Time Track: Is A Highly User Definable Attendance/payroll Application

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TIME TRACK is a highly user definable attendance/payroll application

which allows the users to set policies according to their organizations rules.
With over 10 years of experience and 4000+ installations our software has all
the features to satisfy your requirements.
We have only ONE edition the premier edition which contains all the
features available in the software. There are no standard & sub-standard
editions with some missing features. There is an optional web-based Employee
Self-service module and a SAAS module which can be opted by users.
With our 10 years of experience, our attendance software is a highly
flexible package that will fulfill even the most demanding rules and regulations
of companies. An example would be our Shift Time menu which has over 20+
optional parameters which can be configured.
Since our payroll, is highly integrated with our Attendance System all
attendance related components like late come, absence, overtime can be finetuned to a greater extent. We believe the each customers needs are unique
and that philosophy would be reflected in our design. Our Report Planner /
Letter Planner designers can provide you the exact report needed by you in the
format you decide.

Personnel Information Module

o Comprehensive personnel information management with over 100 types of
information grouped into meaningful tabs
Main Company Particulars
Employee Personal Information
Qualification / Experience
Health Related Information nail separator
Insurance and other details
Remarks entry
User defined Information entry

Payroll Module
o Flexibility to have only the Basic Salary or 100s of payroll components.
o Fully integrated with our Attendance System and salary can be deducted for even
few Minutes of late come.
o Weekly, fortnightly & periodic payroll
o PF, ESIC and Professional tax Calculations and Statutory Forms
o User Designable Pay slip, Pay register and other reports.
o Import data from EXCEL/CSV files for easy implementation
o Loan & Advance Management
Unlimited user definable loans and advances.
Tightly Integrated with payroll
Periodic Auto recovery of deductions with manual overrides
Reports including loans recovery, pending, paid and other user definable
reports & Statements.
o Pay slip and non-pay slip components
o Lock/Freeze facility to avoid changes once the data is finalized.
o Salary Reports
User definable reports with just one line of Basic Salary or reports with 2
pages of salary and attendance information can be designed.
Auto emailing of these reports with company logo to all employees.
Cash payments and Bank Transfer lists
YTD summary and detailed statements.
Attendance Module
o Directly works with all major OEM readers. (free integration to any non-integrated
o Multiple Shifts with fully flexible Late/Early slabs
o Night shifts are handled flawlessly.
o Auto penalties based on set late come & early go rules
Overtime Module
o Auto / Manual overtime
o Tightly integrated with Payroll
Leave Module
o Unlimited number of customizable leave types
o 20 types of leave conditions for each leave
o Leave controls
o Auto leave deduction based on absenteeism
o Auto leave deductions based on late come & early go
o Carry forward of utilized leaves
o Leave Encashment
COFF Module
o Compensatory Off credits based on overtime logic
o Overtime can be different for each shift & group of
o 100% flexible COFF credit setup.

HR Letter Module
o Create multiple templates for Joining Letters, reliving letters, Birthday letters, Salary
lips, Absenteeism letters etc.
o Pick up any information from attendance (whole month more than 5 times late),
integrate it with employee information and auto email the reports
Email Module
o Standard Employee based reports & user defined reports can be auto emailed to
individual employees.
Integration with ERP
o Reports can be designed using our report planner & letter planner (CSV, EXCEL and
other flat file) and those reports can be generated for importing to your ERP
Reimbursement Module
o User Definable Components: You have the option to create multiple user defined
tables and actual expenses like Fuel, Outstation expenses and other deduction can
be entered.
o Included in Payroll or Separate: These can be included as a part of payroll or can be
used to generate additional reports for separate reimbursement
User Rights & Audit Trails
o Independent user rights for each menu and each operation inside the menu. That is
some will have only view rights & some others can have edit rights too.
o All actions done by the user are permanently stored for audit trails

There are over 100+ predesigned reports and with our Report planner, Letter Planner and SQL Query
planner you can design another 100 or more. You think of some information you need and it would
be available in our software as a standard report or it can be taken from our Report/Letter/SQL
The following are the some of the reports available in our software

Absent Reports
Absence N Days, Absent Dates List (Full Days), Absent Dates List (All), Absent
With Punch, Absent NoPunch, Absence Continuous, Absenteeism
Punch Reports
Punch Report, Punch Report (ODD), Punch All, Punch-Manual, Punch
Movement Report, Punch Movement Report-AllDays, Punch Movement
Report-IO, Punch Report (Half), Punch (Tabular), Punch Occurrence, Punch
Occurrence Details, Punch Report Location (reader) wise
Break-Details, Break-Daily Summary, BreakSummary,
BreakDeviation Details
Muster Reports
Muster Roll Daily, Muster Roll - Period , Muster



Attendance Reports
Query Employee, Physically Present, Physi.Present-Time, Physi.PresentTime-Details, AttendanceSummary, Irregularities, Irregularities-Periodical,
Shift Attendance, Shifts Assigned Report, RestDay On Holiday, Status On
ActualWork, ActualWorkOverTime, ActualWorkLate, ActualWorkOverLate,
SlabWork, SlabWorkOver, SlabWorkLate, SlabWorkOverLate
GatePass Reports
GatePass (All), GatePass (Official), GatePass (Un-Official)
LateCome EarlyGo Reports
LateComeWithWT, Late Come-Occasion (Actuals), Late Come-Occasion
(Slab), Early Go-Occasion (Actuals), Early Go-Occasion (Slab), LateComeActuals(Concise), EarlyGo-Actuals(Concise), LateCome EarlyGo, LateComeActuals, LateCome-Slab, EarlyGo-Actuals, EarlyGo-Slab
Leave Reports
LeaveBook-Yearly, LeaveRegister, LeaveInfo, Leave Balance (ALL), Leave
Balance, LeaveEncashment, Leave & Present
OT Reports
OT Listing EmpWise, OT EmpWise Summary, OT Periodical, OT Against Extra,
OT Greater Than, OT Analysis, OT Summary DeptWise, OT Against AbsLeave
MIS Reports
ManPowerReport, ManPowerReport-Daily
, AttendanceReportYearly,
Monthly Adjustment List-All, Working Details Dept Summary, Working
Details Dept - One Punch, Working Details Dept Wise, Working Details Emp
Wise, Working Details Category, MonthWiseStatusReport
Insurance Reports
Insurance Active, Insurance Expiry, Insurance All
Canteen Reports
Canteen All, Canteen Summary
Other Reports
Employees - Joined & Left, Employees Joined, Employees - Left
Payroll Reports
Pay PTSummary, Pay - Dept Summary, PFForm3A, PFForm6A, PFForm12A,
PFChallan, PFForm5, PFForm10, PFSummary, PFReconcillation, ESICForm6,
PayAdvanceDeductions, PayAdvance-ALL, LeaveWithWagesRegister, PFContribution, Pay
- Emp Summary Monthly, Pay - Emp Statement, Pay - Summary Detailed
User definable Reports
Payslip, Bank Statement, Cash / Cheque
/ DD Statement, Loans & Advances
Statement, Loan Installment Paid and
Balance Statement, Bonus Statement.

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