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DWG Number GEK103566

Rev J

GE Power & Water

Released 11/14/2014

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GEK 103566
Revised, November 2014

Creating an
Effective Generator
Maintenance Program

These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met in
connection with installation, operation or maintenance. Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are
not covered sufficiently for the purchasers purposes the matter should be referred to General Electric Company. These instructions contain
proprietary information of General Electric Company, and are furnished to its customer solely to assist that customer in the installation, testing,
operation, and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part nor shall its contents be
disclosed to any third party without the written approval of General Electric Company.
2014 General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be copied or distributed in whole or in part,
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DWG Number GEK103566

GEK 103566

Rev J

Released 11/14/2014

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Creating an Effective Generator Maintenance Program

2014 General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be copied or distributed in whole or in part,
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DWG Number GEK103566

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Creating an Effective Generator Maintenance Program

GEK 103566

Part 1 Maintenance Outage Planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1. Background Part 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2. Maintenance Planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3. Maintenance Frequency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4. Testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5. Visual Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6. MAGIC* (Miniature Air Gap Inspection Crawler) Robot Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Rotor Life Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Part 2 Other Maintenance Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

8. Other Maintenance Considerations Part 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

List of Tables
Table 1. Recommended Initial Maintenance Interval in Absence of Operational Experience. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Table 2. Recommended Stator and Core Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
Table 3. Recommended Water Cooled Stator Leak Tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Table 4. Recommended Field Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9
Table 5. Summary of Generator Field Inspection Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

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DWG Number GEK103566

Rev J

Released 11/14/2014

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GEK 103566

Creating an Effective Generator Maintenance Program

Part 1 Maintenance
Outage Planning

A few examples of the primary factors

that affect the maintenance planning
process are shown as follows and
should be integrated into the overall
maintenance program:
O&M manual
Manufacturers recommended
maintenance program
Technical Information Letters
Operational history
Monitoring trends
Previous inspections
Design features
Duty cycle
Ambient and environmental conditions
Risk tolerance
Reliability/availability needs

1. Background Part 1
A thorough maintenance program is
recommended to retain generator reliability
and avoid major failure expenses. The three
important elements of a thorough program
are maintenance frequency, testing and
visual inspection. It is the intent of this
document to provide information on
each of these elements, which will aid the
owner/operator to establish a thorough
and cost effective maintenance program.

2. Maintenance Planning
Advanced planning for maintenance is
necessary for generator operators in order
to maintain reliability and availability.
The correct implementation of planned
maintenance and inspection provides direct
benefits in the avoidance of forced outages,
unscheduled repairs, and downtime.
The basic design and recommended
maintenance of GE heavy-duty thermal
generators are oriented toward:
Maximum periods of operation
between inspections
In-place, on-site inspection and
Use of local trade skills to disassemble,
inspect, and re-assemble generator
mechanical components

In addition to maintenance of the basic

thermal generator, other auxiliaries
require periodic servicing including the
control devices, downstream electrical
components, and other auxiliaries. This
document is focused on maintenance
planning for the basic thermal generator,
which includes the field, stator core, and
frame. Other systems, while outside
the scope of this document, also need
to be considered for successful plant
maintenance. The inspection and repair
requirements, outlined in the O&M Manual
provided to each owner, lend themselves
to establishing a pattern of inspections.
These inspection patterns will vary from
site to site due to numerous factors such
as duty cycle and ambient conditions. GE
monitors operating experience, inspection
results, and in-service operating issues
of the installed base to the degree that
the information is available. This is used
to analyze and identify potential issues
specific to similar units across the fleet
with subsequent recommendations to
owners on specific matters forwarded by
means of Technical Information Letters
(TIL) so applicable action can be taken to
obtain maximum reliability, availability,
and maintainability. The recommendations
contained in TILs should be reviewed and
factored into the overall maintenance
planning program.

