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1. What as a Table of Specification (TOS) to do with the content validity of test?

Constructing fair tests that give teachers accurate information about students learning is an
important skill for teachers. The table of specification is often useful to organize the planning
process of designing a test allows the teacher to predetermine the content of the test. Using TOS to
organize a teacher made test helps alleviate content validity problems because it helps the
teachers create good balance in several areas.
2. I f validity as a characteristics of test means that a test must measure what it is supposed to
measure, is a multiple choice type of test valid to determine learning of manipulative skill like
focusing a microscope? Explain.
Yes, the teacher can establish that the learner is already competent of doing the hands on of
microscope through assessing her/his cognitive result with the use of assessment tool like multiple

choice test question.

Do we have other types of validity of a test other than content validity? Research for an answer.
Construct validity

Construct validity occurs when the theoretical constructs of cause and effect accurately represent the
real-world situations they are intended to model. This is related to how well the experiment is operational
zed. A good experiment turns the theory (constructs) into actual things you can measure. Sometimes just
finding out more about the construct (which itself must be valid) can be helpful.
Construct validity is thus an assessment of the quality of an instrument or experimental design. It says
'Does it measure the construct it is supposed to measure'. If you do not have construct validity, you will
likely draw incorrect conclusions from the experiment (garbage in, garbage out).
Convergent validity
Convergent validity occurs where measures of constructs that are expected to correlate do so. This is
similar to concurrent validity (which looks for correlation with other tests).
Discriminant validity
Discriminant validity occurs where constructs that are expected not to relate do not, such that it is
possible to discriminate between these constructs.
Convergence and discrimination are often demonstrated by correlation of the measures used within
Convergent validity and Discriminant validity together demonstrate construct validity.
Nomological network
Defined by Cronbach and Meehl, this is the set of relationships between constructs and between
consequent measures. The relationships between constructs should be reflected in the relationships
between measures or observations.
Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix (MTMM)
Defined by Campbell and Fiske, this demonstrates construct validity by using multiple methods (eg.
survey, observation, test) to measure the same set of 'traits' and showing correlations in a matrix, where
blocks and diagonals have special meaning.

Internal validity
Internal validity occurs when it can be concluded that there is a causal relationship between the variables
being studied. A danger is that changes might be caused by other factors.
It is related to the design of the experiment, such as in the use of random assignment of treatments.
Conclusion validity
Conclusion validity occurs when you can conclude that there is a relationship of some kind between the
two variables being examined.
This may be positive or negative correlation.
External validity
External validity occurs when the causal relationship discovered can be generalized to other people, times
and contexts.
Correct sampling will allow generalization and hence give external validity.
Criterion-related validity
This examines the ability of the measure to predict a variable that is designated as a criterion. A criterion
may well be an externally-defined 'gold standard'. Achieving this level of validity thus makes results more
Criterion-related validity is related to external validity.
Predictive validity
This measures the extent to which a future level of a variable can be predicted from a current
measurement. This includes correlation with measurements made with different instruments.
For example, a political poll intends to measure future voting intent.
College entry tests should have a high predictive validity with regard to final exam results.
Concurrent validity
These measures the relationship between measures made with existing tests. The existing tests is thus
the criterion.
For example a measure of creativity should correlate with existing measures of creativity.
Face validity
Face validity occurs where something appears to be valid. This of course depends very much on the
judgment of the observer. In any case, it is never sufficient and requires more solid validity to enable
acceptable conclusions to be drawn.
Measures often start out with face validity as the researcher selects those which seem likely prove the

Write down what you learned on what to do ensure validity of tests. Did you ever experience taking
a test which was very difficult because the items were not all covered in class? How did it affect
you? How will you prevent your future pupils / students from experiencing the same?

I learned that validity of a test is very important for students side because this will be their
record if they really understand and if they learn something about that lesson.
Yes, I encounter taking a test which was very difficult because the items were not all covered in
class, in that case I got a low grade that really affect my studies most especially my excelling
grade that contributes in academic field.
As a future teacher, I will 100 % ensure validity of my test not because it is my job and duty but
because I want my students to learn a lot from me. To remain my identity as a teacher who
teaches simplification and incorporates valid transfer of learnings..

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