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Accounting, relationship of, to value anal- Assembly ( Cont. ) :

ysis, 224-228 of parts, buy, spend my money this
Adhesives, 187 way?, 158-159
Advanced techniques, 299-312 Assigned problem solutions, 337
Aesthetic value [see Function( s ), aes- Assignments, problems for, 330-336
thetic] Attitude, cooperative, qualifications for,
Aesthetic values higher, costs lower, 2, 269
229 Available functional products:
After-the-fact value appraisal, 276 not used for various reasons, 130-132
All cost is for function, 2 5 3 0 utilize vendors, 130-141
Alternatives: Avoid generalities, 88-92
a t lower cost, 111-113
selection of, 60, 30.5312
Aluminum, 189 Ballplayer, 207
relative cost of, 203 Basic step (see Steps, basic)
Analysis step, job plan, 55 Before or after the fact?, 231
Appearance design, relation of, to value Begg, George, 313
analysis, 229 Behavior, sacrificial, 207
Application to various business activities, Beliefs:
278-282 management, supporting competitive
Art, 267 value decisions, 222
Assembly: of managers: control decisions, 221-223
centering support and pin, 163-167 "good performance must have, good
motor plate pointer, 113 costs automatic?," 221
Best source of information, use only, 99- Case studies ( Cont. ) :
101 conduct electric current in steel?, 6
Blacksmith, specialty tools of, 147, 162 contacts that were lost, 239
Blast, 103, 107, 108, 110 control, temperature-sensitive, 151
create, refine, techniques of, 102-1 13 controller, the electric, 111
example of, 106, 108 creative step reduces cost 80%, 57
Blocked, mentally, by good work of past, crystal or window glass?, 92
213 danger of embarrassment is more force-
Bolts : ful than restored market volume,
example of, 105 219
heavy trunion, example of, spend my dealing with time and value, 12
money this way?, 156 develop specific information, 91
J: discussion of, between managers, 218 did the vendor contribute?, 237
specialty process, example of, 147 do it like an Indian, 122
Book, this, how to use, xvii evaluate a single function, 32
Boss pressure, motivates managers, 284 evaluate three functions, 33
Brackets : evaluating function in analysis step, 56
sized, later bent, 238 FAST diagram used, parts reduced
using vendors' specialty process, 150 from nineteen to four, 304-308
Brain, better use of, 1 fear of embarrassment is more forceful
Brass and bronze rod and sheet, relative in decision making than ending
cost of, 201 company loss, 219
Brass and bronze wire, relative cost of, fear of embarrassment is more forceful
202 in decision making than a profit
Breathing, getting good value like?, 253 on the iob.
, , 220
Bryan, G. L., 308 increased dollar yield per man-hour of
Business: cost-reduction work, 232
how correctly is value analysis orga- interacting functions, 36
nized for?, 288 is the value $60 per thousand, or is it
how effectively is value analysis operat- $1 per thousand? 126
ing?, 289 it won't work, 119
how well is the organization suited to?, it's patented, 241
288 job plan used on electrical contact,
loss of, through partial overheads, 341- 59-62
350 lower costs may mean doing it the
the motivation, 283 right way, 248
Businesses, organization for:
management problem, buy or build
large, 257
.. 72
small, 256
smallest, 255 mounting holes for perforated sheet
Buy or make (see Make-or-buy decisions) steel, 148
Bytheway, Charles W., 299 only one supplier, 101
pivot -in,. 63-66
Calf, Path of, xviii problem setting, 48
Car starting, complete plan and action published data used to evaluate func-
essential for, 52 tion, 38
Carpenter, specialty tools of, 147 red pointer and red ink, 2
Case studies: specialty product simplified it, 132
can we scrap the scrap?, 235 springs, the three, 142
concrete for $50,00&what is the func- timer, the, 180
tion?, 26 Underwriters' won't allow it, 120
Index 355

