopped out. The first thing that hit me was the extreme heat. I grabbed
my ball cap and slipped it onto my head. It shaded my face a little bit.
Be safe out there, buddy. If you cant do it, come back. I wont be mad at you
if you do.
I know. Thanks, Mom. I love you.
I was already dripping with sweat, and I was only standing outside the van.
Love you too, kiddo. Now, go get help! You can do it! Go!
She held out her hand and I took it. She squeezed it softly, then she let it go. I
smiled, then I slid the door closed, turned around, and walked away from the van.
Here I go.
I followed the tracks from the vans tires as a guide as I walked. Im just a kid,
yet I knew I could find some help and get us the gas the van needs to run properly. I
looked around, trying to get my bearings. I took my I-pod out of my pocket and
turned it on, plugging my headphones into it. I selected an up-beat song and put it
in my pocket. The music helped me feel motivated, and I smiled as I walked along
the road. I liked this song, and I was grateful to have it with me to help motivate
me. I kept walking, stepping in time to the beat. I watched the tracks from the van
and corrected my tracks as needed.

-MomTanner is a tough kid, but I wasnt sure if he could walk the entire four hours
in this intense heat. He has a walkie talkie that he likes to play with, and I had one
too, but I doubted it worked four hours away, so I wouldnt be able to call him. He
doesnt have a cell phone. Hes too young to have one! If he went due north from
our current location, he would make it. If he deviated, well, he might never make it.
It had been an extremely hard decision on my part to let him go, but once he
makes up his mind, its very, very hard to convince him to change his mind, and I
was not in any shape to attempt the walk myself with my busted leg. I knew I could
use up time and argue with him, or let him go and have him come back empty
handed. I wouldnt be mad at him if he didnt make it. I would be proud of him for
trying. I just hope he has enough common sense to know when he should come
back so he wont die.
I picked up my walkie talkie and tried contacting Tanner, but he was too far
away. I kept trying, and finally I got through to him.
Tanner! How ya doin bud?
Im okay. Its super-duper hot out here, Mom!
I know it is. Youre a tough kid, though.
Thanks, Mom. Ya know, all I see out here is cactus. Cactus, cactus, more
stupid cactus!
I chuckled.
Dont get poked, buddy!
I wont!
Good luck, Tiger. Call me on this when you get close again, okay?
Tiger is Tanners nickname.
Okay! I will! Whoa!
Whats up, bud?
I just saw a coyote! It was fast! His fur was brownish-tan!
I could tell he was excited, because he was talking faster now. He always
talks fast when hes excited.
He was just a blur! I think he was chasing a mouse or something! That was
way cool, Mom!
Thats awesome! Im glad you noticed it, bud!

Tanner didnt reply. I tried to get him to reply, but he must have moved out of
range. Discouraged, I put the walkie talkie back on the center counsel and picked up
my phone. Maybe I could have the same luck with my phone as I did with the walkie
I guess not.
Now what do I do?
The A/C doesnt work, since the engine isnt running. I decided to try and
shade the inside of the car with clothes. I got out, getting my crutches, and went to
the back of the van. I opened the hatch-trunk and opened up some suitcases. I took
out lots of clothes, went to the front of the van, and started draping clothes over the
windshield and side windows. That way the inside of the car would be shaded from
the burning hot sun. I was careful to avoid using dark colored clothing that would
just absorb heat. I used bright colors instead. When I was done only the front and
sides of the van were covered, but I could manage with having the trunk-hatch
window uncovered. At least that way I would know if it was light or dark outside. I
climbed in the back and crawled over the seats. I used my good leg to pull the
trunk-hatch closed, then I moved to the drivers seat, wincing as my leg ached when
I banged it against the front passenger seat accidently.
Now the inside of the van was cooler. This I could live with!
-TannerThat coyote was cool! It was big and tan and had ears poking straight up! I
was happy as I continued on my way. Ive always liked animals, and that was a
really cool sighting! I saw birds, rabbits, jackrabbits, lizards, and a pretty cool snake,
but I stayed far away from it in case it was poisonous. This was the coolest walk
ever! I felt like I was on my own personal safari.

-Later that dayThis sucks.

The heat is intense!
It has to be at least one hundred degrees or so! Ive drunken at least two
water bottles already, and yet Im still parched. Im working on my third. I only have
two more water bottles left to drink, so if I run out and cant make it to the gas
station, Ill have to turn around and abort the mission. I really didnt want to abort. I
was determined to get help for Mom, but I also have enough common sense to
know when I should turn around.
Im not stupid!

