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Flight Of The Bumblebee

Aly Thompson

Copyright 2015 by Aly Thompson

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the author
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Elements of the cover were designed by ValerianaSTOCK.
Used with permission.
The bumblebee was designed by JagArPether.
Used with permission.

For my JamesThanks for being everything a genius younger brother should be.
Any genius related cleverness in this book is credit to you.
(And any mistakes are mine.)
And for my motherWithout you, none of this would have been possible. (Literally and figuratively.)
I'm pretty sure no one has done as well in the family member lottery as me.

Table Of Contents
Train to Imperia
On the pirate ship 'Bumblebee': Destination Unknown
Two Months Later

Train to Imperia
Her beard itched. There was no way Amelia was going to be able to get any proper sleep;
the sensation was driving her mad. The familiar shrill sound of steam whistling woke her fully
from the half-doze the trains steady progress and the soft patter of the rain had lulled her into.
She gave up on sleeping and instead glanced at her younger brother. He was busily scribbling
something into his notebook, his small brow furrowed with intensity. Amelia breathed a small
sigh of relief that he had minded her warning and had not found his way to the trains engine
room. The fact that tinkering with a moving trains engine was a bad idea would never occur to
James. No one could doubt his genius, but his common sensewell, Amelia found herself
doubting that on a daily basis.
She scratched at her beard, a hideous white monstrosity that looked like a fur coat had
attacked her face and won, and seriously considered taking the horrid thing off, at least for a few
minutes. They had a private compartment; the Sterling name had ensured that. Not that the
Sterling name would mean much if it wasnt for the steady income brought in by Professor
Mordecai Latimer, genius inventor. It wasnt known but, despite their blue blood, the Sterlings
didnt have two copper pennies to rub together. Even Amelia hadnt any idea they were broke.
At least not until her parents had died in that horrible train accident and the debt-collectors had
come knocking. Her thoughts caused Amelia to sigh deeply. Reminded of the stakes, she
couldnt afford to take off the beard, even for a few minutes.
After a particularly furious correction caused his stick of charcoal to snap in half, James
finally looked up. After a few blank seconds, he blinked and his eyes focused, once again
returned from wherever it was his brain went when he was working. I want cake, Ames. His
eyes pleaded up her, for once actually resembling an expression that belonged on a ten-year-old
Amelia sighed. You must remember to call me Professor Mortecai. Its important,
Cake. With strawberries.
Resigned, for there was little she could deny her brother when he pleaded with such
earnestness, Amelia stood up, ready to leave their car and go in search of a cake, with
strawberries. She had just reached the compartment door when a sudden violent jerk sent Amelia
sprawling to the ground. There was a loud sound, like the metal of the train was screaming and
their compartment was moving violently, rocking back and forth like a log trapped in a fast
flowing river. Amelia had an unfortunate sinking feeling that they were no longer on the train

Whats happening, Ames? James asked, his hands gripping tightly on his notebook and
his seat so they didnt join Amelia on the floor. Typically, he sounded more curious than
I wouldnt dare hazard a guess. You let me know when you figure it out, young master
Despite their ride having become exceedingly bumpy, James nodded and sat back, his
face a picture of serious concentration. Amelia managed to carefully crawl her way to her
brother. Whatever was happening, wherever they ended up, Amelia was going to make sure they
got there together. No sooner had she settled herself protectively around James then the roof of
the train made a loud groaning noise. After a moment of deafening strain, it simply popped off.
Amelia swallowed in alarm when she realized that the clouds above were much closer than they
had any right to be.
Ames, James tugged on her sleeve, bringing her gaze back down to him. I have
figured out whats happening. We are being abducted.
Amelia looked back up to see a cheerful young blonde woman, dressed in brownish
overalls, grease liberally staining her face, hanging from some sort of harness smiling and
waving at them.
I dare say you are right, James.
The hanging woman pulled on some sort of device that was hanging with her, aimed it at
Amelia and her brother, pushed a button and sent a giant net shooting at them. It was not a very
comfortable experience being scooped into a net, flipped, mashed together and then raised so
they were hanging in mid-air, the wind blowing them to and fro. Amelia, making the tactical
mistake of looking down, soon found herself grateful for the dreadful thing all the same.
I wouldnt advise you to look down, James, Amelia whispered.
Hmm? Why not? Of course before giving Amelia a chance to answer, James was
already looking down at the large and very distant visage of the ocean underneath them. They
were very high up. That fact, however, didnt seem to alarm James in the way it alarmed his
sister. Oh, this is capital! Ive never seen anything from this high up before. Look how small
everything looks. How positively interesting.
I would hardly call being absconded by who knows what sort of, Amelia carefully
reconsidered her preferred choice of words, ruffians, in a rather precarious contraption that very
well might drop us to our deaths at any second, capital.
Oh, but it is a rather daring adventure, isnt it? You never let me have adventures.
Amelia swallowed uneasily as the wind batted their little net of Sterling back and forth,
like a cat with some string. Yes, well, I would hardly being letting you have this one either if I
had any say in the matter. I would much prefer us to wake up tomorrow alive.
Oh, dont be such a stick in the mud. Besides, you dont have to worry, Ames. Ill
protect you. He patted her arm awkwardly. It was only out of the greatest affection and concern

for his young feelings that Amelia managed to not express how much, or rather more to the
point, how little, that promise reassured her. Their net contraption made a screeching sound that
very nearly stopped Amelias heart and started pulling them upwards, through the clouds.
Oh, look, Ames! Its not ruffians that nabbed us, its pirates!
Amelia looked up to see, indeed, they were being pulled into an air-ship, flying not
imperial colors, or merchant colors, but a simple black flag. Pirates.
You relieve my mind greatly, James. Abduction by pirates is so much preferable to
abduction by ruffians. Im not sure how I shall contain my giddy relief.
Yes, ruffians are well enough, but pirates! A truly first rate adventure, James enthused,
either ignoring or not noting her sarcasm.
By then they were very near the ship. Before Amelia knew it, they had been hauled over
the edge and dumped into a rather ungainly pile on the deck. At least it was a well-cleaned deck.
Landing in bird excrement would have been a rather indecorous way to begin their captivity.
The rope and steel of the net fell away and Amelia found herself able to scramble to her
feet. She turned to help James up. She deliberately did not turn around when she heard the lilting
voice of someone behind her. Let them see her with her back turned on them, it was the best she
could do to show how little she cared for people who were willing to kidnap little boys without
encouraging James in any more bad habits.
Ah, Professor Mordecai I assume. Im afraid your trip to Imperia has encountered a
slight detour, but no need to worry, my good man. You help us with one small little problem and
we will escort you there ourselves. No harm done.
No harm done? Amelia could hardly contain her anger at the words. She whipped
around to glare at the pirate who would dare address them so. A tall man lounged easily against
one of the ships masts, smiling lazily at her. He had amused eyes of a warm shade of amber that
had no place on an evil pirate. He was dressed carefully in the shirt and vest of a gentleman,
although the sleeves were rolled up in a fashion that was in no way proper. His pants were more
sensible, but somehow managed not to clash with the fancy materials. His shoulder length
blondish-brown hair was covered by a top hat! A top hat! That almost angered her as much as the
smug smile, but not nearly so much as the cocked gun pointed easily in their direction.
How dare you be so flippant about such a situation! You are pointing a gun at a tenyear-old boy. Who has been forcefully dragged through the sky in a rather uncomfortable net.
The last company he needs is that of morally deficient pirates. How dare you say no. harm.
done. she hissed out the words, in her wrath.
Her fury did little to cow the blasted bugger. No indeed, if anything, he seemed amused.
His mouth twitched and soon he was laughing, joined in by the rest of the crew that Amelia only
just noticed. Amelia glared more, which only sent them into fresh peals of laughter.
Forgive me, I fail to see the humor in this situation, Amelia bit out.

Ames, Amelia looked down to see James tugging on her sleeve. He leaned up to
whisper into her ear. Your beard is falling off.
Amelias hand reached up to the monstrosity in horror. It was falling off, only hanging on
to her face by the very smallest corner of glue. She felt her face flush red with humiliation. She
tugged the thing off sharply, and in an uncharacteristic act of rashness she was sure she would
regret, she tossed the awful thing off the side of the ship. After a moment's consideration, she
tossed her wig, too. It almost itched as much as the dammed beard. In any case, there was no
hiding her gender now, her blasted face was far too feminine and dainty; a fact she had cursed
daily for the past two years. The hat, she threw at the still laughing pirate.
Instead of hitting him in his insolent face, he caught it deftly and swept himself into an
elegant bow. Welcome aboard the Bumblebee, lady, young sir. I am the captain, Gideon
Maxwell. He straightened and actually had the gall to put her top hat on top of his own. Would
either of you care to enlighten me why such a pretty young thing is dressing as Professor
Mordecai? And where I can find the genuine article? Your assistance would be greatly
Amelia stayed silent, glaring. He quirked his eyebrow and took a few steps closer. As
long as you cooperate, you two are welcome guests aboard the Bumblebee, if you refuse
however Well, Im afraid you will find your stay here less pleasant.
Say nothing, she hissed at James, who had opened his mouth to talk. He paled a little at
her serious expression and the sudden proximity of a very obviously dangerous pirate aiming a
gun at them, nodded and closed his mouth. She turned back to the captain, I will give no
answers to the low-life bastard who holds a gun pointed at a young boy. Then she spat at him.
Considering her lack of practice at such crude acts, her spittle turned out to have excellent
aim and hit smack in his unnecessarily handsome face. He wiped it away carefully, his face no
longer the least bit amused. He aimed the gun more carefully, specifically at Jamess head. On
the contrary, he drawled menacingly, I believe you will tell me everything precisely because I
am a low-life bastard who holds a gun pointed at a young boy.
Amelia swallowed fearfully, panic easily overwhelming anger. The crew shifted uneasily,
but made no move to assist either her or James. Perhaps mistaking her panic for continued
refusal, he moved the gun, this time it was pointing straight at her.
Or, perhaps, the pirate mused, it is the young boy who will talk to save the lady.
No! Amelia cried, but it was too late, James was already lashing out at the pirate.
Keep that gun away from my sister, you beetle-headed, coxcomb of a dammed bastard!
Amelia couldnt help but blink, surprised at the extent of her brothers vocabulary. She had
definitely let him spend too much time with the engineers and craftsmen. So startled, she
couldnt move in time to stop him as he kicked the pirate viciously.
No! she cried again, and threw herself in front of James, wincing against the bullet she
knew would soon be hurtling in their direction.

That was quite the impressive kick, young man. I can forgive you the one, considering
the circumstances, but if you dont want your sister to be the one to suffer the consequences for
it, I suggest you start becoming more forthcoming, at once.
James pulled himself out of Amelias arms and stood up, straightening himself to be as
tall and proud as his small frame could manage. My name is James-
No! Amelia was not going to let three years of deception, two years of protecting him be
wasted because of a total brute of a pirate. James was the only thing she had left. She would give
anything to protect him. She would do anything. She was not going to let him give himself up to
protect her! She would be the one to protect him. She was the elder- it was her job.
So she hissed him into silence, stomping on his foot to reinforce her point. She took a
deep breath, My name is Amelia Sterling, although you might recognize me as Professor
Mordecai Latimer. I apologize for the deception, but as you see, it was quite necessary. No one
would take the inventions of a mere female seriously. I will be happy to help you in whatever
manner you require, but only after you release my brother.
The pirate studied her carefully. Then he looked at James, still nudged into silence by the
press of her boot. Then back to her. The silent study lasted so long, that Amelia began to sweat,
her determined confidence faltering as each second passed. Finally, he spoke.
Half-truths and lies, he murmured. You might be the face behind the good Professor,
but you arent the brains.
Amelia bristled. Why? You dont think a woman capable of brains?
His mouth twitched. No, I think women quite capable of brains. What I dont think is
that you would be so desperate to protect young James here if you didnt think he would be in
such great danger. I am curious though, why the ruse?
Amelia lowered her head, defeated. She could see in his face that there would be no
convincing him of anything but the truth. If people knew who and what James is, they would be
out to use him, turn inventing from something he merely loves, to something something dirty.
He would always be in danger. You should know that better than any.
Then why you? Surely you could find a more convincing figure head.
Our father used to do it, James replied. Now he and Mother are dead and only Ames is
By law, Professor Latimer is our guardian. If it werent for him, surely we would be
separated, pulled apart by greedy relatives or become wards of a very ambitious imperial state.
Amelia looked up at the blank-faced, looming pirate, and was ashamed to hear herself pleading.
The ruse is necessary; please, we will help you, but dont betray it. I just need to get him
through eight more years. Then he will be free to make his own decisions. Please.
It wouldnt be so bad for me, James said, whatever Ames thinks, I could manage. But
Ames, they would probably marry her off to some old man with bad breath, no hair and a mean

disposition. I need to be eighteen before I can protect her from that. Can we keep this between
us? As gentlemen.
Amelia looked at James agape as he repeated word for word her description of the
husband she was sure her distant relatives would find for her if they could. How did you know
that? She demanded. About the husband?
He shrugged. I hear more than you think I do, Ames.
Amelia blinked. It wasnt the hearing I doubted, merely your willingness to pay
The pirate captain studied them again, silent for a long time. At her side James took her
hand and squeezed it in a rare sign of affection. Amelia couldnt believe how grown up her
absent-minded brother had become. When had he decided he was the one who had to protect
her? She didnt know if she should laugh or cry. She felt the heavy gaze of the pirate on her
again. Neither, definitely neither. Not until they were out of his horrid adventure.
My crew and I will keep your secret, the captain finally said. You have my word.
The word of a pirate? Amelia couldnt help but be skeptical as to the value of that.
The word of a pirate, he agreed easily. Then the captain leaned down and offered
James his hand. Hullo, James. Im a big admirer of your work. And blast it if that damned
precocious menace didnt preen at the compliment.

On the pirate ship 'Bumblebee': Destination

It wasnt much longer before Amelia found herself and James bundled down into the
heart of the Bumblebee. All around them pipes hissed as they released the steam that was making
it rather uncomfortably humid. With no further point in protecting her female identity, Amelia
indulged herself and shrugged out of her heavy tweed overcoat. Amelia supposed if she hadnt
had the great (mis?)fortune of being the elder sister of James Sterling, the humming, hissing,
clanking mechanics of the airships engine would have been worth at least a cursory interest. As
it was, she had spent far more time observing such things than she ever cared to. She glanced
around the engine room carelessly. Yes, it seemed typical enough. Gears, pipes, miscellaneous
large metal things of indiscriminate purpose, giant ticking clockgiant ticking clock? Amelia
did a hasty double take. No, there was a giant clock, looking like someone had built a pocketwatch in an enlarged scale of ten. That was certainly not something she had ever seen before.
Whatever is this for? she couldnt help but ask.
At first she thought that no one would answer her; James was too busy buzzing around
the engine room as if the whole thing were made out of cake with strawberries, a sardonically
amused pirate captain trailing behind him. She did get an answer, however, from the cheerful
blonde girl in the dirty overalls that had controlled the rather horrid contraption that had brought
them aboard the ship in the first place.
The girl pirate smiled brightly and, as if it was not of the slightest concern in the world,
answered Amelias query, Oh that. Its the bomb. Im Lulu, by the way. Lulu Lemon. Im the
Bumblebees mechanic.
Amelia Sterling, a pleasure, Miss Lemon. The polite words that had been so deeply
engrained in her came out of Amelias mouth before her brain caught up with it. Excuse me, I
thought I just heard you say it was a bomb?
Aint nothing wrong with your hearing, Amelia. And Im Lulu, not Miss Lemon. Just
Even all of the strict etiquette training Amelias mother had meticulously drilled into her
could not stop her jaw from dropping. Perhaps it would be some comfort to her mother that she
did it in a very lady like manner, never losing proper posture. Or perhaps not, Amelia chastened

herself for her whimsy. Her mother would be much more concerned about the fact Amelia was
currently dressed as a fashionably challenged (for what genius was not?) man.
It was only then that James remembered his dull older sisters existence amongst the
delight and appeal of machinery. He ran up to her and was practically bouncing with excitement.
Ames! Ames! This ship is downright crackin! Ive never seen anything designed so
sharp. I bet it could outrun any ship in the imperial fleet!
Amelia could feel her heart sink a little, as the small hope she was holding out for rescue
flew away. James was many things and an accurate judge of machinery was certainly one of
them. I suppose thats an admirable trait for a pirates vessel. If you were on the side of the
pirates, of course.
And who wouldnt be, us being so downright dashing and all? Without her knowing,
Captain Maxwell had materialized behind them and apparently was quite engaged in listening to
their conversation.
Why, yes, for when one is abducted and threatened at gunpoint, its always best to look
for a captor who will throw in some witty repartee between the threats and demands, just to
ensure things dont get boring, you see.
Exactly, and you wont find a better crew for than that of the Bumblebee.
I shall certainly keep it in mind for any future abduction needs.
The pirate grinned at her in a manner that unsettled her stomach in a way that, which to
her great disappointment in herself, was not that of the disgust it should be. Yes, you do that.
The Captain turned his grin and his attention back to James, an action which did not
relieve Amelia nearly enough. This was trouble. The last thing she needed was to be attracted to
the blasted man, shining amber eyes, engaging grin and all. Blasted pirate.
So, James, I see the Bumblebee meets with your approval? James nodded
enthusiastically and the grin on Captain Maxwells face widened. Good eye. She might not be
much to look at, but the Bumblebee is the best airship in all of Imperia.
Excepting, of course, Amelia couldnt help but interject, the giant ticking bomb in the
center of the ship.
Bomb? Jamess eyes widened, although not out of anything sensible like fear. No, the
blasted boy was excited. He danced closer to the clock and starting to poke at its surface.
James Amelia started cautiously, for there was never any way to inspire James to do
something more than to tell him he should not, Unless you wish for me to expire quite before
my time, I would very much appreciate it if you did not touch the giant explosive device.
But, Ames, he whined. Its a bomb! How jolly. Ive never been this close to one
before. Is it active?

