Left Behind Actuall - Surface-Rt

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Left Behind

Written by,
Ian Toomey

Boys, if you two dont knock it off back there, I will leave both of you at the
next rest stop! Dad yelled from the front.

Seth and I had been bickering again in the backseat of the van. I dont even
remember what we were fighting about anymore. We quieted down, but Seth kept
jabbing me in the side with his finger. I reached down and opened my backpack on
the floor to get my I-Pod out. I found it and turned it on. I put my earphones into my
ears and selected a rock and roll song. I sat back and tried to relax. Seth poked me
again, and I told him to stop or I would tell. He quickly stopped. Grateful, I sat back
and relaxed.
The trip had started at four AM this morning, and it is now two thirty in the
afternoon. We were traveling to Miami, Florida. We had flown from Seattle to
Nebraska, and we still had about twelve or so hours of traveling to go! A few hours
ago we crossed into Memphis, Tennessee. According to the GPS we still have about
eleven hours and forty-five minutes to go until we reach Miami.
I closed my eyes and tried to imagine myself at a concert, listening to this
song by the group. Just then the car slowed. I opened my eyes and looked around. I
paused my song and took out my headphones.
Where are we going? Seth asked.
Were going to get some lunch. Dads hungry. Mom explained.
We pulled off the highway and went to a McDonalds. There we piled out of
the van, grateful to be out of the confined spaces and be able to stretch our
We went inside and ordered. Five minutes later Dad brought the food over. I
took my bacon cheeseburger and unwrapped it. It looked delicious.
After lunch, Mom and Dad let us play on the play structure for a while. I
crawled, slid, fell, and tumbled all around the play structure for probably a half hour,
then Mom and Dad came and got us and told us it was time to go. Rancorously, I
slid down the slide and put my shoes back on. Seth took a little bit more persuasion
to come down but eventually, he had his shoes on and we left. We climbed back into
the van. I put my headphones back in and turned on We Are Family by Sister
Sledge. I sat back and smiled. This had been a great trip so far. We hadnt crashed
or been pulled over, and Seth and I didnt have sore bottoms. Mom got behind the
wheel, and Dad leaned back in the passenger seat to rest.
About an hour later, Mom pulled off the highway again. We were stopping at
a rest stop. I really needed to use the facilities, so I was glad we were stopping at a
rest stop. When we parked, I got out of the van and ran inside to do my business.
Dad followed me in. When I finished, I washed my hands, and went outside.
A map caught my attention, and I wandered over to look at it. The map
showed the highways and roadways of the surrounding areas. For some reason, it
captivated me. Ive always liked maps. I think they are really cool.

Just then I heard the vans engine turn over. I looked over, and saw the van
backing out of the parking spot. I ran towards it, but Mom shifted into drive and
drove away from me. I chased the van, but it got onto the highway and I had to stop
so I wouldnt get hit by a car. Distraught, I walked back to the map and tried to
figure out where I was exactly. Thankfully, there was a marker on the map that
marked where I was exactly. I memorized the address, then tried to find a payphone.
I didnt find one. There wasnt a single phone here. I looked around for
someone to help me, but I couldnt find anyone. I was alone. I walked around the
whole place, but there wasnt a single pay phone or office anywhere. I sat down on
the curb by the parking lot and waited for someone to come.
Later that evening, still no one had come. I had been walking around the rest
stop area impatiently for several hours. How come Mom and Dad didnt realize I
wasnt in the van? They only have two kids! Seth and me! It seemed like it would be
obvious that I wasnt with them!
-MomWe stopped for dinner in Albany, Georgia, and when we went inside, I thought
someone was missing. I counted up family members. There were only three of us. I
went back out to see if Sean had fallen asleep in the van. I checked the whole van,
but he was gone. I thought maybe he had gone into the bathroom, but when the
mens bathroom door opened, a man came out. Sean wasnt there. I checked the
play place, but he wasnt there either.
I went back out and got some French fries and a drink, but I couldnt eat. I
was worried we had left Sean somewhere. I asked my Dad if he had seen Sean go
somewhere when we got here, and he said he thought he went into the play place. I
went and checked in there again, but we were the only people in the restaurant,
and the play place was quiet. I called his name a few times, but he never came. Just
in case he was hiding, I threatened him with a sore bottom if he didnt come out,
but still he didnt come. Anxious, I went back out to eat. I sat down, and ate my fries
without really tasting them. When I finished, I stood up and went back out to the
van. I got in and took a few deep breaths. Seth and Dad joined me back in the van a
few moments later. I let Dad drive.
Hun? We need to turn around. I think we left Sean somewhere. We need to
go back and find him.
Where would we have left him? Do you think we left him in the museum we
stopped at? Dad asked.
Maybe. Lets go check there.
Okay. Bring it up on the GPS and Ill start heading that way.

