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Short Story 1

Jayda Meets Charlie



Once upon a time, Jayda and her older brother
Alex were going for a walk in the bush. They loved
to explore Louisa creek next to their home at
Hargraves and had a fascination of nature. They
also loved to talk with the animals. As they were
walking by the creek near their home, they passed
a place where the trees and blackberry bushes
were very tall and thick and they could not walk
any further. Alex quietly said, Jayda, stop right
there. Hold really still. It was very important for her
to listen and obey quickly. So she stopped and
turned her head towards Alex and did not move a
muscle. What is it? Jayda whispered. Very
slowly turn and look under that log by the water

Short Story 1

Jayda Meets Charlie


and tell me what you see. Jayda very slowly

turned her head to the log Alex was pointing at.
After about a minute Jayda said: I dont see
anything bro, what can you see? Do you see
those little spots of sunshine, shining through the
trees? Yes. whispered Jayda. Why do we have
to be quite, we cant scare the sunshine? They
arent really spots of sunshine Jayda. You will
never believe what they actually are. Lets go talk
to them. Follow me. Go talk to spots? Jayda said
quietly: Wont people think we are crazy?!" Well
see. was all Alex would say as he took Jaydas
hand and slowly walked closer the spots. Ok, now
lets sit down on the grass next to the spots.
Jayda kept looking at the spots, trying to figure out

Short Story 1

Jayda Meets Charlie


what they were. "Bro, its a bunny rabbit, Isn't he

gorgeous! in a loud and excited whisper. I know.
said Alex in his quite voice. Lets talk to this bunny
rabbit and find out why he is holding so still.
Excuse me Mr Bunny Rabbit. Jayda whispered.
We wont hurt you. May we talk with you for a
minute please? The bunny rabbit turned around,
blinked and very slowly turned his head to look at
Jayda. My mummy and daddy told me to be really
quite so that no one would see me or hear me they
might get mad for talking to strangers. But we
arent strangers. said Jayda. Im Jayda and this
is my big brother, Alex. "Hello Mr Bunny rabbit.
whispered Alex. We are just out for a walk to learn
about the creation of the earth. We live not far

Short Story 1

Jayda Meets Charlie


from here; we walk by here nearly every day after

school. Sorry, I must obey my mummy and
daddy. said the bunny rabbit. Very good. said a
voice coming from behind. It startled Alex and
Jayda. Who was that? asked Jayda. Slowly a
mother bunny rabbit hopped over towards Alex
and Jayda Hello Im his mummy. I heard you two
walking on the rocks near our burrow and I wanted
to see how well my baby would obey. I have
seen you pair out here many times, eating
blackberries and playing in the water and I know
you wont hurt us. My name is Mary and this is
my son Charlie. My husband is sound asleep.
We are glad to meet you. said Alex and Jayda.
We love to come out here and learn about our

Short Story 1

Jayda Meets Charlie


home here on the earth. Can you please tell us

about rabbits today please? I would be glad to.
said Mary as she came over and sat next to her
son to drink her lunch. I know lots about rabbits
and I love to talk about the amazing earth we live
on. Oh thank you said Jayda. So why did you
tell Charlie to hold so still? See, when baby
rabbits are born, they cant run very fast. So its
very important for them to hide and hold still when
predators are nearby. what do you mean? Who
would try to hurt you. said Jayda. There are
many animals that like to eat rabbit, including
some humans. Which animals might they be?
said Jayda Snakes, cats, and foxes, all like to
make us their lunch. I taught my baby that until

Short Story 1

Jayda Meets Charlie


he is able to defend himself properly he must not

wonder off away from home by himself. Mary
continued. Rabbits, we are only a small mammal
as you may very well be aware; you will find us in
different parts of the world. There are lots of us
around, in fact, if you ever get the chance to travel
the world, visit North America. More than half the
population of us rabbits live there where it rains
and snows a lot; at least here we get a bit of warm
weather. May I pat Charlie? Mary nodded slowly
and said. its okay Charlie these people are nice
they wont hurt you hold still so Jayda can touch
you. Be very gentle. said Alex. Jayda slowly
moved over and felt Busters fur. Wow! He is so
soft. I have never felt anything so soft. said

Short Story 1

Jayda Meets Charlie


Jayda as she slowly rubbed his fur and scratched

behind his ear. Charlie tilted his head so Jayda
could scratch his other ear. Alex was telling Jayda
that many animals appreciate a good pat,
especially their pet dog at home that loved to have
his head scratched as well. Ah yes, we love to be
patted down and rubbed in a smooth and gentle
motion because our bodies are very sensitive.
said Mary. Charlie really loved it, he began to lick
Jaydas finger. So what is it like to being a
rabbit? Asked Jayda Good question, being a
rabbit is amazing, Jayda, I personally think we are
one of the cutest creations in the world. When
Charlie grows up he will range anywhere from
20cm to 50cm in length, he will grow long powerful

Short Story 1

Jayda Meets Charlie


hind legs to jump, kick, hop and run at speeds of

up to 70km/h. When his father and I grow old and
frail, I will ask him to dig us a new home in the
ground, by that time; his nails will be very sharp for
digging in the dirt. We have extremely good
vision, we can see nearly 360 degrees (all around
us) so it makes it harder for predators to sneak up
behind us. What kinds of food do you eat?
Jayda asked. We are herbivores, which means,
we dont eat meat. Our diet is mostly grass, hay,
leaves, fresh fruit and vegetables. And how long
do rabbits live for? On average we live for 3
years. Only 3 years? said Jayda. 3 years is a
long time for us, I am almost one year old and I
have had 28 other babies before Charlie. Wow.

Short Story 1

Jayda Meets Charlie


said Alex and Jayda. My brother said I cant look

at boys until I turn 15 and I cant get married until
Im 38. I guess people grow up slower and live
longer than rabbits do. Yes thats the way god
made it said Mary. One day pretty soon, he will
come back and fix the world like it used to be in
the Garden of Eden where nothing ever died and
all the animals lived off plants and were friendly.
That will be so cool. said Jayda. I agree I cant
wait. said Alex. Jesus, please come back soon.
said Jayda. I need to go eat some grass and
leaves and put Charlie to bed before it gets dark.
And we need to head home to help mum and dad
get dinner ready. said Alex. And so they did, The

Short Story 1

Jayda Meets Charlie


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