Case studies ( Cont. ) : Construction industry, use of value engi-

unmeaningful costs can bankrupt the neering ( Cont. ) :
business, 98-99 obstacles, overcoming, 324
value analysis applied to hospital ser- owners, understanding status of, 315
vices and expenses, 78-81 unfunctioning costs, why so much?,
value analysis of a community service, 314
84-86 value engineering: definition of, 313
value analysis techniques certainly can- effective, where must be done, 326
not improve the value of 10,000 how to use, 316
bolts, 20 when in life cycle, 321-324
Castings, 185, 190 waste, ending paperwork, 324
Cause-and-effect relationships, obscure, Consultation:
allow decisions injuring value, 21 1 manufacturing, 280
Champions : purchasing, 281
coaching of, concept, xvi, 1 sales, 278
prizefighting and golf, 2 Contacts, lost, 239
Change, 206 Control, temperature-sensitive, 151
abhored by environment, 214 Cooperative attitude, qualifications, 269
Check, 16, follow rules?, 160 Copper, relative cost of, 202
City government, value analysis program Copper conducting bus, lower costs
in a, 82-84 brought embarrassment, 220
Clamp, small, example of, would 1 spend Cost:
$20,000 of my money this way?, added by decisions based on: normal
158 practice, 210
Clamp bar as example of blast, create, re- policy, 209
fine, 107 similar actions, 209
Company president's quotation, 259 sound general criteria, 208
Comparison, evaluate functions by, 40 traditional criteria, 208
Competence, specialized, sources of, 184- added by engineering accumulated
187 misconceptions, 234
Components, functional, available, 134- added by engineering knowledge limi-
136 tations, 234
Confidence, how to secure, in measure- added by "feelings," 212
ments of value, 4 2 4 4 added by obscure cause-and-effect
Construction industry, use of value en- relationships, 21 1
gineering in, 313-329 added by a system that does not secure
architects and engineers, understand- information, 210
ing their activities, 314 all is for function, 2 5 3 0
contractors, understanding their ac- decision, 98, 341-350
tivities, 315 of function, variation with concepts,
costs, total cost concept, 327 materials, and product compo-
examples (see Examples, construc- nents. 183
tion industry) lower, does not mean lower quality,
function costs diagrammed, 318 247
functional approach, use of 316 relative: of aluminum, 203
functions, naming and evaluating, of brass and bronze rod and sheet,
317 201
items requiring search, inputs, and of brass and bronze wire, 202
investigation, 326 of copper, 202
life cycle, 321, 324 knowledge, 197-203
locating high yield areas, 319 of machine speeds, 198
356 Index

Cost, relative ( Cont. ) : Decision makers ( Cont. ) :

of operation speeds, 199 motivated by: emphasis, 286
of stainless steel, 200 measurement of action, 286
of steel in miscellaneous forms, 200 measurement of lack of action, 286
unnecessary, 5 minimum-personal-loss environment,
of sized bracket, later bent, 238 286
Cost-reduction: recognition, 286
increased effectiveness of, 230-232 understanding of failure, 286
and value analysis, 230-232 must accept personal risk, 206
versus value analysis, 231 must cause change, 206
Costs: Decision making, shades of gray in, 210
essentialness of, 20 Decision process, understanding of, quali-
get all available, 93 fications for, 271
good, may mean good quality, 247 Decisions:
high, result in: engineering concept, 15 always influenced, often controlled by
engineering detail work, 15 feelings, 212
management organization, 14 cost added by, based on: normal prac-
manufacturing concept, 15 tice, 210
manufacturing operation, 15 policy, 209
marketing concept, 14 similar actions, 209
purchasing and procurement work, sound general criteria, 208
15 traditional criteria, 208
how to get, 19-20 determining profits, not made by profit-
lower, may mean doing it the right measured people, 211
way, case study, 248 by management, percentage of, in
make-or-buy decisions, 97, 98, 227 error, 241
make-versus-make decisions, 227 by professional people, percentage of,
meaningful, essential, 93-96, 226 in error, 241
normal make-up, 93-96 unwelcome, required, 208
overhead, using partial, 97-98 Defense, adequate, at lower cost, 11
unmeaningful, obscure vital facts, 98- Dell'isola, A. J., 314, 326
99 Designs, grow like Topsy, 102
Cover, dust, 113 Development planning step, job plan, 58
Covered-wagon train, 207 Development step, 166
Create, 103, 107, 109, 110, 113-116 Diagrams, FAST, 301
blast and refine, 102-113 Dials, metal, patented, 241
Creativity, use of real, 113-116 Difference, vast, between eueybody-does-
Creativity step of job plan, 56 it and specialist-does-it, 255
Creep, 341-350 Directories, industrial, 136-137
Customer, pleasing the, by aesthetic func- Disciplined thinking (see Thinking, dis-
tions, 28 ciplined )
Dixon, Robert L., 341
Decision costs, 97-98 Dust cover. 113
( See also Make-or-buy decisions )
Decision environment, 205-223 Edison, Thomas, 206
requiring vast consideration, 206 Electrical contact, job plan for, 59-62
subjective, 210-221 Electrical terminals, 174
time required to improve, 206 Effect on other work of business, 224-
Decision makers: 252
injured by embarrassment, 208 Effective organization for value work,
injury is real, 207 253-266
Index 357

