Consoliated Interview Questions

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Table of Contents:

Sachin Gole.Page 2
Amit Ajgaonkar.. Page 2
Jyothirmayi SankaraPage 4
Pooja Trivedi...Page 5
Mahesh Waghmare..Page 6
Ankur Kapoor..Page 6
Shyam Sawant Page 7
Jigarp Shah..Page 8
Sandeep Kumar...Page 9
Parikshit Ghag...Page 10
Girish Pradhan...Page 11
Charu Bhutani...Page 11
Shubhankar Bankar...Page 12
Deepti Deshpande.Page 12
Megha Mohan Page13
Keshava ShuklaPage14

Candidate Name: Sachin Gole.

Round 1: (Interviewer: Michael)
How would you explain yourself in 3 words?
3 more words?
What are you here for?
Do you have any experience in Securities domain?
I believe L&T might be having a testing process, can you tell me
something about it?
What is the difference between Severity and Priority while raising
the defects.
Can you give me examples of a low severity defect with high priority.
o This is a standard example, can you think of any other situation.
How do you categorize defects in L&T?
Round 2: (Interviewer: Tait and Satish)

What were your previous projects (applications / domain)?
What were your roles and responsibilities in the previous projects?
If you have 600 test cases and you require 10 mins to test one test case.
How much time will you require?
So this means that 100 hrs around 12.5 days of work. If the client tells
you that he can allow only 1 person to work for 5 days, what would you
What is a defect life cycle?
What is the testing process followed?
How would you estimate the time required for Test case preparation of a
If client gives you options of having only 4 fields on a defect
management tool, which fields would you choose?
What are joins in SQL?
There is a table Test and field Test Field with value 20, how can I
change the value to 30?
How can I get the number of rows in the table?
How can I get the non repetitive values of a column from a table?
What work have you done on QTP?
What are FIX messages?
What are the similarities and differences between FIX and SWIFT?
What part of testing do you enjoy the most?

Candidate Name: Amit Ajgaonkar.

Round 1:

Tell me about yourself?

What is Security?
How to make money from Securities?
Explain your automation experience?
Challenges faced in Hybrid framework?
Explain object recognisation problems faced in ur project?
Disadvantage of Hybrid framework?
When do u suggest to a friend not to use hybrid framework?
Tell the code how to search for a text in outlook email?
Get text wil work on outlook?
What are the other objects that you will create by QTP?
What are the user defined functions you have written?
How many different types of functions u have written in QTP?
Where do u write the code to display results?
How do u do reporting in framework?

Round 2:

Why do we Automate?
One Application takes 3 months are required for Automation but manual
testing takes one month , then what you will use ? Automation or Manual
? Why?
When to and when not to Automate
What kind of Test cases can be/cannot be automated ? With atleast 2
Different types of Automation framework
Which one do you feel better?
What can be improved in the Lehman Framework
Were you the part of the Framework development team
How do you go parallel with Framework development and Automation
Describe the framework
What was your job in project? Only designing or scripting?
Did you finish your automation? % of automation done?
Team size of your Project ?
100 test cases are there, how frequently you execute ?
How often you run the tests?
Is it worthwhile automating the script

Time spend for developing the scripts when release is for once in two
How do you estimate for autoamation
To whom do you report and do they agree with your estimates
What level of manual testing you have done?
Have you done backend testing?
Do you have access to backend
Rate yourself in SQL
How to get number of rows in table
Update query in sql
How do you automate Outlook , for both Manaul and Automation?
Types of Object repositories , their advantages and disadvantages
When do you descriptive programming?
When do you get message that Object is required and how to Solve it?

Candidate Name: Jyothirmayi Sankara.

Round 1:

Tell me about urself?

What is difference between hybrid framework and Lehman framework?
What are the advantage of the Lehman framework?
Advantage of hybrid framework
How do u differentiate data-driven from hybrid?
How do u differentiate keyword driven from hybrid?
How keywords are different from keyword driven and hybrid?
Types are recovery scenario?
Give some examples in your project which cannot be automated?
Challenges you faced in u r automation?
Give the example in which situation local object repository is used in the
projects? And why?
Descriptive programming
What is the use of keyword? (business keywords).
Advantages of keywords for technical persons and business users?
If there are many window with the same name and properties how do u
identify them?

