Chapter 613 - Monster

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Chapter 613 Monster

Little Fishy, why do you like eating raw fish? Let me roast them. Cooked fish
smells much better! Chu Feng asked curiously when he saw Little Fishy, who was
sitting next to him, handling a raw fish in a very orderly manner.
Not yummy not yummy. But after hearing Chu Fengs question, Little Fishy
hurriedly shook her head, then raised the cleaned raw fish in her hand and said,
This is yummy.
After speaking, she opened her mouth, and started to eat while sounds of her lips
smacking together were made. At that instant, Chu Feng found out that despite
watching her eat raw fish, he did not feel any viciousness nor disgustingness.
Rather, he even felt that she was very cute, and it even made some people envy her
because she really ate in such an enticing way.
However, at that instant, a question was born in his heart. Little Fishy liked to eat
raw foods, and could also survive by drinking seawater. Could she truly be related
to the monster that recently came to stir up chaos in the Everlasting Sea of Blood?
*ge ge ge ge ge*
But just at that moment, from the centermost area in the Everlasting Sea of Blood
came a sound very special and strange. That sound seemed to be the creaking of a
wooden bed swaying to and fro, but also seemed like the low roar of a certain
organism. In any case, on first listen, one wouldnt feel anything; but, if they
listened carefully, their hairs would stand on end, and they would feel very
Yiya, yiya, the big monsters come again! Its going to catch people to eat again!
Big brother, lets go see the big monster eat people! Hearing that sound, Little
Fishy shouted excitedly. She even stopped eating the raw fish in her hands.
Little Fishy, what did you say? You said that this noise is made by that monster?
Chu Feng was surprised upon hearing those words.
Huh? Monster? Its a monster, a monster that eats people! Every time it appears, it
makes that sound, then many people afterwards get caught by it.

Little Fishy blinked and spoke with a giggle. To her, it seemed like people being
eaten wasnt anything scary. Rather, it was like something very amusing.
Little Fishy, stay here and wait for me. Dont leave, and especially, do not go
towards where the monster is. Got it? Chu Feng said seriously to Little Fishy as
he stood up.
Yiyayiya, mm~~ The initially happy face that Little Fishy had was instantly
replaced by a hint of downcastness after she heard Chu Fengs words. But, she
didnt say anything more. She bent her small legs and sat cross-legged on the Spirit
Formation Chu Feng made, then after resentfully glaring at Chu Feng, she opened
up her mouth and continued eating the raw fish.
Although Little Fishy had a very rebellious appearance, her actions told Chu Feng
that she chose to listen to him and obediently stay behind.
Good. Seeing her so compliant, Chu Feng lightly smiled, then leaped and
quickly rushed towards the center of the Everlasting Sea of Blood.
The reason why Chu Feng came to that place wasnt to use the seawater of the
Everlasting Sea of Blood for cultivation, because to Chu Feng, a cultivation
resource of that level was simply not useful.
The reason why he came there was to find Qiushui Fuyan, and she came there to
capture the monster. So, it was naturally easier to find her in the place where the
monster appeared.
Flying quickly, Chu Feng soon returned to the center of the Everlasting Sea of
Blood. However, before he even saw the monster, Chu Feng was dumbstruck by
the scene at that place.
On the surface of the sea where he fought against the fair-faced and wild man
before, a hurricane that pierced the skies appeared. There was also a whirlpool in
the regions that the hurricane was at, and the area it covered was extremely
No one could escape in the places it covered. Chu Feng saw, with his own eyes,
countless people engulfed by the hurricane and ultimately taken into the superlarge whirlpool in the sea.

Even within the many figures that endlessly cried out in misery, Chu Feng saw
three familiar people. They were the fair-faced man and the wild big man who
exchanged blows with Chu Feng earlier. Even the rank three Martial Lord was
Facing the horrifying hurricane, the rank three Martial Lord old man even
attempted to resist it, but it was useless as even hehad not the slightest bit of power
to fight against it. Like the crowd, he was swept into the hurricane and whirlpool.
So powerful. Is this the monster that has been oppressing this place? What state
has its power reached?! Chu Feng stood in the air and was quite frightened. He,
who was fearless, also didnt dare to approach it.
The hurricanes power was too terrifying, making Chu Feng feel that not only him,
even those under the level of rank five Martial Lords had no strength to fight
against the hurricane. As long as they neared, they would be easily pulled in.
The monster has already appeared, so why hasnt Qiushui Fuyan showed up yet?
Logically, she should have arrived here before me. Chu Fengs gaze was not only
focused on the hurricane. Even more, it was focused on the groups of people. He
was searching for Qiushui Fuyan.
*boom* Suddenly, while Chu Feng was carefully observing, the hurricane, which
had already covered everything within the circumference of ten million meters,
rapidly expanded. With unbelievable speed, it swept over everything.
Crap. At that instant, Chu Feng was greatly alarmed. Without even thinking he
turned around and left, because he didnt want to become the horrifying monsters
cultivation resource.
Ahhhh~ However, the hurricanes speed was too quick. So quick that it far
surpassed Chu Fengs imagination, and in almost the instant Chu Feng turned his
head around, a huge wave that could touch the skies slammed down. At that
moment, Chu Feng felt his mind daze before he completely lost consciousness and
entered a coma.
After some unknown length of time, Chu Feng gradually recovered his awareness,
and when he opened his weighty eyes and his line of sight restored,
even he couldnt help inhaling a breath of air.

At that very instant, he was actually on the bottom of the ocean. The seawater at
that place was already drawn out. It was a clearing shrouded by seawater.
In that clearing, there were several thousand people. All of them were cultivators;
the ones with the weakest strength were still in the Heaven realm, and there were
even three Martial Lords. Naturally, those three were the three from the Immortal
Execution Archipelago.
Everyones hands and feet were bound by special water grasses. Most were
unconscious, and of the very few people who were awake, all of them had faces
full of panic and fear. Some started to call out loudly for help, and some even
sobbed from terror.
They sobbed from terror because underneath their feet, it wasnt simply broken
rocks or dirt. It was bones. Bones of innumerable cultivators, and looking at the
brightness composition of the bones, they could tell that when those people were
alive, their cultivations were not weak, as well as the fact that they had just
recently died.
And after Chu Feng examined them with his Spirit power, he also discovered that
the Source Energy in the bones was already gone, all of them absorbed and refined
by someone.
Dammit, even my powers gone. At that instant, Chu Feng wanted to get rid of
the water grasses that bound himself, but discovered that he lacked even the power
to struggle.
Looking around him, Chu Feng knew that it was not only him. Everyone there
likely also had their power seized away. After looked carefully, Chu Feng realized
something. It wasnt that they lost their cultivation, it was that the area was special.
The region shrouded by seawater was actually a formation, and it was the
formation that took away their cultivation.
At that moment, Chu Feng hiddenly cursed. If they lacked even the power to free
themselves from water grasses, didnt it mean they were like fish on the cutting
boardthey could do nothing but allow the monster to slice them up?
*ge ge ge ge ge ge* However, as he was worrying, the petrifying sound came from
a distance, and, it was getting closer and closer.

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