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HRReR BPacR ERE TZ” 1983-84 ge M.A.A.C. DIGITAL Eile ouareed compact sie SIGIAL AUDIO ‘The year 1983 will be forever regarded as the year of introduction of the first digital player called Compact Disc. CD was born after years of research and investment in highly technical fields such as laser technol: ogy, microoptics and microprocessors. The final product has proven how well technology can serve our sense of aesthetics when it is used with discrimination and sensibility. MARANTZ has never forgotten that the ultimate goal of any progress in the HiFi world is to serve the art of music and its creators. In 1986 the first stereo LP was released and was heading towards the success we all know. At the same time MARANTZ decided to build its first stereo amplifier and pre-amplifier. MARANTZ had long been devoted to serve the fine art of music and we were convinced that the stereo LP was the beginning of a new dimension in musical reproduction. ‘The perfection of the sound produced by this new technique was such that no existing amplifier was good enough to transcend it MARANTZ then created Models 7 and 8 which are still considered today as the finest pre-amplifier and power amplifier built up to that time. They were the ESSENCE OF MUSIC and our philosophy has never changed since then. Twenty seven years after the advent of the first stereo LP, the advent of the first digital record has dawned. We are convinced, that we are witnessing again the beginning of new musical dimension. Being confronted with such perfection of musical reproduction we have asked ourselves how we could enhance and main- tain this perfection throughout the other components ina HiFi system. We resolutely took a step forward into the digital age and we would like to share with you the enthusiasm and faith that drive us in the search for the ESSENCE OF MUSIC. This catalogue is yours to journey through MARANTZ newest, wigest and most comprehensive range of products suiting all needs and moods, MARANTZ dedication to offer you the best sound has deeply marked our product development and you will discover that MARANTZ already offers a range of components which are entirely compatible with Compact Disc or other digital sources, MARANTZ is also proud to offer you the first range of Bus compati- ble products. The word Bus comes from computer terminology and means that instructions of commands are digitally coded and sent over through the same line, BUS compatible units are remote controllable and can easily be connected to one another in any order, permitting free expan- sion of the system to as many units as you wish. We are also attentive to changes in lifestyle. Ina mobile and urbanized society the pleasure of listening to music can be adapted to practical conditions. Where space is precious and time is worth gold, a Freedom X-9 Series system with its compact dimension and its simplicity in performing complex functions will automatically be appreciated by more and more people with a sense of practicality and intensity. At MARANTZ we try to be the ESSENCE OF MUSIC for every- one of every lifestyle. Compact Disc Digital Audio Despite the continual improvement in traditional Hi Pidelity equipment, there ‘were some areas where progress has not been as radical asin others, and inthis respect the traditional recording and play- back techniques were ones where improvements were most needed, Ittook years of research and develop- ment to come up with something that would radically revolutionize the entire recording industry. Today this revolution has begun with the advent of digital recording, the mos! important step to date in the history of recorded sound. ‘The shape the playback of this recording takes is called the COMPACT DISC. Itis the worldwide standard for all CD players. Only 12 cm in diameter, the disc allows up to 60 minutes of continuous play. And that's only the beginning ofits advantages. Unlike ordinary records it has no grooves. The digitally encoded information ies under the surface ofthe disc. Itis read optically, which ‘means that there is no physical contact, and