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‘clogy and quality Organization P.O. Box 3437 Riyadh 14471, KSATHe his docu No:t02139 ) andi is not permite ght to another party Date-1431 06/04: Ayal) GSI gal gle Gules yal Gail diss GCC STANDARDIZATION ORGANIZATION (GSO) slaall Cis pad Ga jall LRA) Ge CdLagll y Gus jill abaiy GuLil! caltatall J) ¢ Jal — g ylaally Vitrified clay pipes and fittings and pipe joints for drains and sewers - Part 1:Requirements ICS : 91.140.80 Alt Rights Reserv jon P.0. Box 3427 Riyadh 11471, KBATherightto usethis docu Saudi Standards, metroloayand quality Organizati vate (eA Gat gm GSO STANDARD GSO EN 295-1:2008 gui 4,2} andit is not permitted to grant this ightto another parly Date:1491/08M4 Invaice No:10214%" sieall lee Ayal Hips Ayal Goal) Saal lel Gide Sl Ay ull cial yall hae} DB ples Quy Appa gal ye ob Lolly lisa pall te gh = Asante Ai Gal Gaul yy Saale All ot ly ae gat Gana es al gulGl) Spal lel Gas pol gel 3/1995 pS dual cul aly a tual Gso § iA gl) Cagis “eLih lay aynt Cina go g Us" (6) uh EN 295-1:1991 any 5s) Sassi) Adal pall shy Sy “aLaally yg lau ip tl ia SSN eal — gladly algal Gp pact go jal Jill Ge De Dy aS sth Qady Gul ASLeall Colds ¢ Aulaallh Yael lly CEN Qasill any ys) ial" Ue onal (ally “olla! = Rial yall oka gy pote SaeLs ya pan Ay pall OSA gs ARMA AulS dial pS dina! yall oda acie! Ay Woe 48 coin 9 att of cle + (2008/9/3-2) #1429/9/3-2 & sy Se 53D « (14) by gill Gilad etal + Uglne dads (GSO 583/1995) 3.) Aina pall Foreword GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) is a regional Organization which consists of the National Standards Bodies of GCC member States. One of GSO main functions is to. issue Gulf Standards /Technical regulations through specialized technical committees (TCs). GSO through the technical program of committee TC No.(6) “Technical Committee of Building Materials Standards" has updated the GSO 583/195, yy pipes for draining sewage and water” by adoption the European Standard No. EN 295-1:1991 "Vitrified clay pipes and fittings and pipe joints for drains and sewers - Part I:Requirements" issued by (European Committee for Standardization (CEN)) in its original language. The Draft Standard has been prepared by (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) . This standard has been approved as a Gulf Standard without any technical modifications by GSO Technical Council in its meeting No. (14) , held on 2-3/9/1429h (2-3/9/2008) . The approved standard will replace and supersede the GSO standard No. (GSO 583/1995) Amendment ‘This amendment to the EN 295-1:1991 has been prepared by GSO Technical Committee for Construction and Building Materials ‘This amendment contains changes, additions and deletions as shown in the flowing table ‘Clause’ ‘Clauses need to modification: no. 21 Materials and manufacture Materials and manufacture Pipes and sittings shall be Pipes and fitings shall be made from made from suitable suitable clays and then fired to and fired to vitrification vitrification ec. cnt. Pipes and fittings may be — | Pipes and fittings shall be glazed on the interi or unglazed or glazed on the | and exterior surfaces. interior and/or exterior. Fittings may be completed” | This paragraph to be deleted by fixing Fired parts together, a Crashing stengih FN) ‘Replaced with following tables Minimum Table 4 & 5 cnishing strength kNim Nominal [Class B-Class A size (DN) 100 3 50 a 200 45 60 250: 30 60 300 35 72 350 35 70 400 64 96 450 35 30 oo. 65 80 600. 65 96 700 6 3D ‘300 60) 96 300 00, 35 1000 ao 100 1200 60) 110 3icT | Rubber sealing elements Rubber sealing elements uber sealing elements Rubber sealing elements shall be in shall be in accordance with accordance with EN 681-1.And shall be used EN 681-1 up to DN 150. 3.13 Polypropylene sleeve This clause to be deleted. couplings- material requirements Table 9} Material requirements for This Tabte To be deleted, Polypropylene sleeve couplings 3:d___| Polypropylene sleeve couplings This clause to be deleted Perfo jive requirements 36 Table 17 Replaced with Tollowing: ‘Table 11 - Dimensions and tolerances for socket controlled jointing systems SystemC FN | a? 0H DN | Class | kNim_| mm 20 |B 43 _| 260.0 x 60 | 275.0 70 [_B 30 3175 x oo | 3415 300 |_B 33_[ 3715 A 72) 3985 30 [_B 33 _| S335 A 70_| 59.0 a0 [8B ot _| 3075 A 96_| 3155 450_,|__B 35) 3470 A 80 | 579.0 300 |B 6 _| 605.0 x 30 | 70 oO 6_ | 7200 A 96 | 738.0 700 | _B o_ | 3007 A 90 | 8710 woof _B 0 __| 950.0 A 36 | 976.0 300 |B G0 | 1056.0 03] A 35 | 1096.0 03] TH. [_B [11523503] A_ [100 [1208.0 05] 1200 [_B 6 [1380.0 035] A_| 10 | 1425005] Taig the ineral ameter of socket or soeket fang Table 12 Replaced with following ‘Table 12 - Dimensions and tolerances for spigot controlled jointing systems Syren F FN |,” fe DN_| Class | kNim_|mm mm 100 | B. 34_|28 13 130 | 6 [ise 2.0) TG, isthe mean vals oF he spigot outside Gamer i. circumference + p) 6 Marking Mark All pipes and fitings shall be marked With: All pipes and fittings shall be marked in Arabic or in both Arabic & English With:

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