Round 2:

Why do we automate Testing?

When not to use Automation ?

When to use Automation ?
Explain the Lehman Project in details?
Any Automation done in that ? what are the modules that were
Explain the system architecture that you have automated?
Technologies used ?
Different Types of Frameworks ? Summarize each one ?
What is LEAF framework?
How keyword driven FW looks like
How Keyword driven is different from DataDriven?
How to pass large data in keyword Driven
Different types of Ors
Advantages and disadvantages of LOCAL and Shared OR
Is Automation possible with out OR ?
Advantages of Descriptive Programming
Disadvantages of Descriptive Programming
What was your last automation Project and how did you estimate it?
What was Proposed time and Actual time for automation
If delayed , what was the reason for it
How do you estimate OUTLOOK automation
Challenges in Manual Testing and Automation
Challenges in Automation
Time constrain in Testing . how to handle in less time say three Days .
What you will be testing ? what will be your approach?
Testing Application without Specifications
How do you overcome Problems in your project

Candidate Name: Pooja Trivedi.

Round 1: Interviewer (Mike Sutherland)

What is your preference Manual or Automation testing?

Say you are given MS Outlook to Automate, how would you go about it?
How would you explain Testing Automation to a layman?
How do you decide what test cases are automatable or not automatable?
How do you decide test cases are testable or not testable?
What is Descriptive programming?
Give an example where you have used Descriptive programming

Explain 1 line of code how did you achieve using Descriptive

Explain STLC

Round 2: Interviewer (Sunil, Rajesh)

Tell us about yourself

Explain Fixed Income in Layman terms
What are different Fixed income instruments?
What are swaps?
What are Debentures?
Explain Complete Trading life cycle
What is role of middle office in trading life cycle ?
Functionality and line of business of middle office life cycle
Explain testing cycle in Lehman
What is test plan ?
What is your role in framework? Development or scripting?
Explain different tabs in Quality Center
Steps to execute Win runner from MQC
What are modes of recording in Win Runner?
If I have bitmap testing, what mode should I use?
Explain Risk mitigation in your project
Have you used any formal test automation Estimation techniques
What is the techniques you use for test case writing?
Explain Boundary Value and Equivalence partitioning
If there is an ATM Machine, how will you test the Cash withdraw
If I have 10 test cases, and I modified 2 of them, explain how regression
testing will be implemented
Is it possible to test everything?
Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 in SQL
What is normalization?
Any questions you want to ask

Candidate Name: Mahesh Waghmare.

Round 1:

Explain your role in your last project

What role are you playing in the current organization e.g. manual
taster,automation tester.test lead or test manager
Have you ever worked in equities or FIX protocols
Explain the testing life cycle

Candidate Name: Ankur Kapoor.

Round 1:

What happens at front office, middle office and back office in Equities?
What testing process you follow in L&T Infotech?
What is RTM (Requirement Traceability Matrix)?
If RTM is made in Excel sheet, then Rows will be having Requirements.
What will be there in columns?
What is this project all about?

Round 2:

Tell us about yourself?

Explain your last project?
Why you choose testing?
What are the different types of Testing?
What is alpha and Beta testing?
Do you have any experience in Retail Banking?
Do you have any experience in Investment Banking?
Scenario 1: In an ATM machine, you swipe the card, next time you again
entered the Card with wrong password three times. You ATM card is
blocked. For this scenario which all types of testing you can perform?
System testing comes first or System Integration testing?
Why BA team is required for Testing?
If you testing deliverable is reduced to 3 days from 3 weeks, then under
this scenario what you will do?
What are your three strengths?
What are your three weaknesses?
In Test Director, for defects which all are the types of report you can
In Test Director, which all are the types of view possible?
In test director, if a test case is executed 20 times, then can you see the
history of the execution?
If you have two coins, on one its written 50 AD and on other 50 BC,
which coin is Fake?

Which all are the Quality center addin you know?

