Classification of Differential Equations

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Classification of Differential Equations

The order of a differential equation is the highest

derivative that appears in the above equation.

Recall that a differential equation is an equation (has an

equal sign) that involves derivatives. Just as biologists


have a classification system for life, mathematicians

have a classification system for differential equations.



= 3xsin y

We can place all differential equation into two types:

ordinary differential equation and partial differential

is a second order differential equation, since a second


derivative appears in the equation.

A partial differential equation is a differential equation

3y4y''' - x3y' + exyy = 0

that involves partial derivatives.

is a third order differential equation.
An ordinary differential equation is a differential
equation that does not involve partial derivatives.
Once we have written a differential equation in the form


F(x,y,y',y'',...,y(n)) = 0

= 3xsin y

is an ordinary differential equation since it does not

contain partial derivatives.

We can talk about whether a differential equation is

linear or not.
We say that the differential equation above is a linear
differential equation if

is a partial differential equation, since y is a function

of the two variables x and t and partial derivatives are
Any ordinary differential equation can be written in the

for all i and j. Any linear ordinary differential equation

of degree n can be written as
a0(x)y(n) + a1(x)y(n-1) + ... + an-1(x)y' + an(x)y = g(x)

F(x,y,y',y'',...,y(n)) = 0
by setting everything equal to zero.
3x2y'' + 2ln(x)y' + ex y = 3xcos x

is a second order linear ordinary differential equation.

4yy''' - x3y' + cos y = e2x
is not a linear differential equation because of the 4yy'''

is a solution to
y'' - 2y' = -2

and the cos y terms.

Taking derivatives:
'(x) = 1 + 2e2x ,

''(x) = 4e2x

Nonlinear differential equations are often very difficult

or impossible to solve. One approach getting around this
difficulty is to linearize the differential equation.

Now plug in to get

4e2x - 2(1 + 2e2x) = 4e2x - 2 - 4e2x = -2
Hence it is a solution

y'' + 2y' + ey = x

Order of Differential Equation:-

is nonlinear because of the ey term. However

Differential Equations are classified on the basis of the

e = 1 + y + y /2 + y /6 + ...
We can approximate this by
We instead solve the much easier linear differential

order. Order of a differential equation is the order of the

highest order derivative (also known as differential
coefficient) present in the equation.
For Example (i): d3xdx3+3xdydx=ey
In this equation the order of the highest derivative is 3
hence this is a third order differential equation.
Example (ii) : (d2ydx2)4+dydx=3

y'' + 2y' + 1 + y = x

This equation represents a fourth order differential

This way we can have higher order differential equations

We say that a function (x) is a solution to a differential

i.e. nth order differential equations.

equation if plugging in f(x) into the equation makes the

equation equal.

First order differential equation:


The order of highest derivative in case of first order

Show that
(x) = x + e2x

differential equations is 1. A linear differential equation

has order 1. In case of linear differential equations, the
first derivative is the highest order derivative.


highest derivative is of order 3 and the exponent raised

to highest derivative is 2.

P and Q are either constants or functions of the

Example 3:- d2ydx2+cosd2ydx2=5x

independent variable only.

The given differential equation is not a polynomial

This represents a linear differential equation whose order

equation in derivatives. Hence, the degree for this

is 1.

equation is not defined.

Example: dydx+(x2+5)y=x5

Example 4:- (d3ydx3)2+y=0

This also represents a First order Differential Equation.

The order of this equation is 3 and the degree is 2.

Second Order Differential Equation:

Example 5:- Figure out the order and degree of

When the order of the highest derivative present is 2,

differential equation that can be formed from the

then it represents a second order differential equation.

Example: d2ydx2+(x3+3x)y=9

equation 1x2+1y2=k(xy).

In this example, the order of the highest derivative is 2.

Therefore, it is a second order differential equation.

Let x=sin,y=sin
So, the given equation can be rewritten as

Degree of Differential Equation:

The degree of differential equation is represented by the

=k(sinsin) (cos+cos)=k(sinsin)

power of the highest order derivative in the given

differential equation.
The differential equation must be a polynomial equation

2cos+2cos2=2kcos+2sin2 cot2=k
=2cot1k sin1xsin1y=2cot1k

in derivatives for the degree to be defined.

Example 1:- d4ydx4+(d2ydx2)23dydx+y=9

Differentiating both sides w. r. t. x, we get

Here, the exponent of the highest order derivative is one

and the given differential equation is a polynomial


equation in derivatives. Hence, the degree of this

equation is 1.
Example 2: [d2ydx2+(dydx)2]4=k2(d3ydx3)2
The order of this equation is 3 and the degree is 2 as the

So, the degree of the differential equation is 1 and it is a

first order differential equation.

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