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Ore Deposits of South America (KEA706)

Literature Review

Porphyry Au and Cu Deposits of


UTAS Student IDNO.: 119830

Porphyry Au and Cu Deposit of Colombia

(Middle Cauca Belt)
Gold-rich porphyry systems are the prime exploration targets in Colombia. The size and grade
allows open pit bulk tonnage mines including heap leach operations. Exploration is supported
by descriptive models allowing comparison with genetic models of typical oxidized porphyry
gold systems. The Middle Cauca belt is known to host large porphyry gold deposits in
Colombia such as AngloGold's La Colosa Deposit (24.2 Moz Au), Batero Gold's Quinchia
Project (2.9 Moz Au), Bellhaven Copper & Gold's La Mina Project (1.6 Moz Au) and Sunward
Resources' Titiribi Project (4.6 Moz Au). (Figure 2)
Colombia's porphyry deposits are emplaced within a wide variety of host rocks including
batholithic stocks, sediments, volcanics and metamorphics. Mineralization generally consists of
chalcopyrite sometimes associated with bornite and molybdenite. Oxide and supergene
mineralization is thought to be generally restricted amongst Colombian porphyries, due to rapid
uplift and heavy erosion. Mineralization at Mande Norte may be an exception, due to an
unusually low pyrite/chalcopyrite ratio at the prospect (Sillitoe et al., 1982).
Gold-rich porphyries have been described and studied since the 1970s (Kesler, 1973; Sillitoe,
1979), being arbitrary defined by Sillitoe (1979) as those porphyry copper deposits that contain
over 0.4 g/t Au; examples such as Bajo de la Alumbrera (Ulrich and Heinrich, 2002; Proffett,
2003), Bingham (Lanier et al., 1978; Moore, 1978; Cunningham et al., 2004), and Grasberg
(MacDonald and Arnold, 1994; Pollard et al., 2005) are well known. On the other hand,
porphyry gold systems were not reported before the 1990s (Vila et al., 1991; Vila and Sillitoe,
1991), and have been considered to be the end-member in the continuum of porphyry systems
from Cu-Au, through Au-Cu, to the Au-rich and Cu-poor counterpart (Sillitoe, 1979; Sillitoe,
2000; Seedorff et al., 2005).
Porphyry gold systems are not a very common type of gold deposit. Deposits assigned to this
group include a few porphyries in the Chilean Maricunga belt (Vila and Sillitoe, 1991; Vila et
al., 1991), and some prospects in the western United States (Canby et al., 1993; Fig. 1). These
porphyries are mostly associated with the intermediate and mafic end of the broad range of rock
compositions (55 to 78 wt % SiO2) characteristic of all porphyry systems (Seedorff et al., 2005;
Rodriguez 2010).
Porphyry-style copper-gold mineralization was first recognized in Colombia in 1972, after
stream sediment sampling revealed a geochemical anomaly in the northwestern PantanosPegadorcito area. Several other porphyries were subsequently discovered in country through the
1970s, mainly as a result of joint exploration carried out by INGEOMINAS (the Colombian
national geological agency) and the United Nations. Colombian porphyries occur along a
number of north-south to northeast-southwest structural and lithologic trends: namely, the
Western, Central and Eastern Cordillera.
The Western Cordillera is host to deposits generally of Palaeogene age including Acandi,
Mande Norte, and Piedrancha. This segment of the Cordillera consists of submarine volcanic
rocks and basaltic sills overlain by deep-water sediments. A wide range of intrusive rocks are

emplaced along this trend, including tonalities, diorites, gabbros, and Alaskan-type ultramafics.
Porphyries of the Western belt appear to be mainly Mesozoic in age.

(Figure 1, to the left) Location of morphostructural provinces in Colombia (Sillitoe, 1982). (Figure 2, to the rigth) Location of the
Middle Cauca Betl of Colombia and principal Porphyries Au-Cu (Sillitoe, 2008).

The Central Cordillera hosts a number of major gold deposits including the Titiribi deposit and
the Marmato and Frontino mines. Unlike the Western Cordillera, the Central belt is underlain by
thick continental crust, representing the northwestern edge of the Guyana shield. This crust is
overlain by a series of shelf-sedimentary and volcano-clastic rocks, and intruded by plutons,
some with associated porphyry-type gold-copper mineralization of Miocene to early Pliocene
The Eastern Cordillera is much less deformed and metamorphosed than the western belts,
consisting of epicontinental sedimentary sequences overlying Precambrian basement. This belt
hosts Jurassic-aged mineralized districts including Mocoa, Infierno-Chile and California (Figure
Porphyry deposits are typically large, low or medium grade deposits usually associated with a
combination of gold, copper, plus other base metals, and often molybdenum. Porphyries occur
in a variety of tectonic settings; along the South American Andes Mountains they are classically
related to the roots of andesitic stratovolcanoes, along subduction zones and continentalisland
arc settings. While some older examples of porphyries are known, most are associated with
young, Tertiaryaged volcanicigneous rocks however mineralization can extend into the
surrounding sedimentary or volcanic host rocks.