What is the name of the QTP add in for Quality center?
In your last project which all are the technology that were used?
Do you think a tester must know technology?

Candidate Name: Shyam Sawant.

Round 1:

What is order management system

Explain trade life cycle and testing life cycle
What are the parameter required for entering orders in OMS
What is Test plan
Defect life cycle ..
Who are custodians.
Basic SQL stetements
Electronic reporting of trades.
Any questions.

Round 2:

Introduce yourself
Testing in your last project
How will you test a mobile phone
Some Unix related quetions ..(scenario)
SQL - Update and distinct query.
Suppose your manager comes and tells u to do testing of an application
in 2 days will you go about it .
(you know the testing will required minimum 5 days) .This is the first
test cycle you r running.
How will you prepare test case.
If to write a single test case it requires 17 min ,then how much time it
will take to write 57 test cases.
Test plan format
There is a webpage with 2 test box(name and mobile no) ...and two
buttons ADD and DELETE ..write test case.
Four imp things in defect tracking tool .
Bug report format
Any conflicts with your team member.
What will you write in defect description column ..

What will you do if you are not able to reproduce that defect again.
what will you do if you are able to reproduce the defect but developer is
not able to do so in their environment.
What will you do if a bug is rejected bu developer.
Any questions?

Candidate Name: Jigarp Shah.

Round 1:

What is Test plan

What is Test strategy?
Were you involved in preparing a Test plan? What are the contents of a
Test plan?
Your experience seems to be more as a Business Analyst, are you ok to do

Round 2:

Tell us in brief about your past experience?

How would you prepare test cases?
What is the Difference between Integration & Regression testing? If there
was bug in 1st & 2nd module of a 10 module System, how would you
carry out Regression testing?
You have played role of Test lead as well, do you still do Hands on testing
or just the Test lead activities?
Which all Testing tools have you used so far? Are you aware of MQC?
What are different phases in MQC?
Explain a defect life cycle, what are the various possible statuses of a
What are the ingredients of a Test plan? Have you prepared any test plan
till date?
Unix commands:
o If I have a log file that keeps getting updated on a real time basis,
how would you view the contents of the file (including the latest
Answer: $ tail -100 f
o How to check the disk size?
Answer: $ du -h (displays in a user friendly manner)
$ du -k (displays in KB)
o How to find a pattern in a file?

Answer: either using grep command or using '/ <pattern name>'

command in the 'View <file name>' mode
Rate yourself in Unix.
SQL commands: Asked basic commands with some practical queries like:
Select Count (*), where clause, update query.
Rate yourself in SQL.
Domain questions:
o What is a Bond, different types of Bonds?
o What are Swaps?
o What are different divisions of Invetment Banking (Equity, Fixed
Income, Derivatives, Commodities, etc.)
Your experience seems to be more as a Business Analyst, are you ok to do

Candidate Name: Sandeep Kumar.

Round 1: (Interviewer: Michael)

What are your routine activities during your project

Do you use to work with testers at different locations
If we want to add 2 buttons on a web page, what is the process that is to
be followed to test that data is being entered properly?
If there is a table named people with field names, first name , last name
& department . what would be the query to find out the all the people
named mike working in IT department
What would be the query to find out the people in IT department and
sort it by second name?
Any questions ?

Round 2:

Introduce yourself
What u did in your last project related to testing
Define the testing life cycle
Have u worked on test plan
What is difference between test plan & test strategy
What is a good test case
How you go about it when you find a test case
What should be a good bug report
What if u find a bug and when u execute it again, u dont get the same??
Define the test life cycle
What is the difference between severity & priority?

Can a high severity defect can be of low priority?

How u rate yourself as far as SQL knowledge is concerned ?
How u connect to database in SQL?
What is a left join ?
What is the use of Distinct?
What is the difference between primary key & unique key
What is the difference between primary key & foreign key

Candidate Name: Parikshit Ghag.

Round 1:

Tell me out yourself

Onsite experience
Fix Messages

Round 2:

What is fix Income.

