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Cruise sales and management powerpoint





Carla Jane Armas


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Published on Mar 18, 2014

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Cruise sales and management powerpoint

2. 2. Definitions and Beginnings. Cruise- is a vacation by ship. This excludes
traveling by water for purely business purposes sailing to ones own small
pleasure craft, or travel on a vessel for primarily transportational purposes.
3. 3. Definitions and Beginnings. Cruise- is primarily a leisure vacation experience,
with the ships staff doing all the work.
4. 4. Definitions and Beginnings. Herodotus- traveled aboard just to experience
the far flung ports - during his sailing he compiled a list of the most interesting
manmade things he saw (The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World)
5. 5. Definitions and Beginnings. The Pyramids- Giza, Egypt
6. 6. Definitions and Beginnings. The Hanging gardens of Babylon- Baghdad,
7. 7. Definitions and Beginnings. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia- Greece
8. 8. Definitions and Beginnings. The Temple of Diana of Ephesus- Greece
9. 9. Definitions and Beginnings. The Mausoleum- Helicarnass us, Turkey
10. 10. Definitions and Beginnings. The Colossus- Rhodes
11. 11. Definitions and Beginnings. The Pharaohs Light House- Alexandria, Egypt
12. 12. The Arrival of Leisure Sailing In the 1800s, shipping companies rediscovered
that they could increase their profits by booking passengers aboard their
merchant ships. A few of these travelers were wealthy patrons looking for
adventure in faraway lands.
13. 13. The Arrival of Leisure Sailing STEAMSHIP- primarily purposes was to
transport people but not cargo. - Technology helped make it possible, as wooden
ships with sails were replaced by steel-hulled vessels that were driven by coal, oil
and steam-not wind
14. 14. The Arrival of Leisure Sailing The Steamship era began in 1840- SIR SAMUEL
CUNARD pioneered the first translantic-scheduled liner trips.
15. 15. The Luxury Palaces World War I- most ocean- crossing vessels were
converted into troop transport ships. After the war they were joined by a new
generation of ships: bigger, sleeker and above all faster.

16. 16. The Luxury Palaces Speed became the most important goal-BLUE RIBAND
was awarded regularly to whichever ship could cross the North Atlantic in the
least amount of time.
17. 17. The Luxury Palaces 1920s to 1930s- ocean liners did begin to provide more
entertainment, attract more of the middle class and provide much of the
pampering were associated with cruising.
18. 18. The Luxury Palaces Ships continued to become larger, with their costs often
subsidized by governments. Nations used ocean liners as symbols of their
prosperity, taste, might.
19. 19. The Luxury Palaces Queen Mary- now an attraction in Long Beach,
California- was Britains Pride, while the France-now the Norway- was everything
French achievement could be.
20. 20. The Birth of Contemporary Cruising Each year millions of travelers choose to
cruise: The cruise industry is the fastest growing segment of the leisure travel
market. It has experienced tremendous growth since 1970 at more than one
thousand percent- according to CLIA- (a non-profit association representing a 24
cruise lines)
21. 21. The Birth of Contemporary Cruising This growth is expected to continue at
an average rate of 7.9% for the next five years. 2002- cruise passengers
reached 7M. 12 new ships were introduced to accommodate more than 20,000
additional passengers. 2003- 14 more ships entered the worldwide fleet to
accommodate 30,000 passengers.
22. 22. The Birth of Contemporary Cruising 2006- the number of passengers that
can be accommodate exceeds 260,000.
23. 23. Ship Agenda can be: Round Trip or circle itinerary- with the vessel leaving
from and returning to at the same port. Example: a ship could sail from
Vancouver, head northward through the Alaskan Inside Passage, turn back at say,
Skagway and return to Vancouver (stopping at interesting ports along the way.)
24. 24. Ship Agenda can be: One way itinerary - the cruise starts at one port, but
finish at another. Example: A ship could leave Vancouver, but finish its trip to
25. 25. Ship Agenda can be: Open jaw itinerary- when an air itinerary features a
return from different city than the one first flown to.
26. 26. Ship Agenda can be: During the cruise, passengers experience a wealth of
onboard activities example: meals, shows, contests, lounging at the pool, which
takes place primarily on AT SEA DAYS (when the ship is traveling a long distance
without stopping at any ports) ON PORT DAYS(usually the ship docks early in
the morning and leaves in the early evening, passengers have the option of
going ashore or staying on the ship.)
27. 27. Who Cruises and Why? - Cruising is indeed a global phenomenon. a.Younger
people prefer the 3-7 day cruising b.Older people- take cruises of seven days or
less. c.The elderly usually join the round- the-world cruises.
28. 28. Cruise Prices - Every cruise brochures spells out the exact price for each
sailing, as well as whats included and whats not. - The price basis is TWO or
DOUBLE OCCUPANCY- its per person, based on two passengers to a room. Price
depends upon where the desired stateroom category is located on the ship
29. 29. Cruise Prices Outside Staterooms (which have windows) are generally more
expensive than inside or staterooms (generally without windows) Large
staterooms on a given ship are usually more expensive than smaller ones.
Staterooms with balconies generally cost more than those without.
30. 30. Cruise Prices Outside staterooms whose views are obstructed (by lifeboat)
often cost less than those with unobstructed views.

31. 31. Other factors that affect price: Booking 6-9 months or more in advance
usually yields a savings. A last minute sale when the ship isnt fully booked also
results in lower prices. To encourage early bookings or to energize slow sales,
cruise lines often offer special promotional fares, such as two-for-one price
32. 32. Other factors that affect price: If theres third or fourth person sharing the
stateroom, their per-person price is often much less than for the first and second
33. 33. Roadblocks to Purchase 1. Cruises are too expensive 2. Cruises are boring 3.
Cruises are only for older people 4. Cruises are stuffy and too formal 5. Cruises
are too regimented 6. Theres not enough time in ports 7. The ship environment
is too confining
34. 34. Roadblocks to Purchase 8. Arent you forced to socialize with people? 9.
Eating too much and put on weight 10. Are ships really shape? 11. Terrorism 12.
Its too far to fly to the airport 13. Passengers get sick 14. Dont know enough
about cruises

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