My hair and clothes were soaked with sweat, and I felt a little sick to my
stomach. I had a slight headache too. I lost the tracks from the van about a halfhour ago, according to my watch, and I havent seen them again.
Im lost.
Now what?!
I dug out my walkie talkie from my pocket and tried to contact Mom, but all I got
was silence. I tried re-tracing my steps to find the tracks again, but they were gone.
A hot wind blew, and it actually felt pretty good.
I calculated how long I had been waking for. I left the van at 3:02PM, and it
was now 5:15PM. I still had two more hours to go. My legs felt like jelly, and each
breath I took in and exhaled felt like it was burning my throat. I hoped the sun would
go down soon. I considered going back to Mom, but I was already halfway to the gas
station, so I decided to keep going. I looked around and saw a shack in the distance.
It looked like half of it had collapsed, so I decided that no would be living there. I
continued on my journey. I took small sips from my water bottle, even though the
water was warm. I wished it was cold water, but hey, at least its water! I was down
to one and a half bottles of water now, and I had some granola bars and half a bag
of M&Ms left. Oh, and an apple, too. Although, I dont know how it got in there
The sun was relentless, and I had a sunburn on my neck and arms already. As
I walked, I started to stumble around. The sun reflected off my glasses, and for a
moment I was blinded. I fell to my knees, but managed to get up and keep going.
My breathing was labored and I was having a hard time walking in a straight line.
For the next hour I kept walking, but I was kind of in a daze. I didnt really see where
I was going, but once I got to the top of a hill I saw a road leading through the sand.
I came to my senses, and I whooped with joy! Now I had a path to follow!
I hurried down the hill and made my way to the road. Now that I had a path, I
was confident that I could make it to the store. The sun was starting to go down,
and already it was cooling down.
I watched the sun as it set, and the colors were spectacular. There were
righteous reds, awesome oranges, berry blues, and deep blacks. It truly was
breathtaking. The only thing I wished was that Mom could be here with me and we
could be watching this together. That would have been the best thing ever!

-//The last hour of walking was slow. The air around me was freezing! I dug out
my coat and out it on, grateful I had it. My legs and feet hurt with every step, and it
was painful to walk, but I persisted, and I climbed up a hill. At the top I stopped to

rest. Suddenly I saw something at the bottom that made me stand up and start
It was a gas station.
I ran down the hill at top speed, my legs pumping below me and my lungs
burning. At the bottom of the hill I ran straight for the gas station store front doors. I
was exhilarated that I had made it! I did it!
I went to the front doors and went inside the store.
The air conditioning felt amazing.
-Store cashierI looked up at the door when the bell dinged, and saw a scruffy, dirty,
breathless boy coming towards me. I smiled as he leaned up against the counter.
He looked like he was exhausted.
Hi, there! How can I help you? I asked.
He said something, but I didnt quite catch it. He was trying to catch his
breath and speak at the same time, and it didnt work.
Im sorry?
I need your help!
He peered up at me with worried yet exhausted eyes. His neck and arms
were sunburned. It looked like he had spent a long time out in the sun.
Is everything okay? Are you having an asthma attack?
He was still breathing hard, and I worried that he might be having an asthma
attack or something.
No, were stuck out in the desert. The boy paused to take a deep breath,
then he resumed. My Moms car ran out of gas and I walked here to get help.
How long have you been walking for?
Um, four and a half hours.
Oh my goodness, you are one committed youngster. Whats your name?
Do you have the money to pay for the gas?
No. My mom does, though. I promise shell pay you when we find her.
Well, I cant pump gas until I have money. It doesnt work without money
first. You will have to pay some money for it to work.