Very. The blasted pirate captain not only did not look the least bit concerned that he
had put James within close vicinity of the bomb, he didnt seem particularly bothered by its
presence at all. As you can see the clock serves as a timer, counting down. If you look at this
blue hand here, you can see the days, the black one is the hours.
James looked at the clock very intently. Ooo! That means its set to explode in
Amelia could see his mouth move as he quickly did the internal calculations, forty-two hours.
Indeed. Which is why Im afraid we required your rather urgent assistance, Young
Master Sterling. For if any mind is capable of devising a way to remove the bomb while leaving
this, as aforementioned rather remarkable ship intact, I have every confidence that it is yours.
James practically outgrew his britches right then and there, so pleased was he by the
compliment. Lulu smiled at them both and danced around the room a little. The captain leaned
nonchalantly against a large pipe, seemingly perfectly content with the situation. Amelia couldnt
help but wonder if they were all wrong in the head.
Forgive me for intruding on your celebrations, but whyever is there a bomb on the
Ah, Captain Maxwell, drawled thoughtfully. That would be because the man who had
it built it put it there.
Why would anyone in their right mind put a bomb on their ship? Amelia couldnt help
but ask.
I believe he was of the philosophy that if I cant have it, no one can. But if it reassures
your delicate sensibilities, he didnt have it activated at the time.
My delicate sensibilities would prefer to know why it is activated now.
He grinned. Well, it would be a crime now to leave such a magnificent creature with
someone with so limited an imagination as to be willing to destroy it. He must have activated it
after I appropriated the ship.
Let me see if I have the situation correct. You have abducted us from our peaceful train
ride to Imperia. Dragged us through the sky at risk of a very unpleasant fall. Hauled us aboard a
ship that turns out not only to be a pirate ship, but a stolen pirate ship. With a bomb? Somehow
Amelia couldnt help but feel no one was as alarmed by the last part as she.
Of course not. We are pirates, we dont steal.
Of course you dont.
No, we plunder.
Ah, thank you, that clarification improves everything. We have been abducted on a
plundered pirate ship with a giant bomb. Thats ever so much better than being on a stolen ship.
Why, I can hardly believe I was concerned at all.
Exactly so. The pirate captain turned his attention back to James, apparently satisfied.

Amelia had never in her life been more tempted to throw hysterics, perhaps even faint.
She managed to refrain, however, partially encouraged by the knowledge that if she did, no one
would even bother to catch her. Pirates.

Whilst her brother, who Amelia was now quite sure was at least half mad, perhaps more,
danced around eying the giant bomb and its ominous ticking clock, Amelia had been led into a
small compartment, where she had been informed she might freshen up a bit if she wished.
Although by this point Amelia was quite ready to write off the entire breed, she had found
herself unable to help being charmed by her rather gruff, but surprisingly sweet guide, a middleaged pirate with a rather pronounced limp and striking scar across the side his face only partially
concealed by the patch covering his left eye, with the rather unusual designation of Flowers.
He hustled her inside the small, but quite comfortable chamber, which possessed not only
a cistern of water but other facilities for another quite pressing need. Upon this welcome sight,
Amelia could very well have kissed the graying pirate in gratitude if she were not entirely sure
her mother would roll over in her grave at such a breach of etiquette and she told him so. To her
secret delight, Flowers blushed like a young schoolgirl.
Aint no big thing, Miss. We arent barbarians as dont know how to treat a lady, such as
Amelia quirked an eyebrow, an expression she often found on her father and so had
worked for hours and hours in front of a mirror to master when she was a young girl and her
father was everything. Somehow I think it is you, Master Flowers, who thought to do this
kindness for me, and not your captain.
He flushed a little and looked down, confirming in an instant Amelias suspicions. His
mouth opened slightly, then closed, then opened again as he tried to think of something to say,
no doubt something that would salvage his Captains reputation in her eyes, a task she hadnt the
heart to tell him was entirely hopeless. Amelia smiled brightly at him, suddenly filled with good
will for the sweet pirate with the rather alarming appearance but the nature of a loving puppy.
Impulsively, etiquette be dammed, she leaned up on her tiptoes and gave him a big smacking kiss
on his cheek.
Thank you. As you can imagine it has been something of a trying day. You and your
kindness is looking to be the best part of it.

Flowers blushed with such vigor that his entire face was quite an astounding shade of
scarlet. He coughed uneasily, heavily embarrassed. Well, he muttered into his collar, I got six
sisters at home.
Six? Amelia asked, delighted.
He nodded. Clearing his throat, he smiled shyly at her, And aint one of them who
wouldnt knock me upside the head if I didnt treat you right. We are a humble ship, not much to
offer, but whatever you need, you just tell ol Flowers and Ill see what I can rustle up.
Of the many choice descriptors Amelia could come up with for the ship and the pirates on
it, the horrid handsome captain in particular, humble was not one of them. Amelia smiled again
and Flowers turned to leave and give her some privacy. Of all the pressing needs Amelia
possessed at that moment, she gave in to the most pressing and decided to satisfy her curiosity
Flowers, she questioned.
He turned around and looked at her. Yes, miss? Did you think of something else I could
Do you mind if I ask how you became known as Flowers?
He hesitated, shifting his weight off his bad leg uncomfortably.
My apologies, Amelia hurried to say, flushing a little herself this time. I didnt mean
to pry. My mother always said of many reasons to despair of me, my curious nature was the most
Its not that its just well you are a lady, delicate sensibilities and all that, he
mumbled, not meeting her gaze.
Amelia laughed heartily, Oh, Flowers, bless you, but after masquerading as a man on
more than one public occasion and having James as a younger brother, Im afraid I dont have
many delicate sensibilities left. If it does not make you uncomfortable, I would very much like to
know. Even more so now that I know it is not a story for most ladies' ears!
He looked at her then, as if gauging her sincerity. Then, with a shrug, and what might
have been a muttered apology to the sisters he spoke of, he told her. Well, I got it after I died.
Pardon me? Amelia couldnt help but interject. It would greatly sadden her if her
gallant pirate turned out to be many cogs short of a functional gear.
Well, not died really. Just everyone thought I had, including me. Relieved, a bit,
Amelia nodded her encouragement and Flowers continued his tale. I was a solider in the wars,
the ones in the souths of Abarr. I was at Kerrib, he swallowed. Amelia couldnt help but feel a
wave of sympathy for her pirate. Abarr was said to be a humid place, full of jungle and heat, the
native peoples fierce and vicious. When Imperia decided to invade, a series of harsh, bloody
wars ensued. The imperial army was not prepared for either the terrain or the peoples and their
unusual tactics. There were heavy losses and many of the battles turned into bloodbaths.

Kerrib that one was the worst. Famous for the ruthless and total devastation of two entire
Imperial platoons. That Flowers had been there, seen that, and had somehow retained his sweet
nature well Amelia could scare imagine how he had done it.
It was well no matter. In any case, one of my mates triggered a ground-bomb, I
tried to save him, but he swallowed. When I woke up, the field was empty. Empty save for
the corpses and the children. They were singing, the Abarran children, as they put flowers
around the bodies. Its how they treat the dead there and as much as they hated us alive, they
treated our dead the same as theirs. They had already done me. I remember the smell.
I thought for sure then, that I was going to die again. Whether someone noticed I was
still alive and finished me off, or if I was going to die of my woundswell, I cant say that I
cared, I was ready for death then. I only hoped it would be quick. But then the captain found
me. Well, he was a lieutenant then. Went against orders and wandered right back into the death
fields searching for survivors. Wouldnt abandon his men, he said. He only found three, maybe
four of us. Pulled us back to safety himself, although it took all day. I thought he was a dammed
idiot who was going to get killed, but he didnt. The Abarr saw him for sure, why they didnt just
shoot him, I dont know.
He got a dishonorable discharge then, guess going back for us was just one too many
times he ignored orders. I wasnt sure then, why I had lived when so many had died, but I
figured soon enough. As soon as I was healed up enough, I left the army and found the Captain. I
figure its the least I can do considering the debt between us. Aint never looked back since.
He smiled wryly at her. Anyhow, thats how it happened. Captain still says I still smell
like flowers and the name stuck. He gave her a jolly soldiers salute. Well, Ill leave you to
your washings then, and he left, still as cheerful as he had been before he had told such an
amazing story. It was a good thing, Amelia decided, for she certainly could think of nothing to
Her room was nice enough, for a pirate ship and, most importantly, had all the
necessities. After taking of advantage of them and freshening up, Amelia paced. Then she paced
some more. It was a small room, so the pacing also required much turning and stomping. Oh,
well, the stomping wasnt a requirement but it certainly made Amelia feel a little better.
She couldnt believe that she was on a pirate ship. That after being kidnapped and hauled
through the sky, she was now being ignored by said pirates. She shouldnt be obligingly hiding
in her room; she should be coming up with some plan of escape. Unfortunately, there were many
pirates and Amelia had the sinking suspicion that even Lulu, the smallest of them, would be able
to muscle her into submission. She could challenge the captain to a duel, but her parents had
never seen fit to teach her fencing. She could she could jump off the ship? Well, that wouldnt
go very well. Not unless she fashioned some sort of parachutemaybe James would manage.
Were they still flying over the ocean? Even if they managed a successful fall, she would prefer
not then to drown.
She sighed and threw herself into the small but clean bed and stared at the ceiling angrily.
Was there nothing she could do? Perhaps she could play on the sympathies of one of the pirates.
Surely one of them would possess some guilt about kidnapping a lady and young boy to solve

their ever so slight problem of a bomb. Then she remembered earlier, when she had confronted
the odious captain and not one of them had spoken up. No, they were either afraid or loyal to the
blasted man. She was on her own.
Jameswell, he seemed to be pleased by the whole adventure. As long as they treated
them both well enough, Amelia doubted he would even participate in an escape, let alone help
her plan one. Why, he had looked so happy at the prospect of a complicated bomb. Amelia had
not seen him so happy since their parents died. Amelia thumped a pillow over her face and held
her breath until she could manage it no longer. Very well then, she would not fight it. For as long
as they were both safe, Amelia would merely keep an eye out for any openings. She would let
James have his grand adventure. She only hoped that they would not both die of it.
She considered going in search of her errant brother, but decided against it. For now, she
would let him be. The crew, for all that they were pirates of questionable moral character, had
made no move to harm either of them. Indeed, they were being treated as royally as she imagined
pirates ever treated guests. Further, if the tale they wove was true, and she saw no reason why
anyone would come up with such a ridiculous fib, then the pirates had a vested interest in
keeping James well and happy. No, he would be safe enough. As far as she could gather, it was
only her sanity in any immediate danger. Well, other than her dignity, but Amelia rather thought
that was well and truly dead, already a casualty to the pirates.
It was not long before there was a soft knock on her door. Begging yer pardon, mlady,
a muffled voice called respectfully, but the captain said to tell yer theres dinner in his
Thank you, Amelia replied politely, but would you please inform the captain that I
have no appetite at present.
O course, milady. Heavy footsteps tromped away from the door and Amelia was once
again alone.

What felt like an eternity later, Amelia could no longer bear to be trapped in her small
room. She had never seen what must surely by now be the night sky from the deck of an airship
and whilst her idea of a pleasing adventure was much duller than Jamess, she might as well take
advantage of their current situation as much as she could. She straightened her shoulders, raised
her chin and opened the door, holding herself proudly. All her posturing was wasted; there
wasnt even anyone in the small corridor in front of her room. With only a few missteps, she
managed to find her way back up to the top of the ship.
It was mostly empty, just a few sailors running around, checking readings and gears,
carefully adjusting the sails. They ignored her, except for the occasional nod when she passed
through their direct vision. They didnt seem the least concerned she might do something
threatening. Leaning against the deck, Amelia sighed, feeling helpless and pathetic. How had she
ever thought she would be able to protect James alone?
The night sky was beautiful, it was a clear night and, flying gently as they were, the stars
looked so close that she might tough them if she merely reached far enough. It didnt distract her
from her dismal train of thought. If they got through this alive, perhaps she should find herself a
husband after all. Someone able to legally be Jamess guardian, unlike herself. Someone who
would be able to do something more to protect him than sigh in the face of danger.
It would be hard, however. To find someone able to do both that and be amiable enough
that she could lead him. If she had to marry, she should at least marry someone amiable and
whom she could control. It would be better for both her and James that way. She could not trust
both their lives to someone she couldnt control.
And what thoughts are you thinking that could possibly cause a face that dour? A deep
voice asked quietly, from somewhere right behind and above her right ear. Startled, she jumped
and quickly turned to see the odious Captain looking down at her with a lazy smile on his wicked
I was thinking of getting married, Amelia answered, honestly, for truly she had no
reason to lie. Her chin raised and her back rim-rod straight, she turned back around and stared
purposefully at the sky in front of her.
Oh, good. I was afraid you might be thinking of me. The captain leaned against the
railing next to her, which had the unfortunate effect of placing his profile firmly in her peripheral

vision. That many ill thoughts directed at me and I would sure to be attacked by ghosts in my
sleep tonight. Unlessperhaps, you were considering marrying me? Oh, my, how flattering.
Id as soon wed a pig.
A pig? Well thats not that bad. I thought you might say something odious like an
established gentlemen. Hope will still beat in my heart then.
How convenient then, that I can wish for one to stop and stop them both. Efficiency is a
virtue after all.
Be still my beating heart, such words!
Ah, for once we agree on something. But being as your heart is a part of you and as such
is bound to be contrary, I doubt it shall oblige us.
Pity. Ive always wanted to have a dramatic death scene.
I have no doubt that someday your wish will be granted, Captain Gideon. I can only
wish it sooner rather than later.
Oh, me, too. White hairs and bulging bellies hardly make for proper drama.
Yes, and as a man who stole an airship knowing it had a bomb he had no way of
defusing, clearly your life lacks for proper drama.
Exactly. No shortage of drama, just proper drama. But Im sure that will change now
that you are aboard. You are very proper, Miss Sterling.
Oh, indeed. So proper that I run around in mens clothing with goat hair pasted to my
face. My mother would be ever so proud.
Goat hair? Is that was it was then. Very convincing, if I say so myself.
Please do. If something prevented you from saying so yourself, why I do think there
would be a tear in reality as we know it.
Yes, I wonder what would be changed. The invention of steam power perhaps? Maybe
we would be stuck sailing on the sea.
Now you are just being ridiculous.
He simply grinned at her. A grin that despite her very best efforts still managed to have
an unsettling effect on her stomach. It was only because she disliked him so very much, she told
herself sternly. It was a negative reaction in her stomach. Like he was milk that had gone off.
Finally the silence grew longer than Amelia could stand. Was there something you
needed from me, Captain? she asked politely.
Needed? No. Wanted? Yes.