thus no wear whatsoever. Infact, the Com: pact Disc maintains is high quality forever. Repeated use does notaflectit Dust, dirt and fingerprints can be wiped off easily. ‘Also, because its digitally encoded, con: venience features such as Search and Replay are child's play. But most important, byall measures of sound quality, the Com: pact Disc isa staggering improvement. The Gynamic reproduction and the signal-o noise ratio coupled with low distortion, out paces by far that ofany other reproduction system, Channel separation is excellent, and there isno hum, acoustic feedback nor ‘wow and futte toaffect the performance. ‘You must hear the real ESSENCE OF ‘MUSIC by MARANTZ. ‘The Compact Disc can be connected 10 any amplifier at the Aux input. Naturally, if ‘you want to experience the full perform- {ance of your CD you wil have to be a litle discerning when choosing these compo: nents. Quality is not the only key for good (CD reproduction since itis necessary to «think the amplifier and the speakers in the full knowledge that they will have to reproduce the higher dynamic range and wider frequency response produced by (CD. MARANTZ has since long incorporated this potential in amplifiers and speakers, ‘and for every amplifier in this catalogue the dynamic power capability is given. A bpenefit that only MARANTZ gives. ‘The Compact Disc player's electronic cir- catty is highly sophisticated and incorpo: rates the latest tectnology in terms of DAD conversion (Digital o Analogue and vice: versa) and component integration itt, the information on the disc is read optically using laser technology. The light beam coming from a laser diode is reflected on the disc surface, captured on its way back by an optical system and con 4 Pup asembly verted into electrical impulses. Simple and reliable! ‘Then, these electrical impulses (several million per second) are interpreted by a decoding circuit using highly integrated. ‘components. ‘The advantage of digital decoding is that the signals are stored in a memory t delivered at precisely the right speed. This is what we call QUARTZ PRECISION (CLOCKING This insures that slight devia tions of the speed of rotation ofthe disc do not produce the usual «wow and utter» Finally, the signals decoded are cleaned from remaining high frequency noise by DIGITAL FILTERING. The Marantz Com. pact Dise players differ in this aspect from many olher CD players who use conventio- nal analogue filtering, with all the usual problems of phase shill temperature drift fand ageing, In the MARANTZ Compact Disc the digital format is preserved until the very end. guaranteeing sound perfection in every deiail ED 73 - PM630 - LD 50) (0 cocoing cacy. ‘There are many other improvements over conventional players. Ease of Use :just pop in the discand listen. Your can listen to the discas you would with a normal LP or you can prog: ramme the tracks you want to listen to and forget the others. The programming feature is childs play and you can search forwards ‘and backwards or repeat any sequence. ‘Compatibility : MARANTZ CD players are perfectly matched with Marantz compo- nenls. Two sleek, beautifully designed units are available. The CD 73 with convenient drawer loading, exactly matches other units inthe MARANTZ ange in size and colour ‘The top loading CD 63 is the smallest ppact Dise player in the world. Both CD play. fers will offer you the ultimate in digital reproduction. Reliability : Because ofits non-contact Jaser pick-up unit, the CDis very stable and does not wear out like a normal stylus does ; SR CD 73 Drawer lo player fading programmable Compact Disc The CD 7S features surprisingly pleasant loading system whereby the diss if loaded and unlosded automatically by amotorzed drawer. The virtue of the draveer so keep the unt sli ana boautiuly balanood, The keys to operate the disc ate located convenienily on the drawer. On the right ede ofthe drawer ate located the dis play and the keys for programming, Two 10s EDS wil ight up to tll you which wacks have been entered inthe memory and which tack s ‘Being played You can thus seloct up o 1 races in any order you may wish and repeat that