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Fierce competition for fresh water may well become a source of conflict and wars.
- Mr Kofi Anan, Un Secretary General
Many of wars of this century (20th century) were about oil, but wars of the next
(21st century) will be about water.
- Mr. Ismail Seregaldin, Vice- President, World Bank
Hydropower has been recognised as a sustainable source of energy with almost zer
o input cost. Its benefits are that it is non-polluting in the sense that it rel
eases no heat or noxious gases, it has low operating and maintenance cost, its t
echnology offers reliable and flexible operation, and hydropower stations have i
ncreased efficiencies along with long life. Nepal's huge potential in hydropower
is still untapped. Though Nepal has not yet been able to tap even one percent o
f its potential electricity capacity and 60 percent of Nepal's population is sti
ll deprived of electricity, it is fascinating to note that Nepal's start in 1911
in the hydropower generation almost dates back to a century. As a cheap, renewa
ble source of energy with negligible environmental impacts, small hydropower has
an important role to play in Nepal's future energy supply. Accordingly, micro-h
ydro system is becoming increasingly popular as an energy source in rural Nepal.
Use of environmentally friendly technologies and implementation of sound legal
and institutional issues are critical to improve the reach of the population to
hydropower. To make the Plan targets in the power sector a reality, directing mo
re resources to the power projects focusing on rural population remains the prerequisite. The major strategies of the power sector have been appropriately iden
tified as promoting private sector participation in power generation and distrib
ution, integrating rural electrification with rural economic development program
s, and strengthening power infrastructure. The immense role of the power sector
in contributing to the generation of broad-based, sustainable and high level of
economic growth as well as improving the relative competitiveness of the economy
both on a regional and global basis makes it imperative that the programs and a
ctivities on power sector.

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