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Diocesan Priests on Mission Work to Latin America

Circular 2004-02
To all Diocesan Priests of Novaliches:
As I begin my Pastoral Ministry in the new Diocese of Novaliches, I want at
the outset to inject some missionary consciousness for the Universal Mission of the
The Society of Saint James the Apostle is an association of diocesan priestvolunteers sent by their Bishops to Churches in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru to work as
missionaries for five years. It started in Boston, USA in 1967 under Cardinal Cushing
with its own internal organization to encourage, facilitate and coordinate this
movement of priests from the sending dioceses to those three receiving Local
Churches. As a member of the Society, the priest volunteer retains his incardination
in his home diocese and at the same time remains a priest of the Latin American
Who is eligible to apply as a member of the Society? Any diocesan priest in
good standing with at least five years of experience in the Priesthood but less than 55
years of age who has both the permission and recommendation of his Ordinary and
has successfully participated in the discernment/entrance process of the Society.
Fr. Bob Thomas, the Director of the Society, has discussed the matter with me
today and will write to you to invite you to join the Society after your own prayerful
reflection and discernment. The undersigned Bishop can only encourage those
interested among you. May God guide you in your discernment!
Given in the Chancery of Novaliches this 12th day of January, 2004

Most Rev. Antonio R. Tobias, DD

Attested to by;

Rev. Fr. Jaime Z. Lara


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