so (quence as many oF as few times as desired. I'you ‘wish to change your choice afer playback has ‘arte. just poss the CANCEL Key and start ll ‘over again you want oust momentary inter ript playback just press the PAUSE button: to engage playback again, press the PAUSE bution ‘once more, The music wl star exacly where t was interrupted and you can do that as mary {mes as you lke without damage or wear tothe aise ‘The CD 78 can be operated withthe Bus (*) conttol The MARANTZ romote control Bus C430 can be connected to he CD 7S for opera tion or can also be connected fo a complete sy tem or global operation CD 63 Top loading programm: player The CD 63s cone ofthe most compact CD players: Nevertheless, nothing has been sac Dficed in terms of ound quality and perform. lance. I features random access programing wp to 8 tracks with Repeat function ofone wack oof the whole programme sequence. you wash 0 change your choice after playback has started, Just press the CANCEL key and you may re programme your CD 68 ‘You may momentary interrupt playback by sust pressing the PAUSE key. All hese functions can be performed atthe tip ofa finger as many tines as you ike witoat damage the die. Asis he case for CD 78 the CD 63s electronic circuitry incorporates ale atest technology lke laser optical pick-ap system to read out the information on tho reoord, quartz precision decoding circu fr fal-proof dita to ane log conversion and dial itenng or superb able Compact Disc aise TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (01N) on ‘AUDIO PERFORMANCE firewa com 2 an Fang ia rer = 9006 Tal amone Ost ne oie) <0 RDIOHATTRM <0 ION ATM ow Fe ‘gates pecisen au esa 6 wn ig erg er Cron Sm gt rag ——___swn ona eng Cie te eed conn ote og irene es San Oe ce aaa a) 2m ‘OPTICAL READOUT SYSTEM. ie sr AS ‘ar ciaeAe Wook Oey iowa FORMAT Spin Fas TE armatin naa ise am Tama aan Tans 2 12m ‘Seo on Gn Fang 6) —wt-cnon clea Senge 12m Tams Fasten sd 500200 500200 om ng in oe orn (se Tackgan an Bun Hea ate pate CABINET, GENERAL Dears x HD TEx Ax Sina we oe _—_ TH To 18 190 rn Se pe) S20 17 x 25 (oe am Basan Sigs ap ene itt in noua pan pane ed wh ae goa pe Hs ge Freedom X-9 Series ' MX 250, MX 320 and se, but are big qual liste MX 500 AT 983 R Digital Bus Remote Control Unit ‘wath Timer MX 500 {arn One-touch onryeperetr Digitally monitored system: tho digital Bus con- TESTS # eo avibbew Baal in once conta i thoanplier tne umiable and cus SD 389 (Cassette deck) Me the insmuctions cally fom | Passe te Blvag talons oe held command modile fo the 160 there they are relayed to the so fl loge anspor (2 mobo), Dolby °C + Dolby “B Onis (30 nes) Hepat ye UpDown, Mate, Lovdoess Bus able system with programmable TT 433 (Turntable) Fr kow Pause. Record Bec Mut met and graphic equal Jet ss eat tacking table wi Fa hone ro ao do PM 433 (Amplifier) peed eclecior and au sin connor Sy fis the daring polo th councors on 2 x 58 W RMS 1 Kliz 8 ohms THD O05 Bass and ing cuput. Random programme operation Remote we ole components crest PA ie Msing Mutng "2! db aad iow dior SONREIO WE = persion. EQ 333 (Equalizer) fester mush enol orictn One eich Sty Ope LD 9) MK (Speakers) Page, ening wth be asa) eae ney oe me $0 33 (Cane deck 1 20 peaks A Gate snopes rg Dros Daly 8 Dewy ean. Dm dp ST $33 (Tuner) ‘TT 333 (Turntable) hel top MX 250 PM 293 (Amplifier) 2% 5 W AMS 1 ks, 6 obs, THD 005%, asx uote, ing Yume. Super Bass boo. PA Mie mang Mog SGpdh Feather touch selecor wichos One‘oush ST 983 (Tuner) uartzyathesaerlonsitny 12 4V/108dBO. 8AM + 8 Fat prema scanmame unig Record. prog fameae, Det ci Fetch conllete wh Bis ye Test sre Wi SD 233 (Cassette deck) Sof tosch tape tnspon key. Dolby °C + Dalby °8 Normal. Cone and" Me mee Sanh Recatd Mute ‘TT 333 (Turntable) Jacket size naar tacking tumble with drawer S03 {labo with Ba” sytem. One ouch sy Opera LD 20 (Speakers) brie’ febmar tnreated Cone) weaker oe pags 2) Masimum power 60W EM 3 train's. Furthermore, tonearm has from friction fo follow the ame time be ha low ma ur turntables h 3 preserved ithe traight tonearm used on all pattern, and at th ublly repro een made of high car bon lutely nid in order rot toa the