Tell me about equity
Tell me about Derivatives
Since you have had experience about Fund transfer. Explain me the Swift
massaging system. What MT900,910, 950, 100,103, 103+, 202 Etc.
Explain me the function of Front office, Middle office and Back office in
Tell me the party envolved in Equity
Explain the Different between MT103 and 202 and give the example.
Tell about the Project (Essent Greenfield) SAP Based.. ISU and CRM
Tell us about the MS Dynamics CRM Project
Test Planing
Risk management (Analysis and metigaion)
Test Strategy
Configuration management.
Test Estimation
GIve the example and difference between test strategy and test plan
Defect Management
Matrics (Schedule Variance and Effort variance)
Logical question related to testing (Scenario based)
QC and QTP mapping


QTP Framework (Keyword Driven)

SQL Queries (Ask multiple queries to right with the combination of
Functions, Updating, Using Distinct and operator in one)
Create and delete and update table using queries.
database create
Command of Unix
Shell Scripting (Which i said I do not know)

Candidate Name: Girish Pradhan.

Round 1: Interviewer (Mike Sutherland)

What is trade life cycle? Pls explain, if I want to buy 5 ounce of Gold,
how do I do that?
How to retrieve records from table 'PEOPLE'?
Table - People, fields - First Name, Last Name, Dept
Criteria o Retrieve records from specific 'Dept' and sorted records by Last
o Number of records in the table
Explain Testing Life Cycle?
Any Questions to ask?

Candidate Name: Charu Bhutani.

Round 1:

Introduce yourself.
What are fixed income instruments.
How would you see that the coverage of your test case is complete.
Is it feasible that test cases written by somebody else is executed by

Round 2:

Explain your previous project and your roles and responsibility.

How would you go about writing test cases.
How would you go about testing if the time allotted for it is reduced.


Considering Singapore geographically same as Mumbai, how many hair

dressers should be here.
Given a webpage with name and number and buttons for Add and
Delete. How would you test it.

Candidate Name: Shubhankar Bankar.

Round 1:

Explain Trade processing Cycle.

What do you know about Testing strategies and Test planning? Have you
on your prior projects had experience of it?
Role you performed in earlier project.
Practical experience of Testing! What have you learned in testing
Exposure to automated testing! Knowledge about applications used in

Candidate Name: Deepti Deshpande.

Round 1: Interviewer (Michael)

I can see from your CV that your have worked for Barclays. How is it
working for Barclays?
Do you know SQL. Can you write a query for the following - From a table
of "Employees" select all employees named "Michael" working in the IT
Have you worked in Equities? Can you tell me what a Cash Flow is?
Do you have an idea of FIX?

Candidate Name : Megha Mohan

1st Round:

Tell me about yourself.

Challenges you faced in your project.
What kind of testing you have worked on?
Any problem working in night shifts.


2nd Round:

Tell me about yourself

Have you ever worked as a Team Lead?
Did you prepare Test Plan/Test Strategy?
Explain Defect Life Cycle.
Tell me something about Trade Life Cycle.
You told that you have done automation can you tell me when is the best time
to start automation.
How did you prepare your Automation Plan?
Did you use checkpoints?
How did you validate something without using checkpoints?
Have you used descriptive programming in your project and how did you use it?
U have a button, when you click on it, you should get a message that Are you
sure you want to delete? but you get Are you sure? . Do u think it is a bug?
How do you deal with your client when he sets a time limit for a work which
you think is not sufficient for such kind of work?
Any questions you want to ask?

Candidate Name: Keshava Shukla

1st Round (Phu):
Tell me something about yourself
Briefly, tell me something about your last project and your role in it .
Have you created a test plan , if yes how did you go about it (writing
test plan)
Suppose business is running short of time and doesnt want all the
functionalities to be tested, it wants the time for testing to be reduced
what will you do?
After the testing has finished and system is live business finds many bugs
and they are not happy with the performance of the system, what will
you as a test engineer do?
What can be the various test cases of a Vending machine?
Going back to test plan, what can be possible entry criteria, give
What will you do if the entry criteria are not met?
On a scale of 1 to 5 where would you rate yourself in terms of knowledge
in equity
Briefly explain about your automation testing role in the last project


