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Written by Razib Shahriar Rubence

- Secure Linux File Access

01. UGO Cocepts: in respect to a file there are three classs of users: its owner (User), members
of the group it blongs to (Group) and all other users (Other)
02. There bassic permissions for files and directories: read access (r), write access (w) and
execute access (x). a minus (-) means no permission is set
03. File Permissions: r=read,view w=write,update x=execute,run
04. Directory Permissions: r=list contents, w=crate/delete contents, x=access
05. Changing Permission: Symbolic Method
chmod WhoWhatWhich file/directory
Who=u,g,o,a What=+,-,= and Which=r,w,x
06. Changing Permission: Numeric Method
chmod #$% file/directory
where # = sum of owner's permission : r(4)+w(2) +x(1)
$ = sum of group's permission: r(4)+w(2) +x(1)
% = sum of other's permission: r(4)+w(2) +x(1)
07. Manage Ownership
# chown user file/directory
# chgrp group file/directory
08. SGID bit: Normaly files created in a directory belong to the user's default group. When a file
is created in a directory with the SGID bit set, it belongs to the same group as the directory
# chmod g+s directory , or
# chmod 2770 directory
09. Sticky Bit: Normally users with write permissions to a directory can delete any file in that
directory regardless of that file's permissions or ownership. With the sticky bit set to a directory,
only the owner of a file can delete the file
# chmod o+t directory, or
# chmod 1777 directory

10. SUID bit : If setuid bit is set, when the

file will be executed by a user, the process will


Written by Razib Shahriar Rubence

have the same rights as the owner of the file being executed.
# chmod u+s directory, or
# chmod 4777 directory

You can set the bits with a numeric mode.

sticky bit, SGID and SUID use
# chmod a-st directory

but can not clear bits in numeric mode. To clear

From RHEL6 numeric method can not be used to clear any bit. The reason behind changing
this coreutils chmod command can be found in the following discussion forum:
11. Check the permission and ownership information:
# ls -l file/directory
# stat file/directory
LAB Practice:
01. Create three users curly, larry and moe who are members of a group called stooges.
# groupadd stooges
# adduser -G stooges curly
# adduser -G stooges larry
# adduser -G stooges moe
02. Creae a directory called /home/stooges where these three users can work collaboratively on
# mkdir /home/stooges
# chgrp stooges /home/stooges
03. Modify the permissions on this directory so only they can access, create and delete files in
that directory.
# chmod 775 /home/stooges
# stat /home/stooges
04. Files created in this directory should automatically be assigned to a group ownership of
# chmod g+s /home/stooges
# stat /home/stooges
05. Make sure that only the owner of the file in /home/stooges can delete the file
# chmod o+t /home/stooges
# stat /home/stooges


Written by Razib Shahriar Rubence

06. login as different users and check everything is working as above

[root@station33 Desktop]# su - curly
[curly@station33 ~]$ echo "this file is created by curly" > /home/stooges/filebycurly
[curly@station33 ~]$ exit
[root@station33 Desktop]# su - larry
[larry@station33 ~]$ cat /home/stooges/filebycurly
this file is created by curly
[larry@station33 ~]$ echo "this line is by larry" >> /home/stooges/filebycurly
[larry@station33 ~]$ cat /home/stooges/filebycurly
this file is created by curly
this line is by larry
[larry@station33 ~]$ rm -Rf /home/stooges/filebycurly
rm: cannot remove `/home/stooges/filebycurly': Operation not permitted
Remote GNOME Desktop Access
- Allow access to a runing desktop
System -> Preferences -> Remote desktop
- Access a running desktop
Application -> Internet -> TigerVNC Viewer
Remote SHELL Access
# ssh root@remote_ip_address
Remote File Copy
# rsync orginal_file remote_ip_address:/target/new_file
Using SSH Keys
- Generate a SSH key pair
# ssh-keygen
- Install the ssh public key on a remote server
# ssh-copy-id
Service Enable/Disale/Restart


Written by Razib Shahriar Rubence

01. In Graphical User Interface

System -> Administration -> Services
02. From Command Line
# service service-name start/stop/restart
# /etc/init.d/service-name start/stop/restart
- Securing SSH access to a server
# vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitRootLogin no
PasswordAuthentication no


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