The operational log should include the type

of duty and any known abnormal operating
incidents. Operational events which should
be carefully noted are:
a. Errors in synchronizing
b. Under or over frequency operation
c. Lightning surges or other transients
d. Faults (such as short circuits) on system
or adjacent machines
e. Unbalanced load, including single phase
operation (Negative Sequence and
Motoring events)
f. Overload
g. Over voltage or under voltage
h. Loss of field
i. Loss of cooling water without
load run-back
j. Asynchronous operation
Each of these events would have a
different impact on the necessary
planning for maintenance and inspection.
Depending on the circumstances, some
of these events might dictate that the
machine be shut down for immediate
inspection, whereas other events may
allow a reasonable wait for the next
scheduled inspection.
The maintenance program should reflect
the level of acceptable risk for the unit.
This will vary from unit to unit and plant
to plant, and will change over time as the

2014 General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be copied or distributed in whole or in part,
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DWG Number GEK103566

Rev J

Released 11/14/2014

Page 5 of 12

Creating an Effective Generator Maintenance Program

importance of the unit to the power system
changes. In addition, new technologies
are constantly being developed to
improve unit reliability, performance,
and monitoring and inspection equipment,
to provide a costeffective means for
maintaining the generator. The MAGIC*
Robot In-Situ Generator Inspection System
is one example of a technology developed
by GE to provide a more cost-effective
means of performing a major inspection.
Other examples include advanced
continous monitors such as stator partial
discharge, field shorted turns, and collector
health. The owner/operator should be
aware of these developments and modify
the maintenance program accordingly.
While this should be a continuous process,
the maintenance outage planning review
is an appropriate checkpoint.
Planned maintenance outages are usually
scheduled well in advance of the actual
outage date, and preparation for the
outage should begin early. Materials that
might be needed for the inspection should
be ordered in advance so that they will
be available at the start of the outage to
avoid the risk of a costly delay.

The frequency and level of inspection

can be dependent upon service duty,
system demands, age of the unit, and risk
tolerance, among many other individual
plant considerations. These factors were
discussed in Section 2 Maintenance
Planning. The owner must balance
performance, reliability and cost when
planning maintenance outages and setting
maintenance intervals. Many of the factors
related to the timing of inspections are
determinable by the owner/operator;
other factors draw from empirical
knowledge and fleet experience.

maintenance experiences are accumulated.

While reductions in the recommended
intervals could result from abnormal
operational events described previously
or unfavorable operating experience,
increases in the recommended intervals
may also be considered where operating
experience has been favorable. Historical
operation and machine conditions can be
used to tailor maintenance programs such
as optimized inspection intervals to specific
sites/machines. GE can assist operators in
determining the appropriate maintenance
intervals for their particular application.

In the absence of operating experience

and resulting condition assessments,
Table 1 lists the recommended inspection
intervals for GE thermal generators.
Generally speaking, GE generators can
be inspected commensurate with the
associated turbine inspection outage
with the exception of a first inspection
defined as 8000 fired hours, 4000 turning
gear hours, or 250 starts whichever comes
first. These initial intervals should be
reviewed and adjusted as operating and

During the first several months or several

thousand hours of operation, some
generator components experience a
break-in period. The first year inspection
will detect and correct for this period of
potentially increased wear. Additionally,
it should be noted wear can accumulate
during turning gear operation. During
turning gear operation, relative motion
may occur in the field winding components
potentially causing fretting wear. It is
advised to the operator to minimize turning

Table 1. Recommended Initial Maintenance Interval in Absence of Operational Experience1

The local GE Field Service Office can assist

in maintenance planning, and review of the
overall maintenance program, incorporating
any appropriate new maintenance and
upgrade available technologies.

3. Maintenance Frequency
There are a number of components which
require routine maintenance or inspections
between scheduled outages. The operator
will find these recommendations in various
equipment manuals, and should also
include additional maintenance tasks as
operating experience indicates. Results
of this routine maintenance should be
retained in well-organized files readily
available for reference. These routine
maintenance records coupled with
the information from the monitored
operating data are a good indicator of
pending service or operating problems
that should be addressed at the next
scheduled outage. The monitored
information alone is usually not sufficient
for tracking or highlighting trends.

