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ISLAMABAD: The population of Pakistan touched the figure of

almost 195 million by middle of the current year, including 100

million males and 95 million females.
According to the last Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey figures,
quoted in the Annual Plan 2016-17, this figure included 86.3 million urban
and 108.5 million rural population. The urban population has 44.5 million
males and 41.8 million females whereas rural area figures included 55.9
million males and 52.6 million females.
The total fertility rate (TFR) was registered at 3.8 while the crude birth
rate for per thousand children is 24.8. The figures further revealed that
crude death rate for per thousand remained six. The current population
growth rate is 1.9 percent while the contraceptive prevalence rate is 35
percent.The life expectancy is 69.6 year with 70 years for women and
69.3 for men.
Talking to APP, official sources said Pakistan is facing the challenge of
getting a balance between the population growth rate and sustainable
development. The major causes of over population are lack of family
planning and reproductive health facilities, low contraceptive prevalence
and literacy rate, early marriage, religious and cultural preference for
male child and low female empowerment.
Population stabilisation is central to optimal socioeconomic development
since the gains of the economic development are diminished by the
higher population growth rate.They added that if the prevailing population
and demographic trends continued, Pakistans population is projected to
be 227 million by 2025.

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