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Special board meeting of the Asia Construction Company was held on Thursday, April 16, 2016,

at 9.30am. At the Main Board Room of the company HQ. , the President being in the chair and
the Secretary being present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as

Welcome speech is done by the president and explain propose of the meeting (Precast Bridge
Kirulapane Junction). According to the president project has proved by the ministry of
construction and the confirmation letter issued by the ministry is present to the meeting by the

After that the project architect Mr. explain about the site for the
proposed project and condition of the site and adjacent areas. After that, structural details are
explained by him more specifically height, length and maximum load can bear by the bridge. (.
Total length is 75m. Total width is 20m. Maximum height is 23m middle of the bridge. Bridge
can bear the maximum 20.3 ton per one time) According to the architectures calculation
minimum 50 labors should work in 42 days to complete this project. Vehicle traffic is the
difficulty of the project and all members agreed to discuss the matter with municipal council and
DIG of the Colombo south.

After that project QS present the project budge brief introduction. According to the estimates
30mil for the materials and 11 mil for the human resources need to be allocated for this project.
If any case project conduct in night shift estimation will go up 14mil for human resources. QS
Present an all estimations for the project to the meeting to refer it all members in the meeting.

After small break, finance manager aroused a problem about the company vehicle insurance
problem. After discussing that matter CEO said that he take care of that matter. Responsibility of

All relevant meetings should conduct before the project is started took by the sectary and next
meeting date, time and venue informed by the sectary to the members.

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