GEK 103566


1st Major



7FH2, 7FH2B,
6A2, 6A3, 6A6,
6FA, 7A3, 7A6,
9A3, 9A5

8,000 Fired Hours,

4,000 Turning Gear
Hours, or 250 starts,
whichever comes first

24,000 to 32,000
Factored Turbine
Hours or 900 to 1,250
Factored Turbine Starts
30,000 to 32,000
Turning Gear Hours

48,000 to 64,000
Actual Turbine Hours
or 1,800 to 2,400
Actual Turbine Starts
60,000 to 64,000
Turning Gear Hours

Liquid Cooled

8,000 Fired Hours,

24,000 to 32,000
4,000 Turning Gear
Turbine Hours or 900
Hours, or 250 starts,
to 1,200 Turbine Starts
whichever comes first

48,000 to 64,000
Actual Turbine Hours
or 1,800 to 2,400
Actual Turbine Starts

All Other

8,000 Fired Hours,

4,000 Turning Gear
Hours, or 250 starts,
whichever comes first

20,000 to 24,000
Factored Turbine Hours
or 750 to 900 Factored
Turbine Starts

40,000 to 48,000
Actual Turbine Hours
or 1,800 to 2,400
Actual Turbine Starts

12,000 to 15,000
Factored Turbine Hours
or 400 to 600
Factored Starts

24,000 to 30,000
Actual Turbine Hours
or 800 to 1,200
Actual Starts

Asphalt Stator
Bar Windings
for Core
Does not apply
Lengths Over
150 Inches

These initial recommendations assume GE approved repairs, field services, and full
compliance to GEs technical recommendations.

2014 General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be copied or distributed in whole or in part,
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DWG Number GEK103566

Rev J

Released 11/14/2014

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GEK 103566

Creating an Effective Generator Maintenance Program

gear operation to the extent possible

without violating limits on the other rotor
train components. It is recognized that
some power generation plants may run
in an operational regime which could
produce extended turbine inspection
outage intervals in the 6 to 10 year range.
Regardless of plant operating regime, GE
can help the owner define a customized
cost effective maintenance plan.
During a minor inspection, upper end
shields or end plates are removed to permit

inspection of the end winding area, but

the field remains in place. A major outage
includes removing the field from the stator
or using the MAGIC* robot (Miniature
Air Gap Inspection Crawler) to permit a
thorough inspection of the core section of
the stator and field. Inspection of the field
and stator using the MAGIC* robot may
require the removal of a few entrance gap
baffles to allow access to the air gap with
the field in place. The inspection includes
a series of tests and a visual inspection.

Each has their particular advantage and

neither alone is sufficient. See Section 6
for a brief description of the capabilities of
the MAGIC* robot. Note that the MAGIC*
robot inspection technique for performing
a major inspection may not eliminate the
need to remove the rotor if an issue is
discovered that requires rotor removal to
correct, such as loose stator core wedges.
Tables 2 through 4 display recommended
test and inspections.

Table 2. Recommended Stator Tests and Inspections

Stator and Core

In with
LCSW Minor
Robot /



Checks for calibration and

poor connections.

Stator Winding RTDs

Insulation condition of RTD.

Stator Winding

Checks for poor connections

and breaks.

CE Bearing

Contamination and/or
deterioration of insulation.

Hydrogen Seal Casing

Contamination and/or
deterioration of insulation.

Polarization Index

Stator Winding

Contamination and/or
deterioration of insulation.

DC Leakage Current

Stator Winding

Contamination and/or
deterioration of insulation.

Over Potential/Hipot

Stator Winding

Ground wall insulation integrity

Stator Wedges

Detect wedge tightness


All Visible

Cleanliness, foreign
material, loose or displaced
parts, damage, wear,
corrosion, deterioration

Core Laminations

Foreign Object Damage,

surface condition and wear,
cracks, burning

Core End

Surface condition and wear,

cracks, burning, blocked
ventilation, bar sparking



Inspection Objectives
and Assessment

RTD Element

Gas and
Winding RTDs

RTD Ground
Winding Copper
Insulation Resistance
(aka Megger)

Wedge Tightness

Visual Inspections

Core Ventilation Ducts Blocked ventilation

Space Blocks

Migration, cooling
passage blockage

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Creating an Effective Generator Maintenance Program