First Round Snehal Pailkar

1. What is the difference between Quality Control and Quality Assurance
2. Tell me about your previous project and your role
3. How do you go about writing test cases
4. Explain details about test case templates
5. Write test cases for scenario where you have got Bomb threat call in Lnt
6. Explain about Quality Center and its module
7. What was your role as a Quality Center Admin
8. What is Test plan and test strategy
9. How many defects were logged in your last project
10.Give example of High Severity and High Priority defect
11.Tell me any action taken by you in your previous project which was
appreciated by Client.
12.What would be your test strategy for SIT and what would be for UAT
13.How would you use Group By and Having Clause in SQL
14.What would be your strategy to perform Regression testing
15.How would you priorities test cases?
16.Tell me how you did test estimation in your previous project
17.How much buffer time you used to put in your estimations?
18.What is Defect Life Cycle
19.What is Defect Prevention
20.Any idea about Configuration Management and How to take backups?
21.Tell me your 5 best qualities as a Manual Tester
22.In SilkTest, QTP and Rational Robot which tool is the best tool
23.Why people prefer SilkTest for Client Server Application
24.Where will you use object Repository and where will not use Object
25.What is Hybrid framework?
26.How would you call APIs?
27.Is it possible to call win32 functions using QTP?
28.What feature you would like it add in QTP 9.5?
Second Round

What is Market Data and Static Data

Any idea about Collateral?
What is Equity Swap?
When will you decide to go for Automation?
What is Product Testing and what is Project Testing
What is the difference between Upgrade and Update?
How would you interpret version number
What is Requirement Coverage and what is Test Coverage?

9. Tell me about Agile Testing life cycle and what is Scrum?

First Round - Megha Mohan


Tell me about yourself

Which one would you prefer Manual or Automation?
Tell me about CRM?(Project related)
How did you prepare test cases for CRM?
What is the difference between asset and liability (project related)?
There is a customer whose liabilities are more than assets, then how will
the bank go with, for giving credit card to that customer.
7. What were your learnings form your previous project?
8. Explain about any Test Management Tool?
9. If your QC is not working, there is a some problem, how will you go with
10.If your application is down, or there is a downtime then how will you
handle this situation.
11.How do you rate yourself in QTP?
12.You know com objects?
13.What objects you have created in your project?
14.How to go with automation after manual testing?
15.Tell me how many test cases you can give me for this pen?
16.If I have introduced a defect into this pen. How will u go further with it?
17.What was your work in QC?
18.What are hedge funds?
19.What is SOAP?
20.What are options? Explain about call and put options?
21.We have not been provided with any requirement document. We just
need to write test cases based on the functionalities. Can you do that?
22.Whom do you think, knows requirement better, developer or tester?
23.Any questions?
First Round Mahesh Nayak

Describe each project in details with the roles and responsibility.

Unix - Shell Scripting, Perl scripting
Difference of quires written between Oracle & DB2
Stored Procedure.

5. If only 50% of the functionality is known how you will write the test
case ? No help from the client is available.
First Round Mihir Doshi

What is implementation testing?

What is regression testing and three common things considered for
regression testing?
A scenario was given on the base of regression testing?
Defect Management Process?
How the bugs are fixed? (Based on Project)
To prepare a three crucial test cases for a desk telephone.
What is Quality Tracking Process (Based on Project)?
What is Automation Testing?
What is manual testing?
And some of the questions with respect to projects?

First Round Arti Dak

1. Tell me about yourself.
2. What was the recent project you have done? What the project is all
3. What challenges you faced during the project?
4. What was your role? At what all levels you were involved in the project?
5. How will you estimate the time you required to create the test cases if
you are given a FRS of a domain in which you have never worked? How
will you initiate the creation of test cases?
6. What is system testing?
7. If your time for testing is reduced then what approach you will follow to
complete the testing?
8. What will you do in a situation where you are a TL and you are giving
two resource and deadline to complete the testing in 10 days? One
resource is on leave for two days and the other resource is not willing to
work in extended hrs?
9. As a TL if there is a resource in your team who as an individual is a good
resource but is not working as per expectation in your project? Then
what will you do to make him work without spoiling the environment?
10.Give an example of high Severity and a Low priority bug.
11.What is Test Strategy, Test Plan and Run Plan?
12.What is Verification and Validation??
13.How companies make profit by issuing Credit cards even when all Credit
card holders pay on time??
14.Do you have knowledge of SQL queries?
15.What all we can do in Quality center?
16.What challenges did you face while working on QC??

