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United States Court of Appeals

Tenth Circuit

DEC 13 2004




No. 03-2088
(District of New Mexico)
(D.C. No. CR-02-84-WJP)



Before MURPHY, HOLLOWAY, and McCONNELL, Circuit Judges.
A jury convicted Bernie Banuelos of (1) distributing heroin, (2) possessing
with intent to distribute a substance containing cocaine base, and (3) conspiring to
possess with intent to distribute a substance containing cocaine base, all in
violation of 21 U.S.C. 841 and 846. The district court imposed a term of
imprisonment of 240 months on the heroin distribution conviction, imposed a
This order and judgment is not binding precedent, except under the
doctrines of law of the case, res judicata and collateral estoppel. The court
generally disfavors the citation of orders and judgments; nevertheless, an order
and judgment may be cited under the terms and conditions of 10th Cir. R. 36.3.

term of imprisonment of 324 months on each of the convictions relating to

cocaine base, and ordered that all sentences run concurrently. On appeal,
Banuelos asserts the district court erred in the following particulars: (1) giving an
Allen instruction to the jury; (2) refusing to give the jury an entrapment
instruction; (3) enhancing his sentence for possessing a firearm in connection
with his drug convictions; (4) enhancing his sentence for acting as an organizer,
leader, manager or supervisor; and (5) refusing to depart downward from the
otherwise applicable Sentencing Guideline range. As to all claims except
Banuelos downward departure claim, this court exercises jurisdiction pursuant to
28 U.S.C. 1291 and 18 U.S.C. 3742(a) and affirms. As to Banuelos
downward departure claim, this court dismisses the appeal for lack of appellate

In December of 2001, a confidential informant told law enforcement agents
that Banuelos and Delilah Ortiz were selling crack cocaine, heroin, and
methamphetamine out of their apartment (the Acoma apartment) in
Albuquerque, New Mexico. The informant introduced Agent Bryan Shields, who
was working in an undercover capacity, to Banuelos. On December 14th, Shields
and Albuquerque Police Detective Gregory Cunningham, who was also working

in an undercover capacity, went to the Acoma apartment to buy crack cocaine.

Both Banuelos and Ortiz were in the Acoma apartment when the agents arrived.
Shields and Cunningham told Banuelos that they were drug dealers from Durango,
Colorado. After the agents arrived at the Acoma apartment, they observed
Banuelos selling heroin to an individual in the apartment. The agents asked
Banuelos if he had any crack cocaine to sell. Banuelos had crack cocaine to sell
that evening, but it was of an inferior quality. The agents declined to purchase
the crack cocaine from Banuelos, fearing that if they appeared too anxious it
might indicate that they were undercover agents. Instead, the agents accepted
Banuelos offer to sell them $1200 worth of heroin.
The agents decided to continue buying drugs from Banuelos without
arresting him because they hoped to determine the identity of Banuelos supplier.
For his part, Banuelos continued selling drugs to the agents even after Ortiz told
him that she suspected Shields was an undercover agent. Banuelos told Ortiz not
to worry because the agents were the informants friends. Shields, again posing
as a drug dealer from Durango, Colorado, called Banuelos on December 19th.
Shields told Banuelos that the heroin had not sold well in Colorado and again
asked to purchase two ounces of crack cocaine. When Shields declined Banuelos
offer to engage in a methamphetamine transaction, Banuelos told Shields that he
would call him back. After the phone call, Banuelos went to a house in southeast

Albuquerque and obtained crack cocaine. 2 Banuelos then called Shields and told
him he had two ounces of high quality crack cocaine to sell; he also told Shields
to come to the Acoma apartment. The agents obtained a search warrant and went
to the Acoma apartment. As they approached, someone yelled five-oh, a slang
term for police. Banuelos, who was outside the Acoma apartment, took the crack
cocaine from his pocket, threw it on the ground, and fled. Officers found the two
ounces of crack cocaine discarded by Banuelos on the ground outside the Acoma
apartment. Inside the Acoma apartment, officers found Ortiz and a loaded
Banuelos did not testify at trial. Ortiz, however, did testify. She testified
that she helped Banuelos sell crack cocaine and heroin in the Acoma apartment,
and that she had done so for approximately eight months. She further testified
that Banuelos obtained the drugs they sold, took the money from the drug sales,
gave her money to buy groceries, and paid the apartment rent and bills.

