Agri Science S.B.A

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NAME: Beryl St Clair

NAME OF PROJECT: Cost Analysis of

Project start: 14/10/2015


Project finish:

Poultry birds are reared primarily for meat and egg.

Broilers are reared for meat and layers for

egg. The project is the rearing of a batch of
broiler birds. The breed reared is vantress
cross (the bird are all white in colour). The
actual rearing occurred in 6-7 weeks, after
which the birds were slaughter and sold. Since
it takes on 7 weeks to rear a batch of birds,
this could be a very profitable business,
because many batchers could be reared in a
Chicken is wildly eaten in Trinidad because
most of the population consumers chicken
since there are no religious barriers to its
consumption. Chicken rearing is therefore
feasible throughout the year.
Name of Project: Cost Analysis-Animals
Production Broilers Production.
Location: School Farm at San Fernando East
Secondary in Pleasantville.
Duration: From -14th/October/2015


04th /December/2015

Description of activities
The chickens (Vantress cross) were reared or
brought up on the schools farm.
The activities that were carried out were:

Pen preparation
Preparing a brooder
Sanitation & Medication
Daily observation & weighting
Slaughtering and dressing
Disposal of birds

Pen Preparation
The pen was preparation at least one week before the chicks were brought
in. Pen preparation is an essential part of rearing chicks or any other animal
since they should be placed in a clean and disinfect environment to ensure
their survival.

Materials required:

shovel, wheelbarrow, hand brush,

Scrubbing brush, water hose, watering

Can (with rose), absorbent rag,
Detergent, disinfectant, broom, bucket

1)Remove and wash all feeders and waterers that were
used by the previous flock.
2)Remove old litter, using a shovel and wheelbarrow.
3)Using a broom, the pen was swipe to remove all dust
figures from the floor.
4)With a hand brush or broom remove all cobwebs
from walls and vents.
5)Using a watering hoses and detergent wash walls
and floors of the pen while scrubbing the areas clean.
6)Using a rag and disinfectant wash wired areas/vents
of the pen.
7)Put disinfectant in a bucket with a measured amount
of water and wash floor, while walls are washed
using watering can.
8)Make sure the pen is well ventilated so the water
drains quickly or take broom and swipe water out.

9)The corridor was swept and wash with disinfectant to

kill all disease causing organisms so the chicks dont
get sick.

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