turntable in aluminium, and the re x frequen the programme recor ith the tonearm and c an pick up every faint nuanc recorde is kept out ofthe critical area. ridge The tonearm gimb al pie 4 programme withou any Itis therefore of pa nave a smoothly eed variations, sand have been tooled witha 001 mm to avoid unnecessar M The result isa highly balan ating platter, rence, mechanical urate sp buoy _ TT 530 CT R TT 420 CT TT 320 CT ful TT 221CT TT 120CT TT 130CT tuner design has minimum group delay benefit from the linear phi front end a this design is AARANTZ feffective in improving the sound reproduc: dof performance tion pons ® ‘tuner plusa litle bit more are MARANTZ hs mod STSa0L 24 hours programmable tin Cassette Decks (CD sources have unprecendented linear phase charactenisites and dynamic range. ‘They can only be preserved within a recor ding by either a diaital recorder (but such recorder is not availabe in a practical con- ‘sumer formal) or by an exceptionally well designed cassette deck MARANTZ has designed such a cassette deck: the SD 930 ‘The SD 900s the epitome of the techno- logy MARANTZ bas developed with the MAAC. (MARANTZ AUTOMATIC AZI ‘MUTH CONTROL); the auto bias, level recording Eq system. the dx noise reduc tion system and many other features which ccan be found also on other models in the range, ‘The SD 990 as well as SD 630, SD 830 and ‘SD 420, have been designed as ‘Digital Monitoring decks' to stress the high performance compatibility ofthese units ‘with CD sources. M.A.A.C. (MARANTZ AUTOMATIC AZI- MUTH CONTROL) (SD 830) When recording froma CD source any phase problem created by the cassette deck will affect the playback quality ofthe recording. The major source of tis prob- Jem comes from a bad azimuth alignment of the playback head, Until now, all systems permitting head azimuth adjustment used to set the proper azimuth either at the begin- ingor atany point ofthe tape, but without, ‘any correction as the tape moved. With MA.AC the playback head is dynamically adjusted by microprocessor at every ‘moment as the tape moves along, The essence ofthis technology is the new split head gap built into the playback head of the SD $30. The phase differences of each recorded track are compared by the two portions ofthe head gap and the head is ‘automatically adjusted by a compensation ignal directed to the actuator supporting the head. This compensation signal is moni tored by microprocessor to ensure correct, compensation at every moment, ‘The advantages ofthis system are — No phase distortion at any frequency — Better frequency response, especially in the upper frequencies (up to 10 dB gain) — Stability ofimage and depth, exactly asa live performance ‘DBX NOISE REDUCTION SYSTEM (SD 890, ‘SD 820, SD 630) "The dbx system consists in an encoder ‘which compresses the dynamic range of the input signal by /2 during recording, and a decoder which doubles the dynamic range of the input signal during playback. ‘This moans that the 100 dB dynamic range ofthe original signal (like on Compact Disc {for example) can be compressed to 80 dB and can thus be recorded on tape, ‘During playback the original 100 dB dynamics are restored, preserving the quality of the music ike no other system can do. Imaddition, the dbx decoder can be used via a special input on the back of the decks todecode diox encoded discs which you may be playing on your turntable. COMPU BIAS (SD 930, SD 820, SD 720) ‘This computerized function sets the bias, Jevel and equalization to optimal levels Because there is no international standard inthis respect, each fape manufacturer uses different bias and equalization values for every tape. Consequently, no truly satisfac- tory record and playback result can be achievéd unless the cassette deck has been Strictly adjusted to the type of tape which is being used ‘These MARANTZ cassette decks over- ‘come this limitation by analyzing accurately any tape thanks to its microprocessor. The bias, level and equalization are then set precisely io match the particular tape which 1s being used. Inaddition, the accuracy with which the tape is analyzed depends closely on the MARANTZ AUTOMATIC