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1. A class is composed of academically poor students.

The distribution would be

most likely to be?
a. Skewed to the right
b. Leptokurtic
c. A bell curve
d. Skewed to the left
2. A negative discrimination index means that?
a. The test item has a low reliability
b. The test item could not discriminate between the lower and upper
c. More from the lower group answered the items correctly
d. More of the upper group got the item correctly
3. A number of test items are said to be non discriminating ? what conclusion/s
can be drawn?
Teaching or learning was very good.
The item is so easy that anyone could get it right.
The item is so difficult that nobody could get it.
a. II only
b. I and II
c. III only
d. II only
4. A positive discrimination index means that?
a. The test item has a low reliability
b. The test item could not discriminate between the lower and upper groups
c. More from the lower group answered the items correctly
d. More of the upper group got the item correctly
5. A quiz is classified as a?
a. diagnostic test
b. formative test
c. summative test
d. placement test
6. a teacher would use a standardized test
a. to serve as a unit test
b. to engage in easy scoring
c. to compare her students to national norms
d. to serve as a final examination
7. a test item has a difficulty index of 0.81 and a discrimination index of 0.13.
what should the test constructor do?
a. Make it a bonus.
b. Retain the item
c. Reject the item
d. Revise the item.
8. An examinee whose score is within x + 1 SD belongs to which of the following
a. Above average
b. Below average
c. Needs improvement
d. Average
9. Are percentile ranks the same as percentage?

a. It cannot be determined unless scores are given.

b. It cannot be determined unless the number of examines is given.
c. no
d. yes
10.Assessment is said to be authentic when the teacher?
a. Considers students suggestions in testing
b. Gives valid and reliable paper- pen test
c. Includes parent in the determination of assessment procedures.
d. Gives students real life tasks to accomplish
11.Below is the list of methods used to establish the reliability of the
insturument. Which method is questioned for light reliability due to practice
and familiarity,
a. Split half
b. Equivalent forms
c. Test retest
d. Kuder Richardson
12.Maggie is one-half standard deviation above the mean on her group
arithmetic and one standard deviation above the mean in spelling. What does
this simply?
a. She is better in arithmetic than in spelling when compared to the
b. She excels in both spelling and arithmetic.
c. In comparison to the group, she is better in spelling than in
d. She does not excel in spelling and in arithmetic.
13.Concurrent validity requires
a. Correlation study
b. Item analysis
c. item difficulty
d. peer consultation
14.for mastery learning which type of testing will be most fit?
a. Norm- referenced testing
b. Criterion referenced testing
c. Formative testing
d. Aptitude teaching
15.group the following items according to phylum is a thought test item on?
a. Inferring
b. Classifying
c. Generalizing
d. Comparing
THE _______________BY THE _______. The rule in completion test item
construction violated is
a. avoid over mutilated statements
b. avoid grammatical clues to answer
c. avoid infinite statements
d.the required response should be a single word or a brief phrase

17.if all the passers of 2006 Licensure Examination for teachers will turn out t
be the most effective in the Philippine school system , it can be said that this
LET possess _______ validity.
b. content
c. predictive
d. concurent
18. If all students in your class passes the pretest, what should you do?
a. administer the posttest
b. go through the quickly in order not to skip any.
c.go on to the next unit.
d.go through the unit as usual because it is part of the syllabus.
19. If I favor assessment assessment for learning which will I do most likely?
a. conduct a pretest, formative and summative test
b. teach based on the pretest results.
c. give specific feedback to the students.
d.conduct peer tutoring for students in need of help.
20. If teacher wants to test students ability to organize ideas, which type of test
should she formulate?
a. technical problem type
b. short answer
c.multiple- choice test
21.If the computes range is low this means that?
a. the students performed very well in the test.
b. The difference between the highest and the lowest score is high.
c. the students performed very poorly in the test.
d. the difference between the highest and the lowest score is low.
22. If your Licensure Examination Test (LET) items sample adequately the
competencies listed in the syllabi, it can be said that the LET possesses _____
a.concurent validity
b. consturct
23.In a 50-item test where the mean is 20 and the standard deviation is 8, Soc
obtained a score of 16. What descriptive rating should his teacher give him?
b. below average
d.above average
24. In a grade distribution , what does the normal curve mean?

a.all students have average grades.

b. a large number of students have high grades and very few with low
c.a large number of more or less average students and very few students
receive low and high grades.
d.a large number of students receive low grades and very few students get
high grades.
25. In a science class rest, one group had a range within the top quarter of 15
points and another group on the same measurement had a range of 30
points. Which statements applies?
a. the first group is more varied than the second group.
b. the first group has a variability twice as great as the second group within
the top quarter.
c. the second group has the variability twice as great as the first group within
the top quarter.
d. the second group does not differ from the first group in variability.
26. In an entrance examination, students As Percentile is 25 (P25). Based on
this percentile rank, which is likely to happen?
a. student A will be admitted.
b. student A has 50-50 percent chance to be admitted
c. student A will not be admitted.
d.student A has 75 percent chances to be admitted.
27. In group norming , the percentile rank of the examinee is
a. dependent on his batch of examinees
b. independent on his batch of examinees
c.unaffected by skewed distribution
d.affected by skewed distribution
28. In her item analysis, teacher Kevin found out that more from the upper group
got test item no. 6 correctly. What conclusion can be drawn? the test item has
a ____.
a. high difficulty index
b. high facility index
c. positive discrimination index
d. negative discrimination index
29. In his second item analysis, teacher Acreo found out that more from the
lower group got the test item no. 6 correctly. This means that the test item
a. has a negative discriminating power
b. has a lower validity
c.has a positive discriminating power
d. has a high realibility
30. In test construction, what does TOS mean?
a. table of specifications
b. table of specifics
c.table of specific test items