Embarrassment: Evaluation, of ideas ( Cont. ) :

cause of, 215, 217 quantitative, by function rating grid,
caused by: past knowledge, 220 309
previous actions, 219 Everyone's business does not get com-
comfortable to avoid, 215 petitive value, 254
decision makers injured by, 208 Examples :
fear of: controls decisions, 218-221 adjustment screw, searching for spe-
more forceful than ending company cialized product, 138, 139
loss, 219 asbestos paper, 117
more forceful than restored market blast, create, refine, 106, 108, 109
volume, 219 bracket using vendors' specialty pro-
how to avoid, 215 cesses, 150
injures decision makers, 208 bulkhead-penetration project, 115
from manager, minimizing, 218 buy parts, or assembly?, spend my
Emphasis : money this way?, 158
by management, results determined by, clamp: bar as example of blast, create,
240 refine, 107
motivates: decision makers, 286 would I spend $20,000 of my money
value technique users, 285 this way?, 158
Engineering: construction industry: aircraft parking
integration, 279 apron, 321
performance by measurement, value by buried conductors, 318
judgement factor, 233 changes, typical, 328
relationship of, to value analysis, 232- conduit, changed, 319
236 door canopies, 316
value appraisal, 279 ending nonproduction service costs,
value consultation, 279 324
training, 279 foundation plan, 321
work content applied to, 279 parking payment, 316
Engineering decisions, costs added by: pier deck, 321
accumulated misconceptions, 234 summary sheet, typical, 329
limited knowledge, 234 walk-through tunnel, 316
Environment: costs exist but are not provided, 96
abhors change, 214 customer wants use and aesthetic func-
action, low fear of embarrassment, 217 tions, 46
compared to valve system, 214 decision costs, out-of-pocket costs in
decision (see Decision environment ) make-or-buy decisions, 97-98
hazardous to new, 213 ending roadblocks, 117-1 18
may be unsafe mentally for the "new," gyros, 125
hand wheel, 156
handle for machine tool adjustments,
minimum-personal-loss as motivation:
of decision makers, 286
heat-transfer enclosure, 124
of managers, 284
heavy trunion bolts, spend my money
subjective, but objective decisions re- thk way?, 156
quired, 210-221 hub-and-shaft assembly, spend m!/
Essential qualifications and training of money this way?, 157
value analysts and engineers, 267- inapplicable standard materials, do not
273 use, 153
Evaluation, of ideas, 309-312 inapplicable standard products, do not
matrix, 310 use, 154
Examples ( Cont. ) : Fence manufacturers, what can they do?,
J bolts, specialty processes for, 147 case study, 122
job plan progression, 170 Forging, lower costs brought embanass-
of knowing function value, as guide to ment, 219
effort, 41 Fowler, Theodore C., 299
labor and material costs only, are pro- Function( s ) :
vided, 96 aesthetic, 2-3, 25-26, 28, 37, 229
the linkage, 124 analysis of, 2, 28, 37
machined parts, spend my money this customers' wants, 25
way?, 159 classifying basic or secondary, 29
Navy bulkhead penetration, 115 evaluation of, 3 1 4 4
no costs, 96 by comparison, 32, 40-42
paperwork, 324 using published data, 38, 184
pole piece tolerances, 127-129 FTouP, 47
pulley, use of basic steps, steps of case study, 48
job plan, and acceIerators, 171 how to quantify, 27
radar spot locator, 109 identifying, 45
research, growth, and maturity of interacting: case study, 36
product, 8 evaluation of, 35
spacer hub, specialized products, 139 naming, identifying, and clarifying,
squirted-in self-vulcanizing rubber-like 26-27
gaskets, 115 rating grid, quantitative evaluation of
stainless-steel nipple, 118 ideas, 309
standardize the packing?, avoid over- separate, 46
standardizing, 155 sub-, 47
stud, spacer, 172 unifying, with its specifications, 28
system procedure, 163-167 use, customers' wants, 25
temperature control, 16 value of, as guide or measure, 42-44
thin nut, specialized product, 140 verb-noun naming, 27
tube support gasket, vendors' specialty Function analysis system technique
process, 150 ( FAST), 299-308
undercut screw, vendors' specialty case study, parts, reduced from 19 to 4,
process, 149 304-308
use of for pulley, basic steps, steps of cost allocation, 304
job plan, and results accelerators, critical path determination, 302
171 how to use, 300
use standards: logic, function determination, 300
a process detail, 153 scope, determination of, 302
a specialty product, 152 supporting function determination, 302
a standard product, 152 "why" and "how" logic, 301
Experience, qualifications, 270 Function-cost relationships, 182
Function-property relationships, 38
Fear of embarrassment: Functional components, available, 134-
more forceful in decision making than 136
profit, 220 Functional materials:
more forceful than ending company loss, available, 133-136
219 locating in directories, 136-137
Feelings: Functional products:
always influence, often control deci- available, 132-136
sions, 212 utilization of, 130-141
how to change, 213 classes of, 132
Index 359