AZIMUTH CONTROL PROCESS head gap characteristics. That is why these models are equipped with mechanically independent recording and playback heads. INDEX SCAN (SD 630, SD 540, SD 40, SD 383) ‘The units will play 10 seconds of the begin- ning of each tune. The interval between these sections is scanned in the FF mode until you press on the Play button to indicate that you want fo continue listening tothe Se INDEX SCAN (QMS (Quick Music Sensor) 31 tunes (SD 930, ‘SD 630, SD 580, SD 430, SD 333, SD 283) This function makes it possible to searcha specific tune om a tape. To do this you must first find out the relative position ofthe tune ‘you wish to listen to in regards to the one. presently played. Then you press the PEM. [NO button the equivalent number of blank spaces which must be skipped. Press the For REW button to start the search. The deck will automatically resume playback when the selection is located, AUTOMATIC TAPE SELECTOR (SD 933) ‘The automatic tape selector built into this ‘machine will automatically check the type of tape being used and light the correspon- ding LED on the front panel o indicate that the deckis ready to operate, AUTOMATIC SLACK TAKE-UP (SD 990, SD 680, SD 830, SD 430, SD 333) ‘The tape slack is automatically taken up by the let reel when the cassette is loaded. AUTOMATIC DEMAGNETIZER (SD 680, SD 880, SD 430, SD 383) ‘The head is automatically demagnetized Immediately after the power is turned on. No matter how intensely you use your cas- sette dleck, the optimal frequency response is preserved. REPEAT PLAYBACK (SD 630, 630, SD 430, SD 333) Pressing the PLAY/REPEAT button during ‘playback causes the tune to be repeated Pressing the PLAY/REPEAT button a ‘second time causes the entire tape to be repeated. RECORD MUTE (SD 990, SD 630, ‘SD 830, SD 490, SD 233) Pressing this button while the deck isin the recording mode causes a 4 second blank ‘space to be recorded before the tape deck enters the REC PAUSE mode. 18 SD 820 DBX RC 430 REMOTE CONTROL UNIT BUS SYSTEM | 20 6 ee = UL 2. iol = Rear connections peaker systema land 2 aroee tuner, CDVAtw Tape | and 2in and Out Rear connections 2 tn Phont Receivers ‘Many #i Fi purists used to look down on Things have changed, Superior insulation receivers. Intheir view, putting the tuner _materialsand clever circuit design allow to and the amplifier together inthe same box fit the tuner and amplifier into the same wassimply asking for trouble, Electrical housing without risk or interfere ‘emanations from the tuner were bound to "Today, thanks, ctthe amplifier and produce distortion integrated circu he silicon chip and the yyvereresy 2) gggiaun indla main amplifier ¢ acked intoa Chassis only very slightly larger than any fone of these components used to need. Do not make the mistake of believing th ‘any ofthe three component parts MARANTZ receivers i of lesser quality than it would be if you bought it separately, SR 820 DC AMM ital saad receiver 2 88 rer (HF method). FM sensaa'y "AM/FM Computuner wit AM + BM proset nary battery back up, Last stato ble threshold switch to allow to sean ony the : lear stations rather than «iby LED 60 Heo 128 Ke aves. Lang alors Equalizer Out ja make equalized tapes fo sutput owe the font pa caror port player. High and sub onic titers 12 Bloc) Pape tape 2 Soeaker swt two pairs of speakers DC an ‘land dynamic low frequen phase distortion, Low TIM (Transient Iner ‘odulation Di clear sound without arehnets Rear connections Sources : CD/Aux Phono, Tape 1 and 2 In and (Out FMantenna, AM external antenna SR 620 AMM digtal arthesized reosiver 2 58 W, Tete Bohs THD 003 2 x 84 W, 4obms amic power (IF metiad), FM seasitly 'yV (DIN co0 ohms). AM/FM compatuner wit we PLL synhesioer an oe Broset memety battery back-up. Automat sla thon scanning ‘Tuning precision factate LED imckeators. Baas medium and to Cconttols Subsonic ker (12 43 speaker evtch iow TIM (Transient in Ou FMantensa, AM external antenna SR 520 AMIFM aiital synth idiz Bohms, THD 0.2 68 W, ohms dynamic power (HF method) FM sensitivity BV (DIN 300 ohma). AM ara PLL synthesizer and Preset memory battery ba scanning Tuning pt LED indicators. Bass moc ontrols Low fiter (@ dBloc ‘Speaker ewitching fr two pairs of speak TIM Ch Intermodubstion Distortion) harenese Dis also available with long Se Rear connections ape 1 Inand Out external AMantenna SR 430 DIGITA dicators, Bass and treble slicing Ss Inputs fr 2 tape decks with monitor Speaker santching for two pits of speakers Low IM (ansient Intermedtustion Dist design that gives crystal clear sound without with long waves a Au, 42 Inand Ou sono. FMantenria 78 ohmns-900 hs, external AMantenna Note: avallab in November 1988 SR 320 AM/FM stereo receiver. 