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Year 12 2016
Assessment Task 3

Aeronautical Engineering Report

Education Requirements and Career

Aeronautical engineering is a discipline of engineering which is concerned with the
development of aircraft and spacecraft. It is a one of the two branches of aerospace
engineering, with the other being astronautical engineering. Aeronautical engineering is
concerned with aircraft; both fixed and rotary wing within the Earths atmosphere.

Education Requirements
For an individual to become an aeronautical engineer, they must have completed a 4-5 year
bachelors degree in aerospace or aeronautical engineering. These courses usually begin
with core topics of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and engineering principles, which, over
the course of time, are applied to aeronautics fields, such as flight and propulsion.
Throughout the degree, students are then taught a range of topics, which cover a variety of
topics ranging from aerodynamics, to electrical and control systems in cockpits of
aeroplanes, helicopters, and spacecraft. During the final year of an aeronautical engineering
degree, students research various issues present in air/spacecraft travel, and of ways to
counteract these. Once receiving a degree, to become a fully qualified aeronautical
engineer, university graduates must undertake 2 examinations, and accumulate a minimum
of 4 years work experience to be considered a professional engineer.

Training and Career Prospects

The primary field that most aeronautical engineers tend to work in is to do with aircraft. This
can be divided into 2 sectors; civilian, and military. These 2 sections can also be further split
into 3 classes: fixed wing, rotary, and tilt-rotor (mainly in military use) aircraft.
Despite this, many aeronautical engineering graduates, ether due to personal choice or
unavailability of jobs, end up working in engineering disciplines such as mechanical,
electrical or even mechatronics. This is due to the fact that all 4 forms have the very similar
base knowledge, which is then diverged into a specialisation during the latter years of ones
university degree.

Military Applications
Within the military aeronautical engineers have been
operating since the first introduction of aircraft. Not only do
they work with the worlds most advanced aircraft systems,
aeronautical engineers are also required to apply their
knowledge into areas such as infrastructure, installation of
ground-to-air combat (such as the Raytheon MIM-23 HAWK
(Homing All the Way Killer) medium range surface-to-air
missile), and installation of ground combat support systems
(such as RADAR and SONAR). Along with this, aeronautical
engineers can also be asked to fulfil roles in fields, such as:

Raytheon MIM-23 HAWK 1


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Maintenance Engineering
Aeronautical engineers can be tasked as the officer in charge of a team of technical
personnel, and various facilities which associated with daily maintenance, and equipment.
This can either be with a maintenance unit, or a flying squadron. At this role, the engineers
are in a sort of middle management position, as they, despite being in charge of their
respective teams, will still be under the command of a Senior Engineering Officer, who is
responsible for the availability of airworthy aircraft and/or related equipment, such as
Engineering Management:
When posted into an Engineering Management role, engineers usually end up working in a
Systems Program Office (SPO). This is within the Defence Material Organisation (DMO).
SPOs exist to provide units and squadrons with engineering and logistics support.
Furthermore, engineers in this role may also be required to lead teams to: evaluate
proposed modifications, liaise with regulatory authorities, monitor the failure of aircrafts, and
provide both technical and logistical solutions to operational availability issues.
Project Management:
Engineers within a management role usually work within a DMO, with their roles involving
either: the engineering and maintenance of large scale projects (e.g. purchase of new
aircraft and weapons systems), or the management of a specific engineering project (e.g.
upgrade to Australias fleet of F/A-18 Hornets [fighter jets])
Design Engineering:
Design engineers are required to sign off on the integrity of a piece of equipment or system
to ensure its safety and air worthiness. Engineers in this role are usually sent to a position
within a SPO, regulatory authority, or a specialised role (e.g. operational testing and
evaluation), where they are tasked to make technical decisions on changes based of an
engineering point of view. Such changes include equipment modification, software upgrades,
approval for structural repairs, system safety, etc.
Any Officer Role:
As engineers within the armed forces have a rank of an officer, they may be tasked to fulfil
the any-officer role. This can range from a variety of roles, such as staff officer roles,
instructor/training roles, etc. This allows engineers to broaden their skillset, thus preparing
them for the challenges of more senior roles later in their careers.