Functional products ( Cont. ) : Hospital services and expenses, case

locknut as example of, 140 study, 78-81
not used for various reasons, 130-132 House, farm, periodic growth, example
and processes, locating at professional of, 102
society meetings, 137 .
"How might w e . . ," creativity, 114
specialized, assuring vendor success, Hub:
138 spacer, specialized product, example
Functional supplies available, 135-136 of, 139
Functional understanding in marketing steel, 111
concept, 14 Hub-and-shaft assembly, spend my
money this way?, example of, 157
Human factors, 13
Garratt, Arthur, 305 Human relations, 205-223
Gasket, squirted-in self-vulcanizing, ven- Human toil, elimination of, 10
dors' specialty processes for, 150
Gear sleeve, case study, higher quality,
half the cost, 248 Ideas, quantitative evaluation of, 305-312
Generalities: Identifying and overcoming roadblocks,
avoiding, 88-92 116-121
ending, 89-90 Identifying functions, 45
examples of, 88 Imagination, qualifications, 268
"Generality" stoppers, examples of: Incredible reality, the, 218-221
electrical terminals, 174 Indoctrination of management, work
spring locating parts, 175 content, 274
weld supports, 176 Industrial stylist, 2-3
Get a dollar sign on key tolerances, 125- Information, use from best source only,
129 99-101
Glass, crystal or window, 92 Information step of job plan, 54
Glass cover, "only one supplier," 101 Initiative, high degree, qualifications, 268
Golfer, champion, 14 Injury to decision makers is real, 207
Goodwill Industries, value analysis of Integration:
service of, 84-86 developing understanding, in the en-
Government, city, how to start value vironment, 275
analysis program for, 82 engineering, 279
projects selected, 83 manufacturing, 280
steps taken, 83 measure, value work, 292
typical results, 83 purchasing, 281
Graves, Dr. Ralph, 213 of research and developnlent with em-
Gray, shades of, in decision making, 210 phasis on military contracts, 261-
Group functions, 47 265
Growth stage of a product, 7, 8 sales, 278
Guidance, utilize good, from the past, 66 Interacting functions [see Function( s ),
Guidance by manager in the job plan, 67 interacting]
Guide, function value becomes, 42 Interest in value essential, 270
Inventory. avoid accun~ulating,208

Hand wheel, spend my money this way?,

example of, 156 Job plan, 53-66, 167
Heat-transfer enclosure, example of, 124 analysis step, 55
History of a product, cycles of, 7, 8 creativity step, 56
Horse, 225 development planning step, 58
360 Index