Mineralization can occur in various styles and many combinations of disseminations, veins,
stockwork, fractures, and breccias. A particular characteristic of porphyry deposits is the extent
of their alteration haloes as a result of abundant hydrothermal activity streaming from depth;
these features in turn drive the applicable exploration methods for vectoring towards the
center of this type of deposit. Therefore geochemical surveys are a basic and useful tool to map
the large dispersion haloes around the core porphyry center using stream sediments, soil
sampling, or rock chip sampling for the principal economic elements of interest or various
pathfinder elements.
The dispersed nature of sulfide distribution is also conducive to the application of various
geophysical methods, either groundbased or using fixedwing or helicopterborne instruments.
Magnetics, Induced Polarization, and radiometric geophysical surveys can be successfully used
to outline alteration dispersion patterns and have all been applied to varying degrees in
This paper reviews the characteristics of the major Porphyries of Au-Cu in the Middle Cauca
Belt of Colombia (Figure 2 and 4).
Grade & tonnage data
Porphyry systems presently supply nearly three-quarters of the worlds Cu, half the Mo, perhaps
one-fifth of the Au, most of the Re, and minor amounts of other metals (Ag, Pd, Te, Se, Bi, Zn,
and Pb). The systems also contain major resources of these metals as well as including the
worlds largest known exploitable concentrations of Cu (203 Mt: Los Bronces-Ro Blanco,
central Chile; A.J. Wilson, writ. common., 2009) and Mo (2.5 Mt: El Teniente, central Chile;
Camus, 2003), and the second largest of Au (129 Moz: Grasberg, including contiguous skarn,
Indonesia; J. MacPherson, writ. common., 2009). Typical hypogene porphyry Cu deposits have
average grades of 0.5 to 1.5 percent Cu, <0.01 to 0.04 percent Mo, and 0.0 to 1.5 g/t Au,
although a few Auonly deposits have Au tenors of 0.9 to 1.5 g/t but little Cu (<0.1 %). The Cu
and, in places, Au contents of skarns are typically higher still (Figure 3).
The following table tabulate the grade, tonnage and contained gold of the principal Porphyry
Au-Cu of Colombia in the Middle Cauca Belt that are revised in this paper:
Porphyry Au-Cu of Colombia in the Middle Cauca Belt (Table 1)
Tonnage Contained Cut off
Au (g/t) Cu (%) (Mt) Gold (Moz) g/t Au
24.2 0.4 Inferred

(date) (January 30, 2012)

La Colosa

Main (subsidiary)
deposit type
Porphyry Au


Porphyry Au-Cu






Measured - Indicated NI 43-101 Report (January 11, 2012)

La Mina

Porphyry Au-Cu








Porphyry Au-Cu (Epithermal)






Measured - Indicated NI 43-101 Report (May 9, 2012)

NI 43-101 Report (July 9, 2012)

The following diagram (to the left) shows historical reserves + resources + production of
porphyries of Au-Cu. Names in black belong to Porphyries Au-Cu in the Middle Cauca Belt of
Colombia. (Contained Au > 0.3 g/t) notice these deposit are above the red line. The diagram to
the right shows the top 25 porphyry deposit by Cooke (CODES).

Spatial & temporal distribution

Porphyry systems host some of the most widely distributed mineralization types at convergent
plate boundaries, within both oceanic island arc and continental arc settings, including porphyry
deposits centered on intrusions; skarn, carbonate-replacement, and sediment-hosted Au deposits
in increasingly peripheral locations; and superjacent high- and intermediate-sulfidation
epithermal base and precious metal mineralization. Along with calc-alkaline batholiths and
volcanic chains, they are the hallmarks of magmatic arcs constructed above active subduction
zones at convergent plate margins (Sillitoe, 1972; Richards, 2003), although a minority of such
systems occupies postcollisional and other tectonic settings that develop after subduction ceases
(e.g., Richards, 2009). The systems commonly show a marked tendency to occur in linear,
typically orogen-parallel belts, which range from a few tens to hundreds and even thousands of
kilometers long, as exemplified by the Andes of western South America (Colombia), as well as
occurring less commonly in apparent isolation (Sillitoe and Perell, 2005, 2010), (Figure 3).
Porphyry belts developed during well-defined metallogenic epochs, which isotopic dating
shows to have typical durations of 10 to 20 m.y. Each porphyry epoch is closely linked to a
time-equivalent magmatic event. Again, the Andes (Sillitoe and Perell, 2005) provide prime
examples. Most of the deposits were generated worldwide since the Archean, although MesoCenozoic examples are most abundantly preserved (e.g., Singer et al., 2008), probably because
younger arc terranes are normally the least eroded (e.g., Seedorff et al., 2005; Kesler and
Wilkinson, 2006; Wilkinson and Kesler, 2009). In the case of the Cauca Middle Belt of
Colombia the porphyries are Miocene (Figure 4).
Tectonic setting
Porphyry systems are generated mainly in magmatic arc (including backarc) environments
subjected to a spectrum of regional-scale stress regimes, apparently ranging from moderately
extensional through oblique slip to contractional (Tosdal and Richards, 2001). The stress regime
depends, among other factors, on whether there is trench advance or rollback and the degree of
obliquity of the plate convergence vector (Dewey, 1980) (Sillitoe, 2010).
The tectonic setting of the Middle Cauca belt (Figures 2 and 4) at the time of porphyry gold
mineralization in the late Miocene (R. Padilla, pers. commun., 2007) is less precisely defined,
although dextral transpression linked to accretion of the Baud allochthonous oceanic terrane
farther west in northwestern Colombia certainly characterized much of the Miocene (Cediel et
al., 2003). It was most likely generated during transpression, induced either by oblique
subduction or, oblique terrane docking (Sillitoe, 2008).

(Figure 3) Worldwide locations of porphyry systems cited as examples of features discussed in the text along with five additional
giant examples. The principal deposit type(s), contained metals, and age are also indicated (Sillitoe, 2010).

