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APA Style Format

Group Members:1. Shujaat Ali Nadeem

2. Muhammad awais
3. Yamna Farooq
4. Noor Waqas


Submitted To:-

Sir. Adeel usman

our Dearest and most
respected Parents, whose efforts
and prayers are great source of strength to us.
Their love inspired us
to the higher idea of

A task undertaken without offering prayers to almighty ALLAH
and talking blessings from the elders is not a good beginning.
Likewise the work completed without acknowledging the
assistance to those who were always by our sides to make our
efforts fruitful in the task left incomplete.

Firstly, we would like to thank ALLAH for his cordial and

merciful blessings which have enabled us to complete this project.

We wish to extend our deepest regards and obligation to


Adeel Javaid for their help and guidance in completing the project.


Business No 01........................................................................................................... 8
MISSION STATEMENT............................................................................................... 9
VISION STATEMENT................................................................................................ 10
Introduction........................................................................................................... 11
Payment Methods.................................................................................................. 12
Latest Gift Items.................................................................................................... 13
Drawback in Manual/ Previous system..................................................................14
More Staff........................................................................................................... 14
Customer Support.............................................................................................. 14
Information Sharing............................................................................................ 14
Startup cost........................................................................................................ 14
Time................................................................................................................... 14
Cut Cost............................................................................................................. 15
Not Convenience................................................................................................ 15
Comparison........................................................................................................ 15
Customer Base................................................................................................... 15
Targeted Communication................................................................................... 16
Business Image.................................................................................................. 16
New Economy.................................................................................................... 16
How to Convert to E commerce.............................................................................17
Planning............................................................................................................. 17
Examination:-..................................................................................................... 18
Build Infrastructure:-.......................................................................................... 18
Security on Web:-............................................................................................... 19
Customer Communication System.....................................................................19
Build a Marketing Strategy:-............................................................................... 20
Business No 02......................................................................................................... 21
Introduction........................................................................................................... 22
Products................................................................................................................ 23
Advantages of Online Jewelry Shopping................................................................24
Drawbacks in Traditional Business.........................................................................26
How to convert it in to ecommerce.......................................................................26
Get Organized.................................................................................................... 26

Setup Home Office............................................................................................. 26
Find Reputable Supplier..................................................................................... 26
Create Simple Designs....................................................................................... 27
Photography....................................................................................................... 27
Graphic Designer............................................................................................... 27
Website Designer............................................................................................... 27
Spreadsheet....................................................................................................... 27
Marketing........................................................................................................... 28
Registration........................................................................................................ 28

Business No 01




SS Sentiments has gift options available for Birthdays,

Anniversaries, Spring Season, Im Sorry, Thank You, Get
Well Soon, for your parents, a promotion, Good Luck
Wishes, Weddings, New Baby, Congratulations,
Retirements... Shop by products, from a variety of gift



your heart
to your loved
ones, SS Sentiments
deliver Affection


SS Sentiments is a personalized, high valued gift delivery
service offering a wide array of gifts from gourmet cakes, floral
bouquets, ethnic sweets, to various other elegantly wrapped gifts,
delivered with a personalized greeting card in Pakistan.
Flower Arrangements & Gifts for every occasion, online Youll
see how easy it is to shop for unique gifts and goodies Surprise
Celebrate every occasion SS Sentiments has gift options
available for Birthdays, Anniversaries, Spring Season, Im Sorry,
Thank You, Get Well Soon, for your parents, a promotion, Good
Sending gifts to your loved ones is easy with SS Sentiments.
Were Pakistani's favorite gift delivery service - Wherever you are,
ordering gifts online for anyone, anywhere in .You can choose a
delivery date for guaranteed delivery on that special day - with
Free delivery - Available for all orders!


Payment Methods
Following are the main Payments Methods
1. Easy Pasia

2. Electronic Fund Transfer

3. Visa Card

4. Master Card


Latest Gift Items


Drawback in Manual/ Previous system

Following are the main drawback in manual system

More Staff
It needs to hire more staff in traditional business. There is a need
to hire sales executive, sales managers, accountants, and other
staffs. While in Ecommerce there is no need to hire this staff.

Customer Support
Customer accusation and retention is one of the key factors of
business value chain. Thanks to Ecommerce technology, business
can provide customer support more effectively. This means better
customer satisfaction and increase of profitability.

Information Sharing
There is no sharing of information with customers in traditional
business. Just a couple of years ago, companies used to require
days to deliver products or services update information to their
customers. Things have changed since then. Today due to
ecommerce we can add or make any changes to your company
and product related content virtually in a matter of couple of
hours, publish on your site and share with the whole world.