Job plan (Cont.) : Machining costs, relative, 198

information step, 54 Make-or-buy decisions, 72, 97-98, 209-
interrelation of steps, 167 210,227, 341-350
judgement step, 58 case study, 237
manager guidance points, 67 costs of, 227
progression, 170 parts or assembly?, 158
suggestion sheet, 62 Make-versus-make decisions, costs for,
in use, 165-167 227
value analysis, 53 Management:
Johnson, Warren A., 84 indoctrination of, work content, 274
Joy-stick control mounting, 109 relationship of value analysis to, 239
Judgement step of, job plan, 58 Management beliefs, competitive value
decisions supported by, 222
Management-decision-type problems, set-
Kirksite, roadblock ending, 119 ting and solving, 70
Knowledge: Management decisions, percentage of, in
associated with costs, 181-184, 197- error, 241
204 Management problems:
benefits of, to research, sooner, 261 solving, precise setting for, 71
diverse, required, 179 types of, 70, 74
finding the required, 179 Management process, understanding,
fund, form and constitution, 182-184 qualifications for, 271
nature of, 179 Managers:
only 25% of available, used on a task, accountable for earnings, structure
122 under, 259
qualifications, 268 beliefs of, are the "master key," 221-
reach of, 179 223
relative cost, 197-203 conversation may limit profit, 214
and skill of vendors: embarrassment criticism by, may keep high costs, 217
limits use of, 143 guides for, 222
how suppliers organized, 143-145 n~otivationof, 284
how to search for, 144-146 by boss pressure, 284
how to use, 141-146 by minimum-personal-loss environ-
reasons for not being used, 141-142 ment, 284
utilize and pay for, 141-146 by necessity, 284
special, 178-204 by recognition, 285
specialists, two years ahead, 122 Manufacturing:
specialized, use of industry specialists how value analysis helps, 237
to extend, 121-125 integration, 280
specific product and process, 187-197 relationship of, to value analysis, 236-
type of, required, 179 237
value appraisal, 280
value consultation, 280
Lawyers, 178 value training, 281
Learning, tests of, 294 work content applied to, 280
Linkage, example of, 124 Marketing:
Locknut, high-temperature, specialized assisted by value analysis, 250
product, example of search, 140 relationship of, to value analysis, 249
Loss, personal: Material-cost relationships, 38
minimizing risk of, 215-218 Materials:
suffered by good men, 217 functional, available, 133-136
Index 361

Materials ( Cont. ) : Nipple, stainless steel, example of, 118

new, impact of, 13 Now, why better solutions to value (cost)
specialty, 196 problems?, 7
Maturity stage of a product, 7, 8 Nut:
Measurement(s ), 287-294 double, example of, 107
of action, managers motivated by, 286 thin, specialized product, example of,
fair, value analysis technique users 140
motivated bv. ,, 285
of job plan by manager, 67
Operation speeds, relative-cost data,
lack of, in value work, 11
table, 199
of lack of action, decision makers
Orders, writing separate, 208
motivated by, 286
Organization for value work:
of value analysis organization, 287-292
with four or more consultants, 257
how correctly set up, 288
one-man setup, 256
how effectively operating, 289
for smallest and smaller businesses, 255
how well suited, 288
structuring, 258
how well understood, 287
three-man setup, 257
miscellaneous factors, 291
two-man setup, 256
of value work, 292-294
from viewpoint of: the interrelations
integration, 292
of value analysis men, 253-258
value appraisal, 292
overall business, 253-255
value consultation, 293
the relationship of value engineering
value training, 294
men and management, 253-260
(See also Measures)
Overheads, partial, use of, 97-98, 341-
Measures :
function values as, 42
Overlap, problem-setting and problem-
how to make, 4 2 4 4
solving, 50
Men, tests of, 295
Miles, Robert, xv
Miller, G. A., 308 Parts, machined:
"Mind-setting," xviii, 72-73 follow rules or buy for half, example
"Mind tuning," essential preliminary step of, 159
in, 53, 72-73 spend my money this way?, 159
Minimizing risk of personal loss, 215-218 Past, utilize good guidance from, 66
Money, what determines how to spend?, Past good work as cause of mental block,
156 213
would I spend mine this way?, 155- Patented product:
161 case study, 241
Motivation, 283-287 as roadblock, example of, 118
business, 283 People, optimum number of:
of decision makers, 286 for analysis step, 55
four categories of, 283 for creative step, 57
measurement, tests for, 283-298 for development planning step, 58
of value analysis technique users, 285 for information step, 54
for judgement step, 58
Performance capability of product, 6
Nail, example of, 104 Performance-capability already in-house,
Necessity: now value-capability also required,
force of, 284 253
managers motivated by, 284 Performance-oriented work, 9, 10, 253
New, environment hazardous to, 213 Personality, qualifications, 269
362 Index