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Civilian Applications
Within the commercial and civilian sector, aeronautical engineers primarily tend to working
on private charter or commercial airlines, or in lab research teams, which conduct more
theoretical and small scale practical work. The main fields of work for civilian aeronautical
engineers include:
Aeronautical Product and Parts Manufacturing:
Most engineers working within this field are employees at companies which manufacture
aircraft and aircraft components. This can either be for commercial/private airlines or for the
defence forces if the company is working on a defence-contract. The demand for these
companies is driven by two main components: the overall economic climate, and the current
military budget being employed by the government. The profitability of such companies
heavily depends on their technical expertise and their ability to undergo long-term contract
deals. Major companies that reside within this field include: Boeing, Airbus Group, Lockheed
Martin, General Dynamics, etc. In addition to these, smaller companies may work as
subcontractors to the larger ones. Within the United States, the top 20 aeronautical
manufacturing companies are accountable for approximately 90% of the industrys total
Aeronautical Engineering Services:
Aeronautical engineering services comprise of companies which mainly provide consulting
for commercial businesses on various aspects of their aircraft. These services work together
with aircraft manufacturers to provide maximum support to clients. These provide clients with
services that address high impact strategic issues and solving operational problems at every
stage of the value chain. Examples of this include the development of strategies for the
marketing of new products, and creating a more efficient organisational structure for the
client. Examples of companies that conduct engineering consultancy include: Ricardo, ATA
Engineering Inc., Sierra Nevada Corporation, etc.
Research and development:
Within the research field of aeronautical engineering, engineers mainly conduct lab work and
small scale testing in order to compile and interpret data. Teams which conduct engineering
research are usually the first to begin work as part of a larger project. As they are required to
provide vital information and recommendation on the materials and structure for large
projects, engineers within the research field are required to have extensive knowledge in the
aspect they are conducting their work in. Furthermore, research engineers are also
responsible for the development of new technologies and the beginning steps to their
application within the real world.


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Responsibilities and Work

Aeronautical engineers are concerned with the manufacture, development, maintenance,
and innovation of aircraft (both civilian and military), spacecraft, satellites, missiles, and
weapon defence systems (to combat missiles and other projectile-based munitions).
Furthermore, other responsibilities that an aeronautical engineer is required to manage are:

Work within small teams, and be able to manage groups of people

For a project to be a success, engineers must be able to co-operate with

other individuals in a manner that allows them to complete work in an efficient
and economic manner. Furthermore, if a team is non-co-operative, an
engineer must be able to take charge of the situation for the benefit of the rest
of the company. Thus, they must have a competency in multi-skilling and
team leading.
Assessing design requirements
This involves the critical analysis conducted by engineers on a particular
project, to ensure that failure will not occur. These requirements are present
in each part of a project, and are used to determine the needs or conditions to
meet for a new or altered product or project, taking into account, the

Undertaking theoretical and practical research

Theoretical research is a non-empirical form of research, which usually
involves the perusal of published works, such as textbooks, academic
journals, library archives, etc.
Practical research, in comparison, is an approach to research which consists
of the empirical study of a topic with a hands-on approach. The topic of study
is examined first hand through the form of questionnaires, interviews,
observations, surveys, and discussion groups.

Testing, evaluating, modifying and re-testing products

Testing, evaluating, modifying and re-testing products, involves the testing of
particular products and materials, then processing the data received to then
change particular features based on the requirements of the project. These
redesigned products are then re-tested and modified until the desired product
which its features is achieved.
In aeronautical engineering, this may be spread over a variety of instances,
such as the testing of particular shapes and models of aircraft in order to
achieve a design which is both suitable to its purpose and efficient at the
same time. An example of this Lockheed Martins (military aircraft


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manufacturer) Airflow and Model Tests, which involve the of testing the
aircrafts environmental control system, aerodynamics tests of models within
wind tunnels, and static inlet tests, which involve the evaluation of a aircrafts
propulsion systems.

