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MI Lesson Visual Spatial

Length of lesson - 55 minutes

Unit Title: Body Adornment (Lesson 5)

Grade / Class: Jewelry 9-12 grade

Your Name: Kelly Burns

Lesson Objective: SWBAT create a video presentation about their tattoo design and upload to thinglink. Students will create a
personalized presentation about the tattoo identify the elements of design, the culture, symbolism, and timelessness of the design.
Visual Arts Standard 4- Students will understand the visual arts in relation to history and cultures.
a. Analyze and interpret artworks in terms of form, cultural and historical context and purpose.
b. Analyze common characteristics of visual arts evident across time and among cultural/ethnic groups to formulate
analyses , evaluations and interpretations of meaning.
Visual Arts Standard 5- Students will reflect upon, describe, analyze, interpret and evaluate their work and others work.
c. Defend personal interpretations using reasoned arguments.
d. Apply critical and aesthetic criteria for the purpose of improving their own works of art (technique, formal and
expressive qualities, content)
Connecticut Social Studies- Modern World History
INQ 9-12.11 Construct explanations using sound reasoning, correct sequence (linear or nonlinear), examples and details with
significant and pertinent information and data, while acknowledging the strength and weaknesses of the explanations given its purpose
(e.g. cause and effect, chronological, procedural, technical).
Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information so that each new element builds on that which precedes it to
create a unified whole; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding

Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as
in words) in order to address a question or solve a problem.
Verbal Linguistic (V)
Logical Mathematical (L)
Visual Spatial (S)
Musical Rhythmic (M)
Body-Kinesthetic (B)
Naturalist (N)
Interpersonal (IE)
Intrapersonal (IA)

Initiation/Hook :

Verbal Linguistic (V)

Logical Mathematical (L)
Visual Spatial (S)
Musical Rhythmic (M)
Body-Kinesthetic (B)
Naturalist (N)
Interpersonal (IE)
Intrapersonal (IA)

Developing the lesson Indirect or Direct Instruction

Students view an example of thinglink displayed by the teacher on the overhead projector.

Direct Instruction
survey students-have you used thinglink and uploaded a video using Youtube?
Tell students we will be making a personalized video displaying their tattoo design
The videos will be uploaded to thinglink, and collectively display all the cultures in the
Video Guidelines:
Display the design, Symbols, Culture, Elements of art
Students can read, sing, play background music, dance in the display to explain the tattoo
The video should be a personal expression that enhances the tattoo and their culture.
Students can video tape with their phone and use a variety of apps and software to create the 60 second

Verbal Linguistic (V)

Logical Mathematical (L)
Visual Spatial (S)
Musical Rhythmic (M)
Body-Kinesthetic (B)
Naturalist (N)
Interpersonal (IE)
Intrapersonal (IA)

Guided Practice:

Verbal Linguistic (V)

Logical Mathematical (L)
Visual Spatial (S)
Musical Rhythmic (M)
Body-Kinesthetic (B)
Naturalist (N)
Interpersonal (IE)
Intrapersonal (IA)

Independent Practice :

Verbal Linguistic (V)

Logical Mathematical (L)
Visual Spatial (S)
Musical Rhythmic (M)
Body-Kinesthetic (B)
Naturalist (N)
Interpersonal (IE)
Intrapersonal (IA)


Share the two YouTube videos on how to create a tag in thinglink making a tag making a tag with video -how to upload video to YouTube
Have students take a look at the three videos (some students may not need the tutorials)
Discourse regarding any questions the students have about the process needed to create
video and upload

Students film while reading, singing, dancing, photographing, etc including the design,
Symbols, Culture, Elements of art.
Students videotape themselves working in pairs OR working solo
Student videos should not be longer than ONE minute
Students upload videos to thinglink
Go around the room checking to see if the students need assistance

Students post tattoo video on thinglink page

Video is displayed and reviewed by class

Verbal Linguistic (V)

Logical Mathematical (L)
Visual Spatial (S)
Musical Rhythmic (M)
Body-Kinesthetic (B)
Naturalist (N)
Interpersonal (IE)
Intrapersonal (IA)

Reflection Strategy:
Students pair up and watch each others presentation and give feedback on the tattoo design and

Intrapersonal Objective and Activity (IA)

students view YouTube videos of tutorials
students working independently on video of tattoo

Art Materials

Tattoo designs

YouTube Videos

Science Materials

Computer and projector

Interpersonal Objective and Activity (IP)

Discourse about options for displaying the tattoo in the video.
Students working in pairs on video of tattoo
Class reviewing thinglink page with all the videos uploaded
Peers reflections of each others videos


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