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How will you describe the various places of Dante's Inferno?

description of each will do. Which one resonates with you most and why?
Dante's Inferno is a meticulous story about love, will, sin and religion well
elaborated throughout Dante's trip to Hell. Where he faces depressing
tortures, and unending lamentation as seeks out to find the love of his life
Beatrice. Earlier, Beatrice had made a covenant with Lucifer for his safe
return from Jerusalem as full proof of their love, where he had spent three
years. Nonetheless, owing to his betrayal to the promise that he made to
her. She was sent to hell for his sins! Having had sexual relations with a
couple of prisoners in exchange for earthly pleasures such as; comfort and
Dante filled rage picked up a fight with Lucifer in his attempt to save the
love of his life. He was more determined to rescue Beatrice from devils
wrath, even if, it meant his life. He crossed from the world of the living
and took on the horrifying venture to that of dead in hell. While in hell,
Verger the God of the poets, a spirit, was sent to him to be his guide to
the last circle of hell.
Nine circles comprised the inferno, with Lucifer residing in the lowest
circle, where souls are more damned than liberated in heaven. Luckily for
Dante, Beatrice had gave him a cross before he set off for the war in
Jerusalem, which was a true relic said to contain a thorn from the crown of
Christ, this later helped him while in hell to save the souls of the mother
and Beatrice as well as himself in the end.
The limbo is the first circle of hell, is filled souls that did not sin, but did
not entirely have the requirement of faith to cross over to heaven. It also
consisted of pagans like the great rulers and philosophers of the golden
age, take for example Plato, Socrates and unbaptised babies. The demon
in limbo Carion claimed, that it was only through him that one can to get
to the city of war, darkness, everlasting pain thereafter he ferries the
souls to everlasting fire, pain and darkness. Dante at this point wonders as
to how God can allow this but Verger is quick to explain that God rewarded
mankind with the gift of freewill, but it is the devil that devised such
suffering. King Minnnous who was once a king of greed is also found in the
limbo where he condemns the souls of the damned sending them to
further circles of hell, such as; people who committed suicide, murder.
The second circle comprised of souls that were filled with the lusts of the
world. Here, Notable People like Cleopatra and others are punished by
being blown violently back and forth by storm winds, which symbolizes
the unrest of lustful people. The storms of lust forever rain in this circle
while assigned in flames of the heart. Lucifer explains that the earth is

another form of hell and the people are its demons. He also explains that
he introduced sin and man helped to spread it meaning that man is an
enemy of his own self.
Third circle (Gluttony)
This circle is the most unpleasant because sinner in this circle get to be
punished by vile slush for their gluttony in a way that, what they failed to
satisfy in their life on earth in death they must be denied for eternity.
Gluttony degrades persons ability to care for other.
Forth circle (Greed)
All the earths treasures thats beneath the moon and ever was, cannot be
any relieve to the weary souls is found in this circle. A mockery is made of
the brief battles of possessions that make ones soul so short a life. The
two groups of people punished are those that keep so much for
themselves, and those that lavishly spend their possession.
The fifth circle (Anger)
This is where the souls that dwell in fury, dwell for eternity in the black
sludge of the river sticks, where they haul in pain and wish they were
never born. The angry souls in this circle know no end to their fury,They
fight each other on treacherous river for eternity.
Sixth circle (heresy)
This city houses its citizens who are the souls within. In this city outcasts
from heaven are condemned to be here for eternity. There are also the
tombs of heretics where they forever slander in hell.
Seventh circle (Violence)
Its purposely kept for the violent. Those who have practised violence
against others forever boil in the blood they have shed. The damned in
this circle are beaten and are worse off than the instruments used against
them. This city mainly exhibits leaders and kings who shed blood during
their reign and are therefore forever doomed for their actions in this city.
This circle also punishes those who did violence against themselves for
example those souls that took their own lives. In this circle these souls
sprout and shoot out like a sattling theres absolutely nobody except pain.
In this circle, Dante discovers that the pain he is enduring, is only
purifying him and he looked into his deepest sin in order, to save Beatrice
because only the living can redeem themselves. Also in this circle, exists
the abominable sands where the souls that did violence against God are
The eighth circle is Fraud

This city contains the union of the three great rivers of hell. This circle
contains those souls that betrayed those that trusted them. Here, Dante
travelled these ten Malabos alone in order to get to the ninth circle in
time before Lucifer marries off Beatrice. Every Malabo he passed however,
was a constant reminder of all or one of the sins he had committed. At this
point he was overwhelmed with his sins.
At this point, he realises that the person who killed his family including
Beatrice was a man who was taking vengeance. He was a husband to a
woman he had once had sexual relations with and in return, Dante
rewarded her with the freedom of her husband. However, the husband
didnt take it well and made it his mission to revenge against his wife and
Dantes family. In this circle, Beatrice discovers the truth of the cause of
her death and feels extremely betrayed by Dante. In the heat of passion,
she agrees to marry Lucifer so as to make Dante pay for his sins. Dante
begs for her forgiveness and begs her to free herself from Lucifer by
offering her the cross he had given her and begging her to accept it and to
turn back to Christ. The moment, Beatrice forgave him and her soul was
realised to heaven.
Ninth circle (treachery)
Here Dante, lands into a vast of Iceland, the centre of hell. This is the
furthest place from all of creation from the divine light of God. Dante
walked through the circle numb with nothing but cold. All that he could
see were frozen souls of deceivers and traitors even their tears had frozen
to ice. He finally got to a frozen passage of great mighty chains.
In this circle, Dante meets Lucifer who assured him that he will never see
Beatrice ever again, and that the passage to purgatory lies through him.
Dante got on his knees and ask for forgiveness from God. Dante is
forgiven and he was able to escape from hell, leaving the devil locked up
there. He proceeded to Purgatory.
The second circle is which is Lust resonates me the most. In this circle, the
storms of lust forever rain in this circle while assigned in flames of the
heart. At this point, I realise that it is very hard for one to control their
feelings and desires. This is why Lucifer has taken it upon himself to
exploit lust. Many people are captives of lust and freshly desires. The
earth is another form of hell and the people are its demons. Sin was
introduced by Lucifer, and man has helped to spread it all the world. It is
on the foregoings why we have very many case of rape, defilement,
adultery, fornication, which are all sins associated with the lust.

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