Geological characteristics
La Colosa
La Colosa porphyry Au-Cu is located in the middle part of the Cordillera Central of Colombia
(Figure 2), is a new member of the porphyry Au class of Seedorff et al. (2005). This porphyry is
part of the Miocene calc-alkaline volcano-plutonic arc of Colombia (Sillitoe, 2008), and consists
of diorites, quartz diorites, and dacites. It is genetically associated with Miocene (8.3 Ma)
porphyritic intrusive centres that have intruded into Palaeozoic schists. This system was built by
early, intermineral, and late intrusions, each one carrying different amounts of gold. The early
intrusions/breccias exhibit high-temperature potassic and sodic-calcic alteration and high grades
of gold, 5% pyrite and traces of chalcopyrite and molybdenite; the intermineral units have lower
grades of gold than the early intrusions and a medium-temperature intermediate argillic
alteration; and the late porphyries have a low-temperature propylitic alteration and are almost
barren of gold. These intrusions formed a cluster of igneous bodies that intruded into Paleozoic
low-grade metamorphic rocks of the Cajamarca Complex (Maya, 1992) and are surrounded by
narrow zones of hornfels and breccia (Figures 6 and 7).
The presence of intrusive breccias (NBXE1, NBXE2, and NBXI) is also important in the
system; they occupy a significant volume of the porphyry and also have important gold

(Figure 4) Principal gold belts and isolated major deposits in the North and South American Cordillera. The box for each belt shows
the gold deposit type(s) (abbreviated names in black), the gold content expressed as million ounces (in red), and the general age
(color of box) (Sillitoe, 2008).

The early porphyry stage can be divided into three phases and is elliptical in shape with a
known maximum axis of at least 1,200m and a minimum east-west axis of 400m. These units
consist of six dioritic bodies with high Au grades and a pervasive potassic alteration (biotite
potassic feldspar) and patchy sodic-calcic alteration (actinolite + albite). The earliest unit
(NDE1) is a fine to medium-grained diorite, followed by a fine- to medium-grained diorite
breccia (NBXE1), and two fine- to coarse-grained diorite porphyries (NDE2 and NDE3). The
intermineral units are four dioritic bodies with moderate Au grades and weak intermediate
argillic (sericite + chlorite + illite) and propylitic alteration (chlorite + epidote calcite), which
in certain cases are superimposed to the high-temperature potassic alteration. These diorites
(NDI1, NDI2, NBXI, and NDI3) are fine- to medium-grained porphyries that differ slightly in
grain size, whereas NBXI is an intrusive breccia. The late units are almost barren of gold and
include porphyries of quartz dioritic composition (NDA and NQD; NDA is mapped as a dacite
porphyry), and dioritic to quartz dioritic dikes (NDQ and NDL; NDQ is mapped as a quartz
diorite dike); both groups have weak to moderate sericitic and propylitic alteration (Rodriguez,
A late phase of dacite porphyry intrusions occurs as a series of dykes that are all less than 40m
in thickness but showing continuity over at least 600 vertical metres. These dykes are assumed
to be lateral offshoots of a ~1km2 mapped body of dacite porphyry occurring in the northeastern corner of the project area (Figure 5).

(Figure 5) District Geology of La Colosa

(Figure 6) Hornfels, schist and metasediments of La Colosa .

(Figure 7) Early diorite of La Colosa. Above, crystal-crowded porphyritic diorite, weak chl-ep alteration and fine-grained diorite, py
veinlets with ep-ab. Below, porphyritic diorite with fine-grained groundmass, plagioclase altered to epidote.

Alteration and mineralisation

At La Colosa the paragenesis of the main alteration or mineralisation mineral assemblage starts
with pervasive sodic-calcic alteration overprinted by potassic alteration and in turn, cut by a
sodic-calcic event. Potassic alteration, biotite and subordinate K-feldspar, occurs mainly as a
pervasive replacement of the porphyries, especially the early phases. The second sodic-calcic
alteration clearly overprints the potassic assemblage and is largely confined to irregular,
centimetre-scale patches and well defined veinlets. The patches and veinlets contain epidote,
actinolite and chlorite, typically with white, albite-rich haloes. Intermediate argillic and
sericitic alteration are only weakly developed and only form mappable zones in the dacite and in
the northern limit of the deposit.
The three early porphyries appear to have been altered and mineralised at the same time, since
there is scant evidence for veinlet introduction between the three intrusive events. The gold
content of the three early porphyry phases is similar. The veinlets at La Colosa appear to span
the potassic to sodic-calcic alteration events. The earliest veinlets are composed of only biotite.
However, most early veinlets are composed of quartz, magnetite, pyrite, pyrrhotite plus minor
chalcopyrite and molybdenite. The veinlets may be either quartz or magnetite dominated.
The main control of gold grade in the diorite or dacite intrusive stock is the intrusive phase
where the mineralisation is hosted. Early intrusive phases present the highest and more
consistent gold grade (average >1.1g/t). The inter-mineral diorite has average gold grades less
than 0.7g/t, the late dacite phase generally only has >0.3g/t gold grades close to the contact with
early diorite phases. The Ca-Na and K alteration with or without chloritic alteration have the
best gold grades. Areas with intense illite alteration generally have average gold grades less than
0.3g/t. The contact breccias and hornfels developed at the contact between porphyritic rock and
schist present a mineralised halo of at least 60m with an average gold grade of >1g/t.
The Colosa fault is the main structure of the zone and has a N18-20W trend with steep dips to
the northeast (Pulido, 1988). This fault is located southeast of the porphyry system, and its trace
is followed by Colosa Creek. Small faults with a NW-SE trend seem to be related to the Colosa