Agreeing budgets, timescales and specifications with clients/managers

These tasks are conducted at the beginning of a project, before the physical
work is begun. It ensures that there is a timeframe to work within, and that
both parties of the contract (client and company) have agreed on the fine
details of the project before it commences.

Producing and implementing designs and test procedures

Designs are the plans of a particular project before it is made. These designs
are then implemented into physical models and prototypes, which then
undergo various testing procedures to ensure that they are up to standard
and requirement.
In aeronautical engineering, this can be through the testing of various aircraft
shapes in a wind tunnel in order to achieve the most economical design,
whilst still upholding the requirements needed.

Measuring and improving performance of aircraft, components and systems

The performance of aircraft takes into account various factors of an aircraft,
with the main ones being:
- Take-off length
Take-off length is one of the critical design constraints of aircraft, as if
a particular plane requires an extensively long runaway and one of
such length s unavailable, it will be unable to take off with a full
payload, thus compromising the aircrafts economics.
An example of this is on particular aircraft leaving San Jose airport.
After take-off, planes can only fly a mere 64 kilometres before having
to refuel at San Francisco Airport, which has much larger runways.
This constraint often also plays a role in the wing size, engine size,
and high lift system design.
An estimate of the required runway length can be achieved by:


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Landing field length

Landing field length, as the name suggests, is the required length an
aircraft requires to land. If an airport does not have an airstrip with the
required length for which an aircraft needs, then landing is impossible,
and if attempted, would result in a catastrophic event.

Climb performance
Climb performance is determined by a series of constraints which are
specified by federal law. These include: minimal landing climb gradient
which all engines running and minimal climb gradient with one engine
running during 3 take off segments, an approach segment, a
landing segment, and an enroute case.
Number of engines
Flight Condition
First Take-Off Segment
Second Take-Off Segment
Third Take-Off Segment
Approach Segment
Enroute Case
Landing Segment
First Take-Off Segment: critical engine is inoperative, aircraft is at
take-off thrust, and flaps are in take-off position.
Second Take-Off Segment: same as first segment, but landing gear
is up.
Third Take-Off Segment: one engine inoperative but with others at
maximum continuous thrust (as opposed to take-off thrust). Altitude is
achieved when the transition to the enroute aircraft configuration is
complete (flaps, gear and slats are up).
Approach Segment: one engine not working, aircraft at take-off
thrust, gear up, retracted flaps (to increase stall speed by 10%)
Enroute Case: one engine is inoperative, with speed and altitude
varying depending on potential obstacles.
Landing Segment: only case where all engines are operational,
gears and flaps in landing position, and thrust is available 8 seconds
after the throttle is moved from idle position, to take off position.

Cruise performance and range

An aircrafts range is described as the entire mission or flight profile.
A normal mission consists of 2 sections; the mission itself, and the


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Taxi and take off:

The time for an aircrafts taxi and take-off varies depending on
the amount of traffic present on an airstrip, and its layout. An
approximate for this time is a period of around 15 minutes.
Initial climb:
The initial climb of an aircraft, along with its manoeuvring, is
based on mainly the noise pollution produced by planes, and
means to alleviate this problem.
Climb (main):
The main climb occurs shortly after the initial climb has taken
place; however, it is not as rapid as the initial. This climb
places the plane at its final cruise altitude.
As an aircraft cannot continue to climb due to limitations from
its Mach number constraints or engine power, it must have a
final cruising altitude. For international commercial jumbo jets
(e.g. Boeing 747), the cruising altitude is usually 13,00013,500 metres.
Decent, Approach, and Landing:
Similar to the climb phase of a flight, an aircrafts decent is
performed according to specific routes and airspeed

Fuel reserves are carried to allow for unexpected deviations
from the original flight plan. This also includes a requirement
which ensures that aircraft have enough fuel to land at an
alternate airport when the original is unavailable.