Although a detective with the Albuquerque Police Department followed

Banuelos to the house in southeast Albuquerque, the detective was not able to
determine who sold Banuelos the crack cocaine.



The Allen Instruction

Three hours after it began deliberations, the jury sent a note to the judge

indicating that it was at an impasse as to two of the three counts. 3 In response to

the jurys note, the prosecutor requested that the district court give the jury an
instruction consistent with that approved by the Supreme Court in Allen v. United
States, 164 U.S. 492 (1896); Banuelos opposed the giving of an Allen instruction.
The district court recalled the jury and gave them an Allen instruction. 4 The jury
The note indicated as follows:
Your Honor, after some intensive deliberations, the jury remains
solidly split on 2 out of the 3 counts. The sides continue to be more,
not less, polarized the more discussion & arguing that takes place.
We feel that we are at an irrevocable impasse on these two counts.

The oral instruction was as follows:

Members of the jury, Ive reviewed the note I received from
the foreman. Im going to ask that you continue your deliberations in
an effort to agree upon a verdict and dispose of this case, and I have
a few additional comments that I would like for you to consider as
you do so:
This is an important case. The trial has been expensive in
time, effort, and money to both the defense and prosecution. If you
should fail to agree on a verdict, the case is left open and may be
tried again on those counts on which you do not agree. Obviously,
another trial would only serve to increase the cost to both sides, and
theres no reason to believe that the case can be tried again by either
side better or more exhaustively than it has been tried before you.
Any further jury must be selected in the same manner from the
same source as you were chosen, and theres no reason to believe that
the case could ever be submitted to 12 men and women more
conscientious, more impartial, and more competent to decide it, or


then resumed deliberations; approximately two hours and twenty minutes later,
the jury returned a verdict finding Banuelos guilty on all three counts set out in
the indictment.
On appeal, Banuelos argues that the Allen instruction given by the district
court was impermissibly coercive, both because of its content and its timing. This
court examines Allen instructions on a case-by-case basis to determine whether
any given instruction is impermissibly coercive. United States v. Alcorn, 329
F.3d 759, 765 (10th Cir. 2003). Some of the factors this court considers in
making this determination include: (1) the language of the instruction, (2)

that more or clearer evidence could be produced.
If a substantial majority of your number are for a conviction,
each dissenting juror ought to consider whether a doubt in his or her
mind is a reasonable one since it appears to make no effective
impression upon the minds of the others. On the other hand, if a
majority or even lessor number of you are for acquittal, the other
jurors ought to ask themselves again and most thoughtfully whether
they do not have a reason to doubt the correctness of a judgment
which is not shared by several of their fellow jurors and whether they
should distrust the weight and sufficiency of the evidence which fails
to convince several other jurors beyond a reasonable doubt.
Remember at all times that no juror is expected to yield a
conscientious conviction he or she may have as to the weight or
effect of evidence. But, remember also that, after full deliberation
and consideration of the evidence in this case, it is your duty to agree
upon a verdict if you can do so without surrendering your
conscientious conviction. You must also remember that, if the
evidence in the case fails to establish guilt beyond a reasonable
doubt, the accused should have your unanimous verdict of not guilty.


whether the instruction is presented with other instructions, (3) the timing of the
instruction, and (4) the length of the jurys subsequent deliberations. Id.
(quotation omitted).
Banuelos argues that the Allen instruction given by the district court was
unduly coercive because it referred to the expense of a trial and possible retrial.
This court has, however, previously approved Allen instructions containing
similar language. See, e.g., United States v. Reed, 61 F.3d 803, 805 & n.5 (10th
Cir. 1995); United States v. Rodriguez-Mejia, 20 F.3d 1090, 1091 (10th Cir.
1994). In fact, the Allen instruction at issue here is in every material way
identical to the instruction given in Reed. In Reed, this court described this
particular version of an Allen instruction as follows: The Allen charge eventually
given was evenhanded; it did not presume that the majority favored a guilty
verdict; and it emphasized that no juror was expected to yield a conscientious
conviction on the evidence. Reed, 61 F.3d at 805. If anything, the Allen
instruction given in this case was weighted against the prosecution. The district
court urged the jurors who had favored acquittal to reconsider their views only if
a substantial majority favored conviction. On the other hand, it asked those
jurors who favored conviction to reconsider their views if a majority or lessor
number were for acquittal. Thus, in essence, the district court asked the jurors
who were for acquittal to reconsider only if there were a substantial majority for