Im ten years old. Do you honestly expect me to have money to pay for
Sorry, bud. It doesnt work without money. Youll have to get some money to
get gas. The manager, Cathy, said from behind me.
I watched him go outside and sit down on a curb outside the store and bury
his face in his legs. I saw his small body shaking. My heart melted a little, and I
turned to Cathy.
Cath, I know employees arent supposed to pay for gas for someone, but I
know that kids story. He walked alone for four and a half hours for help while his
mother waited in their van. He is sunburned, hungry, and exhausted, and hes only
ten. Hes still a kid. The fact that he made it on his own is flabbergasting. If its okay
with you, I would like to help that kid at least get back to his Mom. He shouldnt
have to walk four and a half hours back. Thats too much for a kid like him. Hell die
for sure tonight. Its already dipped down below freezing. Look at him. Hes only
skin, bones, hair, and glasses. Its the right thing to do. Its the humane thing to do.
Please, let me pay for gas and get that boy back to his Mom. I dont care what Mack
The company policy states that we cant do that. If we help him, we could
lose our jobs. But you know what? Thats a risk Im willing to take. I didnt know he
walked four and a half hours to get here. Lets get some gas and get him back to his
Mom. Lets go tell him now. He still outside on the curb?
Yup. Looks like hes crying. I looked out the window.
Well, lets go brighten his day. Cathy said.
I called border patrol and told them they had a stranded car somewhere in
the desert near us.
We went outside and sat down on either side of Tanner. I put my hand on his
back, and he jumped.
Tanner, I know we told you that we couldnt help you, but we changed our
minds. Grown-ups do that sometimes. We will pay for your gas and get you back to
you Mom.
I thought you said you werent going to help me. I thought I could trust you. I
thought you would help me, but I guess the people here are all selfish! I never
should have come. Im going to walk back alone. I dont need your help, losers.
Tanners voice angry.
Look, Tanner, please let us help you. Youll die if you try to walk back on your
own. It gets really cold around here at night, like, freezing cold. Sometimes it gets
down to almost five degrees. We dont want you to walk out there and die in the
cold. That would be terrible, and would make your Mom sad. Let us help you, and
well promise youll get back to your Mom safely with the gas you need to get to

where youre going. Im sorry we lied to you the first time. This time we are telling
the truth, and were being completely honest with you.
Youre actually going to help me? Tanners eyes were full of trust.
We are. We want to make sure you get back to your Mom safely. If you
didnt, wed feel awful. We cant let you die trying to walk back on your own.
Thank you. Thank you very much. I guess the long walk wasnt for nothing
after all.

-20 minutes laterOh no, my car wont start. I said as I cranked the engine over and over.
It didnt even make a sound.
Ill try my car. Cathy said.
We all went over to Cathys car and she hopped in and tried to turn over the
engine, but she got the same result as me.
Argh, and the only other person near here is this boys mother, and Mack.
Were pretty isolated out here. Looks like we might be walking tonight anyway.
Cathy said, getting out and locking her car.
I know the way back to my Mom, and I have a coat to put on if it gets cold.
Ill be okay. Tanner said from next to me.
Well, alright, but lets get a meal first. I dont want to start this journey
hungry. Im starving. I said.
Me, too. Cathy said.
Me three, but can we bring some food to my Mom please? I bet shes hungry
too. Tanner said.
Sure. Cathy said.
Half an hour later we had a gas can filled up with gas and a bag with food in
it. I locked up the store. During our meal, I had spent most of the time calling people
to see if we could get a ride, but everyone was either out of town or busy. I called
the state troopers and they said they would send an officer, but that it wouldnt be
for at last a half hour since every trooper was involved in an emergency right now.
They called back right after dinner and said that it might not be for at least two or
so hours. I told them to forget it and we would find another way. I was not looking
forward to hiking for hours in the middle of the night, but I also didnt want Tanner
to die trying to walk back alone.


We were just leaving the store when all of a sudden a car pulled up. It was
small and red and had blue headlights
Oh man! Its Mack! Em, hide with Tanner! Cathy hissed.
Come on. This way. Hurry. Emily said, taking my hand and pulling.
Try to get around him! If you get around him, start the hike yourselves. Ill
distract him. Cathy hissed.
I let Emily pull me to the backside of the building where we crouched down
low to the wall.
Whos Mack? I whispered.
Our boss. Emily replied.
We snuck around the side of the store and Emily peeked out, then she knelt
down next to me.
Okay, Tanner. I need you to be absolutely silent. Theyve gone inside the
store, so if we go now, we can get across the road and start the hike. I need you to
run as fast as you can across the road and hide in some bushes. Make yourself
small. If I don make it, wait until Mack is gone, then come out. If something
happens, I want you to run. Run with all your strength, okay? Emily explained.
Question. Why are you scared of your boss?
Well, when he gets angry, he yells and screams a lot. We try to avoid him.
Hes not a nice person. You need to get away from here. Now. Go!
Is he abusive?
Emily hesitated, then quietly said yes.
Well, you should run away from him.
Ill try. But now, you need to go.
I turned and looked across the street. I located my target, a clump of bushes
directly in front of me. I looked left and right, and the coast was clear. This whole
thing reminded me of the spy games I play with my friends at home.
I started to kind of think of this as a game, but with higher and worse stakes
if I get caught than just getting sent to jail for a few minutes. I picked up the gas
can and the bag of food and darted across the street. I crouched down low in the
bushes and hid. I watched as Emily looked around, preparing to follow me.
I prepared to bolt away. It was hard to run fast while carrying a gas can and a
bag of food, but I managed. We could do it. It would probably be slower this time,
but I would get back to Mom. I made it to the gas station, and I would make it back
to Mom. Emily followed after me. Emily took the food from me and carried it.
Now to start the long walk back.

