Open Wide Your Mouth & God Will Fill - BY APOSTLE SARAHGAOR 1ST SERVICE 07.1016 PDF

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2 KINGS 4:17-23
17 But sure enough, the woman soon
became pregnant. And at that time the
following year she had a son, just as
Elisha had said. 18 One day when her
child was older, he went out to help his
father, who was working with the

19 Suddenly

he cried out, My head

hurts! My head hurts! His father said
to one of the servants, Carry him
home to his mother. 20 So the servant
took him home, and his mother held
him on her lap. But around noontime
he died.

2 KINGS 4:19-20

21 She

carried him up and laid him on

the bed of the man of God, then shut
the door and left him there. She sent
a message to her husband: Send one
of the servants and a donkey so that I
can hurry to the man of God and come
right back.
2 KINGS 4:21-22

23 Why

go today? he
asked. It is neither a new
moon festival nor a
Sabbath. But she said, It
will be all right.
2 KINGS 4:23

2 KINGS 4:26-37
26 Run

out to meet her and ask her,

Is everything all right with you,
your husband, and your child?
Yes, the woman told Gehazi,
everything is fine.

27 But

when she came to the man of God

at the mountain, she fell to the ground
before him and caught hold of his feet.
Gehazi began to push her away, but the
man of God said, Leave her alone. She
is deeply troubled, but the LORD has not
told me what it is.
2 KINGS 4:27

28 Then

she said, Did I ask you for a son,

my lord? And didnt I say, Dont deceive
me and get my hopes up?
29 Then Elisha said to Gehazi, Get ready
to travel ; take my staff and go! Dont talk
to anyone along the way. Go quickly and
lay the staff on the childs face.
2 KINGS 4:28-29

30 But

the boys mother said, As surely as

the LORD lives and you yourself live, I wont
go home unless you go with me. So Elisha
returned with her. 31 Gehazi hurried on
ahead and laid the staff on the childs face,
but nothing happened. There was no sign of
life. He returned to meet Elisha and told him,
The child is still dead.
2 KINGS 4:30-31

32 When

Elisha arrived, the child

was indeed dead, lying there
on the prophets bed. He
went in alone and shut the
door behind him and prayed to
the LORD.

2 KINGS 4:32-33

34 Then

he lay down on the childs

body, placing his mouth on the
childs mouth, his eyes on the childs
eyes, and his hands on the childs
hands. And as he stretched out on
him, the childs body began to grow
warm again!
2 KINGS 4:34

35 Elisha

got up, walked back and

forth across the room once, and
then stretched himself out again
on the child. This time the boy
sneezed seven times and
opened his eyes!
2 KINGS 4:35

36 Then

Elisha summoned Gehazi. Call

the childs mother! he said. And when
she came in, Elisha said, Here, take
your son! 37 She fell at his feet and
bowed before him, overwhelmed with
gratitude. Then she took her son in her
arms and carried him downstairs.
2 KINGS 4:36-37

PSALMS 81:10
For it was I, the LORD your God,
who rescued you from the land
of Egypt. Open your mouth
wide, and I will fill it with good

MATTHEW 16:18-19 (NLT)

18 Now

I say to you that you are Peter (which

means rock),and upon this rock I will build my
church, and all the powers of hell will not
conquer it. 19 And I will give you the keys of the
Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid on
earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever
you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.

MATTHEW 16:18-19 (NLT)

18 Now I say to you that you are
Peter (which means rock),and
upon this rock I will build my
church, and all the powers of
hell will not conquer it.

19 I

will give you the keys (authority) of the

kingdom of heaven; and whatever you
bind [forbid, declare to be improper and
unlawful] on earth will have [already] been
bound in heaven, and whatever you
loose [permit, declare lawful] on earth will
have [already] been loosed in heaven.
Matthew 16:19 (Amp)

I. Open wide your mouth & Speak

w/ Authority your Great Future.

A. Definitions
1. Open - allowing access or entry.
2. Wide - not restricted, no limit.
3. Fill - become full, occupy completely.
4. Authority - power to enforce

I. Open wide your mouth & Speak w/

Authority your Great Future.

B. Prayer is talking to God about our

situation while Declaration is speaking to
our situation.
C. Shunamite's answer All is Well"
D. Say what you want to see
E. Your situation will Obey what you Say.

II. Open wide your mouth & Speak in

Agreement with God's Will.

A. God's Word is God's Will.

B. Believe & Speak the Word of God to
your situation.
C. Woman believed God has the power to
raise her son to life.

II. Open wide your mouth & Speak in

Agreement with God's Will.
D. Be creative
1. Recite bible verses instead of saying your
situation .
2. Find time to declare everyday.
3. Share your giftings.
E. When we make Scriptural Declaration over our
life, we agree with God's Will for us.

III. Open wide your mouth & be Filled

with Miracles. 2 Kings 4:30,32-37
Matthew 16:18-19 (AMP)
A. The woman did not leave the prophet Elisha not
until he agreed to go with her (Determination)
B. Genesis 28:15 (Determination)
C. Elisha's Determination (2 Kings 4:33-35)
D. Elisha called the woman and she received her
son.(Her Miracle)

Whats more, I am with you, and I will
protect you wherever you go. One
day I will bring you back to this land.
I will not leave you until I have
finished giving you everything I have
promised you.

But we continue to preach
because we have the same
kind of faith the psalmist had
when he said, I believed in
God, so I spoke.

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