fault and are cutting some of the intrusions. Other small inferred faults with the same trend also
could be also offsetting the porphyry (Rodriguez, 2010)
The Quinchia project is located along the eastern margin of Colombias physiographic Western
Cordillera. The region is underlain by a highly complex basement known as the Romeral
Terrane, which may be characterized as a tectonic mlange. Quinchia and surrounding area is
underlain by four principal rock units. These include; 1) a basement complex consisting of
mafic and ultramafic oceanic volcanic rocks and granitoid intrusive rocks belonging to the
Romeral Terrane, 2) stratified clastic sedimentary rocks of the Amaga Formation, 3) basaltandesite through felsic volcanic and pyroclastic rocks of the Combia Formation, and, 4) dioritic
to monzonitic hypabyssal porphyritic intrusive rocks.
The La Cumbre, El Centro, and Dos Quebradas Zones on the Quinchia property represent
significant new porphyry-related mineralization hosted by three Miocene intrusive centres
emplaced in coeval intermediate to felsic volcanics of the Miocene Combia Formation and
Cretaceous basalts of the Barroso Formation. The property is located in the Department of
Risaralda, Colombia. The three deposits are copper-poor porphyry gold systems in which
intermediate argillic alteration locally overprints an early potassic assemblage and its associated
quartz veinlet stockwork. Gold occurs in altered dioritic intrusions and in the diorite-basalt
contact zones.
The intrusions that host mineralization consist of several phases of diorite and later andesitic
dike phases exhibiting characteristic alteration zoning, possibly as a result of telescoped
porphyry and epithermal systems and progressive leaching of gold by overprinting argillic
alteration. These intrusive centres are composed of dikes and stocks separated in three groups as
i) early intra-mineral, ii) late intra-mineral, and iii) post mineral dioritic phases emplaced in
intermediate to felsic volcanic rocks of the Miocene Combia Formation and in Cretaceous
The three deposits are copper-poor porphyry gold systems in which intermediate argillic
alteration locally extensively overprints an early potassic assemblage and its associated quartz
veinlet stockwork. Gold in these deposits occurs in altered dioritic intrusions and in the dioritebasalt contact zones. The highest gold and/or copper grades occur in the early diorite phases
characterized by potassic (mainly biotite with subordinate Kfeldspar) and potassic-calcic
alteration that is characterized by addition of traces of actinolite and garnet to the potassic
assemblage. Significant amounts of quartz sulphide veinlets and greater than 3%
hydrothermal magnetite are common in these early phases (Jahoda, 2007). Gold values in the
early diorite are highest where hydrothermal biotite and fine grained chalcopyrite reach
Gold grades are lower in the intra-mineral phases; they still have potassic alteration with a lower
density of veinlets compared with the early intrusive phases. Sulphide contents in early intramineral phases are normally lower than 1% but up to 3% and include pyrite, chalcopyrite,
bornite and minor molybdenite.
Late intra-mineral intrusive phases present moderate to strong intermediate argillic alteration
with an average sulphide content of 3% to 5% composed mainly of pyrite and traces of
molybdenite and chalcopyrite. The late intra-mineral phases are devoid of potassic alteration

and quartz veins. Post mineral dikes exhibit argillic alteration (kaolinite) with subordinate
chlorite and epidote. Gold and copper grades in basaltic wall rock follow potassic biotite and
potassic calcic (biotite-actinolite) alteration.

(Figure 8) Regional Geology, Quinchia Project.

(Figure 9) Project Geology, Quinchia Project.

At the regional scale, the most prominent structural control in the Quinchia district is the
generally north-south striking, sub-vertical basement architecture of the Romeral fault system,
as reflected in the digital elevation model (DEM), observed structural lineaments and in the
north-south trend of the general Middle Cauca porphyry belt. Structural reactivation during
various post Romeral events is also recorded, and principal and secondary faults in the BateroQuinchia Property strike west-northwest to east-southeast and northeast to southwest and
include the Amarilla structural corridor.

(Figure 10) Cross section La Cumbre, Quinchia Project.

(Figure 11) Cross section Dos Quebradas, Quinchia Project.

La Mina
The La Mina Project lies within the Middle Cauca Belt of Miocene age volcano-plutonic rocks
of central Colombia that hosts several significant porphyry gold-copper disseminated deposits
such as La Colosa, Titiribi, Quebradona, and Quinchia, as well as large epithermal gold districts
such as Marmato and Buritica.

The immediate area around the La Mina Project is underlain by country rocks consisting of a
series of basaltic volcanic rocks (Barroso Formation oceanic tholeiitic basalts, dolerites, tuffs,
etc), sedimentary rocks of the Amag Formation, and an upper Combia Formation of basalts and
andesitic basalts interlayered with volcaniclastic rocks and coarse
grained sediment
(conglomerates, arenites).
At the project scale, the key host rocks for the porphyry
mineralization are the intermediate composition volcanic rocks of the Combia Formation and
the sub-volcanic breccias and related shallow level, porphyries which have intruded the Combia
Formation. The Combia Formation developed within a Late Miocene magmatic arc that is
interpreted to have included an early quiescent stage of volcanism and a later explosive event of
wider extent.
Localized intrusive centers (e.g., La Cantera, the Middle Zone, El Limon, and La Garrucha)
comprise a series of intermediate composition porphyries and related intrusive (emplacement)
breccias (Figure 12).

(Figure 12) Generalized Geologic Map of the La Mina Project Area.

The structural controls for these intrusive centers appears to have been provided by N-S, NESW and/or NW-SE trending, high
systems associated wi
structure to the west of La Mina.
A good understanding of the intrusive rocks is key to understanding the porphyry-related Au-Cu
mineralization. Intrusive rocks at La Mina consist of porphyries of probable intermediate
composition. At least four different porphyries have been identified in the La Mina Project area
and are distinguished by their mineralogy and texture. The porphyry families were named
very simply for the geographic location of where they were first encountered (C La Cantera, L
El Limon and G La Garrucha) or in the case of the X family, because the origin and
significance of these porphyries were uncertain. The numerical modifiers reflect the order in
which the different members of a family (when more than one has been identified) were
identified and not the relative age of the members of a family.
The C1 Porphyry and C1 Breccia were referred to as the early intermineral porphyry and
early intermineral breccia and the X1 Porphyry and X1 Breccia were referred to as the late
intermineral porphyry and late intermineral breccia. The intrusive rocks of the El Limon area
follow the nomenclature of Middle Zone. The relative ages of the different intrusive rocks and
breccias in the various intrusive centers are given in following table.