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writing reports and documentation

An engineering report is used by engineers to provide quick and easy
communication of information on the project at hand. They provide an indepth analysis on the specific requirements and restriction on a project, and
act as a universal medium for engineers to present information to each other.

providing technical advice

Technical advice (or technical support) refers to the assistance provided by
engineers to customers and clients in relation to specific problems
encountered by the user. This is an extremely important role that an engineer
must fulfil as without providing advice and support for a product, companies
would not be able to function efficiently, and in some cases, would need to
close down.
For aeronautical engineers, the form of technical support provided will vary on
what the engineer is specialised in. For example, if a client has a problem
with an engine, an aeronautical engineer will be called to provide advice and
support, however, it is more than likely that he will also have substantial
knowledge in mechanical engineering as well through on the job experience.
Similarly, aeronautical engineers with knowledge of on board systems may be
called to provide support, even though technically speaking; it is outside the
scope of their field.

analysing and interpreting data

Engineers analyse data, which is collected through various tests which have
been designed derive specific information of a material or part. This data then
allows engineers to compare various solutions, and then analyse each one
based on the data received. From this, a decision will be made on which
design best fits the problem at hand.


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Technological Change
Since Leonardo Da Vinci first suggested the idea of sustained flight, humans have always
endeavoured to reach the skies and once there, get even further up. Aeronautical
engineering, although not given that name at the time, has been around since the lead up to
the first manned flight, which was achieved in 1783 in a hot air balloon. In 1852, Benjamin
Franklin first proposed the idea of aerodynamics, an idea which is now one of the most
important parts of aeronautics. Aerodynamics refers to the study of the properties of moving
air and the interaction between the air and solid bodies moving through it. Through this, the
development of the dirigible was commenced, and was completed in 1852. The dirigible, or ,
more commonly known as, airship, was a self-propelled lighter than-air craft. This craft was
essentially a cigar-shaped balloon filled with helium, which was driven by propellers and
held crew and passengers below it. It was one of the biggest technological changes of the
time with respect to aeronautics, as earlier; hot-air balloons users could only control its
altitude, with the direction of wind providing horizontal movement. The airship changed this
by the implementation of propellers, which allowed users to control the direction of the

The next major change in aeronautical technology occurred in 1799, where and English
baron, by the name Sir George Cayely drew the first ever known design for a fixed wing
aircraft. However, this could not be fulfilled because the engine that Cayely required did not
exist at the time. Due to this drawback, Cayely then turned to the development of gliders,
with the first successful flight occurring in 1849. This breakthrough laid the ground works for
modern day aerodynamics. Cayelys gliders were able to work through the application of
Bernoullis principle (discovered in 1738) to flight. Following the work of Cayely, the fathers
of modern manned flight, Wilbur and Orville Wright launched the first ever, successful
manned flight using a heavier-than-air craft.

Shortly following their successful flight, the Wright brothers eventually sold their designs to
the United States military, whos first major impetus of flight cam during World War 1. During
this era, aircraft began to be purpose built for specific military tasks such as,
reconnaissance, air-to-air combat and bombing. By the time the way had finished, aircraft
had begun to emerge within the civilian sector as well. Most of the technological
advancements seen within civilian aircraft came as a direct result of innovations which were
first developed for military and racing aircraft. One such aircraft which was aided by military
advancements was the U.S. Navy
Curtiss NC-3 flying boat. It was
powered by four 400 horsepower V12 engines. This aircraft was
however dwarfed in overall
influence by the British HandleyPage, 12 passenger transport plane
Hadley-Page Transport Plane (also used as a bomber in WW1) 2
(seen right).