2 > 20 W ohms) Flywheel tuning system with LED tuning Bass and tebe tone controls. Low ‘Bloch Tape eopy 210 1 yeakor switching between system Tand 2. Low TIM (Transient inte ‘limite nt calle available wi co receiver 2 20 W, kil, Bohm, 4 obms dynam method). FMsenstiaty 22. Low TIM Distortion) a {6 Lvnth tape Intermedia tntermoctula lear FM reception. The SK 2201 also availabe vith long waves as Sh 220 Rear connections nes: CD Aud T a Out FM antenna 300 ohms, ex o, Tape I Inand AMantenna SR 430 DIGITAL digital synthe 2 nV (DIN 800 ohms). AM/FM Computaner with art PLL synthesizer and 8 AM + 8 FM presets Preset memory battery back LED indicators Bass and treble slicing to wos. Inpusfor2 tape decks with mentoring, ;peaker switching or two pair of peakers Low TIM (Transient Intemmodulation Distortion design that gives crysial clear sound! without bare The SR 490 is also available with long waves as SR Roar connections Speaker systems Jan ‘Sources. CDYAU Tape I and 2Inand Phono. FM antenna 7S ohms-dO0 ohms, exter AMantenna Note available in November 1983, SR 320 AMM stereo receiver 2 x 90 W, 1 kHz 8 ohms, ‘THD 008%. 2 64 W, 4 ohms dynamic power (HF method), FM sensitinty 22 uV (DIN 30 ohms) Flywheel tuning system wth LED tuning tone controls py 2t6 | wit tape ing between system 1 Speaker sw Tand 2 Low TIM (Tra SDIAtwape 2 rape LInand tenna 300 ohms, extemal AM antenna 1.2% 20 W, 1K ‘4 ohms dynamic power tinty 22 nV (DIN Goo lermodulation Intermocuation FM recep The Sk 220 is azo available with long waves as SR 220 L Rear connections One speaker system. Sourons CLVAW/Tape 2, Phono, Tape I Inand (Out FMantenna 300 ohms, external AM antenna Loudspeakers Until recently the dig yback technique has dand require new o The LD (Linear Dynamic) thus established sing in mind. Infact, ‘were waiting or the arrival of response, Disc musical source. fen used by ment ofthis ding and play- flatter and distortion and high signal-to-noise ratio are the parameters improved by licital audio system to rep Sealy. ‘The basic phil mamic speakers any pro} er image and depth, so that 1 been aware ofthe these fa Jew that the the revolu source would dramatically change the HiFi mntroduetion o ‘ments brought by Compact Disc with dig nis quite s reaker cannot be felto These are the criteria anc digital age speak hallenge for ckled the pr the devel material fr the bass driver cone, b difficulty isto find and make i With Compact Disc high and the normal one would not stand a change in this, tis ight weigh! and internal dam: a make it quite attra DPIC has all these qualities including high rigidity without the very high peaks at the end of the high frequencies response and low internal damping comman to many other high rigidity cone materials. Many engineers will say that these very high peaks are nota real problem because you Just need to take the crossover point ata much lower frequency. However, in MARANTZ opinion, this type of basic char- acteristics cannot be eliminated by the net- ‘work specially since sucha high Q peak shall always be audible even ifa lower ‘crossover frequency is taken. DPIC woofers possess amazing high fre- ‘quency roll-off characteristics without any peak or dip, and this is the case from the lowest to the highest input powers (wide dynamic range), The excellent characteris tics ofthese woofers have been reinforced using linear damper, polyurethane edge, er voice coil Nomex bobbin, etc High frequency drivers are certainly as important as bass drivers. 