GEK 103566

Stator and Core

In with
LCSW Minor
Robot /



Cracked welds, looseness

Stator Wedges,
Top and Side
Ripple Springs

Evidence of abrasion
or looseness

Stator Bars

Cracks, worn parts, burning,

bar sparking, tape migration,
water leaks if applicable

End Winding
Support System

Cracks, worn or loose parts,

blocked ventilation, broken
ties, dusting and or greasing

Connection Rings and

Lower Leads

Cracks, worn parts, burning,

tape migration, broken ties,
dusting and or greasing, and
water leaks if applicable

High Voltage Bushings

Cracks, worn parts, burning,

blocked ventilation, water leaks
if applicable

Copper Flux Shield

hardware looseness


Corrosion, cracks,
blocked ventilation

Bearings and Seals

Corrosion, cracks,
worn parts, burning


Corrosion, cracks, water leaks

Key Bars and Core

Compression Bands

Cracks, burning, core tightness

Key Bar Nuts and

Locking Tabs

Cracks, burning, core tightness

Partial Discharge

Stator Winding

Localized deterioration

Water Flow

Water Cooled
Stator Winding

Restrictions in hydraulic circuit

Magnetic Scalar
Potential (EL CID)

Stator Core Insulation

Weak or damaged core enamel.

Core Ring Test

Stator Core Insulation

Weak or damaged core enamel

Dynamic Frequency

Stator End Winding

Potentially damaging



Inspection Objectives
and Assessment

Gas Gap Baffles

Visual Inspections

Optional Tests

Air Air Cooled Generator

HYD Hydrogen Cooled Generator

LCSW Hydrogen Cooled Generator with Liquid Cooled Stator Winding

X - Pertains only to type of unit selected

R - These tests are performed while the unit is running.

Note: For inner gas cooled stator bars use the hydrogen column.

This test does not apply to units with asphalt stator windings or units with the camelback wedge system.

2014 General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be copied or distributed in whole or in part,
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Released 11/14/2014

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GEK 103566

Creating an Effective Generator Maintenance Program

Table 3. Recommended Water Cooled Stator Leak Tests

Clip-Strand Braze:
Phos Containing


Orig SLMS,
Bagged Vent, or
No Monitoring

H2 Leak Monitoring Method

Global Epoxy Injection or

Clip-Strand Braze: Phos-Free
Orig SLMS,
Bagged Vent, or
No Monitoring



Inspection Objectives and




Vacuum Decay

Checks the hydraulic integrity

of the entire winding.

Pressure Decay

Checks the hydraulic integrity

of the entire winding.

Helium Tracer Gas

Detects minute leaks in the

hydraulic circuit.

Capacitance Mapping

Wet ground wall bar insulation

WIM Wet Insulation


Wet ground wall bar insulation

Electrical Testing

Ensure the electrical insulation

integrity of the system







These tests are required to detect hydrogen leaks in water cooled stator windings only and should be performed in conjunction with the recommended tests

in Table 1

Table 4. Recommended Field Tests



In with
LCSW Minor
Robot /




Inspection Objectives and


Winding Copper

Field Winding

Checks for poor connections

and breaks.

Polarization Index

Field Winding

Contamination and/or
deterioration of insulation.

Shorted Turn Test1

Field Inter-Turn

Turn shorts

Incremental Winding
Copper Resistance

Main lead, Gooseneck,

and Bore Copper

Checks for looseness of the

main lead and orientation
dependent connectivity issues

All Visible

Cleanliness, foreign material,

loose or displaced parts,
damage, wear, corrosion,

Field Surface

Heating, arcing, foreign object


Body Weights

Looseness, staking

Visual Inspection

2014 General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be copied or distributed in whole or in part,
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Rev J

Released 11/14/2014

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Creating an Effective Generator Maintenance Program

GEK 103566



In with
LCSW Minor
Robot /



Inspection Objectives and


Body Wedges

Arcing, migration, cracking,

blocked ventilation

Retaining Ring Nose

Wedge contact, arcing, foreign

object damage

Retaining Rings

Cracks and burning

Coil End Turns

Blocked ventilation, damaged

insulation, coil distortion






Cracks, burning, blocked

ventilation, worn parts


Cracks, burning, blocked

ventilation, worn parts


Cracks, burning, worn parts

Over Potential/Hipot

Field Winding

Ground wall insulation integrity.