-SeanA car pulled in, and I sat up, hoping they could help me. I wandered over to
the SUV, but then it backed up and drove away. I yelled after them, and they
stopped, but then they sped off. I watched them go, discouraged. My first chance at
help, and they dont care. I sat down on the curb and buried my head in my legs. I
wrapped my arms around my head and started to cry. For the first time in my life, I
was alone. I had never felt so small and alone before.
As day turned into night, stars came out in the sky, and so did the moon. I
found the North Star, and then found the big dipper. After a little bit of searching, I
found Orions belt, the little dipper, and some other constellations. One of my
favorites is Pegasus. Its kind of hard to find, but I am always thrilled when I do.
Pegasus looks like a giant square with legs branching off different sides of it.
Andromeda is by Pegasus as well. I spent about twenty minutes looking for Pegasus,
and when I finally found him, I smiled. I had found my friend in the sky.
Hello, Pegasus. I breathed.
Pegasus seemed to twinkle in reply. I laid down on my back and put my hands
behind my head. I rested my head on them. I smiled, enjoying the night sky as
comets flew past as shooting stars and stars sparkled. I knew that if Mom and Dad
were looking for me, which they probably were, then I should stay put so they can
find me easily.
I watched fireflies light up the night sky. They were beautiful, and I actually
found myself laughing as they flew in zig-zag patterns and collided with each other.
There were hundreds of them, and some of them even landed on me!
After a while, I got cold. I stood up and went into the bathroom building to try
to get out of the cold. I got a bunch of paper towels from the dispenser and put
them on the floor to dry up the water and other potential liquids, then threw those
away. I got more paper towels, and set them out on the floor to make a small bed
for myself on the floor. I took off my sweatshirt so I could use it as a makeshift pillow
against the cold hard cement floor. I laid down, and covered my eyes with part of
my sweatshirt so I could sleep darkness. The stupid light in the bathroom couldnt
be turned off. It stayed on all the time.
I fell asleep pretty easily. I was exhausted.
-DadAs I laid down on the bed in the hotel room to sleep, I couldnt get the image
of Sean lying in a ditch uncounciness somewhere. I tossed and turned for a while,
but could not get to sleep. I groaned, and Seth and I sat up at virtually the same

time. He was awake. Seth had a really good connection with his older brother. The
two of them were really close and they played together all the time. Mom sat up as
well. None of us were asleep.
Hun? Why dont Seth and I stay here, and you go look for Sean? Mom
Can I go with Dad, please? I cant sleep! Seth said.
Well, thats up to him.
I turned on my bedside lamp. Seth looked to me anxiously.
Yes, Seth. You may come. Hurry and get dressed, but be quiet. We dont
want to wake up the neighbors.
Mom was getting over a bad head cold, and she decided that she should stay
back and rest so she could get better.
Seth and I threw on some day clothes. I made sure Seth had a coat. I got my
cell phone, wallet, and a key for the hotel room. I opened my wallet. Inside was a
picture of Seth and Sean with their arms around each other. They were in swimming
suits, and neither had a shirt on. In the background was a slip n slide in the
backyard, the house was behind them, both boys smiled at the camera. I smiled as I
remembered that day. That was just last summer. We had all been playing outside in
the sun, and it was a glorious day.
Seth and I were ready to go. We said goodbye to Mom, and we left. We went
out and got in the van. Seth grabbed his backpack and took out two black and
green walkie talkies. He gave one to me, and he kept the other one.
Just in case we get separated.
Alright. I smiled.
I put the key in the ignition and twisted. The vans engine roared to life. I
turned on the headlights, put the van in drive, and we started our search.
Pretty soon the vans engine was warm, and the cabin was warming up. We
had stopped at lots of different locations, including three parks, four elementary
school campuses, and a highway rest stop. No sign of Sean anywhere. I had even
checked both bathrooms to make sure he wasnt sleeping inside. Nothing.
As Seth and I got back into the van, I sent a prayer up to the Lord asking him
to keep Sean safe, wherever he was. Im not openly religious, but I figure a prayer
now and then cant hurt.
Got any ideas? I asked.
Seth yawned. I looked at the clock. It was four thirty in the morning. He shrugged.
I dont know. Im tired.
Do you want to go back to the hotel and sleep?