Irritation caused her to turn to face him in full. She raised an eyebrow in a way that was
probably more demand than query.
His grin widened and Amelia tried her best to ignore it. I came to see how you were.
You missed dinner, after all. Cook was heartbroken. Its been a long time since he had the
opportunity to cook for a pretty young lady. I do think he salted the food with his tears, his
disappointment was so great.
I am well, Amelia ground out. How considerate of you inquire.
Well now you are just lying, his voice remained teasing, but there was no uncertainty
to it. It never ceases to amaze me how much lying politeness requires. Which is why I never
bother with it. While you are on this ship there isnt much point in you bothering either.
Especially with me. If I wanted an empty answer with no meaning parroted at me, I would have
invested in an actual parrot. Indeed, maybe I should. Do you think one would make me look
Amelias eyes narrowed. Very well, if you would like an honest answer, I shall be happy
to oblige you. I am doing quite poorly. My parents are recently deceased. My younger brother is
a genius with no connection to reality, whatsoever. We have no friendly guardians, relatives, or
family friends concerned with our welfare. The Imperial Government would be happy to exploit
my younger brother for the rest of his life if they ever realized how young and vulnerable he
really is. Apparently, pirates have even less qualms about taking advantage of him. Instead of the
peaceful train ride I had carefully budgeted, because all our strained finances are in my hands
now and my father left them quite a mess, our train car decided to fly. And it was popped open
like a can and we were dragged quite uncomfortably through the sky in a net with no idea what
was happening. Then we were forced into the company of pirates, particularly their odious
Captain and forced to stay on their ship with a BOMB that they are expecting my young genius
brother with no previous knowledge or experience with explosives to somehow magically
Amelia took a deep breath, shaken by her rather unexpected rant. I wont thank you for
inquiring, for if you had any genuine concern for my welfare you would have immediately
returned my brother and I somewhere safe the moment you realized we were not the middle-aged
man you had been expecting. Not that I encourage the kidnapping of middle-aged men, but
surely that is less morally questionable than that of a lady and young boy.
But your brother doesnt seem put off by any of it. If anything, he seems quite happy to
be with us.
My brother is a ten-year-old boy. The list of things he is put off by is quite small and
contains things like young girls, squealing, dancing and shopping. If we all lived by the
sensibilities of a ten-year-old boy, we would all run around as half-naked pirates.
Is that your polite way of asking me to strip? I would be quite happy to, although it is a
might chilly.
Amelia could take it no longer and with a shrill noise of frustration that she couldnt quite
believe had been coaxed from throat, she stomped off back to her small room, where she dragged

the small desk and chair in front of the door so that no one, most especially odious captains,
could get through.

It was hunger that finally drove her from her room. Considering--well, considering
everything- Amelia had slept quite well. She supposed there was only so much fear, worry and
frustration one could take in a day without collapsing from exhaustion. She dragged the desk and
chair back to their proper places, feeling a little silly about her temper tantrum of the night
previous. For all their faults, and they had many, particularly Captain Odious, the pirates had
shown no inclination to hurt or abuse her. There hadnt even been any improper advances, if you
didnt count the Captains very poor idea of a joke. In pirate stories there was always improper
advances. Particularly if you were a pretty young girl.
Amelia did not consider herself to be particularly pretty, but she knew she was not
unattractive. At least if the rather particular attentions of a number of gentlemen she had to avoid
were any indication. Perhaps it was her masculine attire. Maybe the pirates simply saw her as a
man. It would explain Amelia shook her head furiously. She was being absolutely ridiculous.
Irritated that she had managed to find a way to be offended by the pirates' propriety, for heavens
sake, Amelia went off in search of James and food. And not necessarily in that order.
Amelia located the kitchen and with it the cook, a burly man with an impressive
collection of scars who did not look the least bit inclined to tears of seasoning or indeed, of any
kind. He made some sort of grunting noise at her, which Amelia took as permission, so she took
some fresh baked biscuits and some sort of preserve which tasted of a marriage between mint
and berry. A few bites satisfied her most immediate demand, so, extra biscuit in hand, she went
in search of her brother.
She found him at the very last place she expected. He waved cheerfully down at her from
where he was, at the very top of the crow's nest, hopefully safely ensconced in the mass of net
and rigging, for the small area did not look the least bit stable and it was an ever so long way to
Good morning, Miss Sterling, an odious voice drawled behind her.
Amelia considered commenting on the not-so-good Captains unnatural habit of sneaking
up behind people, but decided she would rather get straight to the matter at hand. And, what,
pray, is my younger brother doing up there? She managed to keep her voice and hand steady
while she pointed up. Be advised that if you tell me there is also a bomb up there for him to
diffuse, I may not be able to resist the temptation to pitch you overboard.

I believe he was interested in what it looked like from up there.

Well that just explains everything. How silly of me to ask. Of, course if he was
interested how could we possibly deny him the opportunity to defy death? Surely even falling
and breaking his neck would be worth it in the pursuit of knowledge.
Best come down now, lad, the Captain shouted up at James. You are making your
sister a wee bit nervous.
Forgive me my feminine whims, Amelia hissed. Goodness knows we females are so
unreasonable with our desire to keep those we love in one piece. Why its a wonder anyone puts
up with us, so silly are we.
Oh, no, he replied easily, it isnt a wonder to me at all. I know exactly why we put up
with you.
Amelia purposefully turned her gaze back to her brothers small form, working its way
back down to the deck with a careless ease that wasnt the least bit reassuring. No, I suppose the
only wonder in your life is why someone hasnt killed you yet.
Ah, and deprive the world of my delightful presence?
Please do. Or, if you cant manage the world, just my brother and I would do nicely.
Ames! James called to her, his feet finally once again on the dubious safety of the deck.
He hurried to her side, practically bursting with pleased excitement. I got to climb to the top of
the mast! Did you see? I understood the theory of perspective, of course, but its one thing to
understand a thing theoretically and another entire to see it! Everything is so small from up
Including your chance of survival.
Oh, dont be a nanny goat, Ames. Gideon taught me how to climb it proper. He even
taught me the right way to fall, should I need to.
Nanny goat? Amelia barely knew where to start. A soft chuckle behind her, easily
reminded her. Did he now? Well, if he is such a master at falling, I cant help but be relieved.
Its reassuring to know that when he falls off this blasted ship, he will at least fall well.
James stopped his chattering to look up at her, eyes wide. Are you mad, Ames?
Why would I be mad? Its all such a bloody amazing adventure, whatever would I have
to be mad about?
Jamess mouth dropped opened. You just swore, he remarked in awe.
The chuckle behind her deepened and Amelias already worn temper finally snapped. She
turned around and gave the Captain a harsh shove, smiling with satisfaction as he flailed back in
surprise. He landed on his behind with a rather satisfying thump, his top hat rather ridiculously

Ames! You just hit Gideon!

No, James. I shoved him. There is a small, but important, distinction.
Only be happy, lad, Gideon said, making no move to get back up, that we were not
near a railing, or I think your sister would have happily shoved me right off the ship.
Quite right, Amelia agreed, lifting her foot experimentally and considering a good kick.
Anger and propriety hadnt yet finished their duel when a hand snaked its way around her raised
ankle and yanked. Surprised, Amelia toppled quite gracelessly forward and ended up sprawled
on top of the loathsome Captain, her face squashed uncomfortably into the lower portion of his
torso. It would have been better if he had a layer of fat to cushion her fall, but no, she was not
that lucky. All she could feel was a heavily muscled wall that felt quite as hard as if she had
fallen face first into the deck instead.
There, the chest underneath her rumbled, I am revenged. This way there is no need
now to duel or for my crew to defend my maligned honor.
Amelia struggled, trying to detangle herself from the hateful man and regain her footing.
Just as she thought she had made some progress heavy arms enclosed her, pushing her back
down, forcing her nose in close enough proximity to his cravat that she could smell the light
cologne he used. Really, what kind of pirate used cologne?
No amount of struggling on her part made any difference. She was effectively trapped on
top of him, stuck in the abhorrent cage of his arms. Release me, you horrid, mannerless, toad of
a cad of a pirate! she hissed, beating her palms against his chest for emphasis.
No, I think not, he replied easily and she could hear the smug self-satisfaction in his
Oh, she bit out, but I think yes. A sharp knee to his gut caused gave her enough room
to pull back her arm the proper distance. It was a good punch: tension, aim, release, just like her
now deceased army uncle had taught her. She pulled herself up and straightened her wrinkled
coat with dignity.
There, James, she told her silent, open jawed brother, I did hit Gideon. He opened
and closed his mouth a few times, his overlarge eyes bugging out as he stared at her. Amelia
sighed. You look rather pale, James, dear. Did you get any sleep? Or eat? No, of course not.
Climbing masts and defusing bombs will wait. Not for long of course, but long enough for us to
get you some food and for a nap. Come. She held out her hand and he, still dumfounded,
obediently took it. Ignoring the very loud silent stares of the pirate crew who had the misfortune
to be on deck and witness the whole torrid affair, Amelia headed off once again the direction of
the kitchen.

After successfully feeding and talking James into a short nap, Amelia had decided it
would be best for her own safety and the safety of any pirate captain that showed up behind her
that she seclude herself in her room. It was boring, but after the last 24 hours she had endured,
she welcomed boring.
There was a tentative knock on the door. Amelia opened it to find a slightly more rested
James eying her warily. Guilt immediately washed over her. She could hardly believe that she
had let her anger get so much the best of her that James was still worried about it hours later. She
smiled brightly. You are looking better, James. How goes the great progress on figuring out
how to defuse the bomb? The question was an apology and, whether or not James realized it, he
brightened right up.
I think Ive figured it out, Ames. I just needed a few things. They should be unloading
them into the engine room now. Wanna see?
No, she didnt particularly want to see that bomb and its ominous oversized pocket
watch, but there was an almost wounded vulnerability underneath Jamess eagerness that she
wouldnt have refused, even if it only had 30 seconds left on the countdown. Of course, Im
always willing to witness more proof that you somehow managed to steal all the smarts in the
family, even though you were born second.
You arent stupid, Ames. You are even rather smart for a
A what? A woman?
What? No, James dismissed distractedly as he pulled her towards the engine room.
For a a people person. The way he said it made it sound like a fate worse than debtors
prison. As if realizing that he might have said something offensive, he patted her hand
reassuringly. But dont mind that, Ames. You are a good sort. Capital even.
Thank you, Amelia responded dryly, rather touched, in spite of herself.
James babbled about the supplies he had asked the pirates to acquire for them for the rest
of the trip down to the engine room. Amelia tried to pay attention, truly she did, but only one
word out of four sounded like Imperial to her, the rest were undecipherable gibberish.
When they finally reached the chaos of the engine room, Amelia couldnt help but wish
that she had managed to understand more, for the confusion in front of her was even less
comprehensible to her than Jamess cheerful monologue. Flowers stood on top of some crate and

was calling out orders with military precision. Despite his background, it was clear that not all
the pirates had come from a similar discipline, because as far as Amelia could tell, at least half of
them were simply ignoring Flowers shouted instructions completely. With various degrees of
caution they hauled about large glass panels, heavy looking keys, containers, pipes, gears, and
things that, despite her various experience with James, she couldnt tell from a spoon.
James didnt seem the least bit put off by the chaos and instead easily lead her to where
the giant clock challenged them. You see this, James pointed at a coil that looked the same as
every other coil to Amelia, but she nodded anyway. This is a backup trigger. Like Gideon
explained, the bomb is remotely activated and set to go off in a certain amount of time. I can
only conjecture its such a long period of time because the original owner thought the threat of
the bomb would be enough for any thieves to return or abandon the ship with enough time for it
to be retrieved and then deactivated. The back up trigger, however, seems to be set to go off if
theres any attempt to manually alter or remove the bomb from the ship. Maybe if I had more
time as it is, I havent postulated any safe methods to make manual adjustments.
Amelia nodded as if this kind of conversation was normal and tried to worry about how
easily his explorations could have set off the back up trigger. Pointing at what Amelia guessed
was the heart of the bomb, James continued, The set up is really quite ingenious in a way. To
ensure that the bomb only goes off when intended, its purely chemical. Theres a plate here, his
pointing finger moved down, separating the top liquid from the second. Its connected to the
hands of the clock, when the hands both reach the top, its pulled out.
Then the chemicals mix and boom? Amelia asked, relieved that he was making an
attempt at simplification.
James nodded, pleased that she had followed. The thing with chemical reactions is that
they are easily manipulated and changed. A plus B does one thing, but A plus B plus C does
something else entirely.
Amelia frowned. So you are planning on adding another chemical to the mix? Isnt that
dangerous? And how do you even know what are in A and B in the first place?
He made a small hole in the two containers holding the chemicals, Lulu answered
cheerfully. Sometime while Amelia had been giving James all her attention, Lulu had wandered
over to them, a large tube draped around her like a rather unattractive feather boa. Dont look so
horrified, he put adhesive over the holes as soon as he had an appropriate sample. She grinned
at James warmly. Im good with fixing things, machines sing to me, you see. But I aint never
seen anything like your brother, Miss. You can practically see the gears in his brain moving!
Straight up genuine genius, he is.
James brightened, pleased. While your understanding of theory is sadly deficient, Lulu,
you are very good with application. Intuitive is the word, I believe? Shes been quite helpful,
Ames. I couldnt properly plan how to pump a third substance safely into the contact area, but
Lulu came up with quite a smart idea involving an adaptation of a steam pump. Lulu blushed
through her grease stains and Amelia couldnt help but wonder at how surreal her life had

The tangential and irrelevant business of mutual admiration over with, James went back
to business. So if we add the element of liquid tarium to the chemical reaction, instead of
causing the explosion intended, the reaction should be neutralized entirely, resulting in some
rather colorful bubbles that might cause a nasty rash, but not anything explosive. We should be
able to safely contain the reaction by constructing a barrier of reinforced thickened glass.
Amelia blinked. Where did they find all these materials overnight? Particularly the
tarium? Isnt it almost impossible to find in the quantities you would need?
We raided an Imperial research facility. Oh and some of its from a train assembly
factory, Lulu grinned as she answered, reminding Amelia that this cheerful girl was a pirate,
Everythings ready boss, shall we get started? Flowers asked James with a sharp salute.
Right. Lulu, get the glass cutter. Flowers, heat up the furnace. James was already
somewhere that Amelia couldnt follow. All she could do was try to trust him.
Be careful, she couldnt help but beg. James just rolled his eyes at her and then she,
like everyone not immediately related to the task at hand, became invisible in his eyes.
Sighing, she left him to his work, knowing staying would only end up with her hair
completely prematurely white.

In what was becoming a distressing habit, Amelia found herself once again in the small
room that had been temporarily designated as hers. She had tried to find some new haunt, truly
she had. Staying in the engine room made her anxious, the deck left her with an unreasonable
paranoia that the odious captain was going to magically appear behind her for another argument
at any moment, the pirates glared at her when she had attempted to sit in the galley and after
sitting in the kitchen for five minutes, the cook's unexpectedly powerful glare sent her looking
for somewhere else in a hurry.
Overcome with a restlessness that she couldnt shake, Amelia wandered into the
blasphemy of wondering if arguing with that evil pirate would be preferable to continuing her
exceedingly dull self-imposed imprisonment. Before she could decide if she were desperate
enough to go in search of him or not, he came to her. Pushing her door open without even
bothering to knock, he waltzed into her room, burdened by several boxes.
Good afternoon, Captain. Welcome to my humble room. How kind of you to send
advance notice, although your knocking and consideration of my privacy was a tad excessive, it
is appreciated all the same.
Granted, I probably should have knocked and played to your idea of manners with all
those blasted annoying little proprieties, but I find life is ever so much more interesting when
you take opportunities to take people unawares.
Interesting? Perhaps. Rude? Most certainly. And, what, pray, did you expect to find me
doing? Ritually cursing you with a doll I had fashioned out of my pillow? Although now that I
think on it, the idea is tempting. Pity that I require a good pillow, or I sleep very ill.
I shall keep that in mind for future reference.
Truly? What an amazing memory you must have to have room for such nonsensicals
that will be of no use or relevance to you whatsoever.
Truly? his intonation matched hers exactly. Amelia couldnt believe she had suffered
the temporary madness to consider actively seek such a conversation. Well, I suppose you are
perfectly capable of procuring your own bedding.
Indeed and even were I not, it would be no concern of yours as I have no intention of
continuing this baneful acquaintance.