Startup cost
There is more startup cost required for traditional business.
Building a web site does not require big investments. There are
many low cost tools available today, which can help you create
sites from very scratch. Many business portals allow you to build
web sites from templates. For less than 100$/month you can have
a full-fledged corporate e-business site with all e-commerce

Traditional Business Operates at business hours within a certain
period of time. How else you can continue making sales, while
your stuffs are sleeping! The biggest advantages of online shops


are that they are open 24 hours a day year round. Thanks to
Internet off time, when your shop is generally closed, sales in
some cases can be more than your regular business hours.

Cut Cost
We cannot cut our cost in traditional business. In ecommerce new
technologies allow us to take virtually any part of our business
online, that include supply chain management, billing, shipping,
procurement etc. Streamlining these business processes through
online systems will allow us to cut costs significantly in almost
every sphere of any business. For example: We can reduce more
than five percents of our maintenance, repair and operation costs
by adopting e-business solutions.

Not Convenience
Traditional business is not very convenience. It is necessary for
customers to travel long distances to reach their preferred
physical store. Ecommerce allows them to visit the same store
virtually, with a few mouse clicks. Every product is at the tip of
your fingers on the internet, literally. Type in the product you are
looking for into your favorite search engine and every option will
appear in a well organized list in a matter of seconds.

Comparison is very difficult in traditional business. While in
Ecommerce Side by side comparisons are readily available and
easy to do. When products are placed online, they come with all
the specifics, and they want you to compare them with others,
know they have the best options and come back for more!

Customer Base
The customer base is every businesss main concern, online or
off. When online, a business doesnt have to worry about getting
the best property in town, people from around the world have
access to their products and can come back at anytime.


Targeted Communication
In traditional business it is very difficult to target your required
audience. Using the information that a customer provides in the
registration form, and by placing cookies on the customer's
computer, an ecommerce merchant can access a lot of
information about its customers. This, in turn, can be used to
communicate relevant messages.

Business Image
Whether you sell products or services online or not, in todays
world you have to have a corporate presence on the Internet.
Otherwise, as you must have noticed that people simply dont
take your business seriously if you tell them that your business
does not have a website. A nice corporate site definitely increases
the image of a company especially if it has great product or
service related content to go with.

New Economy
Internet has created a new economy, which by its explosive
growth and sheer size already changed our perception of
traditional way of doing business. Companies like Amazon and
Ebay have successfully created domination on areas, where just
few years ago traditional brick-and-mortar companies were kings.
However, in order to be successful on the net, you dont have to
be a giant like them. Many small and mid-size companies
managed to build online businesses quite profitably. In fact,
studies show small and mid-size companies will be the main
growth force of e-commerce in coming years.


How to Convert to E commerce

The first step involve in shifting traditional business in to e
commerce is planning phase. It answer the following question
What exactly is E business?
E-business, of course, is not about technology itself its about
how you use the technology to transform your business
processes. Its about new models of commerce, marketing and
distribution. In fact, one of the key parameters companies are
being evaluated on today is how well, and how fast, they can
adapt themselves to the Internet. The big question is, how do you
keep pace with the opportunities and challenges - that the
Internet presents?
The first step is in understanding what exactly those opportunities
and challenges are. The solutions and technology issues will
follow from there
Here are some of the questions you need to ask yourself at any
stage of your business:
How will my industry be impacted by e-business, in the near
and long term?
How can we gain a competitive advantage in the e-world?
Which e-business opportunities should we pursue and invest
How can we become an e-business, rather than just
implementing technology?


How can we be in control of all the independent e-business

How do we measure the impact and return on our e-business
Is there a process that will allow us to leverage the strengths
of our existing high-end systems, while we move toward full
e-business integration in a secure, safe and phased manner?

Examination:As a first step, you will specifically need to examine four

key areas:
What do your stakeholders (suppliers, customers and
business partners) really value?
What capabilities do you need to deliver this value to
What resources are required to support these
What actions are necessary to create and sustain a
long-term competitive advantage?

Build Infrastructure:It is imperative to have an appropriate infrastructure to back your

e-business solutions. Following points should be kept in mind
while building infrastructure.
Select a Domain Name:The domain name will be the URL (universal resource locator)
which is the web address or location on the Internet for your Web
site. Selecting a domain name is very important. Spend time in
your selection process. Select a name that closely identifies your
product or service and one that will be easy for customers to
remember. Keep in mind, your name is your first impression.