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Lockheed F-80 Shooting Star 3

Throughout the 1930s and 40s, both British and

German engineers worked on the development of the
jet engine. Despite the exponential growth of aviation
during WWll, the jet engine was not put into service
until 1944, despite have being successfully tested in
1939 on the German made, Heinkel He 178. The first
practical military application of a jet engine was
developed in America, with the Lockheed F-80
Shooting Star (seen left), which entered service in
1945. Despite the invention of the jet engine,
commercial aircraft continued to use the propeller
method to drive their aircraft due to its economical

In 1949, with the efficiency increase of the jet engine, the British de Havilland Comet
because the first ever commercial aircraft to apply the use of a jet engine, due to numerous
structural failures during its service, it was not very successful. This then paved the way for
Boeing to create the 707 jet, which was the worlds first major commercial jet success in
From the late 1940s to the modern day, advancements
in propulsion systems, avionics, controls, stability, and
materials science have allowed commercial jets to grow
in size, able to carry more cargo, travel further and
faster, and become the safest form of travel. One such
advancement occurred 1947, with the worlds first ever
supersonic flight. Supersonic flight is a passage of an
aircraft through the air, travelling faster than the speed
of sound, which is Mach 1 (~1,224km/h). This feat was
accomplished by Major Charles E. Yeager of the United
States Air Force, in a Bell X-1 aircraft (seen right). This
was a major stepping stone in aeronautical engineering
Bell X-1 4
as it provided engineers with the opportunity to create
extremely fast aircraft, thus expanding the scope of military and civilian aviation.

Recent Innovation
The use of stealth aircraft has been around since WW1, yet it was not until recent times
which aircraft have truly been able to apply stealth technology in operational use.
During WWl, German aeronautical engineers experimented with the use of cellulose acetate
for covering the plane. Theoretically, this was to employed to reduce the visibility of aircraft
as they flew over military installations on reconnaissance flights. This idea was however
dropped because the aircraft reflected sun-light, and thus seemed to glistened to observers
on the ground.
The next attempt at stealth aircraft occurred again in Nazi Germany during WWll, where
attempts at radar invisibility were made through the Horten Ho 229 flying wing bomber. It
was made of a wooden structure which was bonded with a carbon based plywood resin,
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which was specifically designed to absorb radar waves. This along with the aircrafts shape
made it virtually invisible within the radar bands that were used by British early warning radar
systems. This was however only possible if the aircraft flew at an extremely low altitude of
approximately 15-30 metres at a speed of almost 900km/h, thus posing an extremely
dangerous situation for the pilots and crew aboard it.
It was not until the 1970s that true stealth technology was implemented to aircraft systems.
Engineers at Lockheed Skunk Works discovered that if an aircraft was made with faceted
surfaces, its radar signature was extremely small, and furthermore, it was able to reflect
almost all radar energy that it encountered. The first combat
operational use that stealth aircraft was during Operation Just
Cause, in Panama, 1989, where two USAF F-117s (seen
right) bombed a military barracks in Rio Hato. These aircraft
were again used during the Gulf Wars, especially during
Operation Desert Storm, where F-117s were tasked with
attacking some of the most heavily fortified targets within Iraq.
Pair of F-117s flying over Iraq
They were also the only jets that were allowed inside the city limits
of Baghdad.

Despite their stealth capabilities, most stealth aircraft has a number of limitations which
disadvantage them severely. These include:
Instability of design:
As the focus of early stealth capabilities was to reduce the aircrafts cross section, their
aerodynamic performance was depleted. Aircraft such as the F-117 were aerodynamically
unstable in all three axes, thus requiring constant flight corrections by a flight system known
as fly-by-wire (FBW).
Aerodynamic Limitations:
Early stealth aircraft were not fitted with afterburners because the hot exhaust would create
a large infrared footprint, and breaking the sound barrier would result in a sonic boom, which
is audible from all altitudes of aircraft flight. Due to this, their air combat capabilities would
never be able to match to that of a purpose built fighter jet, however, since these early
aircraft were deigned to be bombers.
These limitations have however been overcome in more modern aircraft such as the F-22
Raptor, and the F-35 Lightning, both of which have had extensive use throughout the United
States various campaigns in the Middle East.