Pins: Purchasing:
pivot, case study, 63-66 aided by value analysis, 241, 242
spiral, tempered steel, case study, 132 buyer must be kept informed, 243
Plan.. com~leteis essential. 52 integration, 281
Plate, back, case study, increased cost- relationship of, to value analysis, 241-
reduction yield, 232 247
Plumber, 178, 267 practices pertinent to: commitments,
Pointer, red, 2-3 245
Pole piece tolerance, example of, 127- interdepartment reIations, 246
129 sources of supply, 245
Potentiometer, 110 vendor relations, 245
Problem-setting system, 45, 70-86 value analyst: cooperative ground-rules
case study, 48 for, 244-247
in job plan, 55 work not done by, 243
management-type, 72-73 value appraisal, 281
and problem-solving overlap, 50 value training, 282
Problem solutions, 337-340
Problem-solving system, 2, 51-69, 77-86 Qualifications :
and problem-setting overlap, 50 belief in importance of value, 270
Problems : cooperative attitude, 269
for assignment, 330-336 experience, 270
class-1, class-2, or class-3, 55 high degree of initiative, 268
complex and creative, 114 imagination, 268
management-type, 70 knowledge, 268
procedures for using, 330 personality, 269
Procedure, system, example of, 163-167 self-organization, 269
Procedures to locate unrecognized prob- and training, 267-273
lems, 4 an understanding of management and
Processes : decision processes, 271
new, impact of, 13 for value analysts and engineers, 267
specialty, 189-195 Quality, safety, features, no reduction in,
of vendors, how to find and use 17, 247
profitably, 151 Quality control and value analysis:
specialty casting, 147 joint opportunities for, 249
Product, cycle of the history of a: relationship of, 247, 249
growth stage, 7 Quality versus cost, two misconceptions
maturity stage, 7-8 of, 247
research and development stage, 7 Quantitative evaluation of ideas, 305-312
Products: Quantity-capability for weapons, 264
functional, available, 132-136 Questionnaire, is value analysis being
new, impact of, 1 3 used?, 296-298
specialized, search for, examples of, Questions, the five, 18
138-141 Quotation, company president's, 259
specialty, 195
of vendors, steps in locating, 141 Reality, the incredible, 218-221
Profit, 222 Recognition as motivation:
decisions determining, not made by for decision makers, 286
profit-measured people, 211 for managers, 285
limited by manager's conversation, 214 for value technique users, 285
Property-material relationship, 38 Refine, 103,108, 109
Pulley, progression of steps for, 171 blast, create, 102-113
Index 363

Refrigerator: Sales ( Cont. ) :