The La Cantera porphyry (C1) is the ore forming or mineralizing intrusive at the Cantera
prospect. It is a medium to fine grained porphyry and very crowded. Alteration of the Cantera
porphyry is dominantly potassic, having secondary biotite and potassium feldspar
assemblages (magnetite actinolite). The potassic alteration occurs as both pervasive
replacement of phenocrysts and matrix and in veins and along vein selvages.
The observed alteration at La Cantera is typical of a gold
copper porphyry
(calcic) core and an outer propylitic zone. Sericitic and intermediate argillic alteration
assemblages are typically structurally controlled and can be observed overprinting the potassic
and propylitic zones.

Potassic alteration is present as both biotite and potassium-feldspar bearing assemblages. Much
of the potassic alteration is vein and fracture controlled. Common vein and fracture types
include: 1) potassium feldspar A veins, 2) quartz veins with potassium feldspar selvages, 3)
veins. The
veins 4) hairline, anas
pervasive biotite alteration appears to have formed as a reaction between the hydrothermal
fluids and primary magmatic mafic minerals. Much of the C1 Porphyry and C1 Breccia are
pervasively altered to a biotite-magnetite assemblage wherein the mafic phenocrysts and
porphyry matrix are replaced by biotite-magnetite. Volcanic rocks of the Combia Formation are
also altered to biotite and potassium feldspar bearing assemblages near contacts with C1
Porphyry and C1 Breccia. As a result, the gold bearing rocks are highly magnetic which creates
a sharp contrast with the barren and weakly magnetic intermediate argillic altered rocks as well
as the non
magnetic sericite altered rocks surround
Calcic alteration is represented by actinolitic amphibole bearing alteration. Where it has been
identified as actinolite. The actinolite occurs in three different vein and fracture types: 1)
potassium feldspar-actinolite with and without actinolite vein selvages, 2) magnetite veins with
actinolite halos and 3) actinolitechalcopyritebornite veins and fractures. The actinolitic
amphibole also occurs as selective replacement of earlier secondary biotite which itself had
originally replaced igneous amphibole or biotite phenocrysts. The presence of actinolite in the
alteration assemblage is typically an good indicator of gold and copper mineralization.

(Figure 13) LMDDH008 288m. C1 Porphyry With Pervasive biomt Alteration of the Matrix and act Alteration of Primary
Magmatic Mafic Phenocrysts (on the left). LMDDH016 392.5m. C1 Bx with Potassic Alteration (mtksp+/act) cut by Sheeted mt
Veins, qtzmt Stockwork Veins and late pyfilled fractures (on the right).


The principal ore minerals associated with the Au

Cu porphyry min
chalcopyrite and lesser bornite, both with associated gold mineralization. Secondary copper
minerals (chalcocite, azurite, malachite and chrysocolla) do occur locally in the upper portions
of the La Cantera prospect; however, it is not clear if they represent supergene enrichment or
simply lower temperature alteration of primary hypogene copper mineralization. Overall gold
mineralization greater than 0.3g/t Au is sulfide-poor and typically contains less than 1% total
sulfides. In this type of mineralization chalcopyrite bornite are more abundant than pyrite.
Minor silver, lead and zinc mineralization is associated with calcitequartz-tetrahedritesphalerite veins that cut earlier potassic alteration. These veins may be related to argillic
alteration, which is commonly present where the veins are found.
The most sulfide-rich with alteration and mineralization at La Cantera are the phyllic and
argillic assemblages which commonly contain more than 3% total sulfides. However, this
mineralization typically contains less than 0.3g/t Au and is not economically important.
The Titiribi Project is located on the northwest margin of the Central Cordillera of Colombia. It
contains several separate deposits, and although all appear related to a large Miocene goldcopper porphyry system, each is spatially separate. Cerro Vetas is a bulk-tonnage gold and
copper deposit with most mineralization directly related to the Cerro Vetas diorite porphyry,
related breccias and its immediate contact aureole. Gold-dominant mineralization occurs in the
Northwest Breccia, northwest of the main Cerro Vetas porphyry. Mineralization hosted in the
Cerro Vetas diorite porphyry is disseminated and fracture controlled. The principal metallic
minerals are native gold, chalcopyrite, pyrite, and magnetite. Gold values at Cerro Vetas
normally correlate well with copper content and magnetite.

(Figure 14) Drill Hole Intercepts with >0.5g/t Au in the La Cantera Prospect.

Several structural zones within the porphyry are sympathetic to regional structure and host a
second style of structurally controlled mineralization with higher grades of gold and copper. A
third style is gold-only mineralization developed in diatreme breccias to the northwest. The
Cerro Vetas porphyry hosts typical porphyry copper alteration with a barren to weakly
mineralized prograde potassic core, surrounded by a well-mineralized phyllic zone and a thinly
mineralized retrograde argillic zone. The outermost propyllitic alteration zone is widespread.
Cerro Vetas diorite is marked as a magnetic high on the magnetic and magneto-telluric surveys.
The potassic alteration consists of secondary biotite, K-spar, quartz, magnetite, and pyrite as
disseminations, veins, and fracture fillings. The potassic core is very weakly mineralized at best.
The potassic core of the intrusive is fine-grained but grain-size increases outward. A welldeveloped phyllic zone of minor quartz-sericite-pyrite veinlets and sericite selvages on feldspars
with disseminated, stockwork, and veinlet chalcopyrite, disseminated, and veinlet magnetite
hosting much of the potentially economic gold-copper mineralization surrounds the core
potassic zone. Pyrite content in the diorite porphyry is low. The phyllic zone is developed above
and surrounding the potassic core. The strongest gold-copper mineralization accompanies the
phyllic zone and in the contact breccias at the margin of the intrusive with lessor amounts in the
locally present argillic zone.

(Figure 15) Fractures filled with coarser-grained chalcopyrite from drill hole CV073 at 325 meters (assay interval contains 0.81
grams of gold per tonne and 0.32% copper) (on the left). Diorite breccia with magnetite matrix from drill hole CV028 at 45 meters
(assay interval contains 1.9 grams of gold per tonne and 0.24% copper) (on the right).