conviction, but asked all jurors who were for conviction to reconsider.
Furthermore, the instruction twice stated that no juror was expected to yield a
conscientious conviction and specifically reminded the jury that if the evidence
in the case fails to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, the accused should
have your unanimous verdict of not guilty. In these circumstances, this court has
no difficulty concluding that the wording of the Allen instruction given by the
district court was not impermissibly coercive. See Reed, 61 F.3d at 805;
Rodriguez-Mejia, 20 F.3d at 1091-92; United States v. McKinney, 822 F.2d 946,
950-51 (10th Cir. 1987).
Banuelos argues that notwithstanding the wording of the Allen instruction,
the jurys relatively short period of deliberation after the giving of the instruction
suggests coercion. This court recognizes that a jury returning with a verdict
soon after receiving an Allen charge suggests the possibility of coercion.
United States v. Arney, 248 F.3d 984, 990 (10th Cir. 2001). It must be noted,
however, that there is no per se rule regarding the amount of time a jury takes to
reach a verdict after having received an Allen instruction. See, e.g., Arney, 248
F.3d at 990 (concluding there was no coercion where verdict reached one hour
after receiving instruction); Reed, 61 F.3d at 804-05 (same); McKinney, 822 F.2d
at 950 (concluding there was no coercion where verdict reached on twenty-nine
counts in one hour and twenty minutes after receiving instruction); Munroe v.

United States, 424 F.2d 243, 246-47 (10th Cir. 1970) (en banc) (concluding there
was no coercion where verdict reached forty minutes after receiving instruction).
In any event, the amount of time spent by the jury deliberating in this case after
the giving of the instruction most certainly does not support an inference of
coercion. In this case, the jury deliberated almost as long after receiving the
instruction (two hours and twenty minutes) as it did before reaching impasse
(three hours).
Finally, Banuelos agues that the giving of the Allen instruction in this case
after the jury had begun deliberating and reached an impasse rendered the charge
unduly coercive. It is certainly true that this court has repeatedly expressed a
preference that Allen instructions be given along with all other jury instructions
and before the jury has reached an impasse. See, e.g., Arney, 248 F.3d at 989;
United States v. Smith, 857 F.2d 682, 684 (10th Cir. 1988); Munroe, 424 F.2d at
246. There is, however, no per se rule against the giving of an Allen instruction
under circumstances such as in this case. See Arney, 248 F.3d at 989. In light of
the even-handed nature of the Allen instruction given by the district court and the
length of the jurys deliberations after the giving of the charge, this court
concludes that the timing of the instruction did not render it unduly coercive.
Accordingly, this court concludes that the district court did not err in giving the
Allen instruction at issue in this case.


Refusal to Give an Entrapment Instruction

Banuelos contends the district court erred in refusing to instruct the jury on

the defense of entrapment. The district court denied Banuelos request for an
entrapment instruction on the ground that theres been insufficient evidence
presented for the jury to find in the defendants favor on an entrapment theory.
[W]hether there is evidence sufficient to constitute a triable issue entrapment is a
question of law subject to de novo review. United States v. Ortiz, 804 F.2d
1161, 1164 (10th Cir. 1986).
This court has summarized the defense of entrapment and the showing a
defendant must make to be entitled to such an instruction as follows:
The entrapment defense exists to protect an otherwise
unpredisposed defendant from governmental coercion[,] . . . rais[ing]
the issue of whether the criminal intent originated with the defendant
or with government agents. [Ortiz, 804 F.2d at 1165] A defendant
is entitled to an entrapment instruction whenever there is sufficient
evidence from which a reasonable jury could find entrapment.
Mathews v. United States, 485 U.S. 58, 62, 108 S. Ct. 883, 99
L.Ed.2d 54 (1988). For the purposes of determining the sufficiency
of the evidence to raise the jury issue, the testimony most favorable
to the defendant should be accepted. United States v. Reyes, 645
F.2d 285, 287 (5th Cir. 1981); see also Ortiz, 804 F.2d at 1164. The
defendant must show, either by presenting his own evidence or by
pointing to evidence presented by the government in its case-in-chief,
his lack of predisposition to commit the crime and government
involvement and inducement. Ortiz, 804 F.2d. at 1164-65. [Where a
defendant] did not present a defense, we must examine the
governments evidence to determine whether sufficient facts existed
to support an entrapment instruction.
United States v. Scull, 321 F.3d 1270, 1275 (10th Cir. 2003).