130 a0 - 23 May 3 Naira Pet aml ep 227 ‘Sei 0. WT TD in wt Testes Wola i en fo use polyester fiber domes for its high frequency drivers, ‘because of the smooth sound reprodiuctior characteristics ofthis material rather than hhard domes with their ultra wide frequency With the Compact Dise as a source, the energy on the high frequency band is increased. The high rigidity of the dome is thus essential. Adequate internal loss is sded at the same time to avoid reso nance which creates listening fatigue. ‘The MARANTZ polyester fiber dome is extremely light and its adiusis calculated {or the highest rigidity. In addition to be able to cope with Compact Diso, these domes are ferrofluided to minimize distor: ‘non. Moreover, the high thermal conductiv- iy ofthe ferrofluid is very efficient in the cooling ofthe voice coi, increasing thus substantially the power handling capability ofthe dome. - Sanne) To i008 amy a eo gE "The crossover network design is quite ‘complex, and its contribution fo the final sound reproduction is more than one can :magine. Intensive care was taken for the cchoice of components. MARANTZ engineers have spent tremendous time evaluating parts, both by measurements and listening tests. Low DC resistance alr ‘core cals, potted large ferrite core ind ‘ors and metalized polycarbonate film capa- citors have been chosen after such time ‘consuming investigations, MARANTZ made no compromise either in the design of the cabinets. The choice of the board, construction method, bracing are all very important, specially with the high dynamics reproduced with Compact Disc All this has been done by MARANTZ to optimize the sound reproduction. These points can only give you an indica- tion ofthe Linear Dynamic speakers design ‘concept. Listen for yourself, and you will be convinced 25 MINI MONITORS Rovent advanced technologies enabled MARANTZ o develop srall az, high quality speaker systems Up to now all smal speakers Dulthed two important drawbacks not enough extension and very ow sensiity despre the fac that some of them reproduced music Deautlly MARANTZ Mi Montorsare quite diferent hey have oustanding bass response thanks to MARANTZ orginal Dynamic Bass Reflex Align- ‘ment. hich unlike other has reex systema. = linized combination of energy ana transient response plus higher sensitivity. Of course, th ier Dyzamic design piosophy has boon applied otis deaign ane Beaufll mask repro ‘ducton is thus quaranteed. wos wo 90 me wa syn _ 2 ay 2 Wy Ny ‘unin Poe a 10 a W Fremory pore 77 woz Tate WT —a ‘ Treo Wer — Deer x HIGH DEFINITION LINE any tothe LD series, MARANTZ HD line isuniaue There are many speakers onthe mark: hav: ingaaynamie-sounting” chazacter which means Booming bass harsh reble and promitent rn band. This may sound betta at rt hearing, Dut tera fer hours istensng, would produce listening fatigue Real muse will never ease fa ‘ue iis very smooth andl enjoyable. Speakers Should not preduce attractive dynamic sound Which in realty is only distorted sonic a ‘Spoakers should et colour the sound MARANTZHD speakers are designed for music lovers They will sound sooth and lel you We have used a et of LD technology Dine such as ferafuided mid and tere Jower distorton and higher power handlina 26 —_ Tae aa Boo Ww AOE —~HO 300 HO 28 a Wy May Ny My ay 2p Nie poe Sai 0a 6a oa as Sart 0 o 0 ‘09 a 8 e 5 & © a a a a 7 17 @ im om 2 © a 5 5 5 5 5 o_o ins cv > HO) iN AA OD OST TAO aon equirementsin mind high maxumum sound During parties isa ist54 am a 7 ar Esoteric Technology ‘Many times throughout this catalogue you have noticed MARANTZ desire to match the quality of CD sound with its other pro- dducis, CD astonishing sound performance has put pressure on the other components to raise above the level wihich was gene- rally considered as very good already. In this respect, he MARANTZ ESOTERIC line can be considered as a reference, acrite- rion of perfection, a pinnacle which others strive to reach but rarely attain ‘The MARANTZ ESOTERIC amplifiers vill make you reach the ESSENCE OF IC when connected toa CD or any cher high quality source. The QUARTER A technique introduced for the first time in the world with SM 8and PM6 Ais the absolute answer to reproducing digi sound purity by means of Class A ampliica