(Figure 16) Stockwork contact breccia from CV053 at 98 meters (assay interval contains 1.5 grams of gold per tonne and 0.06%
copper) (on the left). Bornite and chalcopyrite in diorite from CV073 at 354 meters (assay interval contains 1.36 grams of gold per
tonne and 0.29% copper) (on the right).

Chisperos is an epithermal, lower-temperature deposit, generally gold-only and consists of

parallel to sub-parallel mineralized zones that are both stratigraphically and structurally
controlled and hosted in a sedimentary-volcanic sequence. Diorite dikes have been encountered
in drilling at both Chisperos and Virgen. The Virgen style of mineralization may be a link
between the low-temperature epithermal style at Chisperos and the high-temperature porphyry
intrusive hosted style at Cerro Vetas. Diatreme breccias have been discovered at Virgen and
Cerro Vetas. At both the Chisperos and Virgen deposits, northwest-striking, steeply dipping
faults are theorized to be the channel ways for auriferous hydrothermal fluids which mineralized
shallow dipping, favorable stratigraphic hosts: the Amaga Formation/basement contact;
diatreme breccia; and possibly shallow-dipping fault zones.
The local geology is dominated by multiple intrusives of the Cerro Vetas porphyry system. The
intrusive complex is a cluster of separate intrusives of Miocene age, some of which may be
connected at depth. The intrusive rocks are generally locally porphyritic diorite and monzonite
but other closely related phases are likely. The gold-copper mineralized Cerro Vetas diorite
porphyry stock intrudes basal meta-sediments, basement mafic volcanic, and schistose units,
older Amaga granodiorite, intrusive and diatreme breccia, the lower member of the Amaga
Formation, and the volcano-sedimentary rocks of the Combia Formation.
There are three principal intrusive rocks. From oldest to youngest, they are the pre-mineral
Amaga granodiorite stock, syn-mineral Cerro Vetas diorite porphyry; and post- mineral andesite
porphyry. Two principal intrusive rocks occur having different chemical composition and
different relative ages: (1) pre- and syn-mineralization granodiorite and diorite to monzonite
porphyry, and (2) post-mineral andesite porphyry intrusive and their extrusive equivalents as
andesitic tuffs and ash.

Pre-existing structures, particularly the Cauca-Romeral fault zone, have created zones of
weakness first occupied by diatreme breccias and later by the mineralized Cerro Vetas stock. It
is also likely that faulting along bedding planes played a crucial part in ground preparation for
high-grade precious metal, base metal veins, and replacement deposits that were historically
mined in the Titiribi District.

Porphyry Au-Cu of Colombia in the Middle Cauca Belt (Table 1)

Tonnage Contained Cut off
Au (g/t) Cu (%) (Mt) Gold (Moz) g/t Au
24.2 0.4 Inferred

La Colosa

Main (subsidiary)
deposit type
Porphyry Au


Porphyry Au-Cu






Measured - Indicated NI 43-101 Report (January 11, 2012)

La Mina

Porphyry Au-Cu








Porphyry Au-Cu (Epithermal)






Measured - Indicated NI 43-101 Report (May 9, 2012)

(date) (January 30, 2012)

NI 43-101 Report (July 9, 2012)

La Colosa

Alteration Type
Pervasive potassic
Patchy sodic-calcic
Weak intermediate argillic
Weak to moderate sericitic

Porphyry Au-Cu of Colombia in the Middle Cauca Belt (Table 2)

Ore relation
Rock relation with alteration
bio ksp
High grades of Au
Early units (diorite porphyries - bx)
High grades of Au
Early units (diorite porphyries - bx)
act + ab
Moderate grades of Au
Intermineral units (diorite porphyries - bx) ser + chl + ill
Moderate grades of Au
Intermineral units (diorite porphyries - bx) chl + ep + calcite
Almost barren of Au
Late units (quartz diorite porphyries)
Almost barren of Au
Late units (quartz diorite porphyries)


Potassic - Calcic
Potassic (less veinlts)
Intermediate argillic

High grades of Au - Cu
High grades of Au - Cu
Low grades of Au
Low grades of Au

Early diorite (>3% hydrothermal mt)

Early diorite (quartz sulphide veinlets)
Intermineral (diorite porphyries)
Late Intermineral (diorite porphyries)

La Mina

Pervasive potassic
Phyllic (sericitic)

High grades of Au
Moderate grades of Au -Cu
Almost barren of Au
Almost barren of Au

C1-X3 porphyry, C1-X3 bx, volcanic rocks bio + ksp + mt

C1-X3 porphyry, C1-X3 bx, volcanic rocks act + ksp + mt + cp + bn
Volcanic rocks, X1 porphyry, X1 bx
qtz + ser + py
Volcanic rocks, X1 porphyry, X1 bx
ep + chl + ill + calcite

(pervasive bio + mt)



Au-Cu mineralization
weakly mineralized

Diorite porphyry and bx (contac aureole)

Diorite porphyry and bx (contac aureole)

(surrounds potassic zone)

La Colosa

diorites (bx) schist (contact zone)


py + cp + bn mo
diorites basalt (contact zone)

Disseminated, stockwork
(vein, veinlets)

8.9-7.80.2 (Late Miocene) Diorites, quartz diorites Basalt and

(U-Pb in Zircon)
porphyries, andesitic dike felsic volcanics

La Mina

cp bn (cp + py in middle zone)

C1-X3 porphyry-bx, volcanic

Disseminated, veinlets type:


8 - 6 ? (Late Miocene)
(K-Ar whole rocks)


Native Au + cp + py + mt
Disseminated, fracture controlled 8 - 6 ? (Late Miocene)
Au-Cu values correlate with magnetite. Diatreme breccias
(K-Ar whole rocks)

bio ksp
bio ksp act - gt

Main alteration
(qz veinlets + bio + ksp)

(quartz sulphide veinlets)

