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Sample Week Lesson Plan

Theme: Ideas
Lesson Focus
Day 1

Introduce the Idea trait

Grade Level

First Grade


-The book Baghead by Jarrett J. Krosoczka


Teacher Modeling

-The teacher will read aloud to the class the book

-As a class we will discuss the plot and how the
details helped us find the main idea.
(15 minutes)

Independent Practice

-The students will create their own baghead and

on the back describe themselves in a couple of
(15 minutes)


-The students will do a turn and talk with their

corresponding partner and share for at least five

Lesson Focus
Day 2

Why are details important?

Grade Level

First Grade


-The story of Little Red Riding Hood.


Teacher Modeling

- The teacher will read a familiar story and take

out the important details.

- As a class we will discuss why the original

version makes more sense, is more interesting
and why.
(15 minutes)

Independent Practice

- Student will create a story similar to Little Red

Riding Hood but add their own twist to their
(20 minutes)


-The students will do a turn and talk with their

corresponding partner and share for at least five

Lesson Focus
Day 3

Why are details important?

Grade Level

First Grade


-All the Places to Love

Book by Patricia MacLachlan

Teacher Modeling

- The teacher will read aloud All the Places to

Love and ask questions throughout the book
about how the details paint a vivid picture for the
(15 minutes)

Independent Practice

- The students will write a story about a place

where they always have wanted to live and why.
(20 minutes)


-We will share our work together on the whole

group sharing carpet in front of the classroom.
(15 minutes)

Lesson Focus
Day 4

What are sensory details?

Grade Level

First Grade



Teacher Modeling

-The teacher will introduce the activity: Building

Blocks where students will adds details to
sentences by considering- When, Size or Color,
Place and Name. As a group we will make a
simple word into a detailed sentence.
(15 minutes)

Independent Practice

- The students will come up with Show Me

sentences and matching illustrations.
(20 minutes)


-We will share our work together on the whole

group sharing carpet in front of the classroom.
(15 minutes)

Lesson Focus
Day 5

The main idea aspect of the ideas trait

Grade Level

First Grade


- The Secret Knowledge of Grown-ups book by
David Wisniewski

Teacher Modeling

-The teacher will read The Secret Knowledge of

Grown-ups by David Wisniewski.
-Then as a class they will brainstorm rules that
they have to follow at school and home. Then the
students will explain the real reasons why they
have to follow them.
(15 minutes)

Independent Practice

-The teacher will show the students of a person

with a face of being surprised.
-The students will write a story about why the
person is showing the feeling of excitement and
who the person is.
(20 minutes)


-We will share our work together on the whole

group sharing carpet in front of the classroom.
(15 minutes)

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