Bore Pressure Test

Chevron Seals

Sealing capability of the

Chevron seals.


Visual Inspection

Optional Tests

Air Air Cooled Generator

HYD Hydrogen Cooled Generator

LCSW Hydrogen Cooled Generator with Liquid Cooled Stator Winding

X - Pertains only to type of unit selected

R - These tests are performed while the unit is running.

The preferred method for shorted turn testing is the flux probe. Another method is AC Impedance testing.

4. Testing

5. Visual Inspection

Generator electrical testing is focused on

the insulation systems. There are other
tests used to monitor for degradation
in other components. A list of the
typical tests recommended and the test
purpose is shown in Tables 2, 3, and 4.
Historical records of test results should
be maintained and compared to the new
test results. Changes between outage test
results may point to needed repairs/rework
that may not be evident from the absolute
test values themselves.

A visual inspection, performed at every

inspection by an experienced individual,
can disclose unit conditions not detected
by monitoring equipment or tests. In
some instances, electrical testing will only
detect issues when the stator and field
insulation systems have been significantly
compromised. Also, for example, there is
no definitive test for contamination, rust or
oil, and water leaks, and yet the presence
of any of these could adversely affect
reliability and operation. A typical visual
inspection should include those items
listed in Tables 2 and 4.

Many of the tests require special

equipment that has been properly
maintained and calibrated to assure
accurate results.

As important as it is, visual inspection

is limited to areas that can be accessed
for view either directly or with mirrors,
borescopes, cameras, etc., and therefore,
it must be combined with testing to give a
complete picture of generator condition.

2014 General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be copied or distributed in whole or in part,
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GEK 103566

Creating an Effective Generator Maintenance Program

6. MAGIC* Robot
GEs MAGIC* (miniature air gap inspection
crawler) robots provide a thorough visual
inspection of the stator and field using
the robots on-board high-resolution
video cameras. Additionally, it is capable
of providing quantitative wedge tightness
and Electromagnetic Core Imperfection
Detection (ELCID) assessments. Coupled
with the Remote Access Camera (RAC),
the MAGIC* robot inspection can provide
a comprehensive stator and field
inspection. The customer may utilize
the MAGIC* robot to perform the
recommended inspection tasks that
normally require the removal of the rotor.
As a result, the customer may substitute
a MAGIC* robot inspection for a major
inspection providing the major inspection
tasks outlined in Tables 2, 3, and 4, that
dont require the removal of the rotor, are
performed during the outage as well.
In order to use a MAGIC* robot, the
generator must meet the following
minimum radial entrance gap dimensions:
MAGIC* (Senior)

MAGIC* (Junior)

Retaining ring to
core minimum
radial gap 1.13
inches [28.7 mm]

Retaining ring to
core minimum
radial gap 0.5
inches [12.7 mm]

Field to core
minimum radial
gap of 2.0 inches
[50.8 mm]

Field to core
minimum radial
gap 0.75 inches
[19.05 mm]

7. Rotor Life Management

Generator rotor structural components
are designed for normal transient events
including 10,000 start/stop cycles for
combined cycle power plants. However,
with proper maintenance and inspections,
generators can last much longer than that.
Common issues with aged rotor forgings
are typically related to the number of
start/stop cycles. Several Technical
Information Letters (TILs) have been


written on the subject. Particularly when

performing rotor rewinds, those TILs
should be reviewed and the inspections
performed. These inspections are mostly
focused on cracks in the wedge loading
face, in the slot and in the bore if the rotor
forging has one. Rotor forgings, retaining
rings and wedges should be inspected
as given in Table 5, and according to
applicable TILs.

2,000 starts interval being the maximum.

If the rotor has not been inspected within
the last 20 years or the rotor has operated
greater than the re-inspect interval, then
the rotor should be inspected at the
earliest opportunity.