(devoid of potassic alteration)

qtz + ser + py
bio + ksp + qtz + mt + py

Porphyry Au-Cu of Colombia in the Middle Cauca Belt (Table 3)

Principal Mineralization style(s)
Mineralization Age Ma
Host Intrusion
Wall rock
8.3-7.60.2 (Late Miocene) Diorites, quartz diorites Schist and
Stockwork, veinlets type:
(U-Pb in Zircon)
(granodiorite) porphyries quartzites

Probable intermediate


Diorite porphyry

intrusive - diatreme bx

La Colosa

Porphyry Au-Cu of Colombia in the Middle Cauca Belt (Table 4)

Ore fluid
Coeval volcanics Main discovery Method
Regional tectonic setting Related magmatic rocks
Medium to high
Magmatic (source
(stream sediment)
derived from the mantle)
(volcano-plutonic arc)


Transpresion (?)
(volcano-plutonic arc)

Calc-alkaline (?)
volcanics and stocks

Magmatic (?)

Yes, intermediate Geochemestry

to felsic volcanics (stream sediment)

La Mina

Transpresion (?)
(volcano-plutonic arc)

Calc-alkaline (?)
volcanics and stocks

Magmatic (?)

(stream sediment)


Transpresion (?)
(volcano-plutonic arc)

Calc-alkaline (?)
volcanics and stocks

Magmatic (?)

(stream sediment)

Porphyry Au-Cu of Colombia in the Middle Cauca Belt (Table 5)

Deposit Characteristic
Notes on occurrences and processes
La Colosa Mineralization assemblage (presence of pyrrhotite) Fluids from the dehydration of the subducted plate and subducted sediments generated partial melting of the mantle wedge.
Isotopic compositions (mantle array)
Basaltic melts ascended to the mantle-crust boundary where they were retained due to density differences and began to produce the MASH zone.
Wall-rock type (low-grade metamorphic rocks),
At ~35-50 km, differentiation processes produce felsic magmas that ascend and were emplaced between continental basement
and the Cajamarca Complex (~15-20 Km). Basaltic andesite magma produce differentiated products (andesitic and dacitic magmas)
that ascended across the Cajamarca Complex and were emplaced at depths of ~3-4 km. Is here where the rocks completely
crystallize and where all the hydrothermal activity took place.
Colosa porphyry system formed in a volcanic arc at an active continental margin

Rodriguez (2010)
Sillitoe (2008)


Gold values in early diorite are highest where

Hydrothermal bio and fine cp reach maximums.

Intermediate argillic alteration locally overprints an early potassic assemblage and its associated quartz veinlet stockwork.
Gold occurs in altered dioritic intrusions and in the diorite-basalt contact zones.
It has been identified epithermal-style mineralization in proximity of the La Cumbre deposit.
Formed in an active continental margin.

NI 43-101 (April 19, 2012)

Richards (November 24, 2011)

La Mina

Goldbearing rocks are highly magnetic

Lithological controls on gold mineralization
Actinolite in the alteration assemblage is typically
an good indicator of Au and Cu mineralization

Genetically linked to the emplacement of a cluster of Mioceneaged hypabyssal porphyry bodies.

Intrusive centers are occupied by a series of porphyry stocks and related breccias that together make up porphyry coppergold deposits.
In the case of La Cantera, the core of the deposit consists of a late, barren porphyritic stock resulting in a typical doughnut pattern (plan view)
in its concentric relationship to the surrounding mineralized units. In the case of Middle Zone,
the barren core is an amorphous feature that appears to have intruded preferentially along preexisting planes of weakness.

NI 43-101 (August 15, 2012)


Cerro Vetas diorite is marked as a magnetic high

on the magnetic and magneto-telluric surveys
The strongest gold-copper mineralization
accompanies the phyllic zone and in the contact
breccias at the margin of the intrusive

Cerro Vetas appears to be the root zone of a porphyry system, with portions of the higher-level mineralization already eroded away;
Chisperos is typical of peripheral structurally and stratigraphically controlled mineralization in the contact aureole;
and Virgen, the genetic link between the two styles of mineralization.
The Cerro Vetas porphyry hosts typical porphyry copper alteration with a barren to weakly mineralized prograde potassic core,
surrounded by a well-mineralized phyllic zone and a thinly mineralized retrograde argillic zone.
The outermost propyllitic alteration zone is widespread.

NI 43-101 (June 01, 2012)

Genetic model (with the example of La Colosa Porphyry rich Au)

The Colosa porphyry was constructed by hypabyssal rocks of intermediate composition formed
by andesine + amphibole + quartz biotite orthoclase, and apatite + zircon + sphene as trace
minerals. The early units of the system are diorites and diorite porphyries; the intermineral units
are diorite porphyries; and the late units are dacite porphyries and diorite to quartz diorite dikes.
Probably all the units of Colosa were generated by the same magma chamber as shown by the
similar patterns in spider and REE diagrams; fractional crystallization and differentiation
processes controlled the final composition of the rocks, and cooling stages determined the
texture. The rocks of Colosa belong to a medium- to high-K calc-alkaline suite and are related
to the late Miocene volcanic-plutonic arc of Colombia, generated by the subduction of the
Nazca plate under the South America plate.
Isotopic compositions of Colosa indicate a source derived from the mantle, and high contents of
LILE and high ratios of Ba/La suggest contamination with melts from the subducted sediments
and probably from the continental crust. The model proposed for Colosa consists of fluids from
the dehydration of the subducted slab (Nazca plate) and fluids and melts from the subducted
sediments that generated partial melting of the mantle wedge. These basaltic melts ascended to
the mantle-crust boundary where they were retained due to density differences and began to
produce processes of melting, assimilation, storage, and homogenization (MASH zone). At this
depth (~35-50 km), fractional crystallization and differentiation processes began to produce

more felsic magmas that were able to ascend through the crust and be emplaced at the boundary
between the continental basement and the Cajamarca Complex (~15-20). At this site, the
basaltic andesite magma began to produce more differentiated products (andesitic and dacitic
magmas) that ascended across the Cajamarca Complex and were emplaced at depths of ~3-4
km; it is here where the rocks completely crystallize and where all the hydrothermal activity
took place (Rodriguez, 2010).