Select a Meta Tags:Meta-tags are the keywords, title, and description you select to
describe your web site so that search engines can direct people to
your Web site. Heres how it works. Once a URL is submitted to a
search engine, the search engine will crawl your site with a type
of scanning software known as a spider. The spiders read the
information contained in the meta-tags, along with the content of
the Web pages themselves, and uses that information to
determine a sites position within search results. Once your site
has been crawled and catalogued by search engines, it
becomes visible in search results. Be sure that keywords and
content are related, and that your keywords are specific to your
sites purpose. Because of the high volume of URL submissions,
its important that you make certain that your listing is correct
before submitting it.
Design a Website:There are three options available for Web site design
Design it yourself
Hire a web designer;
Or utilize the one stop method where the Web host designs
the Web page from templates.
If you choose to design the Web site yourself, take advantage of
online tutorials and classes at universities.
Select a Webhost:Now that you have a Web site, you need a place for the site to
reside, called an ISP (Internet service provider) to host it. You can
either own or operate your own Web server, an option that
requires significant financial investment and a high-level of
technical proficiency, or you can use a hosting service, which is
essentially renting space on a server maintained by someone
else. For most small businesses or beginners without IT support
staff, a hosting service makes the most sense.


Security on Web:Buyer beware, couldnt be truer, when it comes to Internet

shopping. Sites that are not secure may have less traffic because
people are weary of identity theft. To ensure that your customers
transactions are safe and secure, you will need to provide
security. Although, it comes with a price, it may put dollars in your
pocket in the long run. Consider contracting with a credit card
verification company. VeriSign Security Services is one popular
credit card verification company, but others can be found by
doing a search for credit card verification companies.

Customer Communication System

Your Web store will need to communicate with its customers. So
create a page providing contact information. That information
should include a telephone number, e-mail, physical address, and
mailing address.
Once you have received an order, you will need to acknowledge
receipt and send notification of shipment to the customer.
Tracking customer orders is also a valued option.

Build a Marketing Strategy:Build it and they will come! Have you ever wondered why so
many people advertise their Web sites on television? Submit your
URL to the search engines. Most people purchase from using an
online search engine. Submit your URL to the big search engines:
Google, Yahoo! MSN, Alta Vista, Excite, WebCrawler, Lycos, and


Business No 02


Handmade jewelry is literally just that, made by the hands of
the artisan or maker. The pieces are soldered, sawed, carved and
shaped with hands. Handcrafted jewelry pieces are unique,
exquisite and affordable. Mass produced jewelry pieces are not
created for a specific wearer, but to appeal to many people.
Handmade jewelry is often created by people who truly enjoy
what they are doing. Every single piece is created with full
dedication and passion. Since there are no machines involved,
handmade jewelry takes an incredible amount of time to produce
just a single piece. Handmade jewelry pieces are one of a kind,
the wearer will never have to worry about getting their pieces
mixed up with another. Buying handmade also means buying
unique products.
For those who look for customized, unique pieces, handmade
jewelry is an ideal option. No two handmade Jewelry pieces are
identical. With so much attention put in making this jewelry they
tend to last much longer and appealing over time. This is the real
beauty and real value of being handmade jewelry. Handmade
jewelry can seem very romantic and a great option for those love
to surprise.
These jewelry can also be made as per the demand of the
client .This is why a piece of hand crafted jewelry takes much
longer to produce, and is almost always worth considerably more
than commercially made jewelry.
A piece of hand crafted jewelry, made per the wishes of the
person who orders it often expresses the customer's own unique
personality. This often keeps the customer coming back again
and again to order new pieces of unique hand crafted jewelry.


Following are the main products which we offer are going to offer
1. Anklets
2. Arm
3. Beads
4. Body
5. Bracelets
6. Brooches
7. Charms
8. Earnings
9. Gold




Advantages of Online Jewelry Shopping

Following are the main advantages of online jewelry shopping
1. Convenience: As with all types of online shopping, buying
jewelry online is very convenient. You can shop for jewelry
any time of day and the pieces are shipped right to your
door. When you need an easy way to add some sparkle to
your life, visit an online jewelry store.
2. Selection: Brick-and-mortar jewelry stores can't possibly
carry the same inventory as an online jewelry store. If you
are looking for something very specific, an online jewelry
store is your best bet. That perfect pink diamond and yellow
gold cocktail ring is easy to search for when you shop for
jewelry online.
3. Prices: Online jewelry stores don't have to pay hefty leasing
costs on downtown shops. Online stores also save money by
buying in bulk and dealing with suppliers more directly than
high-end jewelry shops. Most online jewelry stores pass
these savings on to their customers. Online stores are
especially great at saving you money on high-end pieces,
like pearl necklaces, gemstone earrings and solid gold
4. Exclusivity: Online jewelry stores often offer rare treasures.
You can find antique jewelry in online estate collections and
world jewelry in many online jewelry stores. It's nearly
impossible for most jewelry shops to carry such a unique
range of inventory.
5. Expert advice: It's much easier to buy jewelry from
knowledgeable sales associates, but that simply isn't
guaranteed in every jewelry shop. Online jewelry stores offer
detailed product descriptions, gemstone treatment codes
and shopping guides to help you make an informed
purchase. When these resources aren't enough, you can