Seth nodded. He was already halfway asleep in the front seat. I turned around
and drove back to the hotel. When we arrived, I got out and went around to Seths
side. I opened the door and leaned in. I undid his seatbelt and picked him up. I held
him close to me as I closed the door and locked the car. I carried Seth up the stairs
and we went inside to our room. I laid him on the bed and put the covers on him. He
stayed asleep this whole time. My eight-year-old son looked so innocent when he
I laid in my bed and tried to get to sleep. It wasnt easy.
-SeanIts five thirty AM, and Im wide awake. The cold, hard cement floor was not
very comfortable to sleep on. I had moved out of the bathroom and onto some soft
grass, but even then I was shivering so much I couldnt fall asleep. I had been
awake since 3:30AM, according to my watch, and nobody had stopped. In fact, the
amount of people traveling on the highway had reduced to almost none. I only saw
truckers mostly, but they just barreled right past without stopping. I sighed and laid
on my back. I laid still, enjoying being able to relax for a while.
For a while I was able to forget that I was alone at a deserted rest stop in the
middle of nowhere in Tennessee. My stomach growled, reminding me for the
umpteenth time that I was hungry. I sighed. Well, at least for a few minutes I could
forget I was alone on planet rest stop. I sat up and rubbed my stomach, telling it I
would get food as soon as I could. It growled again in protest.
Shut up! I growled.
My mood had changed from happy to irritable. I was hungry, which made me
grumpy, plus I had pretty much stayed up all night, which made me even grumpier,
and I was alone, so now I was nothing but a big grumpy kid! I sat on the ground,
suddenly fuming. I glared at the world as it passed by me. All I wanted was to be
rescued by SOMEONE from this stupid rest stop. I didnt even care at this point WHO
picked me up, I just wanted to be rescued. Is that too much to ask? Am I asking for
too much to be rescued? Am I supposed to be alone at this stupid rest stop
-//Okay. Ive calmed down a little bit. Im done with my rant. Sigh. Well, I guess I
have ANOTHER long day of sitting around hoping for rescue ahead of me. My watch
says it is 7:30am now, and more people are starting to come onto the highway now,
so Im having high hopes that someone will pull in and I can get rescued today.
Thats my hope, at least.
-DadWe awoke at 8:00PM. We had a small breakfast, then we packed up and left
the hotel. I checked us out, and we piled luggage and people into the van. Seth was
still tired since he had been up really late with me, so when we got into the car, he
promptly fell asleep again. We continued our long search for our eleven-year-old

son, Sean. It was slow going, since we would stop at every single rest stop or pull off
on the highway.
By lunch, we had visited thirty-five rest stops, and we still havent found
Sean. We stopped briefly at a Wendys for lunch, then we hit the road.
-SeanOkay. Im officially ticked off. Three people have stopped, and no one has
helped me. Ive gone up to them and asked for help, but they simply ignored me
and did their thing, then they drove off. I was sitting under a tree in the shade. It
was hot out, and being hot, hungry, and tired didnt help my attitude at all. I tried to
be kind when I was asking people for help, but no one listened, so, of course, I got
irritated. I stormed away and sat down under the tree. Black clouds covered the sun
suddenly, and a few minutes later, it was raining hard and there was thunder and
lighting. I was soaked in under two minutes. Now I was cold, wet, tired, angry, and
hungry. I am going to walk in front of a semi on the highway if I dont get rescued
-A few hours later I was restless. I stood up and started walking down the on
ramp onto the highway. I wasnt going to run in front of a semi; I was going to walk
on the side of the highway until someone stopped me. I figured that if mom and
Dad werent looking for me, I would look for them. Maybe then we would find each
other. I walked down the on ramp and onto the highway. Cars, trucks, busses, semis,
and vans rushed past me at blinding speeds. No one even stopped or honked. I saw
a van that looked like the one Mom drives, but it had a Michigan license plate on it,
not a Nebraska one. It was the wrong van. Discouraged, I kept walking.
My eyes welled up with tears and I started to cry. All I want right now is to
cuddle with Mom. Thats all I want. Is that too much to ask? Well, okay, I guess some
food would be nice too, but maybe thats too much. I dont know. I guess its up to
fate, today whether I get rescued today or not. I decided I would walk to the next
exit, then hop the barrier and walk back to the rest stop. That way, at least I got
some exercise, and I would still stay close to the rest in case Mom and Dad came by.
As I walked I actually calmed down, and I had time to think. My thoughts
drifted to a memory I had of Mom, Dad, Seth, and me all playing together in the
backyard on a hot summer day. We were all jumping on the trampoline together,
and we were all laughing. Dad bounced next to me, and I bounced up really high. I
screamed in delight, and when I started my descent Dad reached out to catch me. I
slipped through his hands and landed on my back on the trampoline. I laughed and
stood up. I continued jumping with everyone.
Dad suggested we play dead man, a fun game where one person lays in the
middle of the trampoline on their back with their eyes shut and their hands at their
sides, and the others jump in a circle chanting. When they finish their chant, the