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With stealth measures, an aircrafts detection zone to be targeted
enemy missiles
smaller than
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with regular jets without stealth capabilities.

Aeronautical Engineering Report

The most recent application of stealth
technology in aircraft is in rotary-craft. These
aircraft incorporate the use of stealth
technology that was initially used in planes.
The main change that helicopters undergo
for stealth customisation is the design of the
helicopters blade, which if positioned at the
correct angle, significantly reduces the noise
that they produce. These helicopters also
have an increased weight on their base,
which includes edge alignment panels,
special paint coating, and anti-radar
treatment for their windshields. These
aircraft became known to the public after the
raid on Osama Bin Ladens compound by
US Navy Seal Team 6, which was a pair of modified Sikorsky MH-60 stealth variant (seen

Footage of the stealth MH-60 Blackhawk during

Operation Neptune Spear deploying DEVGRU
Navy Seals into Osama Bin Ladens compound,
Abbottabad, Pakistan 7

The materials used within modern stealth aircraft comprise of radiation-absorbent material
(RAM), which has been specifically designed and shaped to absorb non-ionising radiation
(also known as RF radiation) waves, which is what radar utilise. As the effectiveness or RAM
increases, the amount of RF radiation decreases, thus allowing the aircraft to remain hidden
from any form of detection other than physically seeing it.
RAM itself must be designed for specific wave RF frequencies, thus stealth aircraft cannot
remain undetected within all radar zones, however, knowing what frequency most radars
operate on, allows engineers to create a RAM which will fit the most likely form of RF
radiation. It is commonly misunderstood that RAM makes aircraft completely invisible to
radars, this is however incorrect. Ram actually assists in significantly reducing an aircrafts
radar cross-section within specific frequencies.
There are 4 main types of RAM that are currently used by stealth aircraft:
Iron Ball Paint Absorber:
This RAM is one of the most commonly used. It contains microscopic small spheres, which
are coated with ferrite or carbonyl iron. When iron ball comes into contact with radar waves,
molecular oscillations are induced as a result of the alternating magnetic field of the paint.
This causes the conversion of the radar energy from the waves to be transferred into heat,
which is then dissipated by the aircraft. The paints iron particles are obtained by the
decomposition of iron pentacarbonyl, which contains a mixture of carbon, nitrogen, and
oxygen. This can be applied to aircraft in various ways. One is example is its application to
the F-117A Nighthawk. This method involves the use of electrically isolated carbonyl iron
balls, which are of specific dimensions, suspended in two-part epoxy paint. These balls are
then coated with silicon dioxide (quartz), which acts as an insulator. Whilst the paint is still
wet, a magnetic field is applied to it. Finally, the paint is left to cure whilst the magnetic field
holds the particles in suspension, locking the balls into their magnetic pattern.

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Foam Absorber:
Foam absorber is mainly used in the lining of anechoic
chambers, which are used in the measuring of electromagnetic
radiation. Foam Absorber comprises of fireproof urethane
which has been loaded with carbonyl iron spherical particles,
arranged in a series of square pyramids, with their sizes
varying according to the wavelengths of interest. The panels
consisting of foam absorber are installed with the heads of the
pyramids facing the radar wave source. This allows the
pyramids to attenuate the signal by both scattering and
absorbing it. The panels are also positioned so that incoming
radar waves are not reflected back to the original source as well.
Split-ring Resonators:

Foam Absorber on a microscopic

level 8

Split-ring resonators (SRRs) are recent innovations which have been proven to be extremely
effective in the reflection radar waves. Furthermore, it can be used in conjunction with both
iron ball paint absorber and foam absorber. SRRs use a photographic process, which results
in the creation of a resistance layer on top of approximately 0.1778mm (~thickness of paper)
of copper foil, on top of dielectric backing panel. SRRs can tune to specific wavelengths, and
then stacked upon each other, resulting in a large spectrum of absorbable radar frequencies.
At the moment, SRR is the closest humans have come for aircraft to achieve complete radar
Carbon Nano-tubing:
As radars operate with the microwave section of the wave spectrum, carbon nanotubes are
often painted onto its body, thus allowing the aircraft to have a smaller radar cross-section.
Recently, research has been conducted into the applications of carbon nanotubes for aircraft
stealth. Results from this research has shown that along with the absorption of radar waves,
carbon nanotubes neither scatter, nor reflect visible light, essentially making then invisible to
optical equipment and the human eye during night hours. However, the current limitation in
the manufacture of carbon nanotubes means that coating entire aircraft is not a possibility in
the present day.