d.terms of specifications
31. In the context on the theory on the multiple intelligences, what is one
weakness of the paper-pencil test?
a. it is not easy to administer.
b. it puts the non-lingusitically intelligent at a disadvantage
c.it utilizes so much time.
d.it lacks realibility.
32. In the parlance of test construction, what does tos mean?
a.team of specifications
b. table of specifications
c. table of specifics
d. terms of specifications
33. In which competency did my students find the greatest difficulty? In the item
with a difficulty index of________.
a. 0.1
b. 1.0
c. 0.9
d. 0.5
34.In which type of grading do teachers evaluate students learning not in terms
of grade but by evaluating the students in terms of expected and mastery
a. point grading system
b. relative grading
c. mastery grading
d. grade contracting
35.Is it wise practice to orient our students and parents on our grading sytem?
a. no, this will court a lot of complains later.
b. yes, but orientation must be only for our immediate customers, the
c. yes, so that from the very start student and their parents know how grades
are derived.
d. no, grades and how they are derived are highly confidential.
36.It is good to give students challenging and creative learning tasks because
a. development is aided by situation.
b. the development of individuals is unique.
c. development is affected by cultural changes.
d. development is the individuals choice.
37. Marking on a normative basis means that _______.
a.the normal curve of distribution should be followed

b. the symbols used in grading indicate how a student achieved relative to

others students
c. some get high marks
d.some are expected to fail
38. Median is to point as standard is to _______.
a. area
b. volume
c. distance
d. square
39. Ms. Maggie gives a quiz to her class after teaching a lesson. What does she
a. diagnostic test
b. summative test
c. performance test
d. formative test
40. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against set mastery level. This means
that NSAT and NEAT fall under ________.
a. intelligence test
b. aptitude test
c. criterion-referenced test
d. norm- referenced test
41. Other than finding out how well the course competencies were met, Teacher
Nerry levels also wants to know his students performance when compared
with other students in the country. What is teacher Nerry levels interested to
a. authentic evaluation
b. norm- referenced evaluation
c. formative evaluation
d. criterion- referenced evaluation
42. Out of 3 distracters in a multiple choice test item, namely B, C and D no
pupil chose D as answer. This implies that D is:
a. an ineffective distracter
b. a vague distracter
c. a plausible distracter
d. an effective distracter
43. Q1 is 25th percentile as median is to __________.
a. 40th percentile
b. 60th percentile
c.50th percentile
d. 75th percentile
44. Quiz is a formative test while periodic is to ______.
a. criterion- reference test

b. summative test
c.norm-reference test
d. diagnostic test
45. Range is to variability as mean to ______.
a. level of facility
b. level of difficulty
c. correlation
d. central tendency
46. Referring to assessment of learning, which statement on the normal curve is
a. the normal curve may not necessarily apply to homogeneous class.
b. when all pupils achieve as expected their learning curve may deviate from
the normal curve.
c. the normal curve is sacred. Teachers must adhere to it no matter what.
d. the normal curve may not be achieved when every pupils acquires
targeted competencies.
47. Lester Cruz valdez scored 60 on a percentile-ranked test. This means that:
a. ruben got 60% of the question wrong.
b. 60% of the students who took the test scored higher than Ruben.
c. 60% of the students who took the test scored lower than Ruben.
d. Ruben got 60% of the questions right.
48.Standard deviation is to variability as mean to ________.
a. Coefficient of correlation
b. Central tendency
c. Discrimination index
d. Level of difficulty
49.Teacher panny isonza constructed a matching type test. In her columns of
items are combinations of events, people, and circumstances. Which of the
following guidelines in constructing matching type of the test did he violate?
a. list options in an alphabetical order.
b. make list of items homogeneous.
c. make list of items heterogeneous.
d. provide three or more options.
50. Teacher ann patuan discovered that his pupils are very good in dramatizing.
Which too; must have helped him discover his pupils strength?
a. portfolio assesment
b. oerformance test
c. journal entry
51. Teacher pauline wants to make use of the most stable measure of variability?
Which one(S) should you recommend?
a. external range
b. quartile range
c. standard deviation
d. external range and quartile range
52.Teacher hu woo wrote of henry: when henrry came to class thus morning, he
seemed very tired and slouched into his seat. He took no part in class
discussion and seemed to have no interest in what was being discussed. This
was very unusual, for he has always been eager to participate and often

monopolized the discussion time. What teacher hu woo wrote is an example

of a (an)

a. personalized report
b. anecdotal report
c. observation report
d. incidence report
53. Teacher dra. Wants to diagnose in which vowel sounds he students jave
difficulty. Which tool is most appropriate?
a. portfolio assessment
b. journal entry
c. performance test
d. paper-and pencil test
54. Teacher x. wanted to teach the pupils the skill of cross stitching. Her check
up quiz was a written test on the steps of cross stitching. What characteristic
of good test does it lack?
a. objectivity
b. predictive validity
c. content validity
d. reliability
55.Teacher sama administered only true-false and multiple choice tests during
the midterm. The students did well on these tests. He decides to make the
final exam consists of five essay questions. Which of the following is the most
likely effect of this decision?
a. the students will do better than they had in the previous test.
b. the students will not do as well as in the previous test.
c. there will be no correlation between the final and the midterm test.
d. the students will do as well as in the previous test.

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