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Brucea javanica (L.) Merr., J. Arn. Arb.

9 (1928)
Latin for 'from Java'.
Ailanthus gracilis Salisb.
Brucea amarissima (Lour.) Desv. ex Gomes
Brucea glabrata Decne
Brucea gracilis (Salisb.) DC
Brucea sumatrana Roxb.
Brucea sumatrensis Spreng.
Gonus amarissimus Lour.
Lussa radja Rumph.
Rhus javanica L.
A shrub or small tree, 1-3 m high; younger parts softly pubescent. Leaves compoundparipinnate; leaflets 5-11, oval-lanceolate, 5-10cm long by 2-4cm wide; apex acuminate, base
broadly cuneate and often somewhat oblique; margin serrate; both surfaces densely
pubescent, especially the underside. Flowers minute, purple, in numerous small cymes or
clusters collected into axillary panicles. Sepals 4, connate at the base. Petals 4, villous,
glandular at the tips. Male flowers, stamens 4, pistil reduced to a stigma; female flowers,
stamens 4,much reduced. Ovary with 4 free carpels. Fruit and drupe ovoid, black when ripe.
Seeds, compressed, rugose, blackish brown.
On open, disturbed sites up to 1000 m altitude. Often along rivers, forest edges and roads on
sandy to clay soils.
The roots and fruits are used against diarrhoea, dysentery and fevers. The crushed leaves are
used medicinally against ring worms, scurf, boils, centipede bites and internal pains.
From India, Sri Lanka and southern China to New Guinea and northern Australia. In Borneo
collected throughout the island.
Local names
Borneo: Jajaruman, Jaloot, Kuinin, Mara, Merapayas, Morinja, Pait-pait, Payas, Tongkat ali.

Description/ Specification of Paraquat, Gramoxone

Our firm is supplying a high quality range of Paraquat, Gramoxone to our shoppers. Our
product specifications are as following:
Molecular Formula: C12H14CL2N2
Appearance: Colorless or light yellow solid
CAS: 1910-42-5
A broad-spectrum,a quick-acting,non-selective contact herbicide widely used pre-plant or
pre-emergence on vegetables,no-tillage wheat,rice,rape,and tree plantation areas;postemergence around fruit crops,tea,mulberry,vegetables,corn,sugar cane,soybean and
cotton;Also used for cotton and sunflower.
Oral: acute LD50 for rats 157-129, guinea pigs 30-58 mg/kg
Skin and eye: acute percutaneous LD50 for rats 911 mg/kg paraquat ion/kg; irritating to
skin and eyes (rabbits); absorption through intact human skin is minimal; exposures can
cause irritation and a delay in the healing of cuts and wounds; can cause temporary
damage to nails; not a skin sensitizer (guinea pigs)
Inhalation: No vapour toxicity; extreme exposure to spray droplets may cause nose

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