This court concludes that because Banuelos failed to identify evidence upon
which a jury could conclude that government agents induced him to sell crack
cocaine, 5 the district court did not err in refusing to instruct the jury on the
question of entrapment. Before the district court, Banuelos asserted that because
the government agents targeted him, an entrapment instruction is appropriate. He
repeats that same assertion on appeal. See Appellants Brief at 6 (The evidence
established that the government targeted Mr. Banuelos. The government
approached Mr. Banuelos without invitation and encouraged him to sell crack
cocaine.). As this court has made clear, however, [e]vidence that a government
agent solicited, requested or approached the defendant to engage in criminal
conduct, standing alone, is insufficient to constitute inducement. Inducement also
will not be shown by evidence that the government agent initiated the contact
with the defendant or proposed the crime. Ortiz, 804 F.2d at 1165 (citation
omitted). In fact, as set out above, when the agents first approached Banuelos he
had crack cocaine to sell. The quality was so inferior, however, that the agents
feared that their cover would be blown if they purchased the crack cocaine.
Accordingly, the agents purchased $1200 worth of heroin instead. Because

Because this court concludes that Banuelos failed to identify sufficient

evidence of inducement to submit the question of entrapment to the jury, we need
not consider whether Banuelos identified sufficient evidence of lack of


Banuelos has failed to identify any persuasion, fraudulent representations,

threats, coercive tactics, harassment, promises of reward, or pleas based on need,
sympathy or friendship, he has failed to create a triable issue on the question of
entrapment. Id.; see also id. (To establish a triable issue, the defendant must
point to evidence that is more than flimsy or insubstantial. (quotation omitted)).

Sentencing Enhancement for Possessing a Firearm

U.S.S.G. 2D1.1(b)(1) provides that if a dangerous weapon, including a

firearm, was possessed in connection with a drug offense, the defendants offense
level is to be increased by two levels. The adjustment should be applied if the
weapon was present, unless it is clearly improbable that the weapon was
connected with the offense. U.S.S.G. 2D1.1, cmt. n.3; United States v.
Humphrey, 208 F.3d 1190, 1210 (10th Cir. 2000) (quoting application note).
The initial burden is on the government to prove possession of the weapon by a
preponderance of the evidence, which may be satisfied by showing mere
proximity to the offense. Humphrey, 208 F.3d at 1210 (quotation omitted).
After the government has met this burden, a defendant can still avoid the
enhancement if he can prove that it is clearly improbable that the weapon was
connected to the offense. Id.
The entirety of Banuelos argument regarding the propriety of the
2D1.1(b)(1) adjustment is the following: The government failed to meet its

burden. Furthermore, Mr. Banuelos has shown that it is clearly improbable that
the weapon was connected to the offense. Appellants Brief at 7. This argument
is clearly insufficient. See Fed. R. App. P. 28(a)(9)(A) (providing that an
appellants brief must contain appellants contentions and the reasons for them,
with citations to the authorities and parts of the record on which the appellant
relies); Bailey v. Big Sky Motors, Ltd. (In re Ogden), 314 F.3d 1190, 1197 n.4
(10th Cir. 2002) ([W]e are reluctant to consider arguments that do not contain
legal support for their contentions.). Nevertheless, we proceed with the
discussion of this issue only [t]o avoid any appearance that we are sacrific[ing]
substantive justice on the altar of administrative convenience. Bailey, 314 F.3d
at 1197 n.4 (quoting LINC Fin. Corp. v. Onwuteaka, 129 F.3d 917, 922 (7th Cir.
1997)). 6
In his objection to the Presentence Investigative Report, Banuelos simply
asserted that the gun found in the Acoma apartment was not his and that there was
no evidence that he had ever used or handled the gun. Banuelos argued that
because the government had failed to prove that he had ever handled,
brandished[,] or used the gun, the 2D1.1(b)(1) adjustment was not proper.