ron and to respond instantaneously tothe dynamic peaks which require from the ‘amplifier a very high power potential which ‘cannot be matched by ordinary Class A amplifiers: ‘The amplifier will operate in pure Class A until the output power reaches 1/4 of the nominal power. For example, the PM6 A (120 W RMS) will operate in pure Class A up to 30 W with fixed bias current, and beyond 30 W (from 30 W to 120 W) it will automaticaly switch to the AB mode, The change over is performed electro. nically by the high speed switching circuit developed by Marantz. Incase ofa dynamic peak similar to the ‘ones created by CD, the amplifier switches from Class A to Class AB during that fracton ofa moment necessary to reproduce that dynamic burst SM 1000 [delivers 400 W RMS per channel into chm. Inproduces THD and TIM astarton figures ot only 001 % and te slgnal‘o-nolse ratio italy incredible 128 8 The 8ohm dynamic power (GSE method) 894 W and the 4 ohm dynamic ‘ower isan merecible 038 W, “Asalvays with MARANTZ this amplifier been tasted re-lested and tested again Inthe laboratory atc by ear. unti epiraum sound ality was achieved. ‘Nothing has been spared. The finest material, ‘The latest technology ‘Theft and night channels are ofmona cons tructon.Aparl fom the power lead aba the coo! fing fan every element isindepentent forthe two channels ‘employ AC or DC coupled ‘ower, Low distortion is achieved by the perfect pave block ofthe SM 1000. The most soph ated andl advanced tecinalogy Ws used o pro- duce the ideal locks designed in every stage using the ‘concept. New techniques have been evelved to ‘Sve highly effcient heat dissipation (we took Some of our ideas fom the NASA); to eliminate the need rag retecion relay — by iti the bias ofthe cas nlerference between py using left and nit independent power suppliae to give fantastic power without {he harshness hat power usually moans. Igo it saying that ta SM 1000 i the perfect or ciial sound reproduction "The SC 1000s the preamplifier which matches the SM 1000 Iimatchos notonly in presentation ‘and nah but alo in sound seproduction. very part ofthe SC 1000 has beenevaluated for sound quality as well as for tecnical quali. "The unt ample is designed for minimum use ofnegative feedback ‘Special care has been given tothe power sup- to make it lenble to tough signal characteris fa The RIAA deviation in the phone preamp ‘Saris almost il The volume contol uses a new 10 kms conductive plasic volume control o reason, the volume: ‘Sect into Nat amp, bypassing the tone ‘contol switches (which remain available if you calor them. (Circuit elements incorporate sound-evaluted capacitors, metal cated reactors low nose 28 semi-conductor, glass epoxy PC boards and 0 ura copper fel al crucial pons With the adoption of selector switches using ‘epoxy based materials with double contac, Sable functions wil be maintained or many 29 Portable Hi-Fi Systems Here are two true HiFisystemsin minia- _Abuillin automaticmusioselector picks _-The PH $2 hasa built-in PLL synthesized tue. up one out of3 tunes one LED light tuner with 8 presets and LED frequency Both the PH 32 and the PHS2 give 20 W of each selection. display. power per channel. Each has a3-way There isevena Tape Eqswitchwhich Both models have a removable carrying Choice ofpower supply: batteries, DC 18 Vshapesthe signals othe ape deck. Youcan handle or mains AC. use itto equalize tapes for your car or port: PH32 and PH S2 are available with AM/FM. Bach hasa-bend graphic equalizer with able cassette player — when more bassor band LED indicators and phono input for MMcar- midrange bay be needed PH 32 Lis available with FM, MW, LWand tridge turntable ‘The speakers, which are detachable, are SW bands. The cassette deck has soft touch controls, $¥0-way, witha 10 cm woofer and 4 em Lisavailable metal tape capability, Dolby B noise reduc» "Weeter, tion system and Mic mixing. ith FM, MW and LW wer pwr ese rues pus puse_cassereoecx na ToS} Turntables mimer meee ramer_ rae reser mse. ime ear mt OnE are ett —— re ioe od He Fes FeEne Tn Bene a ae 3 36 3e ae = ea, toe om a a a a . 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