case study, 48 value consultation, 278
control, case study, 49 value training, 279
Relations, human, 205-223 work content applied to, 278
Relationship of value analysis: Screen, motor, case study, 36
to all business activities, 224-252 Screws:
to appearance design, 229 adjusting, search for specialized pro-
to cost-reduction, 230-232 duct, 138-139
to management, 239 example of, 104
to manufacturing, 236 #, 8 ., with # 6 head. 120
to marketing, 249 undercut, vendors' specialty process,
to purchasing, 241-247 149
to quality control, 247-249 Search for information, how to, 19
Research and development: Search for specialized product, example
better answers sooner, 264 of, 138-141
decision criteria performance, time, and Self-organization, qualifications, 269
cost, 262-264 Seminar, an effective 40-hour, 272
improved solution for, using value en- Separate functions, 46
gineering, 263 Service-type problems, typical, 77
landing craft gasoline tanks, example Services :
of, 264 community, case study, 84
more benefit from in-house knowledge, grow like Topsy, 102
261 hospital, 78-81
organization for, 264 how to proceed to the finished task, 82
90% of product cost in areas of known how to start, 82
technology, 264 paper work, example of, 324
understanding the problem, 262 problem setting, 77
using the problem solving system, 261 problems: case study of hospital ex-
Research stage of a product, 7, 8 pense, 78-81
Responsibility to management for suitable disciplined thinking for, 78
costs, 240 solving, 77
Results accelerators, listing of, 87-88 progression of value analysis work, 82
Right way, doing it, high quality, low Setting and solving:
cost, 249 management-decision-type problems, 70
Risk of personal loss, minimizing, 215- services problems, 77
218 Sheet, suggestion:
Roadblocks : electrical contact, 62
causes of, 125 for job plan, 62
common, listing of, 117 Shelly, M. W., 308
identifying and overcoming, technique Shepard, R. N., 308
of, 18, 116-121, 174-176 Solutions, better:
case study, 119-120 to assigned problems, 337-340
by industry specialists, 125 to value problems, 7
Underwriters', example of, 119 Spacer stud, evaluation of functions of,
Rules, follow, or buy for half, 159 33-35
Rules, follow, or write checks for l e , 160 Special knowledge required, 178-204
Specialists, industry, save money to use
where needed, 121-125
Sales: case study, learn what they can do,
integration, 278 122
value appraisal, 278 heat transfer, example of, 124
364 Index

Specialists, industry ( Cont. ) : Stoppers ( Cont. ) :

linkage, example of, 124 (See a2so "Generality" stoppers; Road-
locating, 121 blocks )
not used because: "am expected to Structuring organization, 258
solve my own problems," 123 Stud, spacer, 217
"may mean delay," 124 progression of steps, 173
of pride of authorship, 123 Subfunctions, 47
of various reasons, 123-124 Subjective coloring:
not used if only better costs are environment prevents objective deci-
needed, 123 sions, 210-221
Specialized competence: objective situation obscured by, 210
listing of, 184-187 Subjectivity of various men, 210
sources of, 185-187 Suggestion sheet, 62
Specialized knowledge, 178-204 Suppliers, only one, 101
using industry specialists to extend, Support as motivation of value analysis
121-125 technique users, 285
Specialty materials, 196 Surgeon, 178, 267
Specialty processes, 189-195 Switch blade, evaluation of function,
steps in utilizing, of vendors, 148-149 using published data, 38
types of, 146 System(s), xv, xvi, 51-52, 162-177
utilizing, 146-152 good, containing everything the task
Specialty products, 195 requires, 51
Specific product and process knowledge, for locating: and dealing with un-
187-197 suspected stoppers, 17
"Specifics," get into, 91 unsuspected areas of high cost, 14
Spring-locating parts, 175 problem-setting, 45, 70-86
Springs, case study, 142 problem-solving, 2, 51-69, 77-86
Standards : telephone, as example of complete
know availability and cost, 154 system, 51
utilize applicable, 152-155 using the, basic steps for, 163-174
Status as motivation of value analysis which does not secure information,
technique users, 285 adds cost, 210
miscellaneous forms, relative cost of,
table, 200 Tank, gasoline:
sheet, perforated, case study, 148 evaluation of, 32
silicon, scrap, case study, 235 for landing craft, 264
stainless, relative cost of, table, 200 Tax specialist, 254
Step, development, 166 Teaching, some not capable of, 295
Steps: Techniques:
basic, interrelation of, 167 selection of, 166
first, identify the function, 164, some for everyone, 255
168 Telephone as a complete system, 51
second, evaluate the function by Terminals, electrical, application of job
comparison, 164, 169 plan, 168-170
third, cause value alternatives to Tests, 294-298
be developed, 165, 169 of men, 295
of job plan, 53-58 of work being done, 296-298
of system, three basic, 163 Thinking, disciplined, xvii, 4, 53-58
Stoppers, 116-121 analysis, 4, 55
unsuspected, 17 creative, 4, 56-58
Thinking, disciplined ( C m t . ) : Underwriters' :
four separate kinds of, 4, 54-58 roadblock example, 119
information, 4, 54 "won't approve it," 101
judgement type, 4, 58 Use:
for services problems, 78 the criterion would I spend my money
Thoroughness required, pivot pin case this way?, 155-161
study, 63-66 industry specialists to extend special-
Time shortage, effect of, 11 ized knowledge, 121-125
Timer, case study, 180 information from only the best source,
Timing: 99-101
effect of, in use of value skills, 8 real creativity, 113-116
research and development, 262-264 Using the system, 162-177
for value work, 14 to reduce construction costs, 313-329
Tolerances : to reduce service costs, 77-86
adding cost not function, 127-129 Utilize:
anachronistic, various causes of, 125- applicable standards, 152-155
126 good guidance from the past, 66
the designer "thought," 125 and pay for vendor's skills and knowl-
the draftsman "made sure," 125 edge, 141-146
key, get a dollar sign on, 125-129 vendor's available functional products,
pole piece example, 127-129 130-141
related to functions they provide, 126-
"standard practice," 125 Value:
Tool changes, wait twenty weeks?, 209 aesthetic, where of prime importance,
Tools : 42
special, with special knowledge, 178 [See also Function( s ), aesthetic]
specialty, and processes, 147 belief in, importance of, qualifications,
Training: 270
for all professional people, 277 better twofold task, 205
amount of, required, 271 concept of, 6
effective 40-hour seminar, 272 considerations for improving, 11
five essentials of, 271 definition of, 4-5
qualifications, 267-273 good, does not come naturally, 253
some in the environment, 278 group, competent, time to establish,
value, 277-278 205
Traits, characteristics, and experience importance of, 5
needed, 268-272 is relative measure, 40
Transformer, radio frequency, example maximum, 5
of blasting, creating, and refining, normal degree of, 5
108 obsolescence of, 13
Tubing, copper, example of blasting, cre- use, of prime importance, 41
ating, and refining, 106 Value analysis, xvi, 2-4, 313
approach to, planned, 21-24
improves quality, 247
Understanding: intensive study, 92
the decision environment, 205-223 job plan, 53-66, 167
developing it in the environment, 275 oversimplified, 18
of failure motivates decision makers, questionnaire for determining if system
286 is being used, xvi, 296-298
366 Index