Although this court will proceed to the merits of this issue, we specifically
admonish counsel for his failure to comply with Fed. R. App. P. 28(a)(9)(A).


In response, the government noted that Banuelos objection was based on a

misunderstanding of 2D1.1(b)(1). Contrary to Banuelos assertions, the
government noted that it was not required to prove that Banuelos handled,
brandished[,] or used the gun. Instead, it merely needed to demonstrate
Banuelos possessed the weapon, which it could do by showing mere proximity of
the gun to the drug offenses. Humphrey, 208 F.3d at 1210. With regard to the
question of possession, the government noted the statement of a confidential
source on December 11, 2001. During a debriefing with police officers, the
confidential source indicated that Banuelos had a gun in the Acoma apartment,
that the gun was kept in a soft case on a chair, that he had seen the gun on
numerous occasions, and that the gun was easily accessible. When agents
eventually executed a search warrant on the Acoma apartment, they found a
firearm in a soft case on a chair located in the living room. Because Banuelos
had not adduced any evidence demonstrating that it was clearly improbable the
firearm was connected to the offenses of conviction, the government asserted the
2D1.1(b)(1) adjustment was proper.
After a hearing on Banuelos objection, the district court agreed with the
government and concluded that the 2D1.1(b)(1) adjustment was proper.
According to the district court,
The search warrant that was executed establishes that the
agents found a loaded .357 Magnum revolver in a chair located in the

living room. The revolver was in a soft gun case, which is what the
confidential source had identified. And then, of course, there was
cocaine inside the apartment, and the jury convicted Mr. Banuelos
with possession of the cocaine and intent to distribute it.
Under [Tenth Circuit precedent], the United States has met its
burden in terms of the spatial and proximity requirements; therefore,
I agree with Probation and the United States that the two-level
enhancement for possession of a weapon under Sentencing Guideline
2D1.1(b)(1) is appropriate. . . .
On appeal, this court reviews the district courts interpretation of
2D1.1(b)(1) de novo and [its] underlying factual findings for clear error.
United States v. Dickerson, 195 F.3d 1183, 1188 (10th Cir. 1999). It is absolutely
clear that the district court employed the correct legal standard in analyzing
whether Banuelos was subject to the two-level adjustment set out in
2D1.1(b)(1). Furthermore, the district courts factual findings are wellsupported in the record and, therefore, are not clearly erroneous. As noted by the
district court, the government carried its initial burden of demonstrating Banuelos
possessed the firearm by demonstrating that Banuelos controlled the Acoma
apartment and by showing the proximity of the weapon to the offenses of
conviction. The burden thus shifted to Banuelos to demonstrate that the firearm
was not connected to the drug trafficking activities. Because he utterly failed to
carry that burden, this court concludes that the district court properly applied the
two-level adjustment set out in 2D1.1(b)(1).



Sentencing Enhancement for Acting as an Organizer, Leader, Manager or

U.S.S.G. 3B1.1(c) provides that [i]f the defendant was an organizer,

leader, manager, or supervisor in any criminal activity [not involving more than
five people or otherwise extensive], increase [defendants offense level] by 2
levels. The district court increased Banuelos offense level by two levels
pursuant to 3B1.1(c), concluding that Banuelos supervised Ortiz. On appeal,
Banuelos asserts that the district court erred in applying 3B1.1(c) because the
evidence at trial demonstrated that he and Ortiz were in a romantic relationship
and were equal partners in the distribution scheme.
In concluding that Banuelos was subject to the two-level upward
adjustment set out in 3B1.1(c), the district court found that Banuelos controlled
the distribution of drugs. In particular, the district court found that Banuelos and
Ortiz sold drugs together from the Acoma Apartment. Ortiz testified at trial that
Banuelos would get the drugs ready for me in the morning, would call my cell
phone, and I would meet the customers. Banuelos obtained the drugs and kept
the proceeds of the drug sales. Banuelos paid all the bills, including the rent on
the Acoma apartment. Based on these facts, the district court concluded that
Banuelos was a supervisor as that term is defined in United States v. Backas, 901
F.2d 1528 (10th Cir. 1990).


