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Promotion strategy is the process or policy employed by an

organisation in order to stimulate the demand and sales of
its products. Examples of these strategies are; Pull
promotion strategy and push promotion strategy, while
marketing communication which is also known as promotion
are tools used by a firm to convey a range of promotional
message to its target market.
2. Push strategy makes use of sales force and trade promotion
activities to create demand for its product; this strategy also
exercise a value chain system that flows from the producer
to the wholesaler, retailer and finally to the consumer. While
pull strategy makes use of advertising and consumer
promotion heavily to attract customers to demand for their
product. If it is well applied customers would demand for
the product from the retailer the retailer to the wholesaler
and from wholesaler to the producer.
3. Push strategy = Vita foam, HP computers and Ford motors
4. Pull strategy = Kellogg Foods, Indomie noodles and Ruff n
5. Objectives of Promotion;
a. Inform: Promotional tools aid the organisation to
create awareness of its product.
b. Persuade: Management of various organisation have
been able to stimulate purchase of their product with
the aid of promotional tools
c. To create image: With the help of publicity and public
relations organisation have been able create a
favourable image of their firm and product.
d. Reassure: Advertisement has aided organisation who
have poor public image to reassure their customers of
their commitment to improve on their product.

6. Advertisement: This is a paid form of non-personal

communication about a product of a firm by an identified
Personal Selling: This is a two-way communication flow
between the buyer and seller in order to stimulate sales.
Public Relations: This is a communication process
whereby management of an organisation influences the
feelings, belief and opinion of customers and the public at
large about the company and its product.
Sales Promotion: This is an ephemeral inducement in
order to arouse the buying interest of consumers.
Direct Marketing: This is a direct communication to the
customers with the purpose of generating response in the
form of an order, request for further information etcetera.
Publicity: This is the communication of a product by
placing information about it in the media without paying for
the media directly.
Corporate Identity: This is the manner with which an
organisation presents itself to the public. This can be
visually manifested by way of branding and trademarks.
Product Placement: This is a subtly means through by an
organisation promote their product through a nontraditional advertisement technique, usually through
appearance in television, movie and other media.

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