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UN Broadband Commissoin Repord which is setup by International

Telecommunication Union and UNESCO, UN scitific and cultural agency, rich

nation growth of user slow down. 4 billion internet user by 2020 developing
nation women are less user than man
UN High Commissioner For HR Investigation Report on Sri Lanka released in
Geneva, Switzerland.
Global Innovation index 2015 released jointly by Cornell University, INSEAD
and World Intellectual Property Organization. India Slipped from 76 to 81 top
Switzerland, UK, Sweden Netherland, USA
UNHCR Global Trends Report: World at War 51% kids ini refugee population,
its headquarter in Geneva, Switzerlnad, member of UNDG. Wins 2 Nobel
Peace prizes, 1954, 1981
Assessment of State Implementation of Business Reforms by DIPP, WB, KPMG,
Confederation of Indian Industry and Federation of Indian Chamber of
Commerce and Industry.
World Economic Forums Competitiveness Index, Top Switzer land, India 55
place 16 up. It is non profit organization in the Switzerland.
MIhir Shah Committee to advice on Restructuring the Central Water
Commission and Central Ground water Board set up by Ministry of Water
BS Baswan committee to revisit civil Services examination pattern.
World Economic Forum Modi 10th most admired personality 1st mandela, 4th
TSR Subramanian Committee by HRD to draft new education policy
Pakistan 5th largest nuclear power by 2025 report by US think tank
Melbourne mercer global pension Index report 2015 topped Denmark by 81
India Fell 43.5 to 40.3. it is produced by Aus. Centre for Financial studies and
Mercer funded by Victorian State.
WHO report on Reducing Global Health risk through mitigation of short-lived
climate pollutants Black carbon, Ozone, Methane, CO2. Through 1. Vehicle
emission, Policies and investment s that prioritize dedicated rapid transit
buses and trains,. 3. Cleaner and more efficient stove and fuel to low income
households. 4. High and middle income population to increase their
consumption of nutritious plant based food.
Upanmany Hazarika Commission by SC. Report on Assam illegal migrant from
IMF Global Financial Stability Report October. Entitled Vulnerabilities, legacies,
and policy cahllenges-Risk rotating to emerging market. Rich nation strong
danger to emerging and need for market infrastruce stability.
UNs department of Economic and Social affairs report the worlds women
2015: trends and statics 8 indicators are 1.Population and Families 2. Health
3. Educatoin 4. Work 5. Power and Decision making. 6. Env 7. Poverty. These
8 critical areas of policy identified by the Beijing declaration and platform for
action by UN 4th world conference on women 1995.
UNESCo released Gender and Education for All 2000-2015 report entitled
Gender and education for All 2000-2015: achievement and challenges.

WHO released Global status report on Road safety urgent action is needed to
achieve the ambitious target adopt 2030 agenda for sustainable development
halving the global no. of death an dinjuries from road traffic.
International Religious freedom report 2014 by US state department. INDIA 6
state having anti converson law. Arunachal Pradesh, GJ, HP, CH, Odisha, MP.
Maximum incidence. Andra, CH, Karn
Anil Baijal Panel by union corporate affairs ministry to suggest steps to
improve monitoring of CSR spending.
TK Viswanathan Committee on Bankruptacy law reforms report. By Finance
Vijay Kelkar Committee setup by Finance Ministry for PPP project. Committee
recommend that set up regulatory body, Corruption act amendment, PPP
greenfield and brownfield for airport, Bot for Road, Pre-tamp to current tamp
for port, independent tariff regulatory body for railways, make power under
PPP, not viable for small project, PPP adjudification tribunal, MCA
Deepak Mohanty committee set up by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in July
prepared a medium-term measurable action plan for financial inclusion.
Recommendation are1. Account for female eg. Sukanya samridi yojana,
linked aadhar to each account, last mile dilvery services, replace farmer
subsidies to insurance, application based mobile as point of sale

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