At least it isnt hot this time.


-//I know roughly how to use the stars to navigate, but Im not very good at it,
so I dont do it very often. I cant remember where the North Star is, so that doesnt
help at all. Tonight, I would just retrace my steps back to the hill, then the hard part
would come: finding the tracks from the van to lead me back to Mom. I sort of knew
where I needed to go. But the hardest part would be going to be lugging the gas can
and food the whole four hours back to Mom. Hopefully I wouldnt have to walk back
to the gas station again I was quite tired of walking, to say the truth.
Climbing up the many hills was made challenging by the gas can. It was big,
bulky, and heavy, and kind of an odd shape. We took a lot of breaks, and I wasnt
sure I could make it all the way back to Mom tonight. We walked for half an hour,
and by then I was so tired I could barely walk. I collapsed to my knees, and I
couldnt walk anymore. Emily helped me up, and we continued on our walk. Every
time I would collapse, Emily would patiently help me up and we would continue. We
were making slow progress. The air was cold, and I was shivering.
Why did I volunteer to do this? Did I sign myself up to die? Is this how Im
going to die? We decided to rest for a while, then we would keep going. I sat down
on the ground and tried to catch my breath. About twenty minutes later we stood
up, grabbed the gas can, and we kept going. We walked until the sun was starting to
come up, taking frequent breaks every twenty minutes or so. I was resting right
now, and it felt pretty good. Suddenly the Moms voice came through the walkie
talkie in my pocket.
I guess I forgot to turn it off
Tanner? Are you there?
I dug the walkie talkie out of my pocket and pushed the talk button, excited I
could finally talk to Mom again. That also meant I was close to her.
Im here, Mom!
Hey, buddy! How are you? Are you close?
Im exhausted. Oh! Guess what?
I got the gas.
Thats great, kiddo! I knew you could do it!
Oh, and I also got some food for you. I thought you would be hungry.


Im glad. I am starving. You must be close if these walkie talkies are working.
I bet your almost here.
I hope so. Im so tired I could sleep for a week!
Im sure you are buddy. Thats a long walk! Keep going bud. Youre almost
Im walking right now. I said, standing up and continuing on. A lady from
the store is with me. Her name is Emily. She wanted to make sure I make it back to
you safely.
Im glad. Tell her thank you!
I will!
The air around me was already warm, and I had taken off my coat and put it
in my backpack.
Its already hot out here again!
Its gets hot early. Dont worry, as soon as you get there and we put the gas
in the tank, Ill turn on the air conditioner and you and Emily can rest for a while.
Emily smiled.
Thanks, Mom! Youre the best!
I climbed up another hill, and once I got to the top I looked out. The desert
stretched on before me, but then I saw something that made me catch my breath.
The van.
Right where I left it.
I was finally back!
We had done it.
We rushed down the hill and ran. I ran straight towards the van with Emily not
too far behind me. I had eaten some of Moms dinner just so I could keep going, but
Im sure she wouldnt mind. Running with the heavy gas can was awkward and I
didnt get going very fast, but still I ran. My legs were screaming and my lungs were
burning up. I slowed to a walk. As we approached the van I saw Mom reading a
book. I went up to the drivers side and knocked on the window. Mom jumped and
looked out. Her face lit up with surprise when she saw us. I set the gas can down,
opened the door, leaned in, and hugged Mom tightly.
Hi, Mom.
Hello, Tanner. Welcome back. You did it. Im so proud of you.


