June 2016 Minutes

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Castleton Public Library, Board of Trustees

June 2016 Minutes

Monday, June 27, 2016

Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance:
The meeting was called to order by President Karis-Nix at 7:04 p.m.
Roll Call: Present: Olivia Karis-Nix, President; Ryan Mullahy, Vice President; Sarah
Niemitalo (arrived at 7:08 p.m.), Trustee; Maria Marcucci, Trustee; Mary Claire Aitken,
Trustee; and Melissa Tacke, Library Director. Excused: Nathan Hans, Treasurer
Adoption of Agenda:
The agenda was adopted upon the motion of Trustee Aitken, seconded by Trustee
Marcucci. The agenda, as amended, was approved 5-0.
Public Comment:
Presidents Report:
President Karis-Nix informed the Board that she has been unable to meet with the
Village Mayor since his election, but intends to. The discussion at any anticipated
meeting would relate to, among other things, undertaking a joint fiscal audit with the
Secretarys Report:
No changes were made to the May 16, 2016 meeting minutes. Trustee Aitken motioned
to adopt; Trustee Marcucci seconded. Approved 5-0.
Treasurers Report:
President Nix presented the Treasurers Report in Treasurer Hans absence. President
Nix reported that the Library has $39,340.51 in surplus funds on hand as of January 1,
2016. However, President Nix explained that that number will be lower due to certain
expenditures that have occurred since that date. The Board reviewed the monthly
Check Detail, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual, and
Reconciliation Detail statements for May 2016.
Trustee Marcucci motioned to approve the Check Detail report; Trustee Aitken
seconded. Approved 5-0.

Directors Report:
Director Tacke presented her monthly report and indicated that the circulation report will
reflect actual figures again beginning next month. Director Tacke further reported that
Library program offerings are up, although attendance has been down. Director Tacke
informed the Board of an exciting new partnership with the Schodack Island State Park
StoryWalk. This program will begin running in early July. Director Tacke further
reported that, now that Summer Reading is underway she can once again focus on
reviewing and pursing grant opportunities.
Friends Report:
Committee Reports:
Administrative Committee- Vice-President Mullahy and Trustee Niemitalo agreed to
meet to continue their review of the Librarys current evaluation process for the Director
Finance CommitteeTreasurer Hans and Trustee Marcucci are scheduled to meet next
week to discuss the goals of the committee.
Operations/Capital Projects Committee None.
Policy Committee: Vice-President Mullahy presented a whistleblower policy to the Board
for its review and approval. Trustee Aitken moved to adopt the policy. Trustee
Niemitalo seconded. Approved 5-0.
Old Business
August Movie Series at Schodack Island State Park Director Tacke agreed that she
will confirm the manner and method of invoicing by the vendor(s) associated with the
movie series; that she will look into the issue of liability insurance for the Library relating
to the movie series, including confirming that True Value carries appropriate insurance;
and determine rain date protocol.
The librarys word-of-mouth marketing for the coming month is to tell three people about
Storytime on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m.
New Business
Retroactive approval of Trustee Aitken as an authorized signer on the Library accounts.
Vice-President Mullahy moved. Trustee Marucci seconded. Approved 5-0.

Public Comment
Executive Session
Meeting adjourned upon motion by President Karis-Nix and Vice-President Mullahy at
8:00 p.m.

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