Angol Példamondatok

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I am happy
You know everything
He is eating supper

Am I happy?
Do you know everything?
Is he eating supper?

I am not happy
You dont know everything.
He is not eating supper

We were in cinema last night

We worked last week
I was walking home
You have seen this film
You have been cooking
Jane had gone home when I
phoned her

Were we in cinema last night?

Did we work last week?
Was I walking home?
Have you seen this film?
Have you been cooking?
Had Jane gone home when I
phoned her?

We werent in cinema last night.

We didnt work last week.
I wasnt walking home
You have not seen this film
You havent been cooking
Jane hadnt gone home when I
phoned her.

Im going to visit Laci

I will stop work at six oclock

Am I going to visit Laci?

Will I stop work at six oclock?

Im not going to visit Laci

I wont stop work at six oclock

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