A pity, that. Everyone should be able to count a pirate or two among their circle of
acquaintances. It builds character.
I shall take that as a small comfort when I have nightmares about this dreadful interlude.
It built character. And if I needs must continue acquaintance with a pirate, I choose Flowers. He
at least is a gentlemen, and a quite charming one at that.
Im sure hed blush to the top of his scars at the compliment.
Yes, and his gentle nature and self-consciousness are a large part of his charm. Pity, men
of his caliber are so hard to find these days. Why, I dont think Ive liked one as much in an age.
He laughed and, finally moving fully into the room. As the light hit his previously
shadowed face, and Amelia couldnt help but gasp. Your eye!
His laugh deepened. Yes, it seems you are better at boxing than your appearance,
current masculine attire aside, would suggest. Why, I dont think Ive been this colorful since I
first joined the army.
Amelia swallowed and reached for his cheek subconsciously. Luckily she realized what
her hand was doing and stopped it hastily before contact was made. His eye was quite
spectacularly puffy and red. She had seen a few black eyes in her day and this one was going to
get worse before it was going to be better. Not that it mattered, she told herself sternly, she and
her brother would happily be out of the vile mans life before it had a chance to even turn purple.
Why, yes, I know Im pretty, but you dont have to gape at me quite so openmouthedly.
Amelias concern quickly evaporated. I do think you are the most appallingly vain
coxcomb I have ever had the misfortune to come across. And Ive been out in Imperia society, so
that is saying quite a lot.
Such compliments, you do make me blush. His cheeks noticeably free of any flush, the
Captain took a few more steps towards her and deposited his parcels on her bed. As much as it
breaks my heart to deny you an opportunity to continue sharpening your claws, your presents are
quite heavy.
Presents? Amelia asked, eying the packages with uneasy distrust.
You didnt think we would waste our little trip to town just fetching your brilliant
brother his supplies did you? It would be ghastly unfair to bring presents to one and leave the
other sibling out.
Yes, and if you pirates are anything, it is the picture of fairness. Why, I imagine the
imperial research facility workers are praising your evenhandedness as they even now celebrate
the liberation of their goods.
I cant see why they wouldnt. It will be at least a full day before they Imperial
government restocks their supplies. We have generously gifted them with a holiday.

Truly, you astonish me. Does your munificence know no bounds?

Ah, but you should open your packages first before you ask that question. Otherwise I
might have to sing my own praises, which is dreadful dull. I would much rather have you do it
for me.
With a prodigal act of restraint, Amelia managed to ignore that comment in favor of
opening the carefully wrapped packages and boxes. Inside she found a complete outfit for a lady,
the latest fashion even. She couldnt keep a blush from burning across her cheeks when she saw
how complete it was. She could not imagine the Captain easily picking out stockings,
underthings and a corset. The dress was a pretty dark-blue velvet and though it was hard to judge
without actually trying it on, it looked like it would fit. There was even a parasol.
What do you expect me to do with a parasol on a pirates stolen airship that may or may
not blow up at any given moment?
He shrugged easily. As I understand it, a lady is never to leave home without her
Why, exactly did you steal me all this?
Steal? he asked, his tone clearly offended. I bought it cleanly. I considered liberating
you something, preferably from someone horrible who beat her servants, but I assumed you
would have qualms wearing stolen goods.
Qualmsyes. It does surprise me that you would give any consideration to something
as small as my qualms. Or my wishesopinionswell, anything to with me at all. You certainly
havent before.
He frowned at her, his unpleasantly handsome face serious for once. Ill give our
introduction could have gone better, but it hasnt been so bad since then, has it?
Amelia considered saying many things, but there was a puppy doggish cast to his eyes
that had some sort of strong compelling power that kept her from saying them. Well, no, I
suppose it has been quite pleasant. As far as getting abducted and held captive by pirates with the
threat of death hanging over all our heads goes, in any case.
Now, now, Amelia, you cant be too picky. Theres always something. You must take
your happiness where you can find it.
While there may always be something, there is not always a bomb set to explode us all
into little bits at the end of a rather rapidly dwindling countdown. Furthermore, Captain
Maxwell, I dont remember giving you leave to call me by my given name.
Considering I was just this morning shopping for the underthings that are holding in
your hand, I think calling you Amelia is a small intimacy that I have rather earned.
Amelia flushed, hastily dropping the offending garments that she had forgotten about in
the heat of arguing with the appalling man. Clearly, it was time to change the subject. You
didnt answer my question.

What question?
About why you bought me the dress.
Ah, I thought that perhaps after a day you would want a change of clothes that were
slightly less wrinkly and slightly less likely to cause your mother to roll in her gave. As you tell
it, the poor woman surely could use a break from rolling. It must be exhausting.
Amelia was in quick succession touched, angry, annoyed and then, rather inappropriately
amused. She did her best, however, to disguise all of these reactions. She fell back on politeness,
which, while it didnt seem to have much effect on the captain, was so deeply ingrained in her
that it gave her a small sense of comfort. Thank you, Captain. It is a very generous gift, indeed.
He took a couple steps towards her, an act that left her heart and mind racing with panic,
a state that was in no way helped by the slow smile that grew the closer he got to her. Well,
thats just not right. Weve already established that you are Amelia. Its only fair that you call me
Gideon in return.
No, thank you, Amelia whispered, blindly grasping behind her. She grabbed the small
wardrobe behind her tightly, desperately wishing there was more space in the room.
He took the last few steps and suddenly there was nothing between them but the smallest
bit of air. Amelia attempted to rally herself to action, but she could not. There was an intensity in
his gaze that effectively trapped her. She was helpless to move, helpless to run. Stuck in place
like a deer facing a wolf. A very handsome wolf.
Amelia, he said softly. It occurred to her that at some point he had lost his hat. When
had that happened? She had not yet seen him without the blasted thing. Amelia, he repeated.
His ungloved hand reached for her and meeting her complete lack of ability (if not desire) to
resist, slid gently from the top of her forehead down the side of her face to rest softly at the
bottom of her chin. With such close contact, Amelia couldnt help but notice that his fingers
were rough and callused. The hands of someone who worked, and fought, for a living.
She swallowed painfully as his surprisingly gentle fingers tugged her face upwards. His
eyes had grown heated as their gaze slowly trailed down her face until they settled, quite
determinedly, on her nervously pursed lips. He smiled again and Amelia forgot how to breathe.
Which was inconvenient for a moment later his mouth was bearing down on hers and they were
Kissingsuch a simple word to describe what was happening and yet, it was the only
one that Amelias drugged brain could grasp. She felt rather more than she should have felt,
particularly considering just whom it was who was kissing her. And just how much, or rather
how little, esteem she held him in. She let it go deeper and continue far longer than she should
have. Finally, when she was sure she was about to faint from lack of air, he moved away a little,
which was all she needed to regroup her scattered senses and empty brain and shove him away.
She wiped her mouth auspiciously with her sleeve and glared as impressively as she
could at the pirate, which was admittedly not that impressively considering that she was leaning

against the wardrobe as if she would collapse without its support and gasping for long absent air.
You should not have done that.
But I ever so much enjoy doing things that I should not. She just continued to glare at
his rather predictable response. He grinned at her. Thankfully, this time her belly was already
unsettled from the events previous and so had no noticeable reaction to the hated grin at all.
What? You arent going to slap me? What kind of proper lady are you?
A not so proper one, apparently, Amelia answered, still displeased with herself for the
rather significant reaction her traitorous body had had to the man. Are you disappointed? Were
you hoping for a hand imprint to add to the decoration of your face?
A bit, I admit. But more from the fact that when I finally believed I had your behaviors
anticipated, you go and prove me wrong.
I am as sorry for being disobliging as you are for behaving in such a shockingly
inappropriate manner. He just stood there, grinning at her. She was a little bit pleased to note
that the kiss had disturbed him at least a little. He was now rather flushed and breathing at a
faster tempo than was his norm. Amelia cocked her head to the side as she studied him. Why
did you do that? She asked, not truly expecting an honest answer.
Im a pirate, or did you forget? A pirates first reaction upon spying something valuable
is to want to steal it.
And what valuable thing did you just steal?
He blinked at her, like she was a few sails short of an airship. Why, your first kiss, of
This time, she just blinked at him. And whyever would you think that was my first
What? he demanded sharply. Amelia just grinned, quite happy for once to be the one
putting him off balance.

Amelia was not the sort of female that waited around to be rescued. She was not the sort
of female that generally got herself into situations where she could conceivably need rescuing.
Nor was she, at least so she had thought previously, the sort of female that would be excessively
grateful for the well-meaning rescue of some man or another. Despite this being the case, when
Flowers knocked on her door and entered the room, Amelia well and truly could have kissed
him, so grateful she was for the interruption.
The odious kiss-plundering Captain had straightened his collar awkwardly and made an
excuse to disappear soon after, freeing Amelia from whatever force had somehow trapped her.
Flowers had stared at them both, shifting his gaze from one to other anxiously. Even after the
Captain had removed himself, Flowers watched her anxiously, so Amelia feared all was not well
and composed with her appearance. Unwilling to face the pirates compassion, Amelia sent him
on his way and busied herself with the business of getting dressed.
She had debated it. The clothes had been selected and provided by the most odious man
of her rather unfortunate acquaintance, and as such, her first instinct was to throw them
overboard, but she had been wearing the same suit for some time and it was beginning to itch. In
the end pragmatism won over pride and she donned the offending garments. To her rather acute
uneasiness, all of them fit her quite well, even the corset. Amelia couldnt help but wonder at
that, for up until that point, her breasts had been bound flat by a specialty corset. One that had
proved that something more uncomfortable than a corset laced by her mothers old-fashioned
maid did, in fact, exist.
She had finished dressing, a feat she managed by herself, which left her more than a little
pleased with herself, particularly the part where she had improvised with a chair, and had washed
her face (particularly her mouth) five times, when her door was thrown open.
Ames, we just- youre a girl.
Why, yes, I am indeed. How terribly shocking.
I know you are a girl I just meant again. James blinked up at her rapidly, knowing
that he had said something not quite the thing, but not sure if he cared enough to figure out how
to fix it. She was after all, only his sister.

Amelia was tempted, but in the end managed to resist being sarcastic with her brother.
She was not irritated with him. Or at least not so very much. Am I to surmise, genius brother
mine, that your cheerful presence here means you have finished dealing with the bomb?
He beamed up at her happily; nodding so rapidly that she was afraid he was going break
something. We just finished. They are cleaning up the remains now.
How nice of you to leave that to them.
Why wouldnt I? James asked her, genuinely confused. They asked for my help
defusing the bomb, not cleaning. Anyone can do that.
Someday soon you and I are going to have to have a chat about humility and not being
lynched by offended anyones.
He looked offended. I dont talk like this with people. Just you, Ames.
How nice it is not to bother with that personhood thing. Amelia cursed her tongue
again as soon as it was done sharpening itself on her hapless brother. Im sorry, she said, truly
penitent, Im just in a foul mood. Its not your fault.
He peered up at her from lashes that were far too long to be wasted on a boy, let alone a
boy whose idea of taking care of his appearance was to change if he spilled pungent chemicals
on himself a few hours after the fact. Because we were abducted by pirates?
Because we were abducted by pirates, Amelia agreed, for the simplification did well
I thought they were jolly. Not bad pirates. James was actually trying to convince her of
their not-badness, so Amelia managed to bite her tongue about just how bad they, or at least one
of them, truly were. However well she tried to hide it, he must have seen something on her face,
for in a rare gesture of affection, he took her hand and patted it. Im sorry, Ames. Next time
well let you pick the adventure.
Amelia let out a sound that might have been one-third laugh, one-third choking noise and
one-third sob. Sinking down, crouching on her knees, so she was at a height with James, she
smiled at him. I dont want you to think that Im at all put out because of you, James. By any of
it, not your enthusiasm for pirates or adventure, or the dressing as Mordecai. Im happy to do it,
because more than anything I love you. You know that, right?
He made a face and shifted uncomfortably. Amelia knew that he very much wanted to
escape (for there was little as frightening to the logical boy as sentiment,) and it was a sign that
he loved her as well that he managed to stay in place. I know, Ames, he informed the floor in
an embarrassed mumble.
You have been so brave and so brilliant. And everything you have done here, not just
with the bombI am ever so proud of you, James. Ever so proud. Wherever Mother and Father
are, Im sure they are proud of you, too.
Can you be proud of someone when you are dead? James asked seriously.

I hope so. As much as he claimed to hate it, Amelia grabbed her brother into a tight hug
just long for her to win the battle with the tears that were threatening to fall. She pulled back and
ruffled his already gravity-defying hair. Now, as I cant see when we shall ever have a chance
to do so again, shall we go explore this pirates air-ship?
Yes, lets!

If there was some way to transform Jamess endless interest in new things and energy for
exploration and questions into some sort of physical form than there would be no need to use
steam to power anything. As it was, this time that energy had been directed to whichever pirate
happened to pass into Jamess vision, so for once Amelia could just sit back and be amused. She
was too tired to be horrified. Besides, they were pirates, what did they care for manners?
Finally, when their tour of the ship was done and the information of what everything on
the entire ship did and why had briefly spent some time floating across the surface of her brain
before evacuating for greener pastures, James was satisfied. The odious Captain that should
under no circumstances be named sent word via Flowers that they were to join him in his
quarters for dinner. Unless, as Flowers obediently relayed, for all that this particular message
made him stare at his shoes like a humiliated schoolgirl, they were too scared to attend.
Why would be scared, James had asked, he done anything to us yet, why would he
Why, indeed, Amelia had wondered, in that moment reveling in wonderment at just
how much she could loathe that scheming man. As he had no doubt intended, she found no way
to refuse the request thus put in front of her brother. Of course that particular blade cut both
ways. Surely the man would have to contain some of his odiousness in front of her younger
brother. Or perhaps not. He was, after all, a pirate.
Thus promptly five minutes late, Amelia knocked politely on the Captains door. Come
in, a distracted voice called at them through the door, its open. Pirate manners.
James obligingly threw the door open and peered about the small cabin with open
curiosity. He wandered over to the mantle and started poking around the things on display.
Look, Ames, James called as he held one of them up to his face for closer examination, its a
fossilized frog. Genius manners.
Ah, a toad actually, the Captain corrected genially from where he stood over in the
corner of his room, frowning at his reflection in the mirror.
God god, Amelia said, you are bleeding!
I suppose I am. He frowned at his appearance again. Do not tell Flowers, or he will
give me the most deafening look of I told you so. He did tell me that perhaps I should let

someone else shave me with my eye so deliciously swollen, thank you for that by the way, but it
is not my habit, you see, to let anyone near my neck with a blade. Terribly unmanly of me, I
know, but what can you do?
Amelia sighed in exasperation. At least blot the cut, you great dolt. When he made no
move to follow her excellent advice, she picked up a stray napkin from the table and slapped it
over his bleeding neck, not at all gently.
Why, Amelia, I didnt know you cared. Amelia glared and considered blackening the
other eye. Oh, you dont know how I melt to see you gaze at me so. Dont worry, I know you
are merely taking responsibility, since it is all your fault after all.
Forget eye blackening, Amelia eyed the shaving knife with great temptation. As if
sensing his very mortal peril, the Captain took over napkin holding duty. Amelia was very glad
to take several steps away from the Captain, far enough that she no longer was forced to
awareness that he was freshly bathed, his hair still faintly wet and curling. Steeling her spine,
Amelia added the fact that Pirate Captain Gideon Maxwell smelt vaguely of lemon after bathing
to things she truly had never wished to know.
Moving away from his dressing stand, the Captain moved towards the small table set
carefully at the center of the room. Winking at James, he gestured to a seat, which the boy
promptly slid into, although not alone. He had stolen a book of maps from god knew where and
had already plunked it open on top of the fancy china plate. Seeming not the least bit bothered by
this display of larceny and ill manners, the Captain proceeded to pull out the chair kitty corner
from Jamess and waited over it with a mocking half-bow.
Milady, your seat awaits.
Sighing ever so deeply, Amelia walked into lemon-scented distance once again and, with
only a smaller amount of grace than James, plopped herself into the chair. Behind her, the
Captain leaned down as he pushed the chair in. Did I tell you that you look very well tonight,
Amelia? he asked her in a low voice, his mouth hovering only slightly to left and behind her
ear. She only just resisted the temptation to slap him like an errant bug. Blue suits you. I have
excellent taste.
Determined not to get into yet another snipping match with the man in front of her
impressionable brother, who for some unknown reason, liked the pirate, Amelia merely sniffed.
She was better than the blasted villain. She could take the high road. Thank you, she replied
politely and a bit ambiguously, for all anyone knew she could be talking about the chair.
Captain Maxwell, no longer leaking blood, took the seat across from her and with an
exaggerated innocent smile that instantly set Amelia on guard, poured a dark red liquid from a
decanter into their crystal glasses.
Amelia sniffed the drink suspiciously. What is this, exactly?
Wine, of course. A particularly fine vintage, if I do say so myself.
Amelia sniffed again and looked at it with distrust.