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Workplace health and Safety

Within the aeronautical field of engineering the main features of workplace health and safety
issues relate to:

Hazardous Materials:

With the growth of aeronautical technology and the emergence of new technologies every
year, the demand for the disposal of toxic manufacturing by-products increases at an
exponential rate. Common hazardous materials that are specifically disposed of include but
are not limited to:

metal-bearing and cyanide bearing solutions

gun-cleaning solvent
methylene chloride paint sludge stripped from parts equipment
expired oil/solvent based paint
debris contaminated with dangerous waste
metal working oils and coolants
mercury-containing light bulbs/lamps, fluorescent bulbs

To minimise contact with such materials, engineers must follow a set of strict guidelines.
These are set up by the company, but are however fairly similar across the industry. They
include rules such as wearing the proper safety equipment whilst handling hazardous
materials, conducting their work in a safe manner, etc.
Materials such as these pose extreme threats to engineers that work in their presence, and
are thus required to be handled, and disposed of with care. For military waste, the
government employs its own contractors to collect and dispose of the waste in a manner
following the suitable guidelines. Commercial aeronautical firms and companies are required
to dispose of their waste either by themselves, or like the government, are required to hire
contractors to dispose of the products for them. The incorrect disposal of these materials can
lead to the contamination of nearby land or river systems, thus resulting in the poisoning and
death of local fauna and flora. These contaminants can also leak into household water
supplies by seeping into dams, or other bodies of water from which water is used for houses
(e.g. Murray-Darling River System).

Noise Pollution / Damage to Engineers Ears:

As a majority of aircraft now use jet propelled engines to generate thrust, the noise that is
produced from them is at times, at levels dangerous for human ears to handle. This most
notably affects those in the military, working on the flight decks of aircraft carriers. However,
this is a problem without a solution, as humans have not been able to solve the mysteries
behind the physics of turbulence. For the time being, ear protection is the best method to
minimise damage to engineers, ground crew, and can act as a nuisance to those living near
the airport (especially those that run 24 hours).

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Despite this, several theoretical ideas have been developed as to how to reduce noise
coming from engines, whilst still retaining the power they create. This mainly involves
changing the shape of the engines exhaust nozzle. This can involve:

Adding serrations to the nozzle exit

Serrations result in the modification the structure of the

exhaust flow to introduce unsteadiness to the
turbulence generated. This method will most likely
reduce the noise by a factor of approximately 2 times,
which although may seem like a lot, in a practical
aspect, is not extremely noticeable.

Serrated Nozzle9

Re-designing nozzle

A nozzle re-design which can adjust the ratio of emitted exhaust to throat area of the
engine can reduce the overall shock-associated noise. This happens by reducing the
difference of pressure between the exhaust and surrounding air. Furthermore, along with
reducing noise, this method can actually also improve the performance of the engine.

Alter the geometry of the nozzle

Through either bevelling the nozzle or cutting it open at an angle, the noise produced from
the aircrafts engines can be redirected away from the ground personnel and surrounding

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. 2016. Aeronautical Engineer: Educational Requirements. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed
30 April 2016].
Wikipedia. 2016. Types of research methods and disciplines - Wikipedia, the free
encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available
at: [Accessed 06
May 2016].
Aircraft Systems Test Labs Lockheed Martin. 2016. Aircraft Systems Test Labs Lockheed
Martin. [ONLINE] Available
[Accessed 06 May 2016].
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