To qualify as a supervisor, one needs merely to give some form of

direction or supervision to someone subordinate in the criminal activity. Backas,
901 F.2d at 1530. Although this court reviews the district courts factual findings
for clear error, the determination whether a defendant qualifies as a supervisor for
purposes of 3B1.1(c) is a question of law subject to de novo review. United
States v. Albers, 93 F.3d 1469, 1487 (10th Cir. 1996). Upon de novo review, this
court concludes the district court correctly determined that Banuelos was a
supervisor of the drug activity for purposes of 3B1.1(c). Banuelos obtained the
drugs and directed Ortiz as to how and when the drugs would be sold. He kept all
of the drug proceeds and paid for all of the expenses. Furthermore, when Ortiz
expressed hesitancy regarding further drug sales to the agents, it was Banuelos
who decided that the drug sales to the agents would continue. Thus, Banuelos
clearly gave some form of direction to Ortiz, an individual subordinate in the
criminal activity. Backas, 901 F.2d at 1530; United States v. Mandilakis, 23 F.3d
278, 280 (10th Cir 1994) (noting that in determining supervisor status, courts may
consider a defendants exercise of decision making authority, the nature of
participation in the offense, the recruitment of accomplices, the claimed right to a
larger share of the proceeds, the degree of participation in planning or organizing
the offense, the nature and scope of the illegal activity, and the degree of control
exercised over others).


Refusal to Depart Downward

Banuelos moved the district court to depart downward from the applicable

sentencing range set out in the Sentencing Guidelines. In particular, Banuelos

argued that his criminal history category of VI, based on his status as a career
offender, 7 over-represented his prior criminal conduct. He further argued that his
case fell outside the heartland of the Guidelines because the Guidelines were
designed primarily to target hardened dealers. After cataloging Banuelos
extensive criminal history, the district court denied the downward-departure
When you look at the defendants criminal history, I agree with
the government that there are simply no factors in this case that
would cause the defendants career offender status to over-represent
the seriousness of his criminal history or the likelihood of recidivism.
Therefore, I find and conclude that this case is squarely within the
heartland of cases and the guidelines and that a downward departure
is not warranted.

The Sentencing Guidelines provide that

A defendant is a career offender if (1) the defendant was at least
eighteen years old at the time the defendant committed the instant
offense of conviction; (2) the instant offense of conviction is a felony
that is either a crime of violence or a controlled substance offense;
and (3) the defendant has at least two prior felony convictions of
either a crime of violence or a controlled substance offense.
U.S.S.G. 4B1.1(a). Because Banuelos satisfied each of the criteria set out in
4B1.1(a), his criminal history category was set at VI. Id. 4B1.1(b) (A career
offenders criminal history category in every case under this subsection shall be
Category VI.).


Banuelos recognizes that [c]ourts of appeal cannot exercise jurisdiction to

review a sentencing courts refusal to depart from the Guidelines, either upward
or downward, unless the court refused to depart because it interpreted the
Guidelines to deprive it of the authority to do so. United States v. Fortier, 180
F.3d 1217, 1231 (10th Cir. 1999). Nevertheless, he asserts that this court should
reconsider those precedents and find that the district court abused its discretion in
failing to downwardly depart. Appellant Br. at 8. Contrary to Banuelos
invitation, it is clear that this panel cannot disregard the rule set out in Fortier.
See United States v. Edward J., 224 F.3d 1216, 1220 (10th Cir. 2000) (Under the
doctrine of stare decisis, this panel cannot overturn the decision of another panel
of this court barring en banc reconsideration, a superseding contrary Supreme
Court decision, or authorization of all currently active judges on the court.
(quotations omitted)). The record reveals that the district court well-understood
its discretionary power to depart and simply concluded no departure was
warranted under the facts of this case. Thus, this court lacks jurisdiction to
review the district courts refusal to depart downward. Fortier, 180 F.3d at 1231.


For those reasons set out above, the judgment of conviction entered and the
sentence imposed by the United States District Court for the District of New
Mexico are hereby AFFIRMED. Banuelos appeal of the district courts refusal
to depart downward from the applicable sentencing range is DISMISSED for lack
of appellate jurisdiction.

Michael R. Murphy
Circuit Judge


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