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Part A (10 X 2 = 20)


List the unconventional machining process which uses mechanical energy.

What are the characteristics of unconventional machining process?
What are the desirable properties of carrier gas in AJM.
State the working principles of WJM process.
What are the drawbacks of using relaxation circuit?
How the tool materials are classified in EDM process?
Name any four etchants used in Chemical Machining process?
List the applications of ECG process?
What are the limitations of EBM process?
List the applications of EBM Process.

Part B (5X16=80 marks)

11a. State the need and classifications of Unconventional Machining process?
11b.Compare the mechanical and Electrical energy process in terms of physical parameters, shapes capabilities,
process capabilities and process economy.(16)
12a. Describe the working principle and process parameters for Abrasive Jet Machining process.
12b. Explain the following in detail: (4x4=16)
(i) Types of transducers for USM.
(ii) Feed mechanisms in USM.
(iii) USM typical applications.
(iv) Abrasives for AJM.
13a. Explain the Construction, Working principle, Advantages and Applications of EDM process.
13b. Explain the following. (4x4=16)
(i) R-C circuit
(ii) R-C-L circuit
(iii) Rotary pulse generator circuit
(iv) Controlled pulse Generated circuit.
14a. Explain the ECM process. Explain how a replica of the tool is obtained.
14b. Explain the principle of ECG and ECH with neat diagram.

15a. Explain Electron beam machining process with Application, Advantages and limitations.
15b. Explain PAM with its process parameters.





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