The Captain laughed. What, did you think I would offer you grog? I can if you would
prefer. Flowers and Lulu adapted part of the engine, it makes a uniquely strong brew if you want
to try it.
I do! James chimed in, instantly.
No, you do not, Amelia told him, vehemently.
But I do, James protested.
You can have some on your sixteenth birthday, lad. The Captains promise cheered
James up enough that Amelia restrained herself from pointing out that wherever they were on
Jamess sixteenth birthday it would decidedly not be near the pirates and their grog.
Go back to reading your pilfered book, James, Amelia instructed.
Not pilfered, borrowed, James responded, mirroring a certain pirate's inflections
Good god, Amelia groaned, youre having an influence on him.
Excellent! said pirate trumpeted. Who better?
Much easier to ask who worse, the list would be much shorter and I wouldnt die of old
age reciting it.
Ah, but whats the fun in an easy life?
Thankfully, Amelia was saved from the need to answer by the entrance of a particularly
dour looking Cook, unhappily pushing a cart filled with covered plates. He grunted at them as he
crossed the threshold.
Ah, Dorothy, excellent timing as always.
Dorothy? Amelia couldnt help but ask.
Yes, our excellent cook here, Dorothy. He was so pleased to hear that he would be
cooking dinner for you tonight, I do think he seasoned our food with tears of joy.
She ignored his nonsense and instead focused on what was important. His name is
No, the Captain answered easily, his pirate name is Dorothy.
Pirate name? What nonsense- Amelia blushed and turned with a remorseful expression
to the cook. Im ever so sorry, how shamefully rude of us to be talking about you as if you
werent there. Im sure Dorothy is a lovely name
You dont need to bother, Captain Maxwell told her easily, Dorothy doesnt talk
much, as you may have noticed. Indeed, the Cooks only acknowledgement was that his dour

expression turned several degrees darker and you could almost hear a clunk as he dropped the
plates in front of them.
Whats my pirate name? James demanded, as happy as the Captain to ignore the cook,
even as the poor man rammed his cart into the door in his rush to leave.
Hmm Im not sure. Ill have to think about it. What do you think of 'the bomb'?
No! Amelia protested. Its bad enough you exposed him to that wretched thing, you
are not naming him after it.
Aww, Ames
No. No explosive nicknames. No female names either, if you please. Or plant types.
Whatever you dub him, I have no doubt he will thrill in introducing himself as and explaining to
everyone it is his pirate name, given to him by a real pirate and Id as soon save myself the
All right then, Stubbs it is.
Only if you want him to be known as that-poor-boy-who-is-the-sister-of-the-murderessbut-really-who-could-blame-her.
Sorry, James, seems as if your sister is dead set against the pirate name tradition.
Another time.
James sighed the sigh of great sufferance and then started chomping his dinner
distractedly, unawares that he was dripping sauce onto the book that was sitting open next to his
arm. The red sea was going to take on a new meaning.
Speaking of time, Amelia said loudly, I seem to remember your promise to return us
safely once Professor Mordecai dealt with your horrid bomb. James said he has done so, when do
you plan on keeping up your end of the promise?
Right. Of course, the Captain swallowed heavily, his teasing expression suddenly
turned stiff and serious. We should be able to return you home tomorrow morning. If you can
stand one more night with us?
That would be fine, thank you.
The table fell into a long, awkward silence. The only noise was the clank of the forks
against plates as they ate. The only one oblivious to the awkward tension was James, but it was
clear something had sparked some idea, and James was off happily in James land.
Finally, the atmosphere grew too painful (although Amelia had absolutely no interest in
examining why it would, when she spent most of her time since coming to the ship wishing the
Captain would be silent,) and Amelia hastily finished the food on her plate and stood up. Thank
you for dinner, Captain. Come along, James, Im sure the Captain has plenty of things to do.
James looked up from the plate of food that was only half-eaten- he had forgotten about
it. But, Ames, he protested.

Come. I bet Lulu knows what happened to your notebook. It came up with us in the net,
remember? You can jot down whatever it is circling around in your genius brain right now.
James perked right up at that and obligingly jumped up from the table.
Good evening, Captain, Amelia said formally.
Good evening, Miss Sterling, the Captain replied equally formally and Amelia tried
very hard to ignore the twinge of pain that caused. She even almost succeeded.
Im too old to long for adventure and dashing pirates, Amelia told herself firmly once
they were far from the Captains quarters. This is just being silly and, like all silly things, it will
What? James asked her distractedly.
Nothing, James. Nothing at all.

Having long since settled James in his temporary room with the happily recovered
notebook, Amelia was getting very tired of her own company. Being trapped with no other
company but her own, Amelias thoughts were going in all sorts of unproductive and unhealthy
directions. Far too many of which included the blasted Captain. He was a pirate. A pirate! And
after tomorrow she would never see him again. Whatever arguing, or flirting, or kissing, or
anything they were doing now, it was temporary. To him, she must be a temporary diversion. A
novelty. A proper lady on a pirate ship!
She was not, not, under no circumstances, to develop feelings for the man. What they
said about soldiers and sailors must be doubly true for a pirate. For him there would always be
someone else. Not to mention there was James to think of. How could she even be considering
anything, not that she was, with a pirate with Jamess future at stake! Was this what she wanted
for him? Life on a pirate ship? Sure, he enjoyed it now, but well, he was a brilliant young man
from a good family with an excellent future ahead of him. She couldnt just throw that away
because some silly stomach jitters. Why, she probably just had indigestion!
No, she was going to get over her indigestion, stop being silly and as soon as they got
home tomorrow, she would go about the business of looking for a husband seriously. If nothing
else this whole affair had proved that their current situation just wasnt working. It was her job to
protect James and his brilliant future and she would do it, at any cost. Finding a sensible, stable,
calm, serious husband to be Jamess guardian wouldnt be that high a cost, after all. There were
much worse things than a sensible, stable, calm, serious life and most of them were aboard the
blasted ship.
She really needed some company outside of her own. Amelia decided she should go in
search of James. He was excellent company, usually cheerful and happy to talk as long as it was
about one of his inventions, or science, or theory, or to ask questions. Frankly, for once Amelia
would be more than happy to talk any of the above as long as she could avoid her head and any
pirates for thirty minutes. So off she set, in search of her brother.
He was not in his room. Nor was he in the engine room, the deck, the kitchen or the
galley. She was beginning to panic, when she heard the familiar sound of his voice, posed in
some query or another, coming from an open room. The voice that answered him was much
deeper, with a slightly sarcastic, slightly amused tone. Her stomach had a little more indigestion.

Since when was his voice as easy for her to identify as her brothers? Without realizing what she
was doing, Amelia hid herself around the corner and found herself engaging in the decidedly
improper activity of eavesdropping. It was only right, she rationalized, as a good sister to see
what sort of things the evil man was planting in his young mind.
do you dislike my sister, Gideon?
Amelia swallowed, even more firmly rooted in place than before. She couldnt believe
that her brother was bothering to ask such a question, but, now that he was, there was no way she
was going to miss hearing the answer. There was a long pause before Gideon finally spoke.
Every second he delayed was a second that Amelia could feel her heart thumping so loudly in
her chest she more than half expected Gideon to follow the noise to her little nook and give her
an earful about the evils of eavesdropping.
No, he answered finally. I dont dislike your sister. Amelia didnt know how she felt
about that. Confused, she supposed, just like she had since the cursed moment she had been
dropped onto the blasted ships deck.
Does my sister dislike you? James asked, surprising Amelia again that he even
bothered to notice the state of someone elses interpersonal relationship, let alone care enough
about it to ask questions pertaining to it.
There was another pause, this time accompanied with a heavy sigh. Well, to be honest,
James, I havent the foggiest. She claims to dislike me a great deal, but I dont know if I should
believe her.
She hit you.
That she did.
You deserved it.
I suppose thats true as well. Although, if I got punched in the face every time I
deserved it, I would spend my life black and blue and how dull that would become.
Usually girls dont go around doing their own hitting.
For the girls in the circles you belong to, thats probably quite accurate. But your sister
is hardly usual.
Girls are supposed to have people to hit for them. Im the only one Ames has left. I
guess that means Im the one that should be doing her hitting for her. James paused, giving
Amelia enough to time to shudder at the thought of James going around getting in to fistfights on
her behalf. What a perfectly horrid thought. But I dont want to hit you, Gideon.
Thats good, I dont particularly want you to hit me either.
Have you done something that I should hit you for? Ames has been acting deuced
strange around you.

Amelia blushed. She hadnt thought James had paid enough attention to her to notice, let
alone that he would know her well enough to guess just how unsettling she found the Captains
presence even when she tried her best to hide it.
Well yes, I probably have.
James sighed and sounded far wearier and far older than he should. Well, I suppose this
time Ill let you off. Ames already hit you good. But next time I wont be able to overlook it. Its
my duty as a gentlemen and her brother.
I understand, Captain Gideon replied with all the gravity and seriousness that her
brother had used. It must be hard. Since your parents died.
I dont miss them. Not in the way that Ames does. They werent around a lot. They were
good parents, but more interested in themselves, you know? Amelia swallowed. She had no
idea that James had felt that way. They never really understood about the inventing. They
would get annoyed with me. With all the questions I asked and all the whys. Papa enjoyed being
Mordecai though. He liked the dress up. It was like a game to him, a game where people would
give him adoration and money.
It was Ames who was always there for me. I know she isnt interested in the things that I
am, but she always tries to understand. When I was younger the tutor used to slap my wrists
when I asked too many questions. When Ames found out she dumped a filled chamberpot on his
head and got Papa to fire him by saying he had made inappropriate advances towards her. Then
she asked me every question I had that no one had answered. She spent months reading all sorts
of books until she found the answer for most of them. When she couldnt find the answers to the
rest, she told me I would just have to use my genius brain and find them out for everyone else.
She regretted it, I think, when I stunk up the whole house trying to figure out why some
foods rotted faster than others. She found me an old shed for experiments after that. Amelias
hand found its way over her mouth and her eyes filled with unwanted water. She had no idea he
still remembered about the tutor. Or the rest of it. He was always so busy dreaming about what
he could create, thinking about the future. Somehow it felt wrong to think of him remembering
the past.
Its been hard for her. The servants all get a half-day on Wednesdays. When they are all
gone and she thinks Im busy with something else, sometimes she locks herself in Mama and
Papas old room and cries. She thinks I dont know.
I dont know how to protect her, Gideon. Shes right. People will try to split us up. I
dont want that. Ames used to tell me when I wasnt getting along with someone, or I had said
something to make someone mad or make them cry, that no matter how brilliant you are, you
cant get along in the world without people. Ames is my people. Ames is my people, Gideon,
and I dont know how to protect her. I dont know how to help her. What should I do?
Although so far she had managed to get through her entire pirate abduction episode
without actually being reduced to tears, the helpless little break in her brothers voice did her in.
Tears streamed down her cheeks. What was it about the blasted man that made her brother want
to confide in him; to seek his help? How was it that he could so simply, with two little sentences,

draw confessions out of James that Amelia hadnt even had an inkling of? What did it say about
Amelia, as a sister and as a guardian, that James was turning to a stranger, a pirate, for help and
confidences? What did it say about both Sterlings that they were so drawn to this horrible man?
I think, the deep lilting voice answered, reminding Amelia that there were other things
going on than her dour thoughts, that all you can do is what you are doing. Being her brother,
who cares for her and worries for her. I think without you, Amelia would be lost. But you give
her purpose. You give her focus. Amelia may be your people, but you are her very most
important person. Just by being at her side, you help her.
But shes still sad and scared. I wish she wasnt.
Your sister is a very strong girl. No matter what happens, between the two of you, Im
sure you will be able to handle it. Why, Ive never seen two people handle kidnapping so well!
Not a faint or a hysteric or a stupid escape plan to be seen.
Yes, indeed. You have been the very best of prisoners. I am sure I will never again see
such high quality kidnapees.
Unless you kidnapped us again, James pointed out, not as if he were suggesting it, just
pointing out the logic.
True enough, lad. There was a short pause. If I asked you a question, I dont suppose
you would be willing to keep it among us, a secret between men?
That depends on the question, James responded promptly. But if you mean dont tell
Ames, I probably wont. Whenever I mention you her face gets all red and scrunchy and she
kicks things when she doesnt think Im looking.
Does your sister have lots of suitors at home?
What? Oh, you mean the drooling monkeys. Yes, loads. But most of them are after the
money. Or what they think is the money anyway. Im pretty sure we are more or less broke.
Err does she seem to have any particular fondness for any of them?
Lord, I dont know. Its almost impossible to tell what Ames thinks about a person. She
always has that polite half-smile. Except with you. She doesnt bother being polite with you. She
must really hate you.
Amelia almost choked and gave herself away. Her emotions were in such a big whirlwind
she didnt have any idea what they even were anymore. But she thought she was amused by this
latest turn of conversation. Amused. Horrified. Embarrassed. Secretly pleased that her little postkiss revenge seemed to have taken root. Mad at herself for caring that he cared at all.
A loud piercing noise that was unlike anything Amelia had ever heard ended Amelias
foray into eavesdropping. She hurried towards the deck, both so she wouldnt be caught, and so
she could figure out what in the world was going on. The painful noise stopped and started again

a few times until finally a voice came over the speaker. Amelia had just reached the deck and
could now place the source of the awful noise: an imperial navy airship.
A clipped female voice with a faint Imperia accent came across through some sort of
amplification system. This is Imperial Seeker Victoria Bennett. We have reason to believe that
missing Imperial citizens, siblings Amelia and James Sterling and their guardian Professor
Latimer Mordecai, are aboard your illegal vessel. Stand down and release them or we will be
forced to use force in order to subdue and retrieve the targets.
What do you say, Amelia, do you want to be turned over to imperial hands?
Amelia wasnt the least bit surprised this time when the Captain mysteriously appeared at
her side. She stared at the very large imperial ship and its very large cannons and swallowed
uneasily. Id as soon not be responsible for the capture or death of you and your crew,
despicable pirates and all. She wasnt keen on the idea of going into imperial hands, particularly
since somehow she would have to explain away Mordecais absence and keep them from
developing too much of an interest in James. And then there were the piratesshe would have to
come up with some sort of story that wouldnt end in them being declared level one criminals
and hunted down for execution.
Thoughtful of you, but not necessary. The Bumblebee can easily outrun the mush-forbrains imperials. Why, I think my lazy crew might actually enjoy themselves for once. Nothing
is quite as fun as making those government types seem like incompetent fools.
Amelia hesitated. She didnt want to risk the lives of the pirates, for all that they had
kidnapped her they didnt seem like bad sorts. Also, as much as she was loathe to admit it, she
rather preferred staying in the hands of the kidnapping pirates than going into the hands of her
would be imperial rescuers. She didnt like it, but there it was. She looked up at the Captain, but
he just smiled at her, totally confident and not the least bit afraid. Could she really let him do
Then no, please, I would rather not.
He grinned at her then turned towards the rest of the crew that had assembled on deck.
You heard the lady, lets show these imperial bastards just how slow and stupid their soft life
has left them!
There were various shouts of agreement and then they all scattered around the deck in a
chaos that Amelia could only hope was organized. The captain turned back towards her and put
his hands lightly on her shoulders, pushing her down towards the deck. Best we keep you out of
sight, dont want to taunt the bull, however slow, with a giant red cloak. Once she was
crouching on the deck, he quickly reached around her and moved some straps with fast fingers.
Strapping you in, he replied to her unasked question, Im afraid the ride might get a bit
bumpy. Dont want you falling off the side.
That goes for you, too, James, He called out and Amelia saw James sitting down not
too far from where she was. Her brother nodded and somehow figured out the strap contraption
on his own.

The captain patted her shoulder quickly and smiled at her reassuringly. Dont worry,
Amelia. This will be easy as cake and over just as fast. Before Amelia could ask him just how a
cake was supposed to be fast, the Captain had already turned away and was shouting out orders
to the crew. She swallowed, suddenly feeling very alone.
Illegal vessel, this is your last chance to hand over the Sterlings. Otherwise we will be
forced to use force. This is your final warning.
The amplified icy voice was met by jeers and insults from the pirates. The Captain, now
situated at the ships helm, saluted the ship jauntily. Then there was as a loud booming noise
from the imperial ship. Amelia peeked back up over the edge of the deck to see a large black
cannonball?!? headed straight for the Bumblebee. A sudden jerk sent the ship unto a sharp angle.
All the pirates were strapped in, but a forgotten mop slid down the deck and jumped off the side
of the now askew ship. As Amelia wondered what else was like to fall, the ship straightened out.
Return fire! The Captain didnt seem the least bit alarmed that this was rapidly turning
into an air battle. The crew obliged, hauling big black balls from out of their cages, putting them
in the cannons Amelia hadnt noticed previous, stuffing them and lighting the fuse. The noises
they made when they fired were much louder when you were on the offending ship.
The imperial ship didnt just sit back satisfied with their one missed shot; more and more
cannon fire was exchanged until Amelia felt she would never be able to hear without a loud
ringing noise in her ears again. Most they managed to dodge, but the ship had taken some minor
damage. Amelia could only pray that nothing managed to hit the bomb. She couldnt imagine
that would go well.
Stoke the engines! More steam! Get ready to fly!
Amelia had never before had a chance to see the Captain when he was serious, but he
certainly was now. Still, considering they were in a life or death situation, he looked like he was
enjoying himself a tad too much. Of course, were he totally serious and focused on the task,
Amelia would certainly feel like they were in a great deal of danger. Which obviously they were,
but between the Captains cavalier attitude, and the crew acting like they were at a particularly
amusing picnic, Amelia couldnt help but feel reassured. Reassured by the flighty nature of
piratesstrange times, indeed.
Hang on to your hats, ladies. Its time to leave this party.
With only those cheerfully shouted words from the Captain as warning, the ship suddenly
lurched downwards. When Amelia was certain they could fall no lower without crashing into the
ground beneath, they stopped their decent. Amelia barely had time to do anything but be grateful
that her stomach was no longer paying a call on her throat before the ship jerked again. This time
forward. It happened so quickly that her head banged against the deck of the ship behind her.
Their flight started tipping upwards and suddenly they really were flying. They were going so
fast! Amelia had never been in anything that moved that quickly.
Apparently James agreed with her assessment, for he was laughing loudly, his left arm
outstretched, his hand open so he could feel the beat of the wind against it as they flew. Amelia
lost track of time; she had no idea how long they pushed the Bumblebee to its full capacity.