17.What are the mandatory fields while logging a defect in QC?

18.How many sub folders we can create in Test Plan in QC??
19.Which version of QC you were working with?

First Round Lokesh Mishra

1. Brief about yourself starting with the educational and experience?
2. Do you have any banking domain knowledge? What about Quality
3. Brief Explanation about the project that was mentioned in the
4. What is PCMM level?
5. What is CMM Level 5? What about CMM Level 4?
6. What is difference in terms of the process followed between two
organizations when compared with L&T InfoTech?
7. What are required right people or right process? Why
8. What is a stakeholder? Who are the stakeholders in your project?
9. What is difference you have found in doing quality project and
normal testing project?
10.What is Requirement Traceability Matrix? Explain how did you prepare
11.What is team structure in the project? If you fall sick what will the TL
do to replace you?
12.What is the Test Strategy? What it contains?

13.What are the different types of testing you have performed?

14.What is the installation testing?
15.What is adhoc testing? Was it mention is the Test Strategy document?
How do you decide when to perform Adhoc Testing?
16.What is regression testing? Explain when is the regression testing
17.Explain bug life cycle?
18.Explanation of the Clear Quest Defect Management Tool?
19.What is Acceptance Testing? Who is responsible for performing
acceptance testing?
20.Where did you design your test case? Was it in Word or Excel?
21.How was the testing reports generated in your project?
22.Since you have done automation? What tool do you have used for
automation testing? Have you worked with automation tool like QTP?

First Round Swetha Madane


Tell me about yourself?

Explain the projects you have done in your career?
What are the contents in test plan and test strategy
When you do regression testing?
What is boundary value analysis? Give an example?
Explain various phases in bug life cycle?
What are the qualities you have as a good tester?
How much you can rate yourself in communications, manual testing,
database testing and QC?
9. CMM models
10.Explain various stages in testing life cycle?
11.You are from electronics background why did you opt for testing?
12.Difference between SIT and UAT?
13.Explain high severity and low priority with an example?

14.Explain low priority and high severity with an example?

15.What is test plan and test strategy?
16.Why communication skills are important?
17.Tell me the test cases you perform from punching an order from front
office to the back office. What activities you perform?
18.I have given you functional specification document and you have to do
functional testing, but before going to the functional testing what you
will verify?
19.Explain V&V model?
20.What are the fields you consider while raising the defects in QC?
21.What is risk analysis?
22.What are the factors you consider while doing risk?
23.QC which version you were using?

First Round Archana Nachnani

What is test plan?
Can you have more than one test plans?
What are test strategies?
Can you have more than one test strategies?
What are test scenarios, test cases and test data?
Asked questions related to project?
Given a telephone. Write test cases for testing the telephone?
What are the different types of testing?
Do you do automations? If yes and then why and what are the types?
Given the site of Google, how will do the stress testing and performance
testing for the same?
Did you raise any concern regarding the business processes?


Your achievements and hindrances in project.

How will do the risk analysis for the project
When one will stop testing?
Questions on MQC. How does reporting works for the same?
Different types of defect management tools.
Questions on derivatives
Test Estimations.
What are basic 3 steps for regression testing?
What does LIBOR means?
What is the role of test leader?

First Round Keshava Shukla

1) Tell me something about your technical experience so far .
2) How would you weigh your automation and manual experience in these
three year i.e. how many year for manual and how many for manual ?

How many test case can be written , to test the above screen with two text
boxes and a button ?

Tell us something about a defect that you raised got highlighted?

Tell us something about your last project?
How do you use to report defect?
What are the attributes of a test case?
What are the attributes of a defect?
Explain defect life cycle briefly?


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