Language Functions

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1 Describing people:

J.- Hey, I just met Brian!

J.- Yeah, with black spiky hair.

L.- Who?

L.-He doesn't wear glasses?

J.-Brian, that tall guy with the black spiky hair.

J.- He does not.

L.- I don`t think I know him

L.- Wait. Is that guy who likes roller skating?

J.- Of course you do

J.- YEAH, that's the one and only.

L.- Really?
J.-Yeah, I think I've seen you together
L.- When? I don't remember anyone like that
J.- You really don't remember him?
L.-Does he have a moustache?
J.- I don't think so
L.- Does he have bright blue eyes?
J.- I don't think we're talking about the same
L.-But he's a tall nice looking guy, right?

2 Giving Directions:

J.- And then?

J.-Hey, can you help me please?

L.- Then turn right and wait for the bus

L.-Sure, what's the matter?

J.-I really need to get to this place.

J.- Which bus?

L.- Oh, of course. Well, first you have to leave the


L.- The "Ruta las Playas" bus

L.-Then follow the street to the second bus stop
J.- Ok, then what?
L.- You get on a bus, any bus will work
J.- Any of them?

J.- Ok
L.- The bus will follow it's usual route until it gets
to Lirquen
L.- Get in the "Villa San Carlos", just in front of the
"Glass Factory".
L.- The fourth house to your right is the place
you're looking for

L.- Yeah, dont worry about it.

J.- Ok, what do I do then.
L.- Get off the bus after passing the Roundabout,
and then go back 2 blocks.
3 Talking about things you do with your

J.- Hey, what do you usually do with your friends?

L.- Me?... I usually meet with them and go to eat
somewhere nice.
L.- Or, in occasions we go to the cinema. What do
you usually do with your friends?
J.- I invite them to my place, and we stay up all
night, watching movies and playing video games.
L.- Sounds like fun. I also go to my friends' place,
but we normally study.
J.- I don't normally study with my friends, we
always end up losing time instead.

L.- I like playing Volleyball, but my friends don't.

They don't like sports.
L.- Well, I don't play sports with my friends, but a
couple of them work along with me in a
McDonalds stand.
J.- You work in a McDonald Stand? : /
L.- Yeah, me and my friends, It's actually a lot
better than it sounds like, and it helps me to get
some extra money.
J.- Sounds like "You're Loving it"
L.- Very funny

L.- Maybe you get along too much, aha ha-ha.

J.-Do you play any sport?
L.- Like... with my friends?
J.- Yeah, me and my friends always go to the town
center to play some soccer.
4 Talking about daily routines Routine

L.- Hello sir, my name is Luz, and I'm doing a poll

about the routines of the people living in the south
of Chile.
Would you mind talking about your everyday
J.- Well, first of all. Every day I get out of the bed
and go to take a shower. Then I prepare myself a
nice breakfast, which I eat soon after.
L.-And what do you do then?
J.- I brush my teeth, dress up and go to take the

L.- And what comes next in your everyday life?

J.- After a long day of study at University, I usually
take the bus to return home, which usually is
really crowded.
L.- How much time does it take you to get home?
J.- Around 45 minutes in the best scenario.
J.- But when I'm finally back, most of the time I can
relax and watch TV or play Videogames.
L.- And study for the exams, right?

L.-Do you do this really early in the morning?

J.- Yeah, always. I study really far from home, so I
have to wake up early.
L.- Ok, and what do you do after you arrive to
J.- I always attend to the regular classes, and in
the meantime between them, I often go to the
cafeteria and buy something to eat.

5 Talking on the phone

L.- Please answer the cell phone...

J.- Hi, where are you?! We're waiting for you

L.- I knew it, I should've taken a taxi

L.- Sorry, I got lost, I need some help here.

J.- Ok, where are you?
L.- I have no idea, I took some steps back to
recover my senses, but it got so much worse.

J.- How did you get THAT far from the place you
were supposed to go?

J.- Calm yourself, you're going to be fine.

L.- I guess I took the wrong bus...............or buses.

L.- I don't even know where I am or where am I


J.-Ok then, take a taxi, we'll be waiting for you.

L.- Bye.

J.-I can't really help you if I don't know where are

you, so I need you to focus here, what do you see?
L.- I see a drugstore, right in front of a park, with a
big statue in the middle.
There's also a theater in the other side of the road.
J.- Are you serious? You're in the "Plaza de Armas"!
That's nowhere near the place you are looking for!


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