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Activity for lower levels:

The candy game

1. Buy different candies
2. Students will have to describe the different candies (The teacher will explain
the different adjectives and the correct order i.e. fluffy, soft, colours, flavours,

Role play (cards in the Teachers room)

Using the cards with the different characters and personalities, interpret your
character: Think how you would describe yourself.
These cards can be used also to describe routines, hobbies and personal
information. ? play the


Describe yourself
Describe an alternative you, maybe the total opposite of you (Be creative!)
Draw the Teacher

Divide the class into two teams. Then draw 2 ovals shapes on the board. Then yell "Draw
the teacher's eyes!" and the two leading students from each team run up and draw your
eyes on the oval. Then yell "Nose!" which is drawn by the next two students. And so it
Another variation on this could be for naming parts of animals. The resulting picture
would be a monster. i.e. peacock's tail, snake's head, elephant feet, bat's wings, etc

Use this exercise to teach adjectives, e.g. big nose, etc.

The dinner role play:

The dinner
Your goal: Decide on a sitting arrangement that will guarantee a succssful dinner
You will get information about some people coming to the party. You must sit
them around the table in a way that will:
-avoid any conflict

-foster smooth and pleasant conversation

Condition: The table must be








Role 1 Mr Delacroix. He is diplomatic, relaxed, charming, pleasant and

agreeable. He is a lawyer, specialized in divorce cases. He is very ploite and
quiet and has no problem at all to talk about any topic. However, he dislikes
talking about his job.
Role 2 Laura Von Hund. She is introverted, passive and shy. She is a nice girl
from a little village. If someone talks about animals, she will start talking nonstop about her dog. She dislikes men that tries to flirt with her.
Role 3 George Lavin. He is a womanizer, full of himself, aggressive and
idealistic. He adores women! He loves flirting, specially with shy girls. He could
talk about himself for hours, but the truth is that he had a difficult childhood, so
he always avoids these questions. He is also interested in politics, even though
his political beliefs are quite irrational. He drinks a lot of wine and although he
dresses well, he is poor.
Role 4 Ahmed Shalm. He is charming, outgoing, pragmatic and inquisitive.
Ahmed likes asking questions. He believes in true love and hates men that do
not respect women. He is a volunteer in a vet and in a NGO.
Role 5 Charlotte Law. She is a grumpy and clumsy woman. She is down-toearth. Charlotte dislikes lawyers because her ex-husbansd won her in a recent
trial. If she drinks alcohol, she turns very clumsy and talkative. She is very
materialst and desperate to be married again. She is in debt.
Role 6 Mrs Mitchell Evans. She is bossy, witty, over-the-top, arrogant and
argumentative. She believes herself to be better than anyone and loves picking
fights. She always tries very hard to win any argument and have the last word.
Role 7 John Gloss. He is nerd, dull, clumsy, quite childish and diffident (=shy).
He lacks self-confidence and needs to be re-assured of everything. He loves
talking about technology and videogames.
Role 8 Rachael McFlurry. She is stubborn, quick-temperd and inflexible. She
seems lovely, but she is quite stubborn when she wants something. She never
accepts 'no' for an answer.

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