contact online sales associates via chat or email to get

extremely detailed information on specific pieces of jewelry.
6. Massive choice - This particular point is one of the biggest
advantages of online jewelry shopping and at the same time
a disadvantage too. Having too much of a choice tends to
have confusing effect on most people and blur their ability of
an objective decision. On the other hand choice and diversity
means that you will find what you are looking for, even if you
are not very certain what exactly it is and you will find it at
the best possible price, which brings us to the next point.
7. Information - Any information about jewelry, diamonds and
precious stones is widely available on the net and you don't
need particular computer skills or a lot of time to obtain it.
Armed with knowledge and ability to compare value for
money at the click of the mouse the online customer is not
to be taken for granted. Today's jewelers , whether they like
it or not, will face educated customers, longing for the best
value for their hard earned cash.
8. Save Fuel - The market of fuel industries battles from
increasing and decreasing its cost every now and again, but
no matter how much the cost of fuel are it does not affect
your shopping errands. One of the advantages of shopping
online is that there is no need for vehicles.
9. Save Energy - Admit it, it is tiresome to shop from one
location and transfer to another location. What is worse is
that there are no available stocks for the merchandise you
want to buy. In online shopping, you do not need to waste
your precious energy when buying.
24/7 Availability Online shopping stores are open
round the clock of 24/7, 7 days a week and 365 days. It is
very rare to find any conventional retail stores that are open
24/7. The availability of online stores give you the freedom
to shop at your own pace and convenience.
Save on Operational Costs Running an e-commerce
store can actually save our money. With a web-based


management system, we can automate inventory

management and decrease the costs associated with it. Also,
running an ecommerce business doesnt come with the
same overhead costs as a physical store. The additional
profit that is made from reaching more customers will offset
any initial setup costs.


Drawbacks in Traditional Business

Following are the main drawback in Traditional jewelry business
1. Harder to find target audience.
2. Huge initial Investment is required.
3. Specific Time.
4. Huge barging trend in market.
5. Limited market.
6. Heavy display low is required.
7. Cash handling problems.
8. More Security issues.
9. More chances of Damage of products.
Problem of Coordination Arises.
Lack of instability.

How to convert it in to ecommerce

Get Organized
Categorize your work into product lines, group by type (earrings,
bracelets, etc.) or by price points. Create product numbers or
names, write a description of each piece and take photographs of
your work.

Setup Home Office

Set up a distraction-free home office, complete with a computer,
Internet and phone access, a desk, chair, storage bins and
containers, supplies and tools for making your pieces, as well as a
large work area in which you can create your jewelry.

Find Reputable Supplier

Find reputable, reliable suppliers who carry a variety of supplies
you need to create your jewelry pieces. Purchase quality supplies
and equipment to get you started.


Create Simple Designs

Create sample jewelry designs to show potential clients during inperson meetings, on your website, at trade shows and in your
other marketing collateral. Create a variety of pieces, at least 10,
to showcase variety in your jewelry designs.

Hire a photographer and models that have experience working
with accessories. Have the photographer to take high quality
pictures of your jewelry on the models. Ensure that the photos
focus on the jewelry, and show even the smallest details that
make your pieces different from competitors. Create a "look book"
you can take with you to client meetings and display at trade
shows and community events.

Graphic Designer
Hire a graphic designer to create designs for a business card,
brochure, gift tags, stickers, thank-you cards, postcards and any
other marketing collateral you plan to use to promote your
business. Create a logo that embodies the feeling you want
people to get when they think about the jewelry pieces you
create, and include it on your marketing materials.

Website Designer
Work with a website designer to create an online presence for
your home jewelry business. Your website should include
photographs of your designs, a biography that details how you
started your business, pricing and ordering information and your
contact information. If your work has been featured in online or
offline publications, include media coverage on your website.

Create a detailed spreadsheet to help you track your jewelry
inventory. Include columns for item description, quantity in stock,
color, size, cost and quantity sold. Create another spreadsheet to


track sales. Include columns for item description, customer's

name and contact information, cost, quantity sold, delivery date
and payment type.

Email friends, family and colleagues to announce the opening of
your home jewelry business. Include a link to your website, and
invite them to sign up to host a jewelry party at their homes.
Schedule home parties, and use them to promote your products
and obtain same-day sales and custom order requests.

Register for jewelry trade shows and craft shows to market your
products to a wider audience.

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