person in the middle stands up and has to tag someone else with their eyes closed.
I volunteered to be the first dead man. I laid down on the trampoline, and shut my
eyes. Mom, Dad, and Seth all jumped in a circle around me, chanting.
Dead man, dead man, come alive, before I count to the number five. One,
two, three, four, five, come alive!"
I stood up and raced around the trampoline with my arms outstretched and
my eyes shut. I was glad the trampoline had a net, since if it didnt, I probably would
have fallen off. I bounced off the net several times, laughing and giggling as I tried
to tag someone. Finally, I tagged Dad. He stopped, and I opened my eyes. Dad went
to the middle and laid down. It was his turn.
As the memory faded, I found myself smiling. I looked around. I was halfway
down the off ramp. I turned and climbed over the guardrail, and started my trip
back to the rest area. I had gotten to the off ramp without even knowing it. As I
walked back to the rest stop, I thought more about fun times weve had as a family.
Weve been on a lot of fun vacations together, and we do a lot of random, fun things
together, too. Finally, I arrived back at the rest area. I was back to planet bored-outof-my-mind-death-prision-rest-stop-in-the-middle-of-nowhere-in-tennessee-alone. As
always, the rest stop was deserted. I went inside the bathroom to dry off. I hadnt
noticed how cold I was until now. I was shivering and I could barely feel my hands. It
took all of my strength to open the door. My arms were heavy, and my hands like
ice. A loud boom of thunder from directly overhead made me jump.
I darted into the bathroom just as hail started to fall. The hail hitting the
metal roof was really loud. I couldnt even hear myself think. More thunder boomed,
and I jumped once again. The thunder wasnt as loud as when it was directly
overhead. It got cold in the bathroom, and my soaked clothes and skin didnt help
me at all. I shivered. I pulled my legs up to my chest and wrapped my arms around
them. I rested my chin on my knees. I am normally not a patient fellow, but I didnt
want to get any wetter than I already am. Actually, Im already completely soaked
anyway, so what does getting a little wetter matter anyway? I guess it doesnt
matter. Im already soaked and cold, and its not gonna change anytime soon.
Suddenly I heard a loud roar. It sounded like a train barreling past me at full
speed. It was loud. The whole bathroom shook, and the next thing I knew I was face
down, flying through the air. I screamed in panic, and suddenly I collided with a tree.
I latched onto the tree with all my might. I hung on as clouds and other derbies flew
all around me. I looked to my left and right, but all I could see was swirling clouds.
My ears popped. I closed my eyes, hugged the tree, and looped my legs around the
trunk. Suddenly I felt the wind stop. I opened my eyes and looked around. The
clouds werent just clouds. It was a tornado. A big one. A brick flew right past my
head. I jerked out of the way just in time to avoid being blindsided by it. I looked
down. I was about thirty feet up in the tree. This was not a good sign.