Bored Rotors

Rotors being Rewound

Ultrasonic volumetric testing, including

bore sonic (bored rotors only), axial UT
and periphery UT, should be performed
within 20 service years of initial operation.
Recommendations for subsequent
re-inspections will be made on the
basis of the test results and associated
structural integrity, with a 20 year and a

Magnetic particle testing of the external

surfaces of the rotor should be performed
at outages that expose the bottom of the
rotor slot. Magnetic fields in both the axial
and circumferential directions should be
used. Note that the axial direction may
not be possible unless copper windings
are removed.

Magnetic particle testing of the rotor

bore surface (bored rotors only) should
be performed concurrent with ultrasonic
volumetric testing.

Table 5. Summary of Generator Field Inspection Recommendations

Generator Field



Mag Particle of all shaft

diameters and slots

In service and has a main

body bore


Notes 1
and 2

Note 3

In service more than 20 years

with no main body bore

Maintenance Note 1

In service and has a main

body bore


Notes 1
and 2

Note 4

In service more than 20 years

with no main body bore


Note 1

Note 4

Note 3

[1] Ultrasonic volumetric testing includes boresonic tests (bored rotors only), axial UT
and periphery UT tests. The recommendations for subsequent re-inspections will
be made on the basis of the test results and associated structural integrity, with a
2000 start-stops or 20 year (whichever occurs first) re-inspect interval being the
maximum. If the rotor has not been inspected within the last 20 years or the rotor
has operated higher than the re-inspect interval, then the rotor should be inspected
at the earliest opportunity.
[2] Magnetic particle testing of the rotor bore surface (bored rotor only) should be
performed concurrent with ultrasonic volumetric testing.
[3] The turbine end of the generator field from the coupling face to the fan ring should
also receive a magnetic particle inspection concurrent with ultrasonic volumetric
testing. Extreme caution should be exercised during magnetic particle testing to
prevent foreign particles from entering the field windings.
[4] During full rewinds, perform mag particle testing of all accessible surfaces including
axial and circumferential magnetization.

2014 General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be copied or distributed in whole or in part,
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GE Proprietary Information - Class II (Internal) US EAR - NLR

DWG Number GEK103566

Rev J

Released 11/14/2014

Page 11 of 12

Creating an Effective Generator Maintenance Program

GEK 103566

Part 2 Other
8. Other Maintenance
Considerations Part 2
Part 1 includes general guidance and
recommendations in connection with
generator maintenance. As technology is
continually evolving, additional methods
that aid the owner/operator in maintaining
generator reliability at lower lifecycle costs
become available. Non-invasive inspection,
monitoring, and diagnostic technologies
are a few recent examples.

Non-invasive visual inspections:

Additional inspections can be performed
with borescopes, cameras, etc., by
removing access covers not requiring the
removal of the end shields or field. These
inspections can be performed during
short duration planned outages such as
balance of plant or heat recovery steam
generator inspections. These non-invasive,
short inspections can provide early critical
insight into developing problems.

Monitoring & diagnostics:

Between periods of planned offline
maintenance, there are a number of
parameters an operator can monitor to
detect changes in equipment condition.
Analysis of this operating data can be
used to understand the overall condition
of the unit and enables prediction of
possible equipment failures in advance.
Advances in partial discharge monitoring of
the stator insulation system aim to detect
numerous aging or wear mechanisms
within the stator before significant
damage can occur. Advances in shorted
turn monitoring allow early detection
of the number and location of coil to coil
shorts within the field. Advances
in collector monitoring allow early
detection of electrical arcing/sparking
of the collector system in order to avoid
possible flashovers. Connection ring
displacement monitoring allows early
detection of relative movement of the
connection rings before significant

insulation abrasion occurs. These tools

can be integrated into a comprehensive
maintenance program.
Should further information be desired
or should particular problems arise
which are not covered sufficiently for
the owner/operators purposes the
matter should be referred to the local
GE Service Office.

2014 General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be copied or distributed in whole or in part,
without prior permission of the copyright owner.
GE Proprietary Information - Class II (Internal) US EAR - NLR

DWG Number GEK103566

Rev J

Released 11/14/2014

Page 12 of 12

Imagination at work

*Trademark of General Electric Company.

GEK 103566 (11/2014)

2014 General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be copied or distributed in whole or in part,
without prior permission of the copyright owner.
GE Proprietary Information - Class II (Internal) US EAR - NLR

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