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Important Matter for Discussion in the Clergy Meeting

Circular 2004-31
To: The Clergy of Novaliches
This is to remind you of our regular clergy meeting on August 20, 2004, at 9:00 in
the morning, at the Good Shepherd Cathedral.
I am calling on all the clergy to be present in this meeting because of an important
matter to be discussed, a matter that will affect every member of the clergy: the reorganization of our diocesan structures.
Last clergy meeting you formed the AD HOC committee on the Review of Diocesan
Structures, whom you have assigned to formulate recommendations on how the Diocese
could be better organized. The committee has met twice and attached to this letter is the
synopsis of their recommendations. They have presented their recommendations to me
during the Board of Consultors, who have concurred with their proposals.
This synopsis is being sent to you because I am expecting you to read and evaluate
this, so we can have a more prepared, more well-thought and fruitful discussion during our
clergy meeting.
Your attendance is of crucial importance because the AD HOC committees
recommendations need your critique and final approval for immediate implementation.
You are also invited to a meeting with the representatives of the Ayala Foundation
and Metrobank Foundation who are offering themselves as sources of funds for your parish
human and social development projects. This is one meeting you wont like to miss. The
meeting will be at 1:00 in the afternoon right after our clergy meeting.
Given in the Chancery in Fairview, Quezon City, this 13th day of August, in the year
of Our Lord, 2004.

Most Rev. Antonio R. Tobias, DD


Attested by:
Rev. Fr. Jaime Z. Lara

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