Right then all I wanted to do was stay right there and be with Mom forever. I
never wanted to leave her again. Walking to the gas station and back was long and
tough, but I made it there, got what I went for, and made it back to Mom, with help
from Emily and Cathy.
I had done it.
Suddenly I heard a car door open and close. I looked back and saw a white
with green stripes SUV behind us. A red and blue light bar on the top of the SUV was
flashing brightly. A man in a green uniform was walking towards us.
Mom? Someone is here to see us. I think its a cop.
Okay. Let me handle it, buddy. She got out of the car.
Hi, there. Im with the Border Patrol. Im Agent Rich. We got a call about a
car that was stuck out here. Is everything okay, maam?
Mom looked at me, and I looked at her. She smiled, and so did I.
Yep. Were all good. We ran out of gas, but my son took care of that.
Good. Im glad. Officer Rich smiled at me.
He walked for four hours to a gas station, got gas, and came back. He saved
Youve got a tough kid.
He sure is. I think were okay. Im just going to fuel up the car and get going
Well, if you dont need help, Ill go ahead and let you three get going again.
Thank you for checking up on us, sir!
Your welcome, buddy. You folks have a better day.
Thank you.
Agent Rich said goodbye, then he got back into his SUV. He backed up, turned
off his lights, and drove around us, bleeping his siren twice as he passed us. I waved
at him.
Emily introduced herself to Mom, and they shook hands. Together we told all
about the trip.
When we finished Mom opened the drivers door, and pulled on the switch to
open the gas can. Once that was open, Emily opened the gas tank, picked up the
gas can, and poured the gas into the tank. When the can was empty, she closed the
gas tank and locked the little door that stuck out of the outside of the van. She put
the gas tank in the trunk, then told me to get in.
I got in the back seat, and Mom got in the drivers seat. Emily got into the
passenger seat. Mom had convinced her to come with us so she could catch a cab

back to the gas station in Arizona. Emily happily agreed to come along. Mom tried
starting the engine, and it turned over. We all cheered, and Mom put the van into
gear and we started off on our trip once again.

-Two hours laterOh, come on! Not again! Mom raged as the van slowed and stopped in the
middle of nowhere again.
Does this mean I have to walk back to the store again?! I was not at all
excited about the prospect of walking for six hours both ways now.
No kiddo, you dont have to walk anywhere. My phone has service. Ill call
Grandma, and shell come rescue us this time. You already did your part. Now, you
can relax.
Good, because I wasnt gonna walk to the store anyway. Id probably
collapse. Im bushed.
Im sure you are.
Mom dialed Grandmas phone number and held the phone to her ear. She
waited for a second, then finally Grandma answered.
Hi, Mom. Weve had a bit of an interesting trip. We need your help.
She listened for a second. Well, weve run out of gas. Again.
Yes Mom, again.
Mom waited for a second. Well, Tanner walked for four hours to a gas station,
then he walked back.
I smiled. Grandma would never believe that I walked for 8 hours to get gas.
Now I had a great story to tell her. This was gonna be great!
I started to fall back asleep as I listened to Mom talk to Grandma. I had had a
big day, and I was exhausted. I smiled as sleep came. I leaned my seat back, took
off my seatbelt, and relaxed. I fell asleep easily, the sound of Mom talking in the
Twenty minutes later, I jerked awake. I had remembered Cathy. I asked Mom if
she could call border patrol and tell them about Mack. I told her about what had
happened, and she said she would call. She called them up, and I had to describe
what Cathy had told me, as well as what happened. They said they would go and
check on Cathy to make sure she was okay. When they hung up, I felt better that
Cathy would be okay now that Border Patrol was going to check on them. I laid back
down and went back to sleep.
Now I could sleep in peace.


-//Later, Mom took the van in to make sure we didnt have a gas leak, since we
had gone through the full can of gas pretty fast and Mom was worried it might be
leaking. I went with her.
The mechanic looked over the gas tank, then came in to the lobby to report
what he found.
Okay, so I did find a rather large crack in your gas tank with gas leaking out
of it. The crack was probably caused by a rock scraping against the gas tank and
rupturing it. I went ahead and patched it up, but once you get back home, I suggest
having your dealership see if they can replace your tank, since the patch kits arent
permanent. It should stay on there until you return home, as long as you dont
scrape it against any rocks.
Alright, thank you so much. Ill definitely have them look it over. Thank you
for patching it up.
It better hold. Im NOT walking to the gas station again. One time was
enough, thank you very much!
Aw, come on kiddo, wheres your sense of adventure? Mom paid the
I left it in the desert.
Maybe well break down there again and youll get it back. We went out to
the parking lot to get the van.
Wed better not! You can go this time, and Ill stay in the van.
Ill have to go on crutches. And I might be slower than you were.
Are you calling me a slow-poke?
Well, maybe a little.
Thats not very nice!
It was a joke, kiddo.
Just then the vans wireless phone system started ringing. Mom answered the
phone, and spoke. Grandpas voice came through the radio speakers.
Hey, this is Grandpa. I was wondering if you guys would like to meet me at
Burger King for lunch.
Sure! I bet Tanner would love that!
Great! See you two soon!
Could this day get any better? I guess it just did.

The end.


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