Certainly longer than she could see the Imperial ship behind them. In that the Captain had been
quite right, it hadnt even been a fair contest. The seeker ship never had a chance of keeping up
with them.
Amelia rose up a little in her strap and turned till her face was facing outside the ship.
Wind blew in it but not strongly enough that her eyes teared up. She looked down. How small
the world looked. She laughed out loud just for the joy of it. She was a captive on a pirate ship.
She strongly disliked the pirates on board (or at least so she told herself). She was not the type to
break rules or long for adventure. She was looking forward to nothing so much as getting off the
damned ship, away from the even more damned pirates and getting home. All that was true. And
yetand yet she had never felt so free. Amelia smiled bemusedly at herself, knowing herself
well enough to know she had no desire to further explore that particular train of thought, or think
of what, or even who, might be the cause.
Eventually the airship slowed back to a more normal cruise and the pirates started
unstrapping themselves and going back about their normal duties and routines. Amelia managed
to release herself from her own contraption before anyone else condescended to do it for her.
James came up running up to her, burbling with his excitement over the fight and flight of the
pirate ship Bumblebee. Amelia smiled at him and ruffled his hair in the way she knew he
detested. At least one of them should have an uncomplicated and positive experience of their
short interlude from their normal lives. For it was an interlude, she reminded herself and of
necessity short. For even if they wanted more from it than that, they would never get it. This was
a pirates' ship, filled with pirates. She could neither expect nor want anything more from them
than what was a pirate's wont.
See, now what did I tell you, Amelia? As easy as running away from a colicky baby and
not nearly as loud. Amelia startled to see the blasted captain standing behind them again.
Yes, it was a quite the impressive display, Captain. She paused. Thank you.
He looked at her then. Really looked at her. Looked at her in a way she hadnt been
looked at since- well, ever, at least to her recollection. Which in all fairness might be a tad
muddled because whatever heavy things lay behind his jaunty grin and cheery faade were
making her all things confused and uneasy. She really wished he would look away. She had no
desire to figure out what it was behind that look. He was a pirate. A temporary pirate who would
leave them. Or they would leave. Oh, what did it really matter. It was just simply impossible.
Impossible in every way.
Amelia, his voice was a heavy and rich with meaning as his look. He looked ready to
reach out for her. It was time to go, it was definitely time to go.
Well, being involved in an airship firefight and fleeing from the imperial government is
far more exhausting than I had any idea. I think I shall retire now, the words poured out of her
mouth so quickly that she left no time for any heavy looks or words she had no desire to see or
hear interrupt. Good evening, Captain. I shall see you in the morning, when, as promised, you
shall deliver us home?
Yes, of course. Good night, Miss Sterling.

Amelia told herself sternly to ignore whatever was going on behind the words or the
polite smile on his face. Most especially not to look at him in the eyes. That would be disastrous
to her resolve and her resolve really was necessary. Very necessary.
Come along, James.
For once James didnt complain and went easily to his room. Probably he had been
frightened away by whatever it was that Amelia was very carefully not noticing. It was harder
though, to not notice, once she was in her own quarters, the door closed behind her. She engaged
in a very furious battle with herself where she ordered herself not to cry, no matter what she saw
in his face, or what part of herself, the infinitely foolish part, wished. Tomorrow this would all be
over. Tomorrow, she would leave. Tomorrow she would never see the blasted Captain or his
equally blasted ship ever again. Tomorrow she would be fine. She would. She would.

Amelia did not sleep well. She did not sleep well at all. She told herself, very firmly, that
it must be because she was in a strange place and eager to get home. It had nothing to do with a
pair of conflicted eyes, looking at her with complicated feelings. It had absolutely nothing to do
with that at all. No, indeed, it was eagerness that kept her awake! Pure excitement to be free of
the blasted pirate at long last! But no matter how happy she told herself she was, somehow she
couldnt manage to make her reflection in the mirror to smile or look any less fatigued.
It was pure relief when James invaded her room, without so much of a knock. It was
much easier to fake cheerfulness when there was someone around who required it. At least it was
easier until she saw Jamess ashen, distressed face.
James, my god, what is it?
He looked up at her with eyes half-filled with tears. Amelia was torn between being
horrified and being furious. James never cried. Not even when their parents had died. If someone
was the cause of his distress, they did not have much longer to live. Someone trashed it,
Amelia. Someone destroyed it all.
Destroyed what? Amelia asked, then her brain finally catching up, her stomach sunk.
Your bomb defusing solution?
He nodded. Theres no time to get the supplies again. Its ruined. Its all ruined. The
ship is going to explode.
Amelia was filled with a quiet fury. She welcomed it. Compared to all the other emotions
she had been feeling of late, this one was comfortable. This one was easy. And when she found
whichever traitor had ruined her brothers hard work, his great accomplishment, the one he had
managed on his own and got respect and credit for, even as a ten-year-old boy. When she found
whoever had ruined his once-in-a-lifetime grand adventure... Oh, would they regret what they
had done.
Show me, she commanded.
She didnt know what she was expecting to find. It was hardly likely that the culprit
would have left his or her name signed on the wall. It would have had to be a member of the
crew, for who else had access? Amelia didnt know exactly what pirates did to traitors of their
own, but she couldnt imagine it would be pleasant. Even Imperial traitors were sentenced to

death in a bevy of perfectly horrid ways. But still, perhaps she would find some sort of clue.
Something that would lead her to the monster who had destroyed her brothers happy
Amelia didnt find that clue. She did find an impressive amount of shattered glass, torn
tubing and broken gears. There would be no salvaging Jamess solution. Even if they could jerryrig some new equipment into service, the all-important third chemical was completely missing.
Even if they could find another supplier to steal it from, there simply wasnt the time. The
Bumblebee was doomed.
Lulu sat desolate among the wreckage, sorting the glass and broken parts into piles. For
the first time, Amelia saw something on her face that wasnt concentrated interest or open
cheerfulness. She looked miserable.
Its not your fault, Lulu. Nor yours either, James. What the two of you accomplished
was nothing short of amazing. Whatever happens now has nothing to do with you, only
whomever was petty and vicious enough to destroy it. Amelia ruffled Jamess hair again. Only
he was so distracted by the sight in front of them that he didnt even notice. Its not your fault,
she repeated.
No, its mine, the Captain, once again appearing out of thin air, said. It was a measure
of how distraught James and Lulu were and how angry Amelia was that she didnt feel the least
need to jump or be annoyed by his predictable silent appearance. I should have had guards here.
Ones I trusted. But it simply never occurred to me that someone on my own crew would betray
me. There was an angry, stubborn set to his jaw that Amelia knew that whomever the traitor
was might want to be found by her first.
What are you going to do? Amelia asked.
We will get you home, as promised, the Captain answered obliquely.
No, about the ship?
He let out a short, taut sigh. I guess we will find a new one.
Im sorry. Amelia gave him a smile full of sympathy.
Why? Are you the one who did this?
No, she replied, suddenly irritated with him.
Then you have no cause to be sorry.
I was giving you sympathy, you gigantic idiot, not taking blame. I know how much this
ship meant to you. And she did; somehow she did know.
A ship can always be replaced, Gideon answered tightly. Its not like Im losing a
member of my crew.
True, but replacing a home is harder. The Bumblebee is more than a ship to you, its
your home.

Blasted woman, are you finally getting your revenge? Kicking me while Im down to
get back for all the indignities I forced you to suffer? Or just trying to rub it in hopes you can
catch me unmanned by tears?
I was trying to be nice, you massive prick. Obviously my mistake.
Alright, Im sorry.
No you arent.
Fine, Im not.
Lulus head darted from one of them to the other. Are they always like this? she asked
James in a confused but delighted stage whisper.
No, I think they are usually worse. They seem to be getting along today, James stage
whispered back.
Amelias eyes narrowed at the pirate. I dont think girls with grease decorating their
nose and cheeks like war paint, sitting in the middle of a pile of junk like its treasure, should be
judging the ridiculousness of others.
Lulu made a valiant effort to stifle her giggles, but in the end they won. Amelia didnt
take it personally, as she might have under other circumstances. Giggles, no matter how
inappropriate and high-pitched were far preferable to tears. A state which Amelia thought they
were all closer to than they would be willing to admit.
Captain Gideon sighed deeply, but gave Lulu the indulgence of not commenting on her
sudden case of giggle-disease. He turned his attention back to Amelia, who valiantly ignored the
compulsive desire to feed and tea the Captain upon noticing the dark circles around his worried
eyes. We are about an hour out from Port Cayane, from where you should easily be able to get
back to your residence.
Yes, it should be easy enough, Amelia agreed. What are you going to do after you
drop us off? I know you dont plan to just let the ship blow up willy-nilly.
Truly? And why is that? I am after all a pirate, a denizen of hell and the personification
of every fault, at least if your recent protests are to be believed.
You certainly are horrid, smug, abrasive and rude. You cannot be in a room without
throwing everything and everyone straight into chaos. Your morals are sadly quite flexible,
particularly when it comes to things like ownership, Imperial law and proper behavior. But, that
being said, you dont hurt people. You certainly dont put innocents in danger. Its not like you
are evil. Just anarchic.
Why, darling, you do know how to make a fellow feel special. Such a ringing
endorsement. Why I do think I might cry.
Stop being such an ass. No, James, these are extenuating circumstances, just because I
let that slip once doesnt mean that it is the sort of word you use in polite company, no matter

how much the ass in question deserves the name. She turned her attention away from James,
who was more upset than she thought not to be joyous at the sight of her poor language choice,
and back the ass in question. And stop dodging my question, you big baby. You dontyou
dont plan on flying the ship into the sea by yourself or something similar?
He scoffed at her. He actually scoffed. Out loud. Of course not. Stop being a
stereotypical woman with ridiculous fears and flights of fancy. I may be many things, but
suicidal has never been one of them. Its easy enough to have the airship continue in the same
direction all on its own. The only trick is making sure to navigate it in the right direction first, so
whenever the brilliant fireworks are triggered theres only desert or ocean beneath. Ocean, most
likely, we dont have the time to find some desert.
How much time will you need for that? James asked, his expression so avidly attentive
that Amelia couldnt help but have a very bad premonition.
To safely evacuate the crew, set up the ship and point it towards the ocean from Port
Cayane? Maybe an hour? Two to be safe. Why? The sharpness of his question led Amelia to
believe that somehow during the past few days the Captain had also gotten to know James well
enough to anticipate what his question meant.
We still have seven and half hours before the bomb is set to trigger. If it takes an hour to
make it to port and another and a half to evacuate, this still leaves five hours of extra time.
Its not a ball, lad. This time it wont do to be fashionably late.
Yes, I know, but still thats time. There must be some other solution, something Im
missing! I got attached to the chemical solution only because it was the most obvious, the
simplest. Once I was sure it would work, I didnt think through all the other possibilities. If I just
think, maybe theres something I can do.
Gideon crouched down on his knees in front of James and patted his shoulder
consolingly. Its alright, lad. I know you want to do it for us, but its too dangerous now.
Theres not enough time. Its over.
I think you are laboring under a misunderstanding, Captain Maxwell, Amelia
interjected, her voice tinged with resigned humor. Although James, in pure rebellion to good
taste, seems to like you lot well enough, the reason he is so keen for a few more hours is because
he wants to figure out a solution for the pure joy in the fact he can. He likes puzzles and
problems far more than he does people.
Ames, James protested, in the way he did whenever she presented a statement that was
anything other than strictly factually accurate.
Oh, very well, he likes puzzles and problems far more than he does most people.
James nodded his agreement and, satisfied that accuracy was paid her due, went back to
the more important question at hand. So can you give me a few hours, Gideon? Or are you
kicking us off the moment we get to port so we arent your responsibility any longer?

Amelia almost choked. Good god, when had James learned emotional manipulation? She
could only hope this was an extreme measure brought on by the prospect of a delicious and
dangerous practical scientific quandary, or she was going to worry for the future of Imperia. No.
The world.
The Captain didnt seem to hold much hope for James coming up with a new solution.
She could tell by the resigned look in his eyes and the careful set of his expression. All the same,
he couldnt stand up to James at his most demanding and most charming any better than anyone
else could. Very well, he said with a sigh, cutting off Jamess no doubt celebratory interruption
with the single twitch of a raised finger. A few hours only. When untimely demise by giant
fiery explosion is involved, theres no taunting old man death. And only if your sister gives the
go ahead.
Immediately a pair of gigantic, round, pleading genius ten-year-old boy eyes turned on
her. The coward, he couldnt bear to tell James no, so now he was putting it on her. Why did she
have to be the bad one? He was the pirate, for heavens sake! Jamess brow furrowed a little and
he looked up through his over-long lashes that never ceased to make her jealous. He might have
even been pouting a little. When did James, James, learn about the judicious use of a pout? How
was she going to look at that face and tell him no?
Maybe she didnt have to. Even if they stalled a few hours, there still should be plenty of
time. Everyone would be safe. And she could spend some more time on the ship before never
seeing any of the pirates again. Wait, no! She did not have any interest in spending more time
with the pirates. She did not. Certainly she would never, ever risk her life and Jamess life just to
satisfy such an inconceivable whim. If she agreed, she would only be agreeing for Jamess sake.
Yes, James. James, who had so enjoyed his adventure and had been so pleased with himself upon
coming up with a solution to an impossible problem. James, who had been happier in the past
few days than he had been in a long time. James, who was even now looking up at her with a
look that could melt the resolve of even the Empress.
Oh, very well, you monster. Stop using your adorable genius to work the world nicely to
your whims. But only a few hours mind, Ill not risk our lives past whats necessary.
Thanks, Ames! James cried triumphantly and hurried to get his notebook.
Is he always like that? Gideon asked her curiously, careful to moderate his volume so
the boy wouldnt hear them as he raced around the room.
Only when he truly wants something, Amelia answered.
How often is that?
Oh monthly maybe? Dont look so concerned, Captain. He has not yet shown any
inclination for world domination. Too much work and far too many people. You dont have to
worry about him becoming your evil overlord just yet.
You relieve me greatly, Miss Sterling. But if by any chance he changes his mind, please
remind him that he quite liked me once. I shouldnt want to be on bad terms with the overlord.