Value analysis ( Cont. ) : Value training ( Cont. ) :

relationship of (see Relationship of manufacturing, 281
value analysis ) measure of, in value work, 294
for whom?. xv purchasing, 282
Value analysis technique users, motiva- sales, 279
tion of: work content, 277
by fair emphasis, 285 Value work:
by recognition, 285 effective organization of, 253-266
by status, 285 markets and jobs expanded by, 10
by support, 285 measurement of, 292-294
Value analyst, 267-273 tcsts of work being done, 296
as a career, 221 Valve system compared to decision en-
does not do the buyers work, 243 vironment. 214
keeps purchasing informed, 243 Vendor relations, pnrchasing and valne
point of reporting of, 258 analysis, 237, 245
resistance to use of, 216 Vendors:
( See also Value engineer) manufacturing contribution of, 237
Value appraisal: specialized, successful work with, 138
engineering, 279
by invitation, 276
manufacturing, 280 "Warm-blood" area, 235
measure, value work, 292 Weeks, George R., 78
purchasing, 281 Weld supports, 176
sales, 278 What ore we really trying to do?, 3, 53,
work content, 275 71
Value consultant, 274-281 "Why" and "how" logic, 301
( See also Value engineer)
Why didn't yotc think of that before?, 217
Value consultation, before-the-fact, 276
"Winning" in business, importance of, 2
engineering, 279
Withers, Sonia, 305
measure, value work, 293
Wojciechowski, Francis Xavier, 300
work content, 276
Work content:
Value engineer:
measurement of, 287-298 developing and understanding, 274-
motivation of, 285 282
point of reporting of, 258 four basic tasks, 274
qualifications for, 267-273 indoctrination of management, 274
Value engineering, xvii, 2, 313 tests of, 294
work content, 274-282 work being done, 296-298
Value-oriented resources, 6 value appraisal, 275
Value-oriented work, 6, 9, 13 value consultation, 276
Value resources, use of, 9 for value engineer, 274-282
Value specialist, 274 value training, 277
(See also Value cngineer)
Value training:
engineering, 279 Srtm Corporation, 300

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