Kindergym at BTYC For Website

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Kindergym at BTYC

The Kinder Gym program incorporates learning through play as the

children explore and learn through movement based activities with their
adult caregiver.
Kinder Gym is designed to create an environment in which the children
can explore and learn and to help the child develop their fne and gross
motor skills, spatial awareness, cross patterning, balance and
coordination and social skills.

Our Kinder Gym classes are age appropriate and

currently we have classes for:
Kinder Gym 1 (1-2 year olds) with adult carer
Kinder Gym 2 (2-3 year olds) with adult carer
Kinder Gym 3 (3-4 year olds, in 3 year old kinder) with
adult carer
Kinder Gym 4 (4-5 year olds, in 4 year old kinder)
independent class

Classes are run at our Donvale venue on Mondays and Fridays, and at our
Blackburn North venue on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays. All classes run for 1 hour.
Each class will be on a 2 week rotation, enabling the children to practice
what they learnt from the previous week.
The Kinder Gym 4 class is without their adult carer, which will enable the
children to engage in team work and follow instructions in preparation for
recreation gymnastic classes.
The class structure will include:
Free play a time to explore the gym and equipment; roll, jump, swing.
Warm up a time to get those bodies moving and stretching and
balancing in different shapes.
Circuits (2) to learn new skills on the equipment and to practice turn
taking and following instructions.
Cool down a time to wind down and enjoy a slower paced activity and
then fnish off with a stamp and sticker in their very own Kinder Gym

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