Looking down made me feel woozy. I looked back up. I slid down a couple
inches, and I screamed and clung even tighter to the trunk. If Im going to get down
from here, Im going to have to be brave and have courage.
Those are things I lack.
I lowered one foot to the branch below me, and it held firm. Then I moved my
other leg and put it on another firm branch. Then I moved both my arms, and I was
a little further down than when I started. Suddenly, the branch under my left leg
snapped, and I tumbled down. I grabbed a branch, and I was able to stop myself. I
wrapped my legs and arms around the tree trunk. I could feel my breathing rate
start to quicken, so I took a couple deep breaths to calm down.
Just then I saw a white van pull in at the rest stop. The two front doors
opened, and I recognized Moms long, flowing, golden blonde hair. They had finally
arrived at my stupid rest stop, and I was thirty feet up a tree and too scared to
come down! Argh! I hated the injustice of it all!
Sean?! Are you here? Mom yelled.
Mom! Up here! Im in the tree! I yelled back.
Mom and Dad whirled around and looked up. I waved.
Sean! What in the name of planet earth are you doing up that tree? Dad
asked as they ran to the bottom of the tree.
Um, thats a long story.
Can you climb down? Mom asked.
I shook my head no.
Im too scared! I already fell once!
Dont worry, Sean. Well get ya down. Ill call the fire department.
No. Wait. I got this.
She climbed up onto a branch and started climbing up. She climbed steadily
until she reached me. When she reached me she put her arms around me.
Hey there, buddy. Dont worry. Im gonna help you get down, then were
gonna go get you a big fat juicy burger. Im sure youre starving.
I could eat a giraffe.
Just then two more cars pulled in. a family got out of one, and two teenage
boys got out of the other. They looked around at the wrecked rest stop, then the two
teenage boys saw me and Mom in the tree.
Okay, buddy. Dont worry. Im not gonna let you fall. Move your left leg down,
then your right leg, then move your arms in the same order. If you go slowly, you
wont fall. Ill be right next to you the whole time.

I did as she said. Slowly, I moved down the tree. Just moving my body parts
as mom had instructed, I didnt fall. I slipped a couple times but I was able to stop
myself by grabbing onto a branch above me.
Youre almost there, Sean! Youre doing so well! Mom encouraged from
beside me.
We were moving at the same pace.
I kept moving, fighting the urge to look down and see how much farther I
have to go. I heard people cheering. The two teenage boys and the small family
were cheering for me. Their cheers made me feel better and gave me a boost in
courage. I moved my right leg down to the next branch, then moved my arms and
clasped onto a small branch above me. Now both my hands were above my head. I
turned around so my chest was facing the tree. Then I moved my left leg to
continue my descent.
Suddenly I slipped. I reached up for a branch to grab onto, but all I caught
was air. I plummeted down. Mom screamed. I landed in Dads arms. He caught me. I
was okay. Mom climbed the rest of the way down. Dad let me stand on my feet. I
wiped myself off. I was dirty and I had a small scratch on my wrist where I had
scraped it against the bark when I fell, but other than that I was okay. Mom came
over to me and knelt down onto her knees so she and I were eye level to each other.
She hugged me, and I hugged her. I was grateful we were finally together again.
I missed you guys so much!
We did to, buddy. Weve been looking all over for you! Dad didnt even
sleep last night! Mom said.
Dad knelt down, and he pulled me into a hug. I hugged him tightly.
I love you, Sean. Im sorry I left you behind. I feel awful about it.
Its okay, Dad. You didnt mean to. I love you, too.
Dad squeezed me gently again, then let go. I looked around for Seth, but he
was nowhere to be seen.
Wheres Seth?
Oh, hes in the van. He was up all night last night, and he was exhausted.
Im sure hell be glad to see you, though. He missed you.
She took my hand and together we went to the van, and I got in. as I sat
down on the soft leather seat, I was smiling, I was with my family again, and that
was what mattered most to me. It doesnt matter that Im dirty, hungry, and sweaty.
Im with my own family now.
Seth woke up as I shut the door. He looked over at me and smiled excitedly.
Sean! Youre back!


Yup! Im here, Seth.

Seth undid his seatbelt and reached out. I pulled him into a bear hug. I love
my little brother.
Nothing can break our family apart. And besides, we still had our whole
vacation ahead if us in Florida, and I heard NASA was going to launch a space
shuttle in a few days! I hoped we could go see it launch. That would be awesome!
So, Sean, where do you want to go for lunch?
Um, lets go to Chuck-A-Rama.
I was looking forward to a giant all-you-can-eat meal. I was so hungry I could
eat a hippo.
Sounds good to me. Dad said.
Mom and Dad smiled.
Family is Forever.


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