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Okarr of Clan Urdnot

112 Years old
Cr: 2
Backstory: Trained from a young age as a battlemaster, Okarr quickly rose to hi
gher ranks in his clan's military. He was revered by his clan as a great warrio
r. During his rite of passage, he managed to actually slay the thresher maw he
was pitted against. After his time in his clans military, he decided his skills
would be better suited for bounty hunting. Now he roams the galaxy hunting elu
sive criminals and marks.
Krogan Racial Traits
Medium: As Medium creatures, krogan have no special bonuses or
penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Krogan speed is 30 feet.
Amplified Vision: The krogan eye set ensures they cannot be
flanked. It also provides them with a +2 bonus to Spot checks.
Scales: A krogan s natural scales provide them with a natural Plating
equal to 1/2 krogan level + Constitution score.
Warrior Personality: Krogan s are natural warriors, not diplomats.
As such they prefer intimidating tactics and violence to solving
problems with diplomacy. They gain a +2 bonus to Intimidate and a
-4 penalty to Diplomacy.
Enhanced Regeneration: A krogan has a
regeneration rate equal to his Constitution modifier.
This regeneration also allows them to regenerate
organs in a rate of 1 organ per day and regenerate
limbs and broken bones in a quarter of the normal
Redundant Systems: A krogan s secondary and
tertiary set of organs ensures that all krogans have
a 50% chance of negating critical hits and sneak
attacks. However, once hit by a critical, krogans
immediately switch to secondary or tertiary organs,
a mechanism that takes its toll on higher thought
processes. When victim of a critical hit, krogans
take a penalty of -2 Intelligence, Wisdom and
Charisma and must make a Will save DC 15
or enter in a rage called Blood Haze
where the krogan sees everyone
as hostile. During that rage, the
krogan gains +2 bonus to Str and
Constitution. This lasts for 1 hour.
Cumulative critical hits do not result in a cumulative
Krogan Charge: A krogan deals extra 1d8+1 per
character level points of damage when he makes a
melee attack with a charge
Naturally Adapted: Krogan are highly adapted to any
sort of environment and so they gain a +5 bonus on all
saves against temperature effects, radiation and poisons.
Mercenary Light Armor: 468
M-23 Katana: 330

Two-Handed Hammer: 400

Grenade (2): 160
Solaris L3-I Amp


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