(Figure 17) Schematic model for the magma origin of the Colosa porphyry gold system. Fluids from the dehydration of the Nazca
plate and from dehydration and probable melting of subducted sediments ascend through the mantle wedge, causing partial melting
and producing a basaltic magma that accumulates at the mantle/crust boundary. At this point the magma experiences processes of
melting, assimilation, storage, and homogenization (MASH zone, after Hildreth and Moorbath, 1988). Crystal fractionation of the
magma produces more evolved magmas that are emplaced at shallow depths within the South American plate. Modified from
Richards (2003).

Exploration implications
A particular characteristic of porphyry deposits is the extent of their alteration haloes as a result
of abundant hydrothermal activity streaming from depth; these features in turn drive the
applicable exploration methods for vectoring towards the center of this type of deposit.
Therefore geochemical surveys are a basic and useful tool to map the large dispersion haloes
around the core porphyry center using stream sediments, soil sampling, or rock chip sampling
for the principal economic elements of interest or various pathfinder elements. The dispersed
nature of sulfide distribution is also conducive to the application of various geophysical
methods, either groundbased or using fixedwing or helicopterborne instruments. Magnetics,
Induced Polarization, and radiometric geophysical surveys can be successfully used to outline
alteration dispersion patterns and have all been applied to varying degrees in the exploration.
A very good example of the use of these techniques was in the early 2000s, when AngloGold
Ashanti (AGA) carried out broadscale geochemical and geophysical methods programs
throughout the Middle Cauca belt of Colombia and was responsible for the initial discovery of
Au-Cu mineralization on surface outcrop.

(Figure 18) Magmatic evolution of the Colosa porphyry system. A. Emplacement of early units (diorites) into the metamorphic
rocks of the Cajamarca Complex in the late Miocene (~8.3 Ma). This andesitic magma comes from differentiation processes
occurred in the basaltic magma chamber located under the Cajamarca Complex/Continental basement boundary. B. Emplacement of
intermineral units (diorites) at the sides of the early units (8.3-7.6 Ma). C. Emplacement of late porphyries (~7.6 Ma) and dikes
(~7.3 Ma). This dacitic magma comes from higher degrees of fractional crystallization and differentiation processes occurred at the
basaltic magma chamber. D. Present-day state of the Colosa porphyry with the top removing any evidence for possible high-level
volcanic and/or epithermal. Densities from Thorpe et al. (1984) and Restrepo-Pace (1992). Depth in kilometers below paleosurface.
Textures on porphyries and magmatic chambers symbolize crystallization (Rodriguez, 2010).

Another excellent example of the use of these tools was conducted at La Mina Project. In late
2010, groundbased geophysical surveys (magnetic, radiometrics, and IP) identified three new
exploration targets (El Cafetal, La Virgen, and Filo de Oro) bringing to six the geophysical
anomalies identified on the Property along a NS trend of approximately 1.5km by 0.6km
(Figure 19 and 21) This groundbased geophysics program consisted of approximately 18.5 line
kilometres of combined IPmagneticsradiometrics surveying and was carried out by ARCE
Geofisicos SAC.
Principal observations from correlation of the 2010 ground geophysics with geochemistry and
geological features were:

Anomalously high radiometrics (potassium) likely represents Ksilicate (potassic) altered

rocks. The high potassium values occur over a distance of 900m along an approximately
northsouth trending corridor defined by the La CanteraMiddle Zone targets. High values
also occur to the north at El Limon along an approximately eastwest belt that is 500m long.
High chargeability zones fringing the drilled zones at La Cantera and Middle Zone can be
attributed to rocks containing high quantities (typically 510 volume percent) of pyrite. High
chargeability features are observed at La Cantera, Middle Zone and Filo de Oro (LMDDH
028, LMDDH029 and LME1036).
The La Cantera stock spatially coincides with a strong resistivity low while the Middle
Zone is characterized by a weakly defined low. Another prominent area characterized by
a strong resistivity low occurs between the El Limon and Middle Zone targets.

Exploration at the La Mina Property has been carried out using a systematic combination of
geology, geochemistry, and geophysics which has identified several anomalous zones of

(Figure 19) Exploration Targets at La Mina project as a result of geochemical and geophysical techniques.
(Figure20) Airborne magnetic map outlining magnetic highs, geochemical anomalies and the project targets (Titibiri Project).

(Figure 21)Magnetic Susceptibility Model at 100m Depth (2010).

Auger soil sampling was conducted along north-south lines spaced 100 m apart with a 20 m station spacing. This survey covers the
main La Cumbre Dos Quebradas corridor and has been extended to the west on a 50 m by 50 m grid and is currently being
expanded towards the east within the concession boundaries on a 100 m line spacing with 50 m sample spacing along the lines.
Sample depths range from five metres to seven metres and C horizon (saprolite) was sampled. The total area of the survey to date
covers approximately 535 ha and includes over 2,030 samples (maximum result 6.5 ppm Au, mean of results 0.175 ppm Au). The
soil grids highlight a strong mineralization trend in both Cu (Figure 9-1) and Au (Figure 9-2) and indicate the three principal
mineralized centers in the northwest portion of the Batero-Quinchia Property. The interpolated (ID2) copper distribution map clearly
shows the break in the mineralization trend at the Amarilla Structural Corridor. The Amarilla Corridor is host to fault and vein
controlled epithermal style mineralization previously exploited by artisanal miners.

NI43-101 Report (Quinchia, La Mina and Titibiri Projects).

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XXX Curso Latinoamiricano de Metalogenia Colombia (UNESCO/SEG/SGA)

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