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Buddha Case Study


1. Where you are individual located in this map?

Im currently in the seeker stage trying to find out who Im and what Im supposed to
do with the life I was given. Still in the process of knowing things about life, the way it works
and all.
Initially I was in the cocoon stage as a god child obeying my parents words and leading
a very studious life. Once I reached high school I think I was in interrogative stage because of
the new life that started i.e. the rebellious nature of knowing out new things and
experimenting with life.
But, for the last few years I was trying to find out the way to move ahead in my life. As
a student of engineering background I was pretty much interested to get into a job where I
can learn and create something new which will be helpful to the larger good of people. But I
ended up in a place where I worked on concepts which I havent learnt during my engineering
days. It was a totally new experience for me to be part of the corporate life which taught me
many nuances which motivated me to think about what I really am and what my interests
are. I found particular interest in capturing images with whatever mobile I have or a digital
camera. I eventually bought a DSLR out of my interest for photography and started practising
it. Im still in the process of learning photography. Because learning is a never ending process.

2. What are your individual roles? And how good are you in these roles?
Son, Brother, Student, future management leader
As a Son: Im doing a good role of a son currently doing everything as per the wishes as my
parents. In the seeker stage trying to find out what more I can do keep them happy. Im trying
to figure out ways in knowing more.
As a Brother: Im in the seeker stage trying to guide my younger sister in the best possible
way in her decision making and in here career guidance. Im making sure that she never makes
the same mistakes I made when choosing my career.
As a Student: After working for around 4 years gave me an idea of how the corporate life
would be. Here at IIMB as an MBA student Im learning the nuances of various aspects of life
and the technical aspects which are a part of management education. The life here at B threw
me many surprises which I have never dreamt of experiencing it even in my dreams. With the
help of my friends and my classmates I got elected as a class representative which gave a
chance to increase my network. Not it did help me to talk to various people but also made me
realize my strengths and weaknesses and made me think about working on them. So as a
Student too Im in the seeker stage trying to find out more on what I am meant to be as an


As a future management leader: After gaining knowledge from a distinguished institute like
IIMB any student will be willing to reach a career position where he/she would be sharing and
implementing their knowledge what they have gained here. So as a future management
leader I would be in the Seeker role. Mastering and learning things and Processes.


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