James had never once lost his face of absolute concentration, so he hadnt given up on the
problem, but neither had his face brightened with triumphant clarity, so he wasnt any closer to
coming up with a time and materially plausible solution, although he came up with a few more
that werent. They had given him as much time as they dared. It would only be a matter of
minutes before the reached Port Cayane, returned the Sterling siblings to some suitable location
and started the evacuation of the crew.
The Captain had spent his hours updating the crew and trying to unearth whatever traitor
among them had destroyed Jamess solution and with it the crews chance at keeping the ship. So
far, he had had no luck. Whoever the traitor was, he or she must be a spectacular actor, Amelia
thought. They all seemed quite upset. Some furious and getting into fistfights at the slightest
provocation, some distraught and mopey. Some just with the look of grim resignation that those
from whom life took much from grew to have when it took something once more.
Amelia had not gone out of her way to get to know the pirates. In fact she rather avoided
it, believing minimizing her contact with the piratical element would be for the best. Still,
although she knew the names of only a handful and the faces of only a few more, she couldnt
help but feel very angry on their behalf. Captain Gideon wasnt the only who would be losing
their home. Perhaps the only home they had ever known. Or at the very least the only one that
they had felt safe in. Despite the positive spin the Captain attempted to put on it, Amelia couldnt
imagine how they would all manage to stick together. Not without a ship, nor easy access to one.
She simply couldnt imagine they would be able to easily brush off the loss of the Bumblebee
and continue on their piratey day. So, perhaps it wasnt only the destruction of a home that was
set to take place in only a matter of hours, but of a family as well. For it was, for all that Amelia
had and still did think about the pirates, they had formed a family. A happier one than most she
saw among the upper classes.
Five minutes until we hit port, Captain.
Amelia swallowed tightly as the voice of the one the pirates she never bothered to meet
brought her back to reality. She tightened her grip on the small bag that carried all the belongings
that had made the journey from train to sky with them (short Jamess all important notebook, of
course.) Soon, she would leave this ship and its pirates. Soon she would go back to normal life,
the very thing she had spent the vast majority of the time since she had been abducted and
brought aboard in the first place wishing for. She didnt feel satisfied. She didnt feel happy, or

even relieved. No, she felt terribly sad. She was sad. With only five minutes left, she could
finally afford to admit it. She was sad. Sad she was leaving and sad about whom she was leaving.
Sad that they would, in all likelihood, never see or hear from any of the pirates again. Sad that
her almost-might-have been with the Captain was now most assuredly going to be a never-couldnever-was.
Are you ready?
With only five minutes, Amelia had no need to hide or alter her reactions, so she let
herself laugh. How do you always do that? She asked the Captain in the breaks between
laughing and breathing. Do you have some amazing magic power to know exactly when I am
lost enough in thought that I wont hear you approach and will jump every time?
He looked at her like she was barking mad. Which was fine with her, at the moment she
felt she was closer to barking mad than not. Oh, no, dont look at me like that, Captain. I wont
believe you are innocent!
He raised an eyebrow. Oh, never that, he agreed, although Amelia got the distinct
impression he still didnt know what she was going on about. She continued laughing up at him,
even more amused. He smiled down at her. Not a sardonic smile. Not an ironic smile. Not an
exaggerated smile. A true, open-lipped, bright, full-of-might-have-been smile. Five-minutes-left
Amelia smiled back at him. Not a sarcastic smile. Not a biting smile. And not a fake smile. A
real true, I-wish-it-was smile.
One of his hands escaped from where they had been held tightly in check behind his
back. It wormed its way up to the side of her face. He wasnt wearing gloves, so she could feel
the calluses on his rough fingers as his thumb moved carefully up and down. Her smile widened,
particularly at the thought she had that he didnt seem particularly conscious of what he was
doing. Like his hand was a completely separate entity and he wasnt aware of its doings at all.
She tilted her chin up deliberately and peered up from under carefully lowered lashes. She only
had five minutes, after all, and she could think of worse ways to spend them than to have a
proper kiss with the blasted pirate Captain.
She was then quite put out when he made no move to lean down in kiss her. If anything,
her efforts succeeded only in causing him to move further away from her. Her eyes narrowed in
irritation, but she was silenced when his other hand enclosed lightly around her upper arm. So he
wasnt retreating from herwhat was he doing? He stared down at her, his eyes tumultuous with
emotion, as suited a pirate. The corners of his mouth slowly raised. Amelia, he breathed,
softly. Amelia, I-
Captain! A loud shout from the pirate lookout with the spyglass, drew Gideons
attention away from Amelia and whatever it was that he was going to say. Captain! You have to
look at this!
What is it? His long legs making for quick strides, Captain Gideon was across the deck
in no time, leaving Amelia breathless and feeling quite alone. Surely they only had a minute or
two now.

The Captain took the spyglass from his pirate subordinate and looked at whatever it was
that had the boy so hysterical. And immediately broke into a stream of cursing so fierce, Amelia
could only pray that James wasnt near enough to take note. There wasnt enough soap in the
world to clean a mouth after that.
Flowers, secure the mast! Lulu, get those engines singing! Queenie, turn us about, now!
All free hands hit the deck and strap in! Go, now!
A deep pit of fear in her stomach, Amelia followed suit, threw herself to the ground and
strapped herself in. Something bad was happening, she knew it. For once, the Captain looked
Port! Turn to port! Gideon called. But it was too late. Only a few feet away from her,
Amelia heard the ship scream as it was punctured by something that looked like a gigantic metal
claw. Like a hideously twisted plant, the strange metal device drove up through the bottom of the
deck and expanded, until it dug itself into the wood of the ship itself. The ship rocked
precariously, and had they not been strapped in, Amelia was certain several of the pirates would
have fallen to their deaths. Amelia looked uneasily over the edge, only to see that the claw thing
was attached to a very long chain that was coming out of the ground? Amelia could barely see
the tiny figures running around some sort of wooden shooting device that must have launched
the cursed thing.
Damn! Weve been anchored. The must have upgraded the technology. We should have
been able to dodge it. Damn it! Lulu, get up here! She must have started running before the
Captain had even called, because Lulu made it up to the deck in record time, followed closely by
James, who looked at the metal atrocity with wide eyes. Can you detach us? the Captain asked.
Lulu studied the heavy chain and claw-like anchor holding the ship and all the people on
it static. She bit her lip, poked it a few places and gave it a few yanks. I should be able to saw
through the chain. But it will take time.
How much time?
More than we have, Captain. This deep voiced answer came from a very solemn
Flowers, not Lulu, who pointed towards the port. Amelia swallowed heavily at the sight.
Imperial ships. Lots of imperial ships. It would only be a matter of minutes before they were
completely surrounded and grounded as they were by the anchor, they were all as good as sitting
This doesnt seem to be a very favorable situation, James whispered to Amelia. Are
we going to die?
Amelia frowned. I dont think so, James. They think we have been kidnapped. They are
trying to rescue us. At least I think so.
Id rather not be rescued like this.
Thats true for me as well, Amelia gave Jamess shoulders a little hug. But we are
having an adventure, remember? You cant have a proper adventure without villains. And you

especially cant have a good adventure if you dont think the villains are going to win, at least
James blinked at her seriously. Does that mean that we are going to win after all? Its
only a good adventure if you dont die in the end. And you get away from the bad guys.
Yes, Amelia lied. Im sure we will win.
Hmm, he pondered seriously. I dont see how thats going to happen. Its not looking
very good.
As if to prove Jamess point, a loud metallic sounding voice rang out from the nearest
Imperial ship. Pirates of the airship known as the Bumblebee. You have kidnapped and held
hostage citizens of good Imperial standing. You have fired upon an Imperial ship. You have
refused to surrender your ship. You have stolen imperial goods. Surrender immediately, or face
immediate execution. Prepare to be boarded.
No, Amelia breathed.
You heard them, fellow pirates. We are surrounded and anchored. Shall we surrender?
The captains question was greeted with an overwhelming cry of no! Very well then, a fight
with pirates is what they want, a fight is what we shall give them! To arms!
Amelia watched, horrified as the pirates around her pulled out pistols and swords.
Preparing for what Amelia could only view as group suicide. Although Amelia had never noticed
them before, apparently Gideon carried them around with him, for he didnt have time to fetch
them from somewhere but suddenly he was armed with two pistols and a fencing blade both. He
shouted orders to the pirates around him, slowly making his way to where Lulu, Amelia and
James were huddled. A wave of the Captains wrist and Flowers moved towards the group as
Flowers, Lulu, the captain addressed the two pirates. I have a special mission for you
both. I need you to accompany the Sterlings to safety. Use the emergency boat. Lulu looked
ready to protest and Flowers looked decidedly unhappy, but one more look from the Captain and
they both nodded.
But-" Amelia protested, not as cowed as her pirate companions seemed to be.
I know what you are thinking, Amelia. But I cant get them all safe. We are anchored
and surrounded and theres only the one boat. Priority goes to the civilians.
I wasnt blaming you for that, you giant ignoramus. I was going to ask you what you
intend to do? Welcome them aboard with tea and crumpets and watch as they slaughter you all
one by one?
Of course not, he pooh-poohed. They are just the Imperial Navymen after all. And as
such, incredibly lazy and terrible shots. Dont underestimate me and my people. We will be able
to hold them off long enough.

Long enough for what? Amelia demanded, then was flooded with horror when she
realized what he meant. Oh, no. No, no, no.
There are worse ways to go than with a big bang. It has just the proper amount of drama.
And definitely just the proper amount of respect for the Imperials.
No, Gideon. No, Amelia pleaded, horrified.
He smiled sadly at her. Im sorry, love. Theres no choice. As if that settled everything,
the Captain turned his attention back to Flowers. Im calling in your debt. Get them home safe.
Looking at his Captain as if he was already a dead man, Flowers nodded once, sharply. I
will. I promise. Ive been honored to serve you, Captain. Honored. Ill see you on the other side.
The Captain smiled at his most loyal pirate. Looking forward to it. Ill save you a stool.
Amelia opened her mouth, trying to think of something to say. Nothing came out. The Captain
turned to her, met her gaze and lost his smile. His expression unreadable, he just nodded at her,
the silence between them heavy with all the things they had never said. And then he was gone
and Flowers was dragging them full speed towards the bottom of the ship.
They had reached the very bottom of the airship, where pulling a lever would open them
to sky and the emergency boat would launch. Lulu was helping Flowers to right the boat and set
it up. Amelia felt frozen, like she couldnt quite believe what was happening. Thus it took
several tugs on her dress sleeve before Amelia realized that James was trying to get her attention.
What is it, James? Amelia asked. Keep in mind that now would not be the proper time
to ask for cake. With or without strawberries.
I figured it out, he replied.
Figured what out? Amelia asked, genuinely confused.
Figured out how we win, Ames.
How we win? Amelia was beginning to feel like an idiot. Her brother often made her
feel less than smart, but not generally the totally clueless idiot she felt at the moment.
He nodded enthusiastically. When the pirates stole the chemicals for me, they
accidentally brought a jar of what they thought was liquid tarium, but actually was a jar of
narate. Amelia blinked, still not understanding. James noisily huffed his exasperation. Its an
acid, Ames.
Acid acid We can use it to burn through the anchor chain, Amelia hazarded,
finally catching on. James nodded vigorously. But that would still leave us completely
surrounded by Imperial ships.
But they are attempting to board, they arent shooting cannons at us again. You
remember what the Captain said, the Bumblebee is fast. We can outrun any Imperial Ship. It
shouldnt matter how many. As long as we take advantage of the tactical benefit of surprise.

Amelia thought it out carefully. It might work, if not for None of that changes the fact
there is still a giant bomb on the ship ready to explodewell, soon!
But I figured it out, Ames! I know how to disarm it! James was practically jumping up
and down in his eagerness. She could tell by his expression that he at least was convinced that
whatever madcap solution he had come up with would work. So lets do it, Ames! Lets save
the day! Lets win!
Amelia looked down at her brothers eager eyes. It was so much to risk. Are you sure
about this?
Yes! Im sure!
Sure enough to risk both our lives? Because thats what we will be doing.
I can do this, Ames. I can. His eyes showed no fear and were as certain as his words.
Amelia closed her eyes and whispered a quick prayer. She wasnt certain. She wasnt
certain at all. But if anyone was going to believe in James, shouldnt it be her? Alright, she
agreed. Lets do this.
Thats very kind of you both, Flowers interrupted, reminding Amelia that they werent
actually alone. But I cant let you do that. I gave the Captain my promise that Id get you both
home safe, and thats what I intend to do.
James looked up at Flowers outraged as the later grabbed his arm and dragged him
towards the boat. But I can do it, Flowers! I can!
For what its worth, I dont doubt you, lad. But a promise is a promise, and I said Id get
you both out of here safe.
Amelia eyed Jamess horrified rebellion, then she eyed Flowers set jaw and determined
expression, then she eyed her half-forgotten parasol. Im sorry, she said. I really am very
sorry. Then she hit Flowers square on the head with the heavy wooden handle of her parasol.
Sadly her hastily constructed plan did not work out the way she had hoped. He blinked at
her surprised, but didnt so much as let go of Jamess arm, let alone fall unconscious. That was,
in any case, until Lulu hit him over the back of the head with a loose gear that looked much
heavier. Lulu just threw the gear into a corner and smiled as Amelia gaped at her over the now
prone Flowers.
Dont worry about him, Lulu said. Hes got a hard head and hell forgive me once we
save the Captain and the ship. Lets go.
So, still bemused and not quite sure what was happening, Amelia followed as James and
Lulu charged towards the engine room, brandishing her parasol in case the feeble weapon was
needed in their defense. It proved unnecessary, however. Although they could hear the faint
shouts and noises of fighting, none of it had seeped to the lower levels. Their trip to the engine
room was unhindered.

Whats first, honorary Captain? Lulu asked James, who was digging around in some
discarded wooden boxes.
Anchor first, he replied after careful consideration. If we cant break it properly, or if
they have another one, it would be best to find out sooner, rather than later.
Lulu nodded briskly. Amelia stared at her brother in shock. Not only had he learned how
to wield emotional manipulation, but somehow he had also picked up the never-before seen skill
to apply practical thinking to a theoretical problem. Goodness, he was getting all grown up.
Amelia conveniently pretended that here watery eyes were from the fumes the random jars of
chemicals James was opening were causing.
He finally found the right one and they were off again, this time not running and with
Amelias constant nagging reminders to be careful with the acid. They found a spot with
excellent access to the anchors chain in what had once been a pirates bedroom, but now was a
wreckage of splinters. Amelia couldnt help but remind James every three seconds to be very
careful. It was all too easy for her to picture his enthusiasm resulting in any or all of them with
horrid acid burns.
I know, Ames, he finally snapped. Im not a baby.
Amelia didnt know what age throwing acid at a chain without proper protective gear
wasnt worrisome for those involved, but she didnt think ten or twenty years would have made a
difference. He did manage to get the heavy chain without getting himself. It fizzled noisily while
eating away at the monstrous thing. Minutes passed. More minutes passed. The chain thinned
down, till it was barely as thick as a small braid of rope. But it didnt break.
Dont you know, Amelia asked the horrid anchor as she hit the thinnest part with her
parasol, that its impolite to keep a lady waiting? With her little nudge, the chain finally broke.
Suddenly free from the weight holding it down, the ship flew up. Then down. Then up again.
The sudden bobbing of the ship was accompanied by a bevy of shouts of distress and more than a
few gunshots.
Oh, dear, Amelia fussed once everything had straightened out again, I do hope we
didnt just kill someone. Oi, the holes in the fabric are never going to look quite right, even with
patching. Shame, it was a nice parasol.
James stared at her like her head had popped off and rolled right off her shoulders. Now
is not to time to fuss with some silly frippery, Ames. We need to disarm the bomb.
Of course, lead on, young master genius, saver of pirates and disarmer of bombs!
Shes acting deuced odd, James complained to Lulu.
Lulu shrugged. Its the stress. The Captain always did say that life and death situations
brought out funny reactions in people. I suppose this is your sister's.
Are you calling me odd? Amelia demanded, brandishing her holey parasol around like
a sword. Why, thats a dueling offense, that is!

Best to ignore her, I think, James decided. Then started off in the direction of the
engine room. Lulu followed, as did Amelia, who went back to the scared end of scared silly, as it
seemed levity was not proving useful.
Do you have a blade that can cut through metal? James asked Lulu.
She nodded. Its in my kit. Ill grab it and meet you in the engine room.
Lulu dashed off thereby leaving Amelia to be Jamess helper and fetching boy. At least
he seemed to have a very clear idea of what he was doing, for Amelia wouldnt have had the
slightest idea what to say if he had consulted her for advice. He had her dragging heavy metal
pipes as thick as her wrist. He even made her stick two ends into the furnace and push the melted
ends together at precisely the right angle. Luckily Lulu returned with her kit before the truly
complicated parts.
We need to hijack one of the steam furnaces and change it so it vents safely out a
window, James explained. Lulu nodded, as if she knew exactly what that meant and how to
accomplish it. And, as it turned out, she did. Together they managed to reroute the entire steam
and ventilation system of one of the ships many furnaces. Lulu even cut a hole in the window the
exact right size they needed.
James nodded at her work approvingly. With the furnace to window system set up, he
turned his focus to the bomb to furnace route. For that was his plan. He had explained that he
was going to funnel the top chemical through the pipe and into the furnace. The fire and heat
would turn it into gas, just like water to steam. Then its destiny would be to escape safely out the
window. It would take some time to empty all of it, but they still had enough. It would be genius
if it worked. And if it didnt, they would hardly be around to complain about wasted potential.
This part will be tricky, James warned. Amelia flinched at that. If James thought it was
going to be hardit was probably going to be next to impossible. We dont want any of the
chemical to spill, or to set off any other hidden back up triggers. So you are going to have to cut
a circle in exactly the shape of the pipe, only not all the way through. Just enough that we will be
able to push the pipe past the last little bit of container. Got it, Lulu?
She nodded. Lulu carefully cut the circle that all their lives depended on with a
concentration and unwavering focus that Amelia couldnt help but admire. Got it! She finally
called triumphantly.
Last step and we should be finished, James said excitedly. The three of them picked up
the pipe and on Jamess count managed to angle it in and through the bombs top container.
Once they were sure it would stay on its own, James rushed to the furnace in question. Through
the glass they could see that liquid was slowly pouring into the fire, turning into some sort of
blue gas. James nodded and then ran to the window, where he could see the first of the blue air
escape. His plan had worked without a hitch. Almost.
James, Amelia said, not able to entirely keep her rising panic from her voice. Please
tell me its supposed to do that.

James looked at the big stopwatch that served as the bombs countdown and saw what
had alarmed Amelia so. The seconds hand was spinning around the clock much faster than it
should be. If that meant what she thought it meantthey were rapidly losing time.
We must have triggered something. Some sort of accelerant.
How much time do we have left?
James stared at the clock, his mouth moving as he counted and made calculations. If it
continues at its current rateapproximately five minutes?
Is that going to be enough time?
James shrugged, helpless. If I knew how much of the byvan was in the container and if I
could calculate the rate at which it was being vaporized, I could tell you but as it is, I dont
Amelia swallowed. But she was the big sister, the guardian. If James was worried, she
couldnt be. So she nodded decisively. Well, then, we should probably put some distance
between us and the bomb.
It wont matter if the explosion is still big enough to sink the airship. The fall will kill us
even if the explosion doesnt.
Cheerful. Thank you for that. But its still better to do something than to stay here and
get blown up with surety if something goes wrong.
Im afraid you wont be going anywhere. Not until Im sure your fix wont work, in any
case. Oh and dont think about getting out on the emergency boat, Ill be the only passenger
aboard that vessel.
Amelia turned towards the burly intruder blocking their exit and felt her jaw fall open.
Dorothy? she exclaimed at the cook in surprise. You are the traitor?
I never would have guessed it was you, Lulu said, joining Amelia in surprise. Why
you havent said more than ten words that I ever heard, Dorothy!
My. Name. Is. NOT. DOROTHY. Not Dorothy aimed his pistol at Lulu and pulled the
trigger. The sound of a gun firing was loud; Amelia had already discovered this new fact today.
The sound of a gun firing only a few feet away from you was much, much louder.
Dorothy shot Lulu! James exclaimed, so surprised at this turn of events he didnt even
mind that he was stating the obvious.
I told you my name isnt DOROTHY! The cook screamed and aimed his gun at James
Im okay, Lulu called weakly as she scrambled to crawl behind the dubious cover of
some metal crates. He only got me in the shoulder.

Ill have better aim with you, you rotten little monster, if you dont tell me how to
disarm this little bomb fix of yours.
Presenting me with death over the alternative of death is not exactly a logical way to get
me to do want you want, James pointed out patiently.
Not Dorothy the cook squealed a little sound that didnt register as human, but was quite
certainly frustrated. This is why I hate brats! All brats! But especially mouthy, uppity brats like
you and your sister!
Im twenty-one years old, Amelia interjected. Not to nitpick, but thats not exactly in
the brat age-bracket anymore.
Fine, he growled, his gun swiveling in Amelias direction. Tell me or Ill shoot your
Thats still death or death, James replied, completely confused how this basic logic had
escaped the villain.
Garghh! What about pain then? I can make it hurt a lot before you die!
Pain is a transitory condition that is mostly a mental response to stimulus. If we are
going to die minutes later in any case, you still arent providing adequate logical arguments.
Amelia could tell that Not-Dorothy wasnt going to take very much more of her brothers
logic before he did something unpleasant to one or all of them. It was just then that she
remembered her abused parasol, standing up against the wall only a few feet away. She grabbed
for it.
Fine! Not-Dorothy screamed. Ill figure out some way to destroy it myself! At least it
will finally be quiet. He cocked and aimed his gun straight at James, who finally had the sense
to pale a little.
What? Amelia cried as she rained down hits of her parasol on the traitorous villains
head. Did your mother not love you enough when you were a child? Do you really feel it
necessary to pick on women and children? Does having a gun make you feel important? You big
fat bully! Bad, Dorothy! Bad!
Amelia was aiming for his face, but particularly his eyes, hoping if he couldnt see, he
couldnt aim. He fired once, but luckily it missed both any person and anything that would
explode and instead wedged itself into the wall. This plan would not have worked for long,
except suddenly the Bumblebee lurched sharply and the floor went from flat to diagonal. The
sudden tip caused the cook to lose his grip on his pistol, which flew down the floor to the other
side of the room and got caught in some rigging. The ship lurched again, this time in the opposite
direction. Amelia fell forwardright on top of Dorothy and they both slid down with a harsh
crunch into a wall.
Get off me! Not-Dorothy complained as the ship straightened. Evil bitch! He shoved
Amelia off and she hit wall again. This time with her skull cracking right against the wood.
Amelia blinked, trying desperately to right the world again.

Dont hit my sister, you blighter! James had somehow found a large, heavy piece of
pipe and he used it with the same intelligent calculation he did everything else. He knocked the
back of the knees first, forcing Dorothy to the ground, then hit his head as hard as he could. It
was an admirable effort, but in the end he was a ten-year-old boy, and a scholarly type at that.
Blood dripping into his eye, the mans large meaty hands gripped around Jamess ankles and
yanked him down, hard.
But Amelia was back up by now. Let go of my brother you pathetic, flaccid excuse for a
cook! She beat the back of his head with her parasol, forcing him to let go of James and turn
back towards her.
You bloody siblings! What was in your mommas milk? How can both of you be so-
Amazing? Amelia suggested between blows. Gorgeous? Intelligent?
Pithy? James suggested as he bashed Not-Dorothy with his pipe again.
Good one, Amelia approved and even she was not sure if she was talking about the
blow or the word.
Bloody siblings, he moaned as he collapsed to the ground.
Amelia kicked him a few times for good measure, but it didnt seem like he was eager to
get up. Well then, I think we should get Lulu and retire to a more appropriate location.
I agree, James drawled, in the same proper voice as Amelia had used. They hurried to
where Lulu was huddled in the corner, pressing a dirty grease rag into her bloody shoulder. For
all that she had said she was fine, she was looking quite pale. Amelia decided it would be best
for them to hurry.
Is he dead then? Lulu asked, grinning up at them as Amelia hoisted the girl up and then
immediately staggered under the sudden weight.
No, I dont think so, Amelia answered, as they made unsteady progress towards the
Close enough anyway, James responded cheerily, from where he was steadying Lulu
on the other side.
Am I now?
Amelia stared in frustrated disbelief. Bloody and beaten, Dorothy had somehow managed
to pull himself up and was standing between them and the door again. Was the mans head made
out of steel? Why dont you die, already? Amelia asked, poking his chest angrily with her
parasol. It wasnt that she was bloodthirsty. She was just tired of his mean violence and his
determination to get them all killed. It seemed beating him senseless did nothing but slow him
down for a few seconds. The only way to be sure they were free from him was if he were dead. It
was that train of thinking to lead her to tell him to die. All the same she didnt actually expect he
would. She certainly didnt expect that her parasol would made a strange clicking noise and then
the poking would not stop at the outside of his chest, but with an unsettling stick noise slide in.

Horrified, Amelia immediately yanked it back, only to see her much-abused parasol now had a
very shiny, very pointy, very blood-soaked new end.
Ames, James exclaimed, you stabbed him!
Amelia looked down at her parasol as the villainous cook collapsed, his breath slowing
until it finally stopped. Yes, so I did.

Amelia didnt have time to react to the fact that she had in fact just killed a man. She
didnt have time for anything. For right after the cook collapsed, James glanced up at the
countdown clock, turned to her with great sorrow and said Ames, we dont have time.
Amelia nodded, smiling at her brother. She had known, when she had chosen to believe
in him, when she had chosen heroism and adventure and risk, that there was a chance, even a
good chance, that they wouldnt make it. She was fine with dying herself, her only regret was
that she hadnt found a way to save James. The world would be a great deal poorer without him.
There was still one thing she could do. One small thing. She smiled her apology to Lulu, put her
down and pulled James down to the floor. She covered his relatively small body with hers as best
she could. Maybe she would be able to shield him enough. Maybe.
I love you, James, she whispered. And Im, oh, so, proud. Then she closed her eyes.
Tightly, because for all her bravado, she was scared to die. James hugged her back, and they
waited for those last few precious seconds to end and for the bomb to finally explode.
It did. It made a deafening noise and the room filled with heat. Amelia was sure she was
about to die. She should be exploded. Why wasnt she dead? Finally she opened her eyes, only
that didnt make a difference. It was still dark. Maybe she was dead. Or maybemaybe it was
smoke? She coughed. Definitely smoke. It cleared up some a minute later. At least so Amelia
could see. The furnaces were a dirty mess. The container that had held the bomb was a shattered
metal shell. The clock was so covered in soot you couldnt read it any longer. But the ship
seemed to still be in the air. Maybe they would survive the whole affair after all.
Were alive, Lulu breathed in wonderment. How are we alive?
James, his face completely covered in a dark layer of soot, only bothered to clear his eyes
before heading towards the still warm wreckage. We must have vaporized enough of the
chemical that there wasnt enough for a large-scale reaction. How lucky.
Luck-schmuck, Amelia dismissed, feeling relief flood her like a bubbling spring. It
was pure genius.
Genius, indeed. He looked tired and he was bleeding from a few places. But he was
alive. He was alive and he was leaning against the doorway, appearing out of nowhere. So he
must be fine. Amelias last worry faded away, and she laughed out loud from the release of it all.
Correct me if Im wrong, but I believe I told you to escape the ship?

Amelia looked up her nose and sniffed with as much dignity as her battered parasol and
black-film covered appearance would allow her. And since when, she asked superciliously,
did we ever follow your orders?
The Captain laughed at that. A deep belly laugh, filled with genuine amusement. His
laughter stopped when he looked down at noticed the dead body of Not-Dorothy by his feet. So
he was the traitor, he said darkly. I really should have guessed. Cant trust someone without a
proper sense of humor.
Ames killed him, James said proudly. Amelia winced. This was not the
accomplishment she wanted her brother to both remember and honor her for.
Gideon turned his gaze back to Amelia, eyebrow raised. Did she now?
Amelia shrugged. I didnt know the parasol had a hidden blade.
Gideon grinned. I figured your tongue shouldnt be the only sharp thing you carry. Pity
its so battered now. Ill have to find you a new one.
Yes, Lulu?
I think Im going to faint now. And faint she did, reminding an abashed Amelia that
Lulu was with them and bleeding of a gunshot wound.
The Captain easily carried Lulu up to the deck where the pirate who passed as the
Bumblebees physician was looking at the small injuries of the pirates. As it turned out, Lulu,
who hadnt been a part of any of the fighting in any proper sense, was the pirate who ended up
most badly hurt. (Which turned out to be nothing that she wouldnt recover from after a few
weeks of rest. Weeks that would not go well for the crew members who were forced to carry and
fix in her place. Stuck following her shouted orders, which showed surprisingly little patience for
anyone who didnt know what they were doing. So basically the entire crew.)
On their way up, the Captain explained that Flowers had woken up sometime after they
had freed the ship from the anchor, but before they had finished disarming the bomb. Instead of
searching for them through the ship, he had thought it prudent to inform the Captain of the
change. After the captain had been told, he decided that they should escape the imperial
blockade. He, as he told a beaming James, trusted James to have a workable solution if he
claimed he did. So, after fighting free of the boarding imperial navymen, with the same fancy
flight maneuvers that would eventually save the lives of those in the engine room, they managed
to break free from imperial pursuit. The Bumblebee and its crew were both alive and free.
They would, however, have to keep a low profile for a while. Which was why Amelia
and James would be returned home as soon as it could be managed. Which was distressingly
soon. But it had been a long day and Amelia was tired of emotion. So she wasnt thinking, she
wasnt feeling and she most definitely wasnt hoping.

She not hoped the entire time she was in the room that had served as hers while she
industriously freshened up which required a prodigious amount of scrubbing. She continued
not hoping right up until the door opened, without so much as a polite knock.
Miss Sterling.
Captain Maxwell.
It seems I have you to thank for the preservation of my ship and crew. My thanks, my
It is James you have to thank, not I. But I appreciate the unusual politeness all the same.
You are welcome for whatever small part I may have played.
He stood uneasily by the door, for once, hesitating. Amelia quirked an eyebrow at him,
waiting for what he was to say. Amelia he trailed off.
Yes? she inquired politely.
I have two favors to ask, he finally replied.
What are they?
Firstly, there is something I have been wanting to do all day. Amelia blinked at him
innocently. A few large steps later, he was in front of her. One tug and she was in his arms. One
brush of his lips and her mind ceased function entirely.
And the second favor Gideon brought up, quite some satisfactory time later.
Second favor? Amelia asked, trying desperately to get her mind to work again. It was
quite horrifying that he had managed the feat before her. When, no she reminded herself, if there
was ever another mind-halting opportunity, next time she would make sure it was the reverse. It
wasnt as if it were a fair competition. Despite what she had said, she had no doubt he had more
experience in thought-emptying department than she did.
Promise me you wont marry one of those stupid monkeys than hang after you for your
supposed money.
Amelia smacked him.

Two Months Later

For all that the tales and history books spoke of adventure and romance, they never once
mentioned the downside. At least not that Amelia had ever read, and she didnt mean to boast,
but she had read rather a lot. For all the exotic locales and brave deeds, they never once
mentioned the return to mundane deeds and familiar locales. They never once mentioned how
dull it all seemed in comparison. They never mentioned how things that you had once enjoyed
now seemed hopelessly unexciting. They never once mentioned that certain pirate captains, no
matter how much you told them they werent welcome, would dance merrily through your
thoughts and dreams, stealing your contentment and peace of mind like they were booty.
She had decided, of course, that a few weeks of moping were far and away enough. He
was a pirate and by his very nature flighty and unpredictable. She could only count on him not to
be there for her ever again. It was certainly time to get him out of her mind. So she had
determined to follow her original plan and get married. To someone stable, sensible, dependable.
Someone who could help her care for James. It was the sensible thing to do. Not the least bit
related to any desire to spite the damned Captain and his unbelievable last request. No, it had
absolutely nothing to do with that at all. Unfortunately for all her grand plans, she hadnt been
able to talk to an eligible man for more than a few seconds before she compared him to the
Captains good looks, taunting grin and tumultuous eyes. She certainly didnt get more than a
few minutes into a conversation without finding them dull, slow and not the least bit witty. Not
like someone. Someone who was never coming back, she reminded herself.
Amelia watched a particularly unfortunately shaped cloud pass by her window and
sighed. At least James seemed happy. He had thrown himself into a whole slew of new
experiments. He still talked happily about their adventure. And of course of the blasted Captain.
James also seemed to be under the unfortunate belief that Captain Gideon was going to come
back to visit them, as soon as the Imperial heat on them died down a little. Not only visit, but
take them on more adventures. Thats why he was so preoccupied with science and invention. He
figured he should get as much of it out the way while he had a proper lab that he could. There
wouldnt be much time, or proper supplies, he told her, while they were on an adventure.
Amelia closed her eyes and considered a nap. She hadnt been sleeping well. And why
would she? Every time she closed her eyes, his blasted face appeared. She hastily opened them,
when like a curse, the Captains visage returned. Only, opening her eyes didnt help. She blinked
several times, but no, the blasted face was still there, grinning at her through the window. When
she didnt respond, the delusion knocked on her window. That made it official. She was
definitely hallucinating. The real Captain would never knock.

Ames, Cook is threatening to stop making cake if I dont stop stealing ingredients from
the kitchen- Ameswhat is Gideon doing outside your window?
You can see him? Amelia asked her brother, surprised.
Of course I can. Open the window! I want to say hullo!
Bemused and not confident in her wakeful state, Amelia opened the window, taking no
small amount of satisfaction when it smacked into the dangling pirate. And dangling he was,
from some sort of complicated harness. Amelia looked up only to see the familiar shadow of the
Bumblebee and the even more familiar sight of Lulu hanging halfway out of the ship, attached to
some sort of pulley contraption smiling and waving down at them. Amelia snapped her gaze
back down to eye level.
What are you doing here? she accused.
Why, Im here to kidnap you and James. Say for eight years this time? Or forever.
Whichever. Even though he was hanging from the sky, he still managed a nonchalant shrug.
Just a minute! James called, Ill need my notebook. And some supplies. Then James
ran off.
Amelia stared at the door her brother had exited from then back at Gideon. Who just
grinned at her. Coming? he asked, offering her an outstretched hand through the window.
Amelia gave the matter a great deal of deep, serious thought and